I quickly held my breath and cast the mountain-moving tactic to grab Li Juan and move to the wind position, and then ran out with everyone. The protective aura can’t completely block the rotting and stinking body. The breath I inhaled earlier has made my stomach churn and I have to vomit after smelling it several times.

They ran to the wind to avoid the stench in the tomb, but Xu Zhanqun stayed in place, twitching his nose and smelling it.
"Come here" I frowned and waved at Xu Zhanqun’s move. This guy’s sniffing made me frown.
"No, the dead don’t smell so bad." Xu Zhanqun heard my call and turned around and came at us.
"Didn’t you say that people are buried here?" Li Juan barely stop retching speak asked.
"I said this is the tomb, but I didn’t say it’s a person. Burying people usually has a seal. This is not." Xu Zhanqun shook his head and took it off himself
"Okay, okay, you go away." King Kong Gun frowned and raised my hand to drive Xu Zhanqun, the longest body when he stayed at the mouth of the cave recently.
Xu Zhanqun saw that everyone didn’t welcome him very much. He turned around and went back to pick up his strange objects, while we sat in the wind and waited for the mountain wind to blow away the stench in the tomb.
Now the situation is quite clear. The ancient tomb stinks, saying that it is a corpse buried in the grave. If Xu Zhanqun is not mistaken, it should be an animal corpse in the tomb, which also explains why the grave has not been sealed.
It’s hard to wait until the mountain wind blows away the stench. Only then do people go to the mouth of the cave and look down. Xu Zhanqun digs this hole according to his waistline. He is a big fat place. The mouth of the cave is quite spacious and three feet square. Even so, people can see the scene of this three-foot range on the mouth of the cave.
"What seems to be a large animal bone?" King Kong Bao said first.
"Let’s go and have a look." I nodded my head and jumped to the King Kong cannon.
The mouth of the cave can be dug to the top of the tomb, and there are still more than ten meters from the top to the bottom. This distance of more than ten meters can’t naturally stop me and the King Kong cannon from landing in the tomb. Instead, I hung in the middle and looked around to observe the situation in the tomb. This tomb is much wider than I expected, about ten feet wide from north to south, and there are more than thirty feet of things in the tomb. According to the rugged ground and walls, there is a huge animal bone parked on the ground. In addition, this is an ancient tomb where animals are buried.
"What the hell is that?" The king kong cannon pointed to the animal bone on the ground. The bone has rotted and lost its flesh at this moment. We smelled that pungent stench earlier, which should be the smell it gave off after rotting in that year. It has not been released because of the closed tomb.
"It should be a pet or mount of a monk." I fell to the ground and studied the animal’s bones. Before dying, this big guy should be in a prone position. The limbs and bones pressed against the spine and ribs. It is difficult for me to judge its species according to its claw shape, but according to its tooth shape and one-headed horn, this guy should have been a large herbivore before his death, because it didn’t have long canine teeth, but it is strange that its grinding teeth were not serious, which means that this animal with a body length of more than 20 meters probably didn’t die naturally before his death.
"Do you keep such a thing as a pet at home?" King Kong cannon fell next to me and grinned
"That’s the mount, otherwise no one will build a tomb for it." I pointed to the faint purple aura outside the bones. "See, this is the human cloth purple gas barrier."
"Why not cloth from the outside?" King Kong cannon oblique eyebrow looked at the light purple gas barrier.
"It won’t be three days before curious people will dig for it." I walked away from this animal bone and studied the walls of the tomb. I found that the tomb didn’t make ordinary shovels and pickaxes cut out, but made the sword-shaped weapon firm but gentle. After the whole stroke, the soil was removed. This technique is similar to that used when I buried the white wolf, which made me believe that this is a tomb where monks buried their mounts.
"There is no cloth from the inside, but I have dug it." King Kong cannon went to the animal’s head and neck and studied something.
"Go out" I sighed and turned around and walked to the mouth of the cave. The situation here reminded me of the white wolf caring for each other. If someone dug the white wolf’s grave, I would be very angry. This grave was built on the purple gas barrier in Chaobu. People should have been bullied by the dead.
"I suspect that this big guy is a mother or its owner is a woman. Look at it." King Kong cannon pointed to the animal bones and there was a thing hanging from the top of his head.
I went over in doubt and found that the King Kong Gun refers to a beautiful collar made of pure gold. The collar was carved to create a pendant with nine colors. Although the dust falling from the grave covered most of the gems’ light, if you look closely, you can see that these nine precious stones with different colors vaguely exude noble luxury.
"It should belong to its owner." I looked back for a moment, and the ancients paid more attention to their feelings. After the death of their animals, they brought their ornaments to the animals to comfort them.
"Have you ever seen such a pure gem?" King Kong cannon looked at the nine precious stones the size of pigeon eggs and almost left saliva.
"I’ve seen it before, but I haven’t seen nine colors together." I shook my head and said that ordinary gems are generally red, green, yellow, white and black. These four gems are rare.
"Take it away?" King Kong cannon turned to ask for my advice.
