The unlucky bear’s blood volume returns to three-fifths. If it is full of blood, it is almost the same as Pluto’s blood volume when playing medicine.

Eye bomb’ medicine’ If bbq hands to catch the unlucky bear, it is quite easy to take it away. Of course, it is necessary to feel the fire bomb or ice thunder to freeze and cooperate with the ice bomb before.
Generally speaking, this bomb’ medicine’ ice bomb is preceded because the sp point is too tight.
This tendency to play "medicine" is full of Lei Bing thunder and fire, while it is controversial to play "Mao" thunder, but Han sharp plays "medicine" with "Mao" thunder.
If Pluto is added, the frozen bomb will be put in front of the inferno and the cross fork will be shot (the modified shotgun). If it is not colored by default, you can imagine how obvious the advantages of adding some drugs are.
This is the standard spike stray bullet’ medicine’ plus point.
You need bbq to pick up the float,’ shoot’ and throw a few shuttles of lightning-sensitive firebombs, so you can directly take your opponent away.
Pluto is the highest pk in the business alliance ()
So when Pluto turned on the unlucky bear equipment, he sneered at himself, "You are lucky to win the wind with this virtue equipment, but I won’t dream of winning the costume!"
The countdown is over and the game starts.
Pluto’s six skill keys are kick hell’s flame bbq in a roundabout way and’ shoot’ light Lei Bing thunder.
Stepping’ shooting’ and bbq are both mandatory.
And this Grenade can’t be forced to be added in chapter 5 of 1 year, which means that the rhythm of throwing mines must be before or after the attack.
Tianyu chased him at the beginning, but kept a certain distance from Pluto. There were about four positions on the Y axis to ensure that the’ medicine’ Grenade could not hit him.
Pluto added light thunder at the beginning, and then it was a good fire bomb. buff was not a’ color’ skill, but it still cooled down at the beginning.
"This bomb’ medicine’ doesn’t have a lightning strike mine, and the general gunner doesn’t want to be full of robots except the mechanical base, and there is no Neil sniper and 4 long-range explosive bombs. Everything is simple." Tianyu thought about it and’ fuck’ the unfortunate bear with a buff and began to run.
Pluto threw a ray of light at the ground when he saw the other side suddenly attack and ran to the right.
Buff jumped in front of the unlucky bear when he just ran to a position and jumped high.
"One!" Tianyu heart way is in control of the unlucky bear and fell back to the former position.
"I cheated a Grenade!" The wind looked at the scene just now frowned and spit out a smoke turn to himself.
When Pluto saw that the unlucky bear didn’t attack, he took the initiative to "bang" a little closer. First, he crossed the fork and shot.
Tianyu block
"If a swordsman blocks well, the technology will not be bad." The wind looked at this scene and said,
Pluto fired several shots at the ground, and it would explode because the fireball hit the ground.
However, Tianyu also noticed that his current position immediately jumped out of the shooting process after the automatic shooting process was completed.
In the gunman’s "shooting" process, the bong is the farthest but the attack speed is slow.
Secondly, although the attack speed of the revolver is relatively fast, it is not as good as the hand crossbow to hold the attack speed without the revolver’s’ precision’ and’ medicine’
Then there is the hand crossbow, even though it says ordinary attack speed, because the hand crossbow is faster than the revolver, unless you are roaming, you will not choose the revolver and prefer the hand crossbow.
Then, the automatic’ firing’ range is shorter, but the number of bullets with extremely fast attack speed is also large, which is more suitable for playing’ drugs’
Finally, the hand gun is extremely slow unless it is a big gun with a’ fine’ hand gun.
This bullet’ medicine’ is generally taken automatically or with a crossbow.
"Small automatic range is of great advantage to me. Xu Li’s landslide is bigger than automatic range." Tianyu heart way
Pluto didn’t hit anyone after playing a shuttle, threw a lightning bolt and continued to flee to the right.
"Two" Tianyu said to himself.
Then the unlucky bear moved diagonally to the right along the Y axis and tried to stay on the same screen as Pluto.
Pluto then hid in the right barrel and saw another Grenade in the posture.
"Before the second kind of thunder, there should be a light thunder, and I haven’t seen him throw a’ Mao’ thunder. I shouldn’t take it out. This time, the number of ice thunder is still three." Tianyu looked at Pluto and said.
It’s really difficult to hide in the corner if you play medicine, especially if your opponent or melee class has a fork, a shot and a Grenade to suppress the fire. It’s not easy to get close to playing medicine.
The unlucky bear added another buff or jumped into the sky and then ran a few steps.
Play "medicine" and another "cross" fork "shoot" Tianyu. This time, instead of blocking, it was knocked back several positions.
Then an ice mine was thrown out.
"An ice thunder" Tianyu looked at himself and said with a little more blood left.
The unlucky bear moved a little further, almost in line with Pluto, and both of them could see each other.
"This distance Grenade should be able to blow up!" Tang Xiguo looked at the distance between them and the brain heart way.
Unfortunately, I took a few steps forward and jumped up.
"Bang ~" A piece of ice broke.