Yin Songyun, the elder brother of Ruan Xian, was recognized as a scattered fairy whale rider on Xuelang Island by Ge Daoyou. He came here for sightseeing with two new brothers. In the past, Yin Daoyou was ordered to meet a whale rider in the mountains of Dagengling Mountain, which helped him get a skill. Karen Yeh became an old friend who never turned his back on his friends. Today, he reunited to visit and meet him. When he asked him, he was bewitched by five demon people and coveted Zhi Xian. After Yin Daoyou explained in detail the interests and the master’s mana, the guard party suddenly repented. People know everything they do, so they want to show their face. Two disciples, Gou Xian and Cui Shu, left without saying goodbye. Yin Daoyou said,’ The host is generous and pays special tribute to the guests. You were fooled, either because you didn’t mean it or because you made a mistake, or because the guests showed up unexpectedly. See you later?’ It was only after this that I kept talking about the lingering disaster of Leng Yunxian that there were several male and female brothers in Yu Wa Men, such as xiao yue Jackson, Si Zhan, Xu Fei Niang and Tian Chi Ren. Although Yu Wa Island Palace routinely forbade outsiders to climb mountains and failed to enter face to face, most of her brothers relied on being competitive, and half of them were fooled and encouraged by the arrogance of Emei Sect. Half of them have their own selfish interests and want to take the opportunity to show off their mana, so they told Naishi that Qi Zhenren had scattered immortals overseas this time, and invited him to look at his master every time, and also made some false rumors about the teacher’s heartache. Yu Wei was angered by a few words. She has never left the island since she moved to Penglai for more than a hundred years.In recent years, friends from all walks of life here, young and old, have only heard that they don’t know the details and mistakenly believe that the other side’s mana is limited, so it’s not worth living with their brothers Lu Cheng and Mao Xiao’s daughter Yu Xiangzhu. Chu Ling took a number of magic weapons to come uninvited to the back camera, and acted according to her heart. She was indignant, and the real person was so contemptuous that she wanted to give her master some severe humiliation on the spot, which was a little disappointing and excessively harmful. However, these four people had been bewitched by evil spirits and had to show off their magical powers to make a scene in the fairy house. Both the guests and the guests had many magical powers, and the advanced scholars were guarded everywhere, and they would never be crazy. However, these four people were healthy people and the fairy house also came to the meeting with many pseudonyms. The enemy had been the first to arrive. Ling, your Taoist friends, have the power to curb or not to act rashly. Later, many of them didn’t know what to do, but they may still act rashly. These people are far from being killed by you. Demons are more competitive than your two sisters, and it’s difficult to seize the opportunity to make a move. Your adoptive father knew that everything he came here was not prohibited, but I was afraid that if you didn’t pay attention, you would get a false alarm. This day and night is like a blink of an eye, which will make enemies the most secure in the future. I really don’t want to stop you, but I must always pay attention. "

"Among the four people, there is a girl with different hands and feet. One is long and one is short. It is the famous poor girl in Sanxiang. Yu Xiangzhu is the most vicious, but she has a magic weapon with people who are immortal and never stop. Besides Emei, Both factions in Wudang have made friends with you to learn from the disciples in Xiaohan Mountain, and it will soon be necessary to accumulate external skills. If you are a strong enemy, it will be a lot of trouble. Ding Xiangu said that Yu Heng’s teachings are between evil and positive life, and he has done a bad thing. Besides being careful and cruel, he likes to show off his bravado, and many evil disciples are not as arrogant and arrogant as other evil spirits. In this way, the master and your Xianbin will never hurt them easily. In case of encounter, you must not underestimate your enemies. Later, there are quite a few experts in your sister’s theory of asking yourself whether you
Although the two women heard the words, they didn’t want to show timidity and retreat to the side. They led the aunt to the other room and said that the aunt laughed. "I have never seen anyone say that her master has already died. Is there such a big supporter?" It’s rare to have to fight her to see if she’s dead to tie up endlessly. "Two women heard a dark feeling." How dare you flinch if you want to fight her? Self-defense with magic weapons is like going to Xiao Hanshan to learn from the teacher after the meeting. Are you afraid that she will deceive others with master’s magic? " Bent on winning, I took Ye Bin’s words seriously, but didn’t say anything. I just wanted to leave the old man’s side for an excuse. I sat there with my head held high and a strange face holding my head. I looked quite proud and suddenly called two women near to hold hands and smiled and asked, "It’s the first time I’ve been a monk, and it’s the first time I’ve seen such a pair of fairy tale figures. When I was young, someone bothered me. It’s inconvenient for me to bother myself. It’s just right for you to go out for the first time. I’ll send you a little All the pointed gold needles were distributed to the two women, and the law added, "I also took this needle from others, but after I re-sacrificed and refined it, I totally eradicated the seven female brothers who left the door, and there are still two left. I can almost break it if you take it."
First, the two women hated half of the ugly old man and were so arrogant that they didn’t expect to give themselves a magic weapon. Seeing Ye Gu’s face lit up, they became more and more happy. Immediately, they thanked her for looking back. If she was not busy, she thanked her for catching a look. She was talking to Li Yingqiong in front of her and asked why she didn’t go with her. Aunt laughed. "It’s strange that people send you things with half their skulls. What do you mean by watching me?" If you don’t go first, she’ll think I want one. You two are really sachets here. Even she, who has always defended her shortcomings and fickleness, will love you unless her disciples always look at outsiders. It’s really rare. "Ying Qiong asked with a smile." What magic weapon did the master give you? " Two women handed the needle to Ying Qiong, saying, "I heard Master Jade Qing say that this old-timer is eccentric and seldom allowed, but she has a high mana. Both Wudang and Kunlun factions have three points of awe for her. People don’t associate with her easily except getting along with Master and Cui Wuxian. It’s definitely very important for her to give something away, and there must be a meaning in this emergency." Schelling smiled and answered, "I think so too. Ye Gu said that when there are few enemies, there are still enemies to disturb my sisters and brothers and sisters. Are you still watching and not starting work?"
Ying Qiong said, "On the right day, the belly of Mount Emei will almost be turned over. Although it is presided over by Zhang Jiao Xian Zun and your uncles as instructed by the ancestors, we all have important functions. Then the axis of the earth will be reversed, and the caves will be temporarily closed after the fire, water and wind. Even if Xianbin comes, it will be changed from the clouds in front of Ningbi Cliff to the white clouds of elders Bai and Zhu. The four immortals in the Stone received all the sects, stood still and waited for the five houses to rebuild the fairy scene in situ. I also heard Sister Qi say that when fighting the enemy, all the sects were pressing the Jiugong hexagrams. The talisman given by the teacher in the five elements’ orientation palm, together with his magic weapon of flying sword, is ready to fight fire, water and thunder and prevent evil spirits from disturbing many responsibilities, because this time it is an immortal who has never held a grand ceremony to avoid hating too many people. It is not possible to be careless in many places to help our own people with the help of two generations of foreign immortals, old and young. How dare you be distracted and start a fight with others? You see, they are not going to Taiyuan Cave. Although my sister has won the letter, she has to go to the master for a while, and it is rare for the four of us to meet at home. My sister is going back to Minshan and my two sisters are going to Xiaohan Mountain. My sister must also be ordered to go out with Yi and Yu to live in Yihuanling Magic Wave Pool in the future. Please come. My sister Yi and I will also go to Minshan and Xiaohan Mountain when we fly. It is a pleasure to call me to get together quickly after the meeting, or don’t forget the preface. "When the two women looked at Emei Gate, all the disciples rushed to Taiyuan Cave. They didn’t answer Yu Yingnan’s speech." Brothers!As soon as they finished speaking, they listened to the sound in their ears and quickly silently replied to the three girls.
Aunt laughed. "Ying Qiong is generous and naive. She is just a little witty and scheming without a goddess baby, but I like these two men very much. I don’t want to talk to them at first. It’s not bad to hear that the climate of Cui Ying, a corpse in the magic wave pool, has become adept at metaphysical changes. There will be many obstacles for the three of them to go here. I really want to help them in the dark. If two sisters are interested in this, don’t be busy learning. With your two sisters’ likability, you can force the teacher to coquetry and sharpen the original pieces. I’ll have to believe that I’ll go to inform the teacher if I don’t agree. Anyway, she will love what you have done and it’s a good thing. She won’t punish you. Don’t be afraid. Xie Ying laughed. My sister has met so many friends and sisters recently. It seems that you are the worst. Do you make your teacher do the same on weekdays?
The aunt shook her tongue with a pockmarked face and spat, "Do I deserve to be spoiled with the master? My master’s face is calm all the year round, and I have never seen her smile. The most exasperating thing is that my sister Dai Gu is blind with half a pair of eyes, not much better than me, but more strict than master. She refuses to talk even if she doesn’t smile. She will not even say anything except die hard, but she will be cruel to the wicked and send evil spirits to her heart. As usual, she will never be killed. She is always gloomy, cold-faced, scary and annoying. I will try every means to attract her mouth instead of nose. When I say one more word, I lose a lot. It often scares me. I’m always afraid of upsetting her and hitting me. I’m also a talkative and lively person. I’m so bored when I meet you guys. Otherwise, I’ll love it. "
The second daughter couldn’t help laughing at the words. "You like to tell jokes, but I don’t believe it. How can it be unreasonable for my sister to be so high?" The nun said, "She and the master will come tomorrow. Don’t believe me. You see, every freak has his own nature. At first, her original sadness turned into a cold look. She doesn’t like me. People don’t like me and I’m not angry. I’m sarcastic. I’m more fierce than others. What else can I say? In fact, her heart is hotter than mine, and she wants to be your confidant, and she is willing to endure any dangers and worries, just knowing that she has fewer people than me. What can she say if she doesn’t meet a bosom friend? I’m such a smirk, she won’t be with her, and there will be fewer good people. "Two women are fellow travelers." It’s rare for bosom friends to be bandits. If we meet today, we really want to make friends with her. "My aunt just said" I can’t make friends. "Suddenly, I saw that I was suitable for Taiyun Cave, and my brothers, men and women, went out in twos and threes, and walked around one after another. I didn’t see anything. I learned in advance that each place was waiting for a mission. At first glance, I Fairy halls and pavilions stand like forests, clouds are steaming everywhere, clouds are shining everywhere, lights are shining everywhere, and stars are shining more. The fairy tales drive the spirits to be turned into executioners. Fairy children are holding wine, food, fruit and colorful clouds, and they generally travel through the mountains and rivers. Fairy halls are all decorated like Tianfu fairy children with their own rich gods, plus overseas fairy clouds are surrounded by jade towers, where they live. They look forward to each other with their peers, but they are not beautiful in appearance. People are radiant and graceful.When I was out, I was distracted. I didn’t mean this close look. I felt that the fairy was also blessed. The two women were full of praise at first.
