On how excellent the replicators are, they can’t touch the bar all the time, but they can transform the energy of yang dun. They always lack the ability of wood dun, which is even more terrible. As they make more and more wood dun, their bodies are irreversibly lignified …

Up to now, there have been dozens of "wood carvings" in the Tuanzang laboratory …
To some extent, according to the current trend, if Zhen Yong fails to get this precious energy conversion method, I’m afraid his fate will be as miserable as that of his predecessors …
Six blessings!
Secretly wiped a cold sweat on his forehead. After learning that his situation was so critical, Zhenyong was able to swear and continue to speculate on those obscure words and then carry out simple simulations in his mind … From the description, this process will be very long. According to the description of the first generation, it took more than a month for the Qianshouzhu to complete this process … Of course, Zhenyong never expected that he could do better than the first generation …
Ahem, this kind of thing is not difficult to understand. Not everyone feels that they are born superior and destined to become the dominant player in this plane. For Qian Zhiyong, this kind of thing has never occurred to him-he was an ordinary otaku before crossing, except that his fingers are flexible and strong … because of playing games! Don’t think about it! Ahem … Besides, he is absolutely unique. Even if he encounters this kind of thing, he can imagine himself climbing to the top of the world’s power. In the final analysis, the most deadly thing is not meeting a white beard grandfather and then triggering his three wishes!
Far from it …
Judging from the current situation, Zhenyong’s goal has not been changed, that is, at least to ensure that he can live.
"Breathe … shout …"
A really brave man took a deep breath and began to try hard for the first time-although a little old man named Tuan Zang has been staring at him all the time, which makes him very uncomfortable, it is a matter of his own life and life, so he can be informal.
At the same time, the ability to predict the future in the height of spirit also makes Zhenyong chakra begin to slowly accumulate and recover the differences before the body runs. In the process of running, Zhenyong has begun to rearrange chakra, and this arrangement faintly makes chakra, which has no nature, have a special change … At first, it was a little bit until it flooded. Zhenyong chakra seemed to boil up!
And his tender cheek twitched for about half a second before it began to twist violently-that shows that the messenger is experiencing imaginary pain … Well, if it has to be shaped, it may be comparable to the fact that the male animal’s vital point has been severely injured by weakness.
To put it another way, cover it up in two words-egg pain! ! ! ! ! ! !
Holy shit!
Does it mean that people of the times are even more tolerant than ninjas now? ? Or maybe he is actually in a state of being possessed! ?
It’s really brave. It’s hard to imagine that torture like this should last for two hours before a course of treatment, twice a day, for about 30 days to "recover"! ?
God! I’d better give up treatment! ! !
It’s brave to bite the tip of the tongue with your eyes closed. If you distract yourself from time to time, I’m afraid he will faint directly. According to the scroll, if he loses consciousness at this time, he will be lucky enough to become a piece of wood … Isn’t this a trick? At least my cold medicine will symbolically write a "taboo reaction" clause, this damn secret scroll …
Remember to write the vice in the speech! Soul Chapter 39, Yang dun studied … Complete!
What happens in a place where you can’t see the sun all day?
Endure this horrible pain day after day. What?
Suffering! ! !
Over and over again, this sad process should be repeated until Zhenyong can freely control his body yang and escape energy! ! !
Of course, from a technical point of view, I personally think it is faster to simply kill him …
Are you kidding me? ?
As the saying goes, it’s worse to die than to live. Even the battlefield is so pitted. It’s brave to persist. What can a mere practice be? ? … well, judging from the facts, even if this practice is called death, it can be tolerated.
What makes him even more uneasy is that this so-called Yang Dun energy cultivation road will be aided by foreign aid except the scroll in front of him … After all, the whole konoha is now able to cultivate and practice this energy, and he is the only one … Three generations of people may be very strong, but they are not really brave in helping the external Yang Dun energy cultivation road.
Zhen Yong is always swearing by himself at every break, which is not only complaining about pain, but also a natural catharsis-when human beings face the unknown … or fear, they always have their own ways to relieve stress, and some people will make a hullabaloo about … Zhen Yong is obviously this type, but they are different from sitting there doing nothing, and Zhen Yong is more willing to give it a try.