“ ` ` w w w ““ ` “ C`O`M
"Take your head, go quickly." I shook my head and denied the discussion about whether to take things in the ancient tomb. I also have no definite principles and standards to see my mood at that time, such as things in this ancient tomb. I don’t want to investigate the root cause. It is likely that people have pushed themselves to think of the white wolf
"Can value …" King Kong Cannon muttered don’t want to.
"Don’t take anything." I stretched out my hand and pulled him to the mouth of the cave. "Lin Yicheng just gave you 10 million a few days ago. I didn’t see the check number."
"Don’t take it, don’t take it." King Kong cannon waved his hand and shrugged his shoulders to listen to me.
I just swept back to the ground with a wry smile. This greedy guy doesn’t want to think about how many days he has left to live. What does it matter if the boss wants so much money? The thought of him and Mu Zhuifeng’s longevity suddenly made me depressed. This Zhongnanshan is a good opportunity. I’ll try my best to search all the immortals’ caves, and maybe there will be a way to go against the fate.
When people saw me coming, they gathered around and asked me about the interview briefly. After listening to this, they were greatly disappointed. Looking at these guys’ disappointment, I couldn’t help but think of the allied forces entering Beijing and Naihao. I once again emphasized the identity of a group of officers and said that they belonged to the cultural heritage category. We can take them away and send them to individuals for research and study within a time limit. If they belong to material aspects, they must be protected and handed over to the state.
I shook my head with a wry smile when I looked at all the people’s joy. If the director knew about this curve occupation, it would be a big deal if he didn’t reduce me to a private.
"Old to save lives!" Just when I had just finished speaking, the King Kong cannon panicked and called for help from the mouth of the cave.
My first reaction after hearing this was that King Kong Gun was in trouble again, and it was a big disaster, because he was a respectable person, and he wouldn’t call for help so directly unless his life was threatened.
Thought of here where still dare to hesitate quickly turned and jumped back to the tomb …
Chapter 344 I like you
When I fell to the ground, I found that the right hand of the King Kong Gun gave off a huge aura, and the purple gas barrier of the animal bone was glued together. At this moment, the original weak barrier actually showed a deep purple color, which firmly absorbed and suppressed the King Kong Gun’s purple aura. At this moment, it was difficult to ride a tiger, but I couldn’t attack and get out. I couldn’t try my best to adjust my own aura to resist the barrier, which gave off a deep purple aura. The purple aura was higher than his purple gas. Wait, he grinned and insisted.
"break!" Before I acted quickly, I held my finger in my hand and poured my aura back into the King Kong Gun. With my help, I took the opportunity to get away and draw my right hand back.
"Fuck him, this man is not dead!" King Kong Gun broke in shock after withdrawing its hand. There is a remarkable feature in the arrangement of purple gas barrier, that is, if the deployment man is dead, he will be easily invaded or broken by others. If the deployment man is still alive, he will feel that someone has invaded his own cloth barrier, and he will be intercepted and stopped by aura. King Kong Gun must have invaded the barrier when he took the collar, and the other side was aware of the aura and tried to kill him. If I arrive half an hour later, King Kong Gun will be broken by the other side, and the highest air pocket may be broken.
"Will you stop making trouble?" I shouted at King Kong Gun with dissatisfaction. I was so angry not because King Kong Gun caused any chaos, but because I was worried that his reckless behavior would ruin my life.
"How do I know that the old witch is still alive?" The king kong cannon is in trouble, so it’s not very confident to speak.
"Female?" I am puzzled to ask that this ancient tomb was built in the late Dynasty, and it has been more than 300 years since then. It is not impossible for advanced monks to live to 300 years old by self-cultivation and various spiritual nourishment, but it is extremely unlikely.
"Female water-based Kun belongs to aura" King Kong Cannon is reluctant to go back and look at the collar.
"Look at it, get out of here." I angrily scolded 1 and jumped to the King Kong cannon to follow.
"Don’t make jokes again." Back on the ground, people came to ask me if I could lie and leave a face for the King Kong cannon.
"Ha ha, let’s go." King Kong Gun took up his backpack and threw a thank-you look at me. I turned a blind eye to my anger.
Everyone saw that the two of us were safely ill and packed our backpacks to prepare for the road. It smells really bad here and we can’t spend the night here.
"I’ll lead the way" Xu Zhanqun saw that we packed our equipment and volunteered to lead the way.
"Come on, stay behind." King Kong Gun passed Xu Zhanqun and walked ahead by himself.
I quickly followed Xu Zhanqun’s excavation method after watching all the people leave. The backfill can be left open by the hole.
Teams have team advantages and team disadvantages, and soon those people can’t hold on to a subject. They are different from monks, and their physical strength is limited. Thirty or forty miles of mountain roads make them very tired. Seeing this, I can let the team rest in place.
King Kong Gun waved and everyone was surrounded by a purple gas barrier. Mosquitoes were tired for a day, and everyone quickly went to sleep separately. King Kong Gun was frightened and tossed for a long time. Finally, he simply got up and ran next to me and pushed me up.