Aunt laughed. "I don’t know what the enemy is. His hatred is determined to do that spoil the fun. Just say that he has hatred or that he has to be cherished by his friends. You should also measure your identity and then hand-see your master’s high mana house. The first people haven’t come out yet, and you don’t want to be able to fight against it. Fortunately, the master is lenient. Today, if you change my master and apprentice, none of the three masters can go back even if they don’t start a demon evil." Xie Lin laughed. This is a good time when the scenery is lively. There are many new fairy halls that have not yet been seen by Sister Li. When she said that the house was full of fire, water and thunder, the fairy guests got up and watched it again. Not necessarily, these pavilions and pavilions are copied from the Yao Palace in Guifu. They are all guests who live and live. The enemy didn’t turn against his master. It also hindered the situation. We can always see that something is wrong. Look outside and ignore him. "Xie Wei said," The enemy is already on the rise. If you can’t finish watching it, you should move your hand. Let’s"If you look closely, you can’t see people when you don’t have your bearings. A generation later, foreigners are called by their teachers to wait for Fu B, Ling, Gong Ye, Bai, Zhu and other limited old-timers to deal with them. All the decent Xianbin have returned to their homes and don’t want to make enemies. This time, the road is getting less and less, except for the fairy kitchen, which is almost suspicious and unknown. Please think about how big things are. At present, the younger generation is just the three of us.
Two women smell speech and look around again. Sure enough, this moment is less than half of the people. It is hard to see any decent teacher and pupil. It’s still not important to talk about it. Xie Lin suddenly smiled at the aunt. "You are going to have good friends soon. Why don’t you say hello before?" Look at the air, maybe it’s not a side door middleman. "Nu Gu looked ahead and saw two women walking in the flower forest. One was the beautiful witch, the difficult fairy maiden, and the other was the ugly girl. All the flowers were strange in Minshan White Rhino Lake, and Han Xianmen was busy winking, which made the two women deliberately turn sideways along the embroidered cloud stream and walk past two fairy halls." I don’t want to make this friend, but the ugly girl is not indispensable. I hate her for making that heart hot. " When it comes to loving her sister’s beauty, I don’t like her sister the most in my life. People think that it is more difficult than the eldest sister of Qijia, who is really a founder and not a dummy. The two masters are not very congenial to each other, but they are partial to justifying their faults. In case of any dispute, who eats and loses is troublesome for her sister. I also like telling the truth, and even the fancy is alienated. It is best to meet me and accidentally offend people and have bad feelings. "
Talking and walking, I couldn’t help but go around to the Jinfan Peak opposite the top of Xianlai. There are several fairy halls with extremely rich forms, so I walked away. My aunt whispered, "Look, there is a man and a woman on the second balcony at the waist of the peak. It’s not like a good person. Don’t go there." It’s where the two women want to see it. Otherwise, they quietly replied, "We will sneak to one side, but if we can get in, we can’t get in and have a look, so we are afraid that he will come?" My aunt is also competitive, so I don’t stop for a while because I am secretly on guard. I turn to this platform with a thick green crystal and jade. Because of the processing and refinement of Lingjiao’s female immortals, a two-story platform covering an area of several acres is like a whole jade carving, and it is muddy without a trace. The treasure light reflects that all the rocks and trees are dyed in black, and the form is exquisite and exquisite, and the more beautiful it is, the more elegant and wonderful it is. I want to go around the platform and stop because of love.
Suddenly, I heard a woman in Taiwan say, "It’s really irritating that the three-inch-long Tibetan spirit talks, and the patriarch should compliment the Emei Sect. Not only the first few people, but also a group of young people who have not done anything new boast that it is rare in ancient and modern times and hard to find. It’s a joke that if you don’t miss their master once met, I will embarrass him even more." Another male accent laughs. "The Tibetan primate’s ambition is too strong for the enemy to underestimate. Don’t say that all the arrangements of the pavilions and buildings here are beyond the reach of ordinary Taoist priests. According to Cui Haike, our future enemies are not weak, especially the blood god of West Kunlun. How can we not be careful before being buried? " The woman sneered, "Those laymen are no match for Emei’s blood gods, as we have never heard of Cui Haike’s words. Now the enemy is powerful and even camel ghosts know what Cui Haike knows. Aren’t they trying to avoid the Taoist robbery in the future like camel ghosts and Tibetan spirits? They intend to use Emei to see that I have come here deliberately and hold people’s legs? It’s not afraid that the number of enemies will appear soon, but the enemy will be prepared at that time. It’s hard to want to wait for Master to fly first and start to show the enemy a big boring look. Do you dare to look at people? " The man replied, "Fei Fu has been gone for a long time. If you don’t pay attention to my sister, will you be busy?" Female micro nu way "I don’t think he is arrogant and our good friend’s adversary has been greatly trusted. Wouldn’t it be a shame to make his house more successful?" As Tianxiao and Cui Haike said, we can’t beat him with hundreds of years of skill and magic weapons given by Master. We will give him a heavy blow before we can get rid of the evil spirit. You don’t have to stop us from fighting the enemy. "The man replied, "although the enemy didn’t invite us to despise one this time, it was a lot of excuses that I had never met before." Second, when the host came, he was very humble. At present, the main people are all closed, and they are very thoughtful and can’t turn their faces. "
Before the woman finished, she growled, "How have you been getting smaller and smaller recently? What’s the scruple of turning your back on him anytime, anywhere? Today, the most irritating thing is Ye Bin’s visit to the small Antarctic in the past year and her encounter with the ice ginseng ice field. Because I saw that she was beautiful and magical, I was not bad enough to get to know each other. I took a breath and said that she used to like peace and quiet, and it was not easy for outsiders to go back and forth except for two or three confidants. Although the wording was extremely self-deprecating, I was angry, but I was still afraid that I was accompanied by two companions who were dissolute. She didn’t want to provoke me, so I even met her. At that time, I talked about breaking up and even went to Admiral I should pay a return visit and leave a message for me, but she hasn’t been to Shahu Island, where I lived before, to wait for me to visit the present master’s door. Last year, Wuyishan was near Lu Yu, and it was her who waited for me to follow me. I was invisible and avoided me. I was naming her. The friend of Yue Daoyou, who is over the hill in the West Lake, passed by and said that she really didn’t like outsiders to make friends. It was by no means arrogant by nature. Yue Daoyou, her good friend Xie Shanzuo, met twice, and sometimes she just left at the first meeting. Since she pretends to be lofty, did she come to the door this time? At the other time, two friends who came first saw her wandering around with a few strangers and scattered immortals, and her expression was very intimate. She was not arrogant and arrogant in the past, and she relied on my temper to make her lose face in public. "
The two women in Xiandu and her aunt sneaked into the Fairy Pavilion because of their shapes, so they were not inclined to listen to the questions and answers when they met. First, they wanted to hear whether the two women came from Ye Bin or not. When they heard that Ye Bin and her two women were angry at first, they all thought, "Know bitch, dare you say that Ye Gu taught you to lose your ugly face today?" They were very close, so they were afraid of being alarmed and didn’t discuss with her. They all wanted to beat her up invisibly.
Two women to the moment suddenly listen to the woman said, "do you think the sister-in-law unceasingly and the enemy? Let’s go soon! " It is unusual for two women to cover up to their side and see that the female palace is dressed in a high bun as beautiful as a picture fairy; The man is a young Taoist whose appearance is much more handsome than that of the woman. The two women’s hands have only been raised before they hit this pair of male and female enemies. Suddenly, the color changes suddenly, and they seem to be aware of it. They go to one side and then they are surrounded by white light. First of all, the woman thunders, "Come on, rats, quickly show up and accept your life!" As I took a magic weapon out of the bag, both women tried to track and chase the aunt, and they flew to one hand and pulled it tightly without saying a word. When the two women saw that it was not easy to stir things up, they had to fly with the aunt, pointing to the west with their hands, but they flew south to the left near the cliff and fell sadly. "The enemy has started, and let’s see if the dog men and women can beat people with their hands." If there is an old-timer who is happy to pick up some cheap things, let’s not go there yet. "
At that moment, the woman’s hand was shining two feet, and Xu Chang, a silver building, took a sharp turn. Suddenly, a charming rebuke made the man both fly to the southwest. It turned out that the aunt had lured the enemy and the phantom was dazzling, so she was chased. It was this man and a woman who were more powerful than the younger brothers Mao Xiao and Chu Ling, but each had two extremely powerful magic weapons. Fortunately, the aunt saw that the enemy had different treasures to guard against. Chu two people chasing the phantom found that when they looked back with great anger, they could not help but see that Xiangzhu and Liu Chengfei’s swords had been broken by God Tuo Yi Xiu and poor God Ling Hun’s magic weapon. They also ruined one thing regardless of chasing the enemy again, that is, they flew to a finger, and the silver light first came to Ling Hun’s head, and Ling Hun knew that this treasure was badly busy, and the Xuangong body and sword were combined into a golden light, and the silver light resisted the road flyover of hundreds of birds, and the gong ye Huang Xian Lai saw that the enemy had been added, and the self-refining Mo Long Excalibur was turned into a Ruan corrected his smile and didn’t answer.
Here, the two women in Xiandu and the aunt met B, Ling and Gongye. Although they broke one or two magic weapons of flying swords of the two enemies in Yu and Lu, because each of the four enemies had a piece of white light to protect themselves, the magic weapons were extremely magical, and it was still difficult to win. The winner was surprised to see the north. In the west, there are seven Guanghua schools, such as Changhong, flying out of the fairy pavilion where they live. It seems that the opponent has just appeared in advance. Seven Guanghua schools also flew out of the fairy pavilion near the left. They followed the two sides in their respective magic weapons of flying swords, and they gradually got closer and closer, and they coincided with each other. The gathering of all kinds of Guanghua schools was much more prosperous than the previous sword fighting with the demon people such as the ape elders. The nun looked intently at a group of enemies who flew out first. There were two Buddhist monks and a young Taoist priest, who seemed to be on the left. The rest were scattered immortals. The first-class mana was quite high, but all of them were born after their appearance. The immortals also knew Yi Zhou, Yi Sheng and the green-sided fairy Niang Wei Qingqing, Ling Xu Cui Haike, Bu Xu Xian Xiao Jiumei, Jin Grandma Luo Ziyan, Master Yu Qing and so on. Three of the six people I had seen before didn’t know that they had a magic weapon to cast and a flying sword to have luck. Ling Zhuxian’s willingness to give up or the other side’s mana is high and strong, and they fought evenly for many times. Although B and Ling Zhuxian are good at changing Xuangong, many magic weapons emerge one after another, but they still can’t hurt him. Although B, Ling, Gongye, Luo, Xiao and Yu Qing often take the lead, Yi, Wei and Cui are more tied with the enemy, and occasionally they are dwarfed. Sometimes the magic weapons fly the sword and the other side breaks into tens of millions of points.There is no wonder in the past, and it is incredible.
Two women are eager to try several times, but Gu stopped and said, "I think there are two or three of these enemies, and most of them are high-ranking figures in scattered immortals. B and Ling, the old-timers are not willing to hurt people everywhere, and a former helper must first discuss that there are certain steps. At first, they also win and lose each other. This moment, we have turned people around, and several of us are stronger than the enemy. One still does not make the killer obvious and meaningful. At first, I was not in Hunan. In particular, almost all enemies are good at the changes of Xuangong and proficient in Daoism. We are like magic weapons. It is not impossible to fight with them to protect ourselves, but it is easy to hurt the enemy with white strength. It is as easy as stealth to plot against the enemy. If you eat the enemy’s protective light at close range and it is broken, you will suffer a little carelessness. I don’t like it. When I am young, there are always novel tricks. What about him? "
Although the two women were persuaded not to give up, they were still secretly preparing to launch and watch the film. It was just right when they saw the film. An unknown Xianbin was fighting with the young Taoist. He was about narrow-minded. Like all the immortals, he first met the enemy and didn’t want to hurt people. I don’t know how to underestimate the Taoist magic weapon and ignore it. At that time, he was unable to avoid a little injury and immediately became angry and screamed. Secretly, I transported Xuangong to divide the Yuan God, and violently cut off Taoist’s right arm, so I was afraid that the enemy would take the broken arm away from the elixir. The Buddhist complex was followed by another thunder, which blew the broken arm to pieces. Just then, the Taoist named Wang Long ‘e was also famous overseas. Although she was a first-class scattered fairy, Yu Yi’s master and disciples were very close to the enemy party guests. I didn’t know that she was also bewitched by traitors. When she came here, she was eager to help others. She caught a glimpse of being killed and ridiculed, and Chu Ling’s treasure was the most with her. Just get out of the way and give up. Cui Haike chased him to a cliff and sent out a hundred and nine days of thorns and red rain. The old man with white hair and white beard was Hong Ling’s elder brother Xue Sou, who knew that this treasure was powerful and did not resist the busy luck. Xuangong fled to XieCiLi.