And this long and boring cultivation process has lasted for a whole week so far … In this dark day, when the root of Konoha can only be judged by Zhenyong, there is also a group that needs him to refer to the scroll once a day-yes, this abnormal old man actually stayed here for seven days without doing anything!
At first, I was really brave, but I didn’t talk to this old guy because I was cautious in anger, but after a long time … Compared with those around me who wore masks and concentrated on maintaining the dark side, it was more scientific to communicate directly with this guy who could see his face … But this time, people took a rack, and why did you talk nonsense and don’t put a fart?
Until the last two days, Zhenyong has given up the possibility of communicating with this guy. Fortunately, he started to scold the street by himself. At the beginning, it was this Yang dun cultivation method. At the end, he began to make personal attacks on the old man without scruple …
Rao is a first-class kung fu expert in keeping qi, or he was almost angry several times …
Zhen Yong doesn’t know whether this old guy has secretly cursed himself with sores on his head and suppurations on his soles, but he has almost started to practice. Today, that kind of long-lost pain has never appeared again … Not only that, it’s like a fairy tale saying that if you can still feel cold and uncomfortable at the bottom of your ass, Zhen Yong almost wonders if you are under the illusion … This really doesn’t need to try to disturb the flow of chakra.
Bah, bah …
This idea just appeared and was thrown out of the cloud by Zhen Yong! ? Now, I’m in the process of transforming the energy of yang dun … this is not a relaxed and happy thing. It’s hard to say when I will become wood if I’m not careful!
But it’s obviously not the way to leave it like this … it’s not that I’m really brave, but I really haven’t eaten a free lunch since I got to this world
It’s so cool now … maybe it will really hurt until you lose consciousness!
Zhen Yong doesn’t want to turn into wood!
It’s like enjoying the last meal of a condemned man. Adult Zhenyong began to suffer in another degree … In this kind of comfort like bathing in the early spring sunshine, in this kind of comfort like massage … Cough, it’s really difficult to stay awake in this situation … Especially now Zhenyong can’t move, and a few days ago, it has been formed that under what circumstances, if he loses consciousness, he will not stop the chakra cycle. But now this situation has become an obstacle-because then Zhenyong can really count as something to do …
Ah, ah, it seems that the sky began to be naughty at this time, and this time the "treatment" continued to be unexpectedly long.

Of course, you can’t do anything. It’s really brave that you can’t notice hiding out of bounds, which shocked the whole person to get up and look at yourself in the world …
It’s this old man who keeps his word in Konoha … Let’s call him an uncle. Up to now, he has always remained cold and calm in front of outsiders. Almost no one has ever seen him so at a loss …
It was given to the head of the scroll root of Zhenyong before. How could it not be completely studied … and it was precisely because Tuanzang had thoroughly scrutinized every detail of it that he was surprised by Zhenyong’s present form.
That symbolizes the wood-escaping energy, green chakra is surging wildly, and then the naked eye can see the speed of compression, destruction and reconstruction! Freshman! !
The white light that gradually dazzles is the sign of the qualitative change of Yang dun energy!
That’s right. That is to say, even the first generation of Mu Dun took several months to complete the process, and the descendants of the thousand-handed family were really brave, and it was completed in less than a week! !
This is no longer the so-called genius can explain … in the eyes of Tuan Zang, something famous and ambitious began to burn, and he decided
This kid in front of me will be the root … No, the rise of Konoha Chapter 40, the emergence of power! ! Not coming out …
An hour?
No, it’s probably a day … well, actually, if it’s really brave, I’m not sure.
It’s only after I’ve really experienced it that I know that it’s the greatest enemy of mankind than the need to keep biting my teeth and insisting on pain and pleasure … I’m sure I’ll try this abnormal "torture" method if I have the chance to be brave later … he bet! Absolutely few people can carry it!
Well, if it’s for hiding on one side, he calculates every second clearly
It took a total of 3 minutes and 45 seconds from entering the metamorphosis state until the thousand hands really opened their eyes.
Deadly for 3 minutes, and when this kid wakes up, Tuanzang can finally breathe a sigh of relief … which means that he has passed the first … most dangerous one of the wooden escape studies.
They copied a lot of wooden messengers who didn’t survive this stage and turned themselves into a piece of rotten wood …