The reincarnation Lord has just defeated the enemy, and when the enemy’s heart is at its strongest, he feels even more brave because of his extreme sublimation and his efforts to behead a great holy spirit.

Direct two-handed evolution reincarnation forbidden art reincarnation lake virtual shadow emerged above his head, left hand past life and right hand afterlife. He is a contemporary enemy!
Mirror Lu Chen didn’t respond to the reincarnation of the Lord’s speech, but he punched it out.
With a knife in his right hand, he swept across the world, beheaded the ancient mine in the early days, buried Tiandao Zun with his left hand, and killed the immortals. The boxing with his left hand was far more subtle than that with Lu Chen’s display, as if it were going to break the world!
The reincarnation of the Lord’s hands broke his elbow and bones were exposed, and he was shocked and retreated. Did the two of them look at each other like saying so outrageous?
In the early days, if the ancient mine was not too old and dignified all the year round, I’m afraid I would have rolled my eyes at this time.
If you can swear, they all want to say that you can’t think for yourself. Think about it. We’ve already killed two people in four fights. Why don’t you just kill a fake holy spirit?
The fierce battle broke out again, and the reincarnation of the Lord joined the war. In fact, he couldn’t leave if he wanted to.
It’s not that these ancient deities have to defeat the magic mirror Lu Chen, but that the magic mirror Lu Chengen will cut down whoever runs if he doesn’t let people go.
In ancient times, if you want to live, you must join hands with the enemy to seize the slightest chance of winning. If you all want to withdraw, no one will want to live.
Because the universe is so big, there is really no place to hide for people at this level.
"Xiao Zhen, I can’t kill you! ?”
At this time, the star sounded a roar, and the stone emperor was angry because Ye Fan repeatedly prevented him from eating. His state was much better than his honour, and he could live by himself again even if he didn’t eat, but he wanted to hoard more goods before "hibernating"
Now that it’s all born, how can it make sense not to sweep it?
However, the combination of Huangdi, Shennong and Ye Fan is too difficult. If it were an ancient statue that did not sublimate to the extreme, I am afraid it would have been Wyndell Dichinson or forced to sublimate to the extreme.
When he hit the stone emperor, he also got angry, especially the yellow emperor’s face against the virtual emperor made him hate it. He stormed the yellow emperor to slay and devour the virtual blood.
Although Ye Fan was scarred and even the package was full of cracks, he still moved forward.
Jiuyou Gai’s predecessor was suspected of falling, which made him feel great sadness, but his predecessor also died, and he could not be a breakthrough in this turmoil.
There is hope in the eyes. The statue of "Super Brother Lu" summoned by Brother Liu is in a terrible mess. It seems that it may not be necessary for them to hold on and slay all the ancient statues.
But actually, if Lu Chen knows what Ye Fan thinks, I’m afraid he will be disappointed.
Therefore, it has been more than twenty minutes since the magic mirror Lu Chen was summoned, and the magic mirror Lu Chen is running out.
Don’t look at the magic mirror, Lu Chen, pressing the ancient deities to fight, but it still takes some effort to kill one at a time. After all, the ability to save lives is not bad, and they are working together against the enemy.
Lu Chen may be able to slay the three ancient deities with the remaining magic mirror, but there is probably no time to help Lu Chen and Ye Fan again.
Their opponent will have to defeat themselves after all.
Star three battlefields are fighting the magic mirror. Liu Chenyong crowned the three great statues with great strength. Every time he went out, he spilled blood. Ye Fan’s trio of stone emperors fought the boiling forbidden art and flooded the area. Outsiders couldn’t see what happened.
And the battlefield that belongs to Lu Chen Sports Institute is the worst. As time goes by, the injuries of him and the Lord of Shenxu are getting heavier and heavier. In the end, both sides are crazy. Lu Chen’s eyes are as red as ghosts and gods, and his golden eyes are bloodthirsty and murderous.
The dreamland of the distant battlefield, Liu Chenchang, chopped the main force of reincarnation, and the blood was even more ferocious.
Then he caught the black blade and cut out a knife again. His opponent had two statues left!
Staring at this scene, it feels like a dream whether the human theory covers the world, the indigenous people or the explorers.
A total of nine ancient deities were born after Chengxian Road, which was a beautiful chaos and almost a great disaster.
But who knows that five ancient deities have fallen since the war!
"The Terran Emperor is brave enough to suppress all enemies!"
Some people called out that Lu Chen, a magic mirror, was a great man born, and Wu Shen was the real emperor.
"Grass he should be the origin of specialty mirror props, what can visualize out so abnormal! ?”
Do the explorers in the Beidou restricted area feel that it is not the origin at all, and the special mirror can exert its power, but it seems like a real living person has arrived
Chapter one thousand one hundred and seventy-five Stone Emperor What is true?
Those who are still in the self-styled state in the Beidou restricted area are also looking at the man in black with a dignified look at this battle.
At this time, the man’s beheading is not to respect him before sublimation, but who is weaker than who in the realm of respecting the peak state?
Throughout the ages, although future generations will evaluate and recognize that some emperors are stronger, they have never really confronted each other.
No one in the forbidden area is willing to admit that he is weaker than any of his emperors. Before they really defeated and died, they all believed that they were enemies in the same territory.
But at this time, the man in black stepped forward and pressed many statues deeply into their hearts.
Although the honored people in the forbidden area don’t want to admit it, they can still feel that they may still be defeated even if they go by themselves.