At this time, all the immortals have their own enemies, and Cui Haike was caught by Chu Ling’s treasure and didn’t pursue it. When the two women saw it, they couldn’t stand it any longer. The masks of the fiends flew up to meet them because they knew that people were flying swords and magic weapons, so they were afraid that they could not win. Chu Ling, the five-star gods, cast out together to catch sight of chasing the enemy, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Xiaofeng’s face. A Guanghua blocked the way and blocked it. The enemy in front of him had already flown out with two blue rainbows in the light building, and the dragon was stabbed against the sky with a knife, and the tail was broken and sprinkled for a long time. The red rain itself was cut for a long time. I felt that it was very powerful, and I almost ate it. I couldn’t help but be surprised and angry. I was busy making the magic weapon fly sword to meet the enemy. Why don’t you dare to answer the trick of hiding your head and shrinking your tail? " The two women ate her once, but they succeeded because of a fight. The magical enemy has limited mana and is invisible to the enemy. With the light appeared Ji refers to the same criticise "you blind to see who we don’t blame? It’s a one-on-one fight. You’re a bully and you’re not an opponent. But you fled to help that Taoist. You are shameless. You have the nerve to talk about people! My sister’s name is Xie Ying, Xie Lin, my adoptive father is Xie Zhenren from Wuyishan, my master is Ye Bin, the owner of the small Hanshan Shenni Admiralty Island, and many magic weapons of my sister and aunt are still unknown. Go back to the original immortal and accept your life. If you want to be puffed up again, if my sister gets angry, you will die like a monkey. "
Chu Ling saw that the two women were like an incarnation of one person. The magic weapon of the fairy bones and roots was especially magical when she was young. She was so naive and childish that she couldn’t help but be angry and funny. She suddenly thought, "I don’t have such a good qualification as an apprentice, so I won’t take it?" As soon as I turned my mind to look back, the treasure of the soul was suddenly taken away by the god camel B, and the enemy was taken away by Xiang Zhuping. Cui Haike was pointing to the magic weapon to fly the sword and chase him. I couldn’t help but be frightened that the enemy was in full swing. At these times, the mana was not straight, as if I had a heart to make fun of Master for not knowing why he was late. I am greedy for the beauty of the two women, lest I can’t succeed and fly out a piece of white light to meet Cui Haike; At the same time, I hesitated several times to make it afraid of being damaged by the enemy, but I didn’t dare to make a bold move. The only treasure of the door was displayed. At the long sleeve, a pale blue light flew out of the sleeve and hit the two women.
The two women didn’t know how to laugh at this kind of thing, but they dared to let it out in this world. Suddenly, they heard Gu Gufeng shouting, "Two sisters, please leave this thing quickly and get it."Passing 18-wheeler, the green light has been connected with the five-star gods, and the smoke will fly out at the touch of a button. Two women saw that the green light was faded and cracked, but it spread widely, evenly and quickly, like a cat in the sky, Shu Jin, flat waves, pouring in front of her, dazzling her head and feet, being crossed and listening to her aunt’s urgent cry that she knew there was something different. She pointed out that two blue rainbows wanted to wring the rainbow light everywhere, and the smoke was supported as if it were virtual and real, and she didn’t feel any resistance. Suddenly, three precious lights I don’t know if it’s a miracle to protect me, but I don’t know if it’s a sight. The enemy’s magic weapon is trapped and I’m so anxious to put all the previous magic weapons. On the one hand, the number of firm but gentle blows out, and the mask of the demon can’t stop rushing around. At the end, I see the scenery outside is green and misty, and I can’t hear the sound at all. I stopped for a while and suddenly even the people and the treasure flew up together. I was worried that I would be taken away by the enemy. I suddenly remembered that half of the old man had given me two needles because I was in a hurry. I forgot all the original magic weapon, so maybe this treasure could be broken and Xie Lin could take it out together. The ringing sound of the two poles immediately broke a hole outside the body, and the ears cracked from small to large. Listening to the noise of the people outside, Guanghua Dance passed quickly. The joy in my heart didn’t wait for the smoke to disperse, so I rushed out to see that the cloud road in front of Ningbi Cliff had passed itself and was not far from the exit clouds. On the opposite side, there was a fairy with an angry face who was talking to Ruan Jiu, Gan Biwu and Ding Chang. Behind her, she saw more than a dozen enemies. The immortals B and Ling had a truce, but there were two more old nuns, a good-natured face and a clear appearanceA short, fat, concave face, protruding eyes, black as paint, ugly as it is, and with dignity, there is a little girl with half-eyes, thin, dry and ugly appearance beside her.
Fang estimates that this is the dragon slayer and his younger brother, Li Gu, Li Gu, who flew from the opposite side to pull two women and laughed. "The other two of you didn’t listen to the greeting, and you were trapped by a balloon, so you rushed to coagulate the blue clouds and flew stubbornly to take you away. When I first arrived, B and Ling, the immortals, were trying to exert their magic and it was just worth my master’s battle with her. Sister Yu arrived with Master You Tan to stop her, but she still refused to listen to good words. Later, Ling Jiao’s four immortals stood out. When she saw that none of these people were easy to provoke, a real person B was enough for her to suffer. She said that you two were very qualified and robbed back to the mountain. It was malicious to accept the teachings of the master. That means that you have made up your mind to stop until someone broke her balloon. Unexpectedly, the needle turned out to be a treasure buster. She has said that she is distressed and angry. Fairy left her to go after the mentoring meeting. She lost such an adult. Naturally, she didn’t want to go again, as Fang Yun Luyi reality has been sealed with Ling reality. It’s not easy for her not to go. It’s better if she has to go. It’s even more interesting to have a hard time. "Xie Lin laughed." Don’t you think her mentoring and disciples went to embroidered Yunjian together? " Looking back, I saw that Yu Yi’s face was unpleasant and I didn’t meet with the immortals who fought first, so I repaired it. Since Gan Sui and Ding Erxian led the master to fly to the embroidered cloud stream, more than one enemy consciously paid attention to the desire to accompany him. Because of listening to the tone of the three immortals, I told them that there would be a barrier to going, and I couldn’t rush out and come back. I didn’t mean to think about it. The surface was finally met with an enemy, and I had to fight with a face of shame. I went back to the fairy museum and waited for the house to go again.
The nuns followed the two women to visit the excellent Tantu Dragon Master and the disciples. They couldn’t help but praise a few words. The two women saw that Tangu Fruit was cold and a dead face couldn’t help laughing internally. Xie Lin was even more naughty. Half of the immortals dispersed, and Yi Xiu, Ling Hun, Gong Yehuang and Ruan Jiu still returned to Xianlaiding. The new arrival from Yunlu, Shenni Youtan Dragon Slaughter Normal University, also returned to the cliff with B and Ling Zhuxian and didn’t go to see his master. My aunt seems to be wandering around the cliff in Xianfu for the first time. She pretends to be unfamiliar, so she goes to the fake affectionate mouth and shouts to the elder brother. I can’t help asking questions. My aunt is happy that her second daughter is innocent and clever. She also asks questions and answers them for a while. She finds that her second daughter can’t help smiling, and she can’t help but suddenly realize that she is squinting at her aunt. "You’ve changed your ways to outsiders. I’ll go back and see me. I’ll spare you!" Aunt laughed. "I wonder what you blame me for making an exception and talking to people?" I heard from Master Jade Qing that the immortals had been fighting against the enemy for quite a while, and there were still several old enemies who met in a narrow way before they started work. Because they came to know each other, their intentions were similar, and after they started work, they found that their own strength was different. The situation along the way was very novel and interesting. I was about to go to inquire about Sister Xie’s family because I said that you were high-minded and my sister was close to you. Which one of them was on my mind? Isn’t it good for you to keep a cold face when people meet you all year round? " Li Gu hummed again, and her eyes turned white. Two women remembered Li Gu’s preface, and they couldn’t stand it any longer, and they all laughed. Li Gu concluded that Li Gu was haunted and was about to send out a call from the Dragon Slayer Normal University, "The time is coming soon." Li Gu hurried to go.
Four people fly off the cliff together to have a look at Songshan parents have turned from outside the mountain. After four people Jianli, Zhu Mei laughed. "When the camel arrives, will our position be settled?" Don’t mess up the rules and regulations. It’s a shame if you make foreign guests contribute or get a little false alarm. "B Hugh laughed." Zhu Dwarf, do you want to create a Pope with more foreign aid in the future and don’t want to think about it? Are you too worried about this little thing? We just happen to be on our own. Is there anything wrong with that? " "Don’t talk, camel," said Bai Guyi. "Everything you do is a joke and you don’t want to be serious. Each of us has two enemies. They dare not come with us to protect us. It doesn’t matter. How can we not plan first? In my opinion, aren’t you finished playing chess early? Let’s divide people into different places to watch the flood season now. It’s a joke if you don’t look at the terrain beforehand because of the sudden outbreak of fire, water and wind. Second, the original flowers and trees of the elixir must also be guaranteed; Third, isn’t it good to secretly observe whether the opponent dares to be prepared? "
B Hugh hasn’t answered all the immortals’ praises. B Hugh laughed. "Two dwarfs are worrying about coming to five or six people. It’s enough because Ruan Daoyou was kind enough to help and added two gods. Since everyone is willing to allocate us early, we will sort it out according to the palace orientation." Aunt smiled and asked, "Can I have something to do?" Zhu Mei laughed and said, "When I was young, there was a constant Lingquan in Shanxian Mountain, and the rest almost melted into flames for the time being. Go to Gu Nan’s nest to protect Zhixian. All the arrangements and transportation have been told to Yuan Hua’s magic weapon, flying sword to protect Zhixian’s riding Buddha slave body, waiting for Xianfu’s reconstruction. It’s interesting to see it again. There are still many errands to be sent here. Let’s go quickly." When all the immortals agreed on the direction, they also took Li Gu Xianlai to transport Buddhism to protect the near Lingquan and acted as expected, and the remaining seven
The second daughter and aunt immediately flew to the old catching nest to see the four immortals, namely, the eagle, the vulture, the dove and the crane, all guarding the old nanzhi; Yuan Xingtong sat around the tree belly with Sha Yu, Mi Yu, athletes and Zhi Xian, looking nervous, and drew a circle about the size of mu around the tree root. Yuan Huagang flew down from the south nest and saw three women giving gifts to Zhi Xian, When Zhima saw two women, she didn’t recognize them at all. It was the first time that she loved them. She was holding them up and fondling Yuan Hua. She asked her aunt about her purpose and said, "Brother, because Laonan has a life span of 3,000 years and covers an area of more than ten feet, many enemy parties among many guests will protect Zhixian in addition to uprooting this tree. The help of the Four Immortals will eventually make it difficult to win again. There are three fairy goddesses here who will definitely lose, "said the nun." On that day, Yue Yi, a real person from Yudong, came to Minshan to tell the master that you have been practicing Taoism for many years. The higher education ancestors can definitely win over us because of the legal decree, so it won’t help much. You can still host you and let’s take a look. "Yuan Xingdao," Ding Di presided over the operation to pull out the roots of this Nanshu, which was injured by the fire, and the athletes still hid in the belly of the tree. M second brother rides a vulture and a crane, and the guards around him can now be surrounded by three fairy goddesses, the carved back of a horse and the two wings of Yuan Hua’s royal sword. Don’t leave the back as it is, and my brother can concentrate on protecting this tree more carefully than before. "The three people heard the big news.
Yuan Xing jumped up and looked into the big hole and said, "The time will come, please come out and get ready." With a trick, the four immortals immediately flew down, and everyone held Erzhi according to their words and deeds. Looking at the cliff, there were still towers, pavilions, Woods, rising stars, Luo Jinbi’s brilliant fairy clouds and ethereal clouds everywhere. When I saw the guests wandering in the fairy pavilion, the jade sill was like a few general Xiao Li’s pictures of a castle in the fairy mountain. Outside the fairy pavilion, there were no pedestrians, and even the fairy children in the fairy kitchen were missing. Look at Yuan Hua
The second woman asked her aunt, "Is it time yet?" Suddenly, I heard a faint thunder in the ground and my aunt shouted, "Look!" Two women hold their heads high and look forward, and Lei Zhen is facing the cliff, and then suddenly two clouds fly up. Zuo Lishi is wearing a gorgeous cicada fairy dress, and it looks very good. There is a golden bell hanging in front of the cicada, and there is a jade pan hanging in front of the cicada. The cloud rises from the ground, and it is about ten feet apart. It is like two colorful hibiscus sitting in a row for half a day and becoming a spectacle. The clouds such as the cicada stop holding a handle and a foot Xu Changyu stick hit the clock in three fairy halls. The sonorous rippling spirit hasn’t stopped yet, followed by the three-pole Qingyue Jade Pan Jin Yuzhen, whose ears are clear. The underground wind and thunder are getting thinner and the flood is getting more intense. Suddenly, the whole fairy house suddenly cracked. Immediately, the mountains screamed and the rocks boiled and the sand dissolved, and the flames and floods poured in from the ground. At this time, one or two hundred fairy pavilions flew up from the ground, floating in the fire and the wind, stormy and thunderous. You should know the aftermath and see the text decomposition.
Back in the 215 th, the earth’s flood furnace, zeolite melting sand, heavy wonderland, long bridge, horizontal holy water rainbow flying and rebuilding fairy mountain
Let’s talk about the aunt, Xiandu Ernv, Yuan Xing, Yuan Hua, Mi Yu, Sha Yu, athletes, etc. protecting the birds’ backs of Zhi Xian and Zhi Ma Xian just flew up from the front of Ningbi Cliff when they heard the thunder earthquake and followed the two fairy clouds on the opposite side of the cliff to hold the golden cicada, Shi Sheng and a rock for a clock, rising several tens of feet high, stopping for half a clock, and the stone two people each held a bell. The rock struck three golden treasures, and the lingering sound was still floating. Suddenly, there was a big earthquake. In front of my eyes, I saw the cracks in the cliffs of the peaks and mountains, and the roaring rocks, the boiling sand, the melting water, the fire and the thunder broke out together. There was such a beautiful scenery, and the fairy house was all in flames except the top of the fairy. Hong Tao was angry from the ground and roared with thunder and thunder, and it was very fierce. At this time, one hundred and two hundred trees in the Qionglou Yuyuxian Pavilion, together with the original flowers and trees in the fairy house, suddenly rose high and floated high, The surface is full of wind, thunder, fire, water and anger, and all kinds of swords, lights, treasures, lights, Xiang dances and dances crisscross into an unprecedented wonder. Don’t say that sand, rice and athletes urinate three times, which is the practice of aunt, second daughter and Yuan Hua. Many people have seen it for many years, but they can’t be dazzled. How can they praise it? I don’t care about the sand and laugh at Mi Yu. "In the past, there were often earthquakes in the mountains. Have you ever seen such a scene?" You see, the water and fire are white, white, red and clean-looking, which is very different from our place, where people will faint when they smell black water and sewage in an earthquake.This is the palm of your hand to teach the real people. The immortals follow the instructions of the long-browed grandmaster Zuxian to carry out Xuangong Xuangan and turn to Kunbian mana to re-expand and rebuild the original fairy house. The ordinary earthquake is different. This is the fairy land in the spiritual area. After being cast by fire, water, thunder and drums, a little dregs are all inhaled into the lungs. If there is a bad smell? When the Jade Cave reality invites Lingcui Peak back to the five fairy houses, it will appear. Listen to Master Qi’s saying that Uncle Qi is going to dig out the fairy house in the whole Emei Mountain to a width of more than 300 miles. Fiona Fang is like a vast furnace, casting mountains and cultivating hills and valleys. Those boiling juices are data, but it’s even more scary when it’s early or early. Look at the whirlpool. Don’t all those messy things sink? "
At that time, the potential of fire, water, wind and thunder has spread more and more widely. Everywhere, it is said that the cliff is rock and soil, and the mountains and streams are like boiling soup and pouring snow, which melts and collapses in a few words. In a few words, the horizon suddenly widens, and the fire suddenly joins together. The fire has become a molten juice, and the flames of fire are overwhelming. Although the two women are proficient in Taoism and Buddhism, it is even more difficult for athletes to stand the sweat, thirst and asthma. More than two women see others, and they are pitiful and busy. "The athletes are so hot that we have Next to the medicine, please take it out for your sister’s generation. Let’s eat some summer food. It’s not hot at all. "Behind the aunt and the aunt, I was about to answer. Seeing Zhi Xian and Zhi Ma’s two daughters, each with a pair of clear and crystal eyes in their arms, I watched the two women fiercely touch the brainwave. When I touched the Dan medicine next to the two women, I deliberately lost my call." This fire is not as shallow as the pure sun of Qi Shi Shu’s smelting mountain gold, iron and jade. " My toxic heat has attacked your Dan medicine, but how good is it? " When the two women saw her, they were sad. Zhang Chou’s face was very anxious, and she felt that she was very hot. I really couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of Yuan Hua’s hand, which gave off a green breath. The shade was supported by ten acres of branches and leaves, and the ancient nan tree stopped to carve. Looking back, Gu Zheng and Yuan Xingxiao winked and thought, "Second Yuan Shang is not afraid of heat. How does she feel so powerful?" Xie Lingang wanted to say that Dan medicine is quite effective, but she didn’t export it. Zhima suddenly earned her mouth and spit at her aunt’s face. She immediately opened her mouth and greeted her with a smile. "Thank you for your kindness. I’m not hot. I wonder if Xie’s two sisters can stand it?"Words haven’t finished yet. Zhi Xian seems to have had a heart to open his mouth. A stream of green gas sprayed toward Xie Ying’s face and then sprayed a mouthful toward Xie Lin. Two women originally smelled a fragrance when they were sitting in the foam spray of Zhi Ma, and they just realized that Zhi Xian had sprayed it in one mouthful. At that time, they realized that they had benefited a lot and were more alert. They also thanked each other.
The aunt gave the two women Dan medicine to the crowd and suddenly heard Yuan Hua say with smile, "Qi Da Xian Gu has been able to get rid of the heat with real water for a long time. Congratulations to the three Xian Gu Zhi Xian for their fate." The two women and others went forward to look at Lingyun and Qin Ziling. The cloud building is surrounded by a jade bottle, and a piece of lemon water is flying out of the bottle mouth. Fireworks fly around the sea for two turns and fly straight to the original place in the middle. The hot flames everywhere are no longer soaring, and the fire melts into red pulp, but the waves are rolling in from all sides, and the waves are shocking to gold. The stone duo gathered in front of the cloud building and excited into a whirlpool of more than ten acres. At this moment, the Xianfu District was like a cauldron boiled with boiling water and a furnace of molten iron juice. Mars splashed with red. All impurities floated to the middle and sank to the ground with the vortex. The boiling pulp and molten juice became clearer and clearer, and the dregs gradually settled down. It was not like the previous surge. The two women asked the story of the Lingcui peak of the aunt and said, "Now the back hole has been closed and the cloud road has been closed by real people. You said that the jade cave is real people." Aunt said, "There are many things today. Did you see the previous two fights lively? There are several extremely powerful enemies outside the fairy house who want to take this opportunity to turn their magic upside down, and even the fairy house takes Emei Mountain thousands of miles away to rob the ashes. Do you think the demon people are poisonous?Although we have some people to control them at the top of the snowy mountain, these evil spirits are all famous for their good shoes, and they don’t get smelly shit. No one will offend them. Uncle Yue and Uncle Qi are in contact with each other. The Lingcui Peak is a blue coral under the stars for thousands of years, which has been refined into a treasure. In the past years, Master Yu Qing was invited to treat them. The former suddenly flew and stopped by a daffodil in the East China Sea, and it was found that there were treasures hidden in it, and even the spell sacrifice was not destroyed. Qi Shi. Uncle must know that the narcissus has been on the seabed for many years because of this treasure town. If the door asks for difficulties, disputes and enemies, he doesn’t want to hurt him. After listening to Master Xuanzhen, he said that Uncle Yue was kind to him in the past and wanted to repay the narcissus for a long time. Although Uncle Yue got it, he didn’t want to make enemies with the two old monsters. He deliberately counted the right time and waited for the old monsters to return to the mountain. Otherwise, it’s time to get to reality B, and they will let him in when they know it. "It’s said that the face has become hundreds of miles in Fiona Fang, and a flat vortex has stopped. Looking at it, it’s still very hot.
Two women and others are pointing to talk about the hidden smell of a Lei Zhen aunt just saying, "Here we go!" Suddenly, I saw a jin hong across the sky at the old address of Qingjing Cave, and the Ningbi Cliff flew behind me, followed by a feather and a star crown. Jin Guangxia was busy shouting, "Why did Uncle Yue come at this time?" Two women and others saw this jade cave with a real person’s knife-shaped eyebrows and stars. elegant demeanour shone with an angular magic weapon in his left hand, radiating an acre of Xu Fangyuan with a purple air, holding an exquisitely carved green crystal. The golden glow surrounded the jade butte, and the right hand pinched the designated head of the spirit tactic, and slowly landed, looking solemn and indifferent. Looking cautious, he was very cautious and stopped when he was away from the fire. At the same time, Master Youtan, Master Dragon Slayer also appeared in front of the Fairy Hall from the left, and released a golden light from each hand to hold Cuifeng in the Jade Cave. Yue Wen, a real person, was busy removing the treasure from his left hand and resting a little. He released the angular gold plate again. This time, when he couldn’t change his hand, he still gave off a purple breath. The golden light of Dragon Slayer Normal University surrounded the peak and slowly floated forward to the front of the two cloud buildings and sank about three feet underground. A Lei Zhen stood in flames, and the real master also removed the magic weapon and the gold plate and flew to the left near the Fairy Hall.
Two women and others thought to themselves, "It’s good to come to Xianjing after this earthquake. Although the ground is many times larger than the original peaks, hills and valleys, flowers and trees have been destroyed. Could it be that five immortals have been built in hundreds of miles of Fiona Fang?" Although the weather is majestic, how can it look good? " I was thinking about suddenly seeing five big bubbles suddenly arching up on the molten slurry plane in front of me. Each bubble is about 100 acres apart, and it is very neat. With the surrounding debris, there are many slurry bubbles of different sizes. With the second sound of Admiralty, there are also several different kinds of slurry bubbles scattered around, and the colors gradually change. Unlike the previous red bell ringing over the jade pan and ringing again, the boys and girls in Emei Gate suddenly pressed the Jiugong hexagrams. The five elements appeared together. When the earthquake first started, all the brothers took advantage of the door talisman to hide their bodies and put each one into a magic weapon. Flying swords let out water, fire, wind and thunder to help teachers get full of colorful brilliance, but no one is seen. At this time, you are done. Suddenly, all the immortals and immortals appear. Because of the value of the government ceremony, a wonderful lady has given them a fairy dress, ice, fog, clothes, clothes, stars, crowns, clouds and shoulders. The more they complement each other, the more they illuminate the people’s manners. Don’t say that Emei’s two generations have made friends with each other. It is those who are ill-intentioned and hate their enemies. When they see this There was an epiphany from this. Not only did I dare not hate again, but I was longing for it. I couldn’t wait to join in and seek the right result at that time. Heterogeneous people knew that fear and influence secretly vowed to abandon evil and turn right, which accounted for more than half.
Let’s talk about that when all the younger brothers appeared, God Tuo Yi Xiu, Poor God Ling Hun, Hundred Birds Taoist Gong Ye Huang, Red-legged Fairy Ruan Jiao, Cloud Chasing Bai Guyi, Dwarf Zhu Mei, Shenni Youtan, Tulong Normal University and other senior immortals also appeared B, Ling, Bai in their respective divination positions. Zhu Si’s first thousand-li sound showed his brothers a slight movement. With a wave of his hand, the brothers immediately changed their charms according to the distribution of words and deeds, such as the dharma. The original Qifa Yaocao Jiamu Fanghui in Xianfu was pulled up by the immortals with their magic and the soil attached to the roots. Once the cloud wall of the platform of the immortal pavilion fell to the surface, many slurry bubbles grew bigger and bigger, except for the five bubbles at the end of it, which could not be seen as very similar. The ground of the peaks and valleys gradually became lower and lower. The pulp bubble has a bang and a crisp sound, and suddenly it bursts, and there is a stream, a clear spring, a raging water, and a gurgling water. Then the shallow shore and secluded rocks are revealed. Those flowers and trees have fallen. These formed pulp bubbles are dazzling, and the mountains are green, the waters are green, the flowers and willows are dark and picturesque. About an hour has passed, and Fiona Fang is ten miles away. One of the big bubbles is still swinging in the square. The rest are already mountains and valleys, and there are four big bubbles that have been blocked by peaks and cliffs. It seems that the land is frozen like a dream. Among them, a crystal jade aisle is scarlet, and both sides of it have been paved with green grass. How can there be any trace of robbery? Everyone sees B, Ling and other young and old immortals flying with their own swords four times. Everywhere Xiang goes, the pulp boils and melts, and the ground blinks, and then the guests in the fairy halls look out and watch each other laughing and pointing out each other’s praise colors. After a while, they will settle down one after another, and the beautiful scenery will stand and no longer float.
Zhu Mei, who is praising each other for being wonderful and short, suddenly flew to laugh and said to the crowd, "Things are over. The fairy house has revived the ground. What are you still looking at in love?" That old Nanshu can be transplanted to Xianlaiding. Now it’s even more difficult for him to change the tree hole to close Lingfeng and fly back to this place. Even outsiders can’t walk through Erzhi, but they can parade without thinking about it. You guys didn’t get dressed quickly. Plant the tree and go to the cave, and then wait for the younger brothers to arrange it with you. "Yuan Hua and other disciples heard the news, and they were so busy that they thanked each other. Yuan Xing was ordered to fly to Xianlaiding with Zhixian for three hours.
Zhu Mei smiled at her aunt again. "Why don’t you go with this little rascal? Your master is going to divorce you. Don’t take advantage of this hot time to find a landing and be careful that people will accept you in the future. "My aunt heard that her heart was moving and she quickly bowed down and smiled and asked," Why don’t you take the young master’s heart to divorce me? I can’t say anything without a foul. "Without a word, Master Dragon Slayer suddenly flew in and shouted," Why doesn’t Master want me? " Master Dragon Slayer said to Zhu Mei, "You are an old elder. Why are you so smirking?" Zhu Mei laughed. "Didn’t you say that? I think it’s strange that you want her to be an apprentice. "Teacher Tu Long said," You Zhu Dwarf never speaks well. Please, I still have something to say. "Zhu Mei laughed." It’s hard for you to be a teacher and a pupil. How can you match this statue? Little Bunny, I’m hello, your master. Don’t let you hinder that Tu Longdao, but it’s coming. Don’t let others have to go. "The Dragon Slayer was about to answer Zhu Mei’s question. She said that she was suitable for seeing a wonderful lady. She learned that Qi Shishu’s reading teacher Zuyu’s fairy tale was accompanied by a magic wand, and soon after that, her performance was complete. Because of her deep gratitude, she wanted to make her aunt inherit the mantle, and her aunt returned to her legacy to worship her wonderful lady.
When I heard this, I couldn’t help feeling sad and happy, and I remembered what Zhu Mei said, saying that Tu Longdao was a treasure, and even the clothes were tied together. I didn’t say that I was deeply attached to my teacher, such as how to return to Emei or how to abandon my brother. I cried when I said it. The Dragon Slayer Normal University was about to advise my aunt to fly to her, saying, "You don’t have to be like this. Then I’ll ask the master to give you Tu Longdao." The Dragon Slayer is right. My brother is unforgettable, but Zhu Shibo, since I am close to this matter, I will wake up with my younger sister. When he has a magic weapon, he has not asked the master to give it to her earlier. "The dragon slayer took out a crescent-shaped dazzling ring knife from his arms and handed it to her. My aunt’s face was cold and she didn’t really hit it off. I don’t want to say that I killed the dragon when I looked at her. Now that she has changed forever, she will be very lonely and lonely in the future; You are easy-going, friends are everywhere, and you can’t be careless. Although her heart is firm, it will eventually hurt her. It’s late when she suffers less. "Say it without waiting for an answer, and I will fly to the aunt. If I know that I will push it again, I will have to accept it.
When the second Yuan went, the two women and the aunt had already left the carving to fly up the four immortals, and they also flew to the top of the fairy to kill the dragon. After the two women left, they congratulated the aunt. "My master didn’t want me. What can I congratulate?" Gal tricking little Hanshan can’t go. Please pay attention to what you said before, and you can’t go to the appointment. You will have to meet again after notification. "Say don’t go."
The two women fell to the ground and looked at the bottom of the venue. Yin Lei had already lived in the fairy house. The scenery now is more beautiful and beautiful than the fairy house a few days ago. The place is too big. The front half is full of trees and flowers. Although the spring stone is beautiful and the mountains are beautiful, there are no plants and flowers in the back half. The first big pulp bubble behind the two cloud buildings has grown to a point where it no longer surges. It looks like a rectangle with a size of about 100 acres before it is low and then high. Then it is mapped by the auspicious atmosphere of the fairy pavilion, which is more and more dazzling. The Taiyuan Fairy House in the mansion was not an earthquake, but a wonderful way to transport Xuangong. It melted rocks, mud, underground hardware and precious stones into a pulp, and then added and expanded several times according to the profit and loss of the original scene, creating a gully spring, a stone end and a magical power. Three of the five caves are made of jade. I wonder if they have been newly destroyed and rebuilt? I was thinking about seeing the elders flying in China fly to the platform of the fairy hall where the female immortals live on the right side. My brothers also divided into two rows and flew behind the crystal cover, followed by five people, namely, aunt, Yuan Xing, Yuan Hua, Sha Yu and Mi Yu, who flew one after another, but they didn’t see the athlete. It suddenly occurred to me that the athlete was not at Emei Gate. When I saw him going to the top of the fairy with the crowd, I whispered with Sha Yu and looked worried. Maybe I wanted to mix in and eat two yuan to stop the Nanshu Cave.
Shi Yuzhu, who was about to visit the female Kunlun, suddenly flew to say with smile, "Two elder sisters, Ye Dao, called you." The two women followed her to see that the elders and the immortals in Ling Jiao, who were near the government period, had feasted their eyes on the guests. They specially landed these fairy pavilions and raised their eyes on the cliffs on both sides. At this time, Ye Bin, Yang Jin, half the old man and five female brothers of Admiralty Island all leaned against the fence to watch, and the two women were busy with Shi Yuzhu flying to Ye and Yang. Half of the old man looked at the two women and smiled. "She’s two clever people, and it’s still known to repay kindness for a thousand years. Look at their eyes, and you know that there is no white effort." Ye and Yang heard the words carefully and looked at the two women’s faces. Indeed, Ye Bin first smiled and asked, "Did Zhi Xian give you anything to eat?" The two women smiled and replied, "I didn’t breathe a sigh of relief. I felt that the leader was clear and comfortable. Did this also benefit?" As you say, both of them laughed. "We haven’t thanked the Wudang Old Fairy yet. It’s really deserted. If it weren’t for that magic weapon, it almost didn’t give the thief Taoist a balloon." Say, both of them bowed to the old nun and pulled up and laughed."Don’t hurt people at an early age. Don’t underestimate that green breath. Before Zhi Xian didn’t get together, the magic is still a sense of skill. If Jin Chan didn’t kill him, he could see through the clouds and distinguish the seclusion. Now Zhi Xian has made great progress. This green breath is the essence of its body, and ordinary people can come back to life with a little moistening. You two are beautiful and sprayed face to face. Don’t say goodbye. This pair of eyes can’t be hidden by evil smoke and fog. How can there be such an adventure if you are not blessed?"
The second daughter heard that it would produce joy and asked Ye Gu and Yang Gu why they didn’t go with Lingjiao’s female immortals. What was it like when you were in Xianfu? Why is the layout too late? Ye Bin said, "Look, I’m too lazy to ask myself Yang Gu." Two women asked Yang Jin again. Yang Jin took one look at the old man and smiled. "We are here with you because the master is not gratifying. Are you a fairy house Yi Jian? Don’t say that there are still many scenes that haven’t been built, even that Taiyuan Fairy House has a lot of things to do. It’s unprecedented that it will not be a serious banquet until the next afternoon. No matter how many friends and friends want to witness the grand occasion, the host and the vast reception center all came here a long time ago. After many details, it’s said that it can be released at this time because of the rampant evil people. Despite careful prevention, the all-powerful people outside are still not destroyed by his magic weapon, which will destroy the underground spiritual vein once and for all. You can’t repair the immortal method. Now you teach the real people to work together. You want to see Lingcui Peak release extraordinary fragrance. The third time you ring the bell and hit the pan, the fairy house will release it, but you have to pay homage to the people in the door first before all the guests can go to the party. What are you busy with in your adoptive father? I guess you two started to kill each other when you were young, but the fairy house should have been blocked for days. It seems that nothing should have happened in the past. Sister Ye, even if it is today’s cause, should be in the future. Your sister is a pair of good friends, which will attract people’s attention. Today, many foreign guests are capable. Your sister will go to Xiaohanshan in a few days and make enemies in the mountains for more than three years. It’s just that Lao Ni wants to see you, so it’s best to call you two here and watch the ceremony with us when we are young, "said the master interface.""Taoist friends don’t think so, although they know the opportunity to be poor, but they are both blessed with deep eyebrows. Although there is a murderous look, there are still many new tricks before they discuss with the other Taoist friends, Ding Er and Cui Wugu. Don’t look at him. The three of them have been learning Taoism for many years, and they are more afraid of childlike innocence than the little disciples. It is rare to encounter such a grand occasion. I think they will go. If there are any serious disputes in the future, poor Ni mentoring will never stay out of it."
Ye and Yang are two reasons. Before the future, someone told the two women that they would soon build a strong enemy. Just half of Lao Ni has a little origin. I know that Lao Ni is difficult to provoke and it is rare for the two women to be particularly interested. When giving the two women a magic weapon, I plan to play along with it. Later, after the two women left, it happened that Zheng Dianxian implied sarcasm in the tone of Lao Ni’s arrogant expression. Yang Erren saw that Lao Ni didn’t care about people, fearing bad blood. When she invited her teacher and pupil to come over, she was bound to call back two women. The governor had a fixed number of forbidden hearts, which led her to spit. Unexpectedly, Lao Ni took over the past heart and made a fortune. Two women thanked each other and got rid of their magic weapon. It was difficult for Lao Ni to make a big change, and they began to pay tribute and smell speech. They didn’t wait for greeting. Both of them would go to the real place. The Taoist teachings of Lao Ni were profound and sophisticated, but they also had ulterior motives. At that time, this I should have given you a favor first, and then I was laughed at by my opponent voluntarily, so I blurted it out and waited until I found out later that I had said no, forget it. This is another story. I immediately laughed and pulled up two women to comfort me.
Half of Lao Ni’s five female brothers like the two women’s desire to settle down; See also Master’s making an exception and knowing how to be grateful to outsiders is not the reason; The two women are very fond of making friends and love the five women more. They are all beautiful, so after answering the questions, they gather together to talk and laugh, get close to each other and talk about the recent situation. Many jokes are in full swing when the aunt meets the enemy. Zhang Jinwen suddenly said, "Look, two sisters, you old-timers have just been deployed by the noodle method. Why are you flying into the field, even the fairies in Lingling Fairy House?"Everyone looked back at the square in front of them, such as Tuo Yi Xiu, Hua Ling Hun, Bai Guyi, Zhu Mei, Shen Ni You Tan, Dragon Slayer, Hundred Birds Taoist Gongye Huang, Jade Cave Real Yue, Spontaneous Dragon Lady Cui Wugu, Qingnangxian Huayaosong, Jade Qing Teacher, Zheng Dianxian and Tianpeng Mountain Spirit. Zhao Hui and other seven immortals, men and women, are flying in the middle of the square. It seems that they have agreed on what to do. After landing, all the immortals will stand and wait and see. One person will walk forward, followed by dozens of immortals and two women flying in the fairy halls on both sides of the cliff. I didn’t know until Shi Yuzhu and Zhang Jinwen pointed them out one by one that they were overseas scattered immortals, Yi Zhoujia, Ling Xucui Haike, Dianchi Xianglan Qingningyi, Suzhou Tianpingshan Fairy Gong Shuangnang. In addition, the ancestor of Qinghai Sect hid the spirit. In addition, two people finally flew down wearing a yellow linen jacket. They looked middle-aged but had three yellow whiskers. The strangest thing was that they were also twin brothers like the two women. Not only did they look like a company, but they all seemed to move before the earthquake. Everyone didn’t know Mo Yunyi. Kong Lingxiao remembered that when he passed through Dayuling ten years ago, he had seen these two people combine seven villagers to weave fish nets. He also looked at them differently because they were twins. At that time, although he thought of two ordinary villagers, he remembered their second life. A pair of golden eyes with dark luster have made a wide net, which has not been finished for several acres. It is strange to think that it will be lost. Unexpectedly, there are Taoist priests. These two people in yellow clothes fly down from a small pavilion diagonally opposite, and there are not many confluence sheets. While watching the hidden spirits independently, it seems that Shi Yuzhu is the most curious and happy to pay attention to them.Things because two people in yellow clothes are flying flat and falling with no clouds and no evil spirits, they can’t see the way. I just want to go to Master. Excuse me, I suddenly listened. Lei Zhen quickly looked back at the full splendor. Gold and stone stood in front of the clouds, and a ruby archway stood out. It was about thirty-six feet long and about half long. It was divided into five gatehouses, one color, scarlet, glittering and translucent. It was like a piece of natural jade. There was no trace of carving and taking samples. There was a banner engraved on the middle gatehouse.
When the two women in Xiandu saw the novelty of all the immortals, they made an appointment with Ye and Yang to go to Shi Yuzhu together with Zhang Jinwen, Kong Lingxiao, Lin Luhua, Shi Zhu and Shi Yuzhu, etc. Because the master didn’t expect the two women to leave, they allowed them to hurry and ask again. At this time, the young and old foreign guests in each fairy museum flew down again, which was wide and far apart, and most of them were still the first to come to B. After Ling Zhuxian added Yi Zhou and Ning Yi, everyone knew that the Redjade archway was not in front of the house, but it brought amazing pens to show its magical powers. When it arrived, it lifted the entire cloud road connecting hole in front of Ningbi Cliff and exhibited it for ten miles. The other seven layers of Fiona Fang Cloud will be blocked until the Redjade archway is built. Because the elders of Fairy House talked about how difficult it was a few days ago when the five houses were not opened, it was too difficult to be careless. In the fierce enemy, it was necessary to launch fire, water, wind and thunder to re-cast the peaks and cultivate the valleys. Even if the Daoism was ingenious and These rare treasures did not know how much effort you put into casting this treasure when the narcissus of the sea country collected the red coral for ten thousand years, just like the Cuifeng of the government. It is not easy to get your Taoist friend’s treasure. It is a pity that the Taoist friend will be badly damaged in case of emergency. It is best to put away his kindness and kindness before setting up a second place when the government is closed. He said that he had already calculated that he would come to the enemy with a blood god, but he had already made an appointment to come to the innate Taiyi God to join forces with him. In addition to his master’s cave, he will definitely not harm the demon."At this time, although the scenery of the Fairy House is not bad, it is too narrow. I don’t want to call this treasure first, which makes outsiders laugh. I received a generous gift and immediately showed it off. Why not wait until Wufuhong appeared in public, so that they can see the profound magic of Taoist friends and the beauty of new homes?" B Hugh knew that everyone said it was very white, and Zhu Erlao Doukou was used to being unwilling to lose his mouth and deliberately obstinate, and so on. A real person advised him to take the opportunity to immediately remove such a big hard object. A thunderbolt suddenly set up a glow, and there was a fire, water, wind and thunder. Previously, he said that he did not know the hiding place, but now he saw it far and near. Nine times out of ten, he did not see its route. Then he saw several people, such as Shenni Youtan, Tulong Normal University, Bai, Zhu, Ling and Cui Lingjiao.
The Xianbin is watching and praising Ling Hun’s review of the hidden spirit and the God of Shaoyang, and they are talking and talking at the same place. They shouted, "The sky is short. Just now, Ling Jiao, a Taoist friend, said that the newly-built place here has a big scenery and little want to add something to the owner. Look at the camel, many people show up before. You are not like me. You have been a poor flower for three and a half days. Don’t say that you can’t even take care of your own food and clothing. What are you going to send? Come on, it’s not like the world’s new house is completed and the banquet guests have to wait for the host to say hello. Do you have to see the host before you can present it? " Zangling said, "Linghua, you have founded the Pope, but you still can’t change this loquacious figure. You have no sense of popularity in monasticism. It can be said that you are willing to live without caring for others’ teeth and blame Emei for carrying forward. You look up to Taoist friends and talk about what is not admirable at present? Are you so tired of talking? " Zhu Mei said, "I don’t care if I don’t get along with Linghua. Do you think he and I should add the word’ men’ whatever?" Hidden spirit smiled and said, "It’s still cheaper for you. Linghua, but people who hate talking can still pay; Unlike you and Bai Dwarf, who hate and are bad, you know that Tuochi Ji deliberately sent him to the Copper Coconut Island to get into trouble, but he acted as a good person on three sides. I heard that the old man was going to Baixi Lake for an appointment. If the camel couple failed, they would win. See how you can live up to your friends in the future? " Zhu Meifang said, "If you don’t care too much, you can’t eat people. Is it you?" Ling muddy way "two short Hugh to bicker you did have something to send master? Who want to take out new things lend me this dog stick "hidden spirit sneer at a way."You’re sorry to say that I know that two short Ziyun palaces have got a lot of sand. That’s Emei’s younger brother. What do you want to give people? Qi Daoyou’s grand gesture through the ages and his courtesy invited me. I was prepared to bring the three holy springs of Qaidam River together. Isn’t it a little more sincere than you who are generous with others? " As soon as this sentence is uttered, all the immortals know that the hidden spirit of the sacred spring is extremely valued. He and Emei are close friends and his disciples still hate killing people. Just say that the former enemy has been resolved by two people, B and Ling. How can people be so proud of their gifts? In addition to the known meaning is limited, several people are surprised that Ling Hun smiled a smile to answer B Hugh suddenly said, "What do you mean by being loquacious? Still don’t look at the magic method of Ling Jiao’s immortals. "When Ruan, Gan and Ding Sanxian have been scheduled to fly to the flower basket, the three younger brothers, Chen Wenwen, Guan Qingyi and Zhao Hui, turned around as the method was applied, and their feet were gathering pace. At the same time, they flew up and divided their flower baskets into three routes. From the front of the Redjade archway, they flew slowly along the peaks and cliffs, and the seeds in the flower basket fell from time to time like light rain and dust.
During the earthquake, Qiu Zhixian, Zhang Nangu, Mi Niang and others held the fairy kitchen cave as a treat for Xianbin’s dining room, and the fairy cave was pulled up by Mi Niang’s first clever charm. When the land was slightly condensed and restored to its original state, it was moved to the east of the embroidered cloud stream site. After the new cliff was built, Xuejun Jiang brought those incarnations of fairies, flowers, trees and spirits. The weather was so shallow that he couldn’t help but be so big. After the battle, all the three immortals were hiding and ordered to fly to the end all over the country. These fairies and fairies all appeared to fly to the mountain behind the five houses. The three girls saw that they didn’t Tao: "I can’t believe that Master and Apprentices are so interested in these flowers and trees, which have become a climate. We can help each plant to incarnate thousands of flowers and trees. In front of Fairy House, there are too many beautiful trees, Yao Caoqi flowers, which are too big and too hasty to decorate, such as transplanting from other places at that time and not coming today. There are many different kinds of Tianfu fairy flowers and many exotic psychic flowers and trees, which are more and more beautiful. Poor people can give and send a little nectar to friends." Zang Lingwen said that he was about to answer when he passed by. Zhao Hui’s three female immortals rushed back to the division to report to me, followed Xuejun Jiang by flying in front of the back hill to meet him and saluted Master Youtan with a smile. "Those flowers and trees who took root in the East Dongting initially took pity on them for taking the essence of the sun, the moon, the wind and the dew, and it was not easy to harm people with a small climate, and it was worth it. At the beginning of the ceremony, they all had some aura planting, which could decorate the fairy mountain as a small gift;It can also make them kill two birds with one stone to many disasters, because it is expected that there will be many flowers and trees in the fairy house, and it is difficult for Nat to choose and bring a little and a half. It is quite suitable to see that the fairy land is vast and there is a gap between them, so that each can be cultivated by the embodiment of skill, but this matter will be self-sufficient. Although the fairy house is easy to grow and recover, it is a temporary injury and a great benefit, but the tutor and Mrs. Miao just talked about their plants and spirits, and they still know that they love themselves, and Xianbin is quite diligent and competent. Afterwards, they will be rewarded and "
Master Youtan knows that it is difficult to spread the flowers and trees in his jade bottle many times because of the nectar. In the end, it is better to pour all these spiritual wood bodies, which will make the trees moisten a lot, and those spiritual fairy flowers, such as Lingquan, are moist and difficult to spend all the year round. Many mercies have not been rewarded for a long time. There’s a big robbery coming, and there’s no truth, Wonderful a real couple and other Emei elders to help it is difficult to get rid of the usual pride and shame. People are suffering from different roads. In the future, they will ask for help. Unexpectedly, wonderful a real person actually ordered people to send people to Cambodia to extend the ceremony. The words and chapters are even more modest, but they can’t help but feel grateful and happy. They have been guarded for many years. The great magic power of the three veins and spiritual springs has brought them together, and in case of another year, Master Tan knows that the hidden spirit will bring more magic with him. As soon as he listens to Xuejun Jiang’s statement, he smiled and replied, "These spiritual trees should It’s already late to bother Taoist friends to show their magical powers, water the magical springs, and go to the back hill to help those flowers, trees and fruit trees grow, so that their node fruits can be tasted by immortals. "Zang Lingdao" Chaidamu River Lingquan is not connected from the same source, but it is not as good as it has a long history in the end, but the mountains and streams in Xianfu have been recast by the fairy method, and the veins are hidden and forbidden. It’s not that outsiders may be able to get through and lead the lungs suppressed by two Taoist friends, Li and Xie. When the spring has been led from the barren mountain to the outer limit of the mountain, please ask Li and Xie to point out that it is also more convenient to connect the springs outside the road once and for all. "Xuejun Jiang knows his meaning and laughs."Two real people, Li and Xie, have already finished their work long ago. Now, the real people in the Middle Yuan Fairy House are gathering together with their teachers, such as Mrs. Miao, and so on. When the fairy house came together to talk, Mrs. Miao once preached that the ancestors’ kindness was palpable, and the sound of thousands of miles of springs had to be exhausted, and the two sides had to tell the government that the center of the veins was wonderful. The Lingcui Peak had been connected by the spring road that the blissful real people had left leading to the waterfall outside the house, and this peak was also the long-browed real people’s town
The hidden spirit is the most difficult thing to calculate the future when it listens to the mystery of such a secret, and it is more and more ashamed to stand next to others. I am afraid that I will be praised a little. Then I will go to Lingcui Peak according to my words and deeds and take a closer look. Sure enough, the fairy method is wonderful and incredible. As I said, I will carry a golden gourd behind me, take my hand and pinch my spirit, and use my magic. There is an arrow flying from the mouth of the gourd to the eyes of the peak. When everyone sees that the gourd is only one foot long and two or three springs are not shot, it doesn’t seem to be heavy. Generally, it seems very difficult to hold the magic power of Tibetan spirit in both hands one after another, and dare not relax. Ling Hun laughed. "It’s a pity that you have carried so much water all this way. You almost lost yourself a piece of furniture, and you have to fold the back pressure to Camel B as an apprentice. It’s wrong for Xianfu to plant fairy flowers and even leaves, but you haven’t seen a piece of water yet. Won’t you leave some for a while and then pour it into the peak?" Hidden spirit sneer at a way "LingHua what do you know? Nonsense "said that more than half of the immortals in the field have followed Master Youtan across three fairy houses and flew back to the mountain. Two women and others felt that the hidden spirit water could not be put out, and they all rushed to it.
Let’s shoot Xianlin Lvhua’s favorite plum blossoms in his life. The wood spirits are still fairy children dressed up in a scattered way. Seeing the arrival of all the immortals, he fell down and bowed down, but Master Yu Qing just smiled and asked, "Which ones are plum blossoms?" The two women also have a penchant for plum blossom, and they also rushed to ask Master Jade Qing, "Look, the girl wearing a Biluo shirt and a crimson shirt is a green sepal plum blossom." Xie Lin asked with a smile, "Bai Mei must be the most beautiful girl in a white dress with a limpid shoulder?" Xie Ying asked again, "Are there any different kinds of ink and plum?" Jade qing master way "why not? However, there is a plant that is adjacent to two litchi plants, except wearing a dark green silk sash with Ziyun Luo waist and Zengcheng hanging green. All women’s clothes are Lin Daoyou, Huazong Chu Shi’s household, and some people are annoying. Don’t ask Jiang Daoyou and his family to behave. "Two women didn’t pay attention to the smell speech, and someone came behind them to see Xuejun Jiang, men and women, fairies, waving their right hands and raising their left hands. There was a colorful smoke cloud that covered the mountain. Master Yu Tan took out a jade bottle with his body, and the finger bottle was fragrant, and flew out of a white shadow When the tea scene is rainy and the smoke disappears, look at the mountain again. Men and women fairies don’t see each other. A tree grows in front of it. It looks like a paste. The business is very fresh and tender. Kong Lingxiao told Lin Luhua with a smile, "If it’s not like the fairy family’s magic, it will take years to wait for the buds to grow into trees." Xie Lin said, "I’m afraid it will also bear fruit. Is it not easy to grow into trees?" As soon as I finished speaking, I saw that the trees were gradually branching, and the branches grew bigger and bigger. In a flash, they were four or five feet high, and the leaves were luxuriant and moist. Jiang Xuejun said, "How stuffy it is to wait so long, I’ll give them another arm."As the story goes, Master Shi Youtan laughed and said, "It’s good to be here, so the nectar can nourish the mana and help you quickly. This is caused by Lingmu’s gratitude and desire. When it’s good, there are more Tibetan Taoist friends, but when it’s not enough, it’s good for all the immortals to put a new eye together." Then the immortals will fly back.
Two women and Lin Luhua both want to see this plum blossom from a distance when they are too far away from each other. Many of them are heterogeneous. They will discuss seeing the big calyx of the tree. When the time comes, they will leave. Zhang Jinwen and Kong Lingxiao’s two sisters have a love for flowers. Seeing that the three women don’t leave, they will stay with them. Those plum trees also seem to know that some people pay special attention to them. They deliberately show off their spirits than other litchi, loquat and bayberry. Magnolia grows faster, and the trees have been folded for a while. The longer the leaves are, the bigger the leaves are, and they don’t fall and change branches. Everyone knows that the leaves will be full of flowers, and they will be happy and praised. Going back and forth before the flowers means that they are wonderful, and the two women are even more happy. "If the flowers come out quickly and let us watch them, it will be of great benefit to you." Zhang, Kong, Lin and Shi saw the two women’s childlike innocence, naive laughter and love.
Just as I was talking happily, suddenly the strange fellow behind me said, "You love Mei so much, but it’s a pity that you can’t see widely. What’s so rare about this limited number of hundreds of ordinary plum blossoms? There are more than 47,000 lotus plants in the two isolated islands of Yinshan Lake on the top of the West Kunlun Mountain. The cold plum is as big as a bowl, and the snowflakes are constantly at the junction of people and heaven. You can go there to feast your eyes after the meeting. "Looking back, everyone saw that the two strangers in yellow clothes were still watching and had not walked to the opposite side. The more they saw that a pair of twin freaks looked strange like wolves howling, their faces were full of blood, their eyes were as bright as gold, and their beards were as long as feet. Hemp faint light expression is more proud and disgusting. The two women saw them coming with the crowd. They stood alone and said nothing, and people ignored their hearts. At this time, they heard that Wudang five women spoke behind them. Although they were well informed, they also hated it, but they knew that it was not trivial to offend Gu Shexian Lin Lvhua. They just wanted to politely reject Xie Lin and replied, "Who ever talked to you?" Plum blossoms are lofty because of their iron stems, numerous flowers, cold ling, unique fragrance and thin shadows. It’s extraordinary that flowers and common grasses compete for beauty. For a while, they are elegant and high-pitched crowns. If you want to compete for long peony and peony, what kind of ugliness will it look like if you turn their plum blossom tree into several delicate and soft flowers? Really see the plum blossom depends on its spirit of ice and snow, pearls and jade, wandering around, wonderful fragrance, no matter how big or small it is, even if a tree is full of fun since the limited secret, it will be as big as Daniel. "Xie Ying also laughed."You two waste is a monk, whether it’s a guest or an uninvited monk, you should always dress up like a countryman and come to the party. If we don’t know how to invite us to see flowers, we should ask our names first. You shouldn’t talk nonsense behind people’s backs. It’s also a lie. You didn’t ask our names, but we’re too lazy to ask you if you are the same. Do you have a lot of flowers in your family and keep them here like us? Monks don’t talk nonsense to see you two. Maybe it’s not what my brother said casually. Don’t look at Ling Zhenren dressed like a family game. Samadhi came to hide the dust on purpose. Second, he is a ancestor. Can you compare with him? Besides, although people are dressed in rags, they don’t look short like you. No wonder no one has been paying attention to you. "Xie Lin added," It is supposed that each other’s visitors pay more attention to you. It shouldn’t be so, but we also miss you so much that you can keep your fortune in the mansion. Look at others and think that you should be despised from now on. How many immortals are better than you? How much benefit will you get if you are willing to ask for advice with an open mind! Wouldn’t it be nice to make as many friends as my sister? Your clothes and faces are annoying at first, and you have to say that people can’t see widely, even plum blossoms will be angry and won’t let my sister see them first! "
Five women in Wudang saw two women, and I didn’t say a word. I said two people in yellow clothes were still silent and unpredictable. I knew it was not good. Even winking with two women refused to live. I was secretly hanging on my guard. Suddenly, I saw two people in yellow clothes sinking their dead faces towards the word "doll" just said by two women and suddenly turned around and left. I didn’t see how they got to Shili Square in the blink of an eye. I didn’t see how they knew it was not good to get to know each other. The two women had made trouble and looked like they were going to change their faces. I didn’t know that they Looking back at the hundreds of plum blossom trees, they have grown to the point where the branches are as numerous as pearls in bud, and they are colorful and fragrant. At the same time, other flower trees have all grown into buds. Although they are not as beautiful as plum blossoms, they are also pink and red.
Fang appreciates kuamiao’s fierce listening. Even Lei Zhen caught a glimpse of a colorful building in Lailu Square, which is rising from the ground to the sky. In the future, he will fly together to watch the original Tibetan holy spring. After the dragon slaying, the abbot has used his magic to sink the ground of Fiona Fang in the first ten miles of Lingcui Peak into a lake. The Tibetan holy spring will soon be filled with hundreds of birds from the bottom of Lingcui Peak, and the road flyover Gongye Huang laughs. "This lake is in the middle of Redjade Square Fairy House, and it is necessary to build a long one around the lake." Chasing the clouds, Bai Guyi smiled at the dwarf Zhu Meidao. "There are too many sand in Ziyun, and I just can’t figure out how many places to build some towers. It’s also boring to kill the dragon. It’s really better to build this lake." Immediately, Zhu Mei and I each took out a Huan Zhu across the lake and set up Bai Guyi. First, the left hand held the ring and the right hand pinched the spirit tactic. At the ring, there was a five-color Guanghua that rose from the ring to the sky and a half, and then seven people, including two women, suddenly flew to Changhong. Pingbo has become a long bridge, and it’s easy to say with a smile, "This bridge is still arched in a half-moon shape." The short Zhu Mei said, "The second half is that my affairs are not white and irrelevant." I flew to the center of the bridge and grabbed the rainbow with my hands and drank a "disease!" The pen is also like a straight rainbow, so it rises from the middle and gradually leaves the water about four or five feet away from the ecliptic. "Enough is enough! The lake is ten miles long and two ends are two feet away from the water, and the situation is four or five feet away from the water. In the future, all the younger brothers can row a boat so as not to cut off the two ends on both sides. It’s not like a rainbow lying in the water. It’s so beautiful. "Zhu Meidao"Road flyover bird, you say yes, but it doesn’t depend on you." The rainbow at the finger suddenly breaks and retreats to both ends, and a section of water surface is suspended by more than ten feet. Zhu Mei still holds Huan Zhu’s hand and holds the spirit tactic to a finger of rosy clouds, and then flies down from the ring to the water surface and spreads them in Zhu Mei, shouting "White dwarf, help me quickly! I can’t take care of this thing alone, and then I’ll get it done. "When Bai Guyi said, he should have flown to the middle of the lake, and a colleague, Fa Shi, didn’t need an instant. Huan Zhu collected the rosy clouds, and with his fingers, he first showed a brilliant piece of colorful light. Twenty or thirty feet of Fiona Fang flat ground followed the colorful light, and a seven-story castle appeared, with three feet on all sides. On both sides, rainbows fell and fell. Zhu, Bai Erlao flew to two sides in the center of the two bridges, with one hand arched three feet above the water, and then divided into two ends, each with a pinch of the spirit, and then rushed across to meet in the pavilion, and then flew to the public place together. This time, a bridge was built, and the second one was about four miles long and about ten feet wide. In the middle, there stood an exquisite and beautiful pavilion with two high carved columns on both sides. At first, it looked like gas. When the two parents flew back, it became a real thing. It was as straight as ten miles long as a piece of Baoyu carved with colorful light. The whole body was
The immortals are praising the idea of going across the bridge to watch the once-hidden spirit road. "All the trees in the back of the mountain have already blossomed, and the flowers in the fairy house are still not growing." Ling Hun laughed. "Anyone who can transport water in the lake doesn’t have to be you." Zang Ling sneered. "What do you know about Ling Hua? Is my holy spring so casually wasted? Although there are a few holy springs in the lake, they are still the waterfall of Feileiya, but this one of Xianfu Springs is guided here by my holy springs. I want to make the lake last forever. Ganfang can raise some aquatic animals in the future, which is easy to grow. If you don’t say that you are in a hurry, there is not so much. Just fill the lake with holy springs, which are 27 times heavier than Feilei Falls. How can aquatic creatures live and swim? I know the secret of Lingcui Peak as much as I can. When I was young, I will add a small scene to my holy spring fairy house and prepare my brothers for alchemy in the future. "Linghun laughed." So you didn’t give away your little river water, but you brought some to make a sample. No wonder I just thought how you could have such great magic! " Zang Ling said, "You’re talking layman’s words again. There is a difference between the weight of the stone, the jade and the milk, and the blue rock. When it meets the wind, it turns into jade. At first, I wanted to exhaust the jade and give it to each other. But it’s very important for my master to raise it with mana. It’s not very convenient and beneficial for friends to leave a spring vein to make the two places communicate with each other." Ling Hun laughed. "Do you think I really don’t know?" I don’t know what you can do if you have to be in a hurry. " Hidden spirit knows that he will say good things again, so he will no longer say Chen Tao, "Blood holds my red bag and draws water to irrigate flowers." Bear blood son came up behind him and Zhu Mei laughed."I listen to your magic name, it must not be a good thing. You can’t return the fairy flowers to others." Zang Lingfang wants to answer. God Tuo Yi Hugh has already said first. "You three bully Tian Xiao, I’m not angry. You don’t know the origin of this treasure, so you just talk nonsense." Zang Lingxiao laughed. "In the end, Tuo Gao knows what’s wrong with you." Zhuyun Cuo laughed. "Zhu Xiao deliberately cares about you. Who knows?" This precious flower watering is really not compatible with the fact that Xian Yuan was robbed. It’s better to water flowers with a little polluted air than people’s pig blood and oil juice. "What are you talking about?" Don’t pay attention to the fact that the hidden spirits are all in favor of each other and it’s hard to speak. They’ve finished urging the gray, and Zhu Erao has work to do. "
That Lingcui Peak has hung two waterfalls at its waist since Lingquan was poured into the spring road. There is a primary cave on each side two or three feet apart, which does not flow out. When Hugh said, Xueer walked over early and took out a foot-long blood-red leather bag from the magic bag to catch the spring flow. When there was about half a cup of tea, he flew up and threw the bag into the middle, and immediately grew up. Xu Youwang was like a red cloud. Xueer followed closely with his hand, pinched the spirit tactic, and the finger was adapted to the holy spring, and the drizzle fell everywhere along the peaks and streams. Just when the fairy flowers were sprinkled on the water together, it happened that Zang Ling was about to do something to urge the flowers to bloom. The fairy boy Ruan corrected and laughed. "These little grass flowers are nourished by Taoist spirits, so it’s not necessary for Taoist friends to work harder." Zang Ling knew that Lingjiao’s immortals were powerful. According to this statement, it would be early to do things secretly, and it would be inconvenient to show off in an instant, so he stopped.
Yi Zhou said with a smile, "The flowers and trees in the back of the mountain have blossomed, and we can see a lot of splendor from afar. Why don’t we feast our eyes first?" Ruan answered with a "yes" smile, dazzling, and thousands of flowers were planted. Suddenly, all the flowers were three feet high, and all the flowers were green leaves and golden stems were as big as fists and colorful, and there were places where I wanted to vomit. In addition to Lingfeng, Pinghu, tunnels, passages, and all the peaks and rocks outside the square, the slopes were covered with luxuriant streams and slopes, and it was extremely peaceful. "Being original has brought thousands of orchids, but I didn’t expect the fairy house to be famous all over the place." Second, the secluded nature of the valley and the grass also need to find another place to see that the valley is full of Qiao Song’s poor roads, and half of them are parasitic orchids. This parasitic old tree, the fairy house, has not yet received a small gift from its owners and friends, so it is such a trivial matter? " Ruan said with a smile, "I can smell the fragrance of the orchid flying out of the sleeves of Taoist friends. I have long expected that the valley is lonely and different customs have secretly ordered my brother to leave a valley and embroider the cloud stream. Why don’t you Taoist friends go to enjoy the youth together?" They all said they would go to Ning Yixun and thanked him. Then Zhu and Bai took the lead and turned to the left side of the fairy house.
All the way to the cave, the spirit, the wonder and the wonder of Qingxi, the original exotic flowers of Yao grass are four seasons’ festivals, such as spring. After being rebuilt by the fairy method, the scenery is more beautiful. All the immortals follow the embroidered cloud stream to the end of Mingyu Gorge, and before they walk left, a pine and cypress forest suddenly appears. Most of them are sparse and sparse, and the branches and leaves are lush, like a green curtain. A broken pond on the left meets with water from the embroidered cloud stream at the top of Xianlai, and it is clear that the creeping grass in the bottom of the water is pulling. When I smiled, I said, "It’s good to plant the parasitic orchids here." As I said, the long sleeves are slender like a myriad of green belts flying to the branches of old pines and cypresses along the way, and the fragrance is fragrant and fragrant. Looking at the parasitic orchids, there are three or five flowering stems in each branch. Orchids are as big as wine glasses, jasmine and purple petals, and each stem has more than ten flowers, which are as tired as pearls, fragrant and refreshing. Cultivation of Immortal Method Hugh said that ordinary people may not be able to find such uniformity in famous mountains and immortals everywhere. "Ruan corrected with a smile." Ding Shimei likes orchids best. There are dozens of kinds of immortals in the Palace, except Zhu Lan. Most of them are regular Taoist friends. I wonder if they are willing to give up their love? " Ning Yi said, "Ding Daoyou dares not to pay homage when he sees the reward. There are more than 500 kinds left in the sleeve. It is really rare. However, except for Zhu Lan, the plants planted in the eleventh and twelfth barren dwellings are slightly attractive. Please give some of each kind to Ding Daoyou for instructions. Ding Chang laughed." Brother Ruan rapped and humiliated Jiahui. How many kinds of flowers are there in the basket that will be reciprocated? "Chen Wenwen took the flower seeds with him and gave Ning a happy and grateful harvest.
Saying that all the immortals walked through the pine path and turned into a secluded valley, Ning saw the dangerous cliff on the left and the clouds on the right, and there was a big valley on the other side, and a magnificent waterfall came from the far source like a jade dragon, and suddenly it fell for half a mile, and the water suddenly spread flat. When I heard the water and the mountains were as bright as black, there were good birds singing in the flowers on both sides of the river, and the scenery became more and more quiet. Xiandu two women smiled and asked Master Yu Qing. Isn’t it another magic illusion? " The master said, "I’m still to blame for this. The fish and birds in the fairy house are all collected by Shen, Li, Jin and Shi in their leisure time. Sister Qiong has a carving in her hand. Every time I went out, I looked around for Yuan Xing to curry favor with him. I rode away from the vast Cangshan Mountain to look for different species, which led to more and more kinds of things. Until that day, when I came back from the magic wave pool, Lu Yu Xian sisters came back and heard that the earthquake happened, but they panicked and were unwilling to let it out. They asked me to think together. Because there were too many fish in the water, I managed to take these birds and fish in several places and concentrate on them until the fairy house was rebuilt. You didn’t go to Yuletan and Zhutongling, two special birds. Small fish even have phoenixes and peacocks. "Just then, Ning Yi has planted more than 500 orchids in Iwatani, and it is true that people don’t see different kinds of precious things. It is very better to ask the few to do things. Every kind of flower has three or five fruits falling and collecting them together. Ding Chang Ding Chang smiled and ordered him to take charge of Tsing Yi’s income basket.
B Hugh looked back and saw that the parents in Songshan and the people in yellow clothes never followed and laughed. "Bai and Zhu are short and hard-working today, and they must have been strangely lacking in tricks. Day residual two monsters don’t come but ordered his two masters to come out. I just saw them suddenly escaping from the back of the hill. I didn’t pay attention to the viewing materials. Like the two old monsters, which Taoist friend was going to show off and eat? "Xuejun Jiang laughed." When these two people fled back, they saw their tutor now. It must be an uneasy and kind tutor. No, they blame them for finally playing it by ear, but they didn’t chase after the bitter tutor and the guest. They didn’t shrink back to the hotel and went back to watch. But now the tutor and I have two more adversaries. " It’s really annoying that two little monsters are so ordinary in appearance! As twins, there’s a world of difference. I’ve never seen them before. It looks like a doorway. I’m afraid I don’t know much about their origins. "
Two women don’t know what they are missing, but five women in Wudang are deeply aware that the people in yellow are their brothers, and they are worried that they are about to tell all the immortals about what happened. Ding Chang caught a glimpse of two women’s silly audience, and she gave them two jade Jue pieces from her side, saying, "It is difficult for the other two to meet in a foreign country in the future. They have two strange magic weapons. This is the magic charm that was worn by ancient Earthly Sovereign and they are not afraid of them." Fly up in succession
Back to DiYiLiu bear blood son happy Yin Leizhu little fairy child new to heaven.