What did they see! ?

The big traitor of the tribe was recognized as the head of Gourdain, the former warlock who failed in the Alliance War!
His ferocious face is still frozen with horror expression.
He lived his life, he sinned, and he stayed at the moment before he died.
Looking at his expression, I can imagine that when I confidently tried to steal the power of the fallen Titan Sargeras, I was met by the most fierce demon tide. That kind of loss and panic is a huge gap.
I don’t know how nefarian did it. Anyway, Gourdain’s head didn’t rot, so it was completely presented to the tribal people
"I … can I see the traitor’s head?"
"Of course," nefarian threw Gourdain’s head like a bag of garbage.
Several orc commanders started a fire to make the light more visible.
First-class clan chiefs gathered in a crowd and watched with angry expressions.
"It’s him! It’s definitely him Mine is not Di Xiao, hahaha! Gourdain! You got what you deserve! Is this your final game? Hahahaha! " Gourdain’s former master Nai Aozu had an absolute speech on the recognition of the head.
At that time, the chiefs burst into warm joy.
If they hadn’t been beaten into dogs by the League half an hour ago, they really wanted to hold a big bonfire party to celebrate Gourdain’s death!
"The final field! ? No! Obviously, the traitor of this tribe can atone for the tribe in his own way! " Nefarian’s bewitching voice gave Naiozu a hunch that he could refuse to take the case.
Nefarian across the virtual point Gourdain that ferocious head all chiefs watched quickly wither.
Not much hair first dries up and turns into ashes.
Then the skin and scalp attached to the skull and the shriveled brain fell to the ground one by one.
Finally, before everyone, there is a white-brown skull of a ferocious orc.
But the strong evil and dark smell around the skull tells everyone that the owner of this skull was as powerful as before.
"This is …" Ner’s palm trembled.
"Since this is an artifact made of Gourdain’s head, you can call him [Gourdain skull]!" Nefarian, the king of the black dragon, has a bigger smile.
"Ha ha! Hahaha! Hahahaha! " I couldn’t help it anymore. Nai Aozu was holding up [Gourdain Cranium] and laughing wildly. "My brother! Is this your venue? Even if you die, you want the tribe to continue fighting! Ha ha ha! "
Not only Nero Zu, but also his chieftain, sent out a vengeance and laughed wantonly.
When the orcs finished celebrating, nefarian whisked "Go! Nerozu, if you want the third thing, Karazan, your new artifact, will destroy the weak human hair Duke Marcus! "
"Of course! I will go! " Nai ‘ao Zu’s old body, supported by this new powerful force, seems to be getting younger. To be continued.
Chapter 693 The sharp situation ()
The night deepened, and after confirming that the tribes were hiding in the south of the Dark Gate, Lothar ordered to stop the shelling that lasted for half an hour.
First, there is no target to bomb.
The second most threatening shot is enough.
Third, Muradin also said that if we go on like this, the first thing we can’t bear is the excessive heating of the barrel and the forced cooling. What will make the original quality but the gun bore easier to explode? You know, to meet the power and range, the dwarf makes the cannon very exaggerated, and of course it will be even more exaggerated when it explodes, which means that it is likely to directly reimburse an entire elite artillery squadron.
Anduin sent a maximum thief team, led by sylvanas windrunner, to monitor the tribe.
"Let the soldiers divide into four groups and rotate until dawn."
The flying soil and smoke gradually subsided and were replaced by veritable darkness.
The wall Anduin stared at the distance and seemed to keep dancing. It was indescribable darkness. Although all this was basically the same as planned, Anduin still had a faint uneasiness. He was lost in thought and thought about the tribe’s possible next move
Everyone was very clever and kept silent. The only thing I could hear was the crackling of flames. Others occasionally talked in a low voice. Suddenly there was a noise in the darkness, and everyone jumped up. The tension was like a tight bowstring.
"What’s the sound! ?” Turayan is the sharpest.
"Damn it! It’s a dragon! " Kurdran * Man Hammer doesn’t command the 500 Griffin Knights of the Watch Castle. He is a distant relative of kurdran, and Fahlander is a brigadier general of the Union.
"Are you sure! ?” Anduin asked nervously.
"The earth mother swear! I’ve been fighting these guys for almost a year, and I’ll wake up even when I hear their wings whipping when I sleep. "
"That’s right! It’s a dragon! " Another Griffin knight, Beverland, also gave a positive answer.
"Holy light tribe which come of the dragon? Didn’t the Red Dragon Corps return to neutrality? " Turayan asked
Only Krasus’s face is blue. Only the dragon knows the dragon best. Although he is a red dragon who has been wandering around the human world all the year round, his age is exaggerated enough for him to be equally experienced in this field. He said with certainty, "It’s not a red dragon … it’s a black dragon!"
Crassus can tell it just by listening to the vibration of the dragon wing, which is unimaginable for human beings.
Just as we look at a bunch of poodles, if they are all about the same size, we really can’t tell the difference between them, but they can tell themselves!
"Ah" was a surprise when it came out.
Did the Black Dragon Corps participate in the Alliance Tribal War?
Krasus’s face is indescribable and calm. "If the Black Dragon Corps dares to run out by themselves, they are suicidal!"
That’s right! Neltharion is overwhelmed.
But at the moment, the Black Dragon Legion is still the enemy of the Dragon Sleeping Temple.
The world of Azeroth is so big, it’s really hard to find these black dragons to hide. If they formally join the tribe to fight against the alliance, it’s another matter. They have already polished their claws, and the four-color dragon absolutely doesn’t mind giving them the hardest blow for those who were compatriots and later betrayed.
"I need a magic letter to see if I can unite with alexstrasza, the queen of the red dragon," Krasus said.
"alexstrasza … Are you busy now?" Anduin asked slightly nervously
Is there any Red Dragon Army backup? This is more important for the league.
Krasus’s face is a little weird. "I’m not sure, but I heard that she is not sleeping in the temple at the moment."
The long night finally passed, and the alliance bosses were stunned by the scene before dawn.
The east-west boundary of the Dark Gate is densely packed in the north, and the crater in the south is almost intact, because there are a lot of large and small cracks in that boundary, and demon creatures are constantly coming out of the cracks.
The total number of demons is not too much, and it will probably remain around 1000. From small demons to virtual demons, from helldogs to demon guards, it includes all kinds of demons in all middle levels of the Burning Legion.
Demon creatures seem to have no intention of attacking, but they swim near the crack, which is enough to make the alliance thieves sneak and lose their meaning. Demon creatures and ordinary creatures are two different things in their senses.
After several elite thieves were killed by demon creatures, MI7 had to give up the idea of further exploring the tribe.
It’s just an alliance, and soon it was discovered that the tribe actually dug curses along the dividing line, and the terrible red mounds of earth turned into mountains, making a tall wall to confront the alliance forever.
"What the hell are those green skins doing?"
That night, a sharp wail cut through the original silent Dalaran sky.
Is discussing with Kael’thas tribal and alliance situation antonidas jumped up.
That’s a magic alarm.
Antonidas identify its source at that first time.
"Mysterious treasure room!" Duke warned him that he had strengthened the defense of the treasure room, but he was invaded after all.
Kael’thas’s eyes are wide open, and his face and expression at the moment are generally filled with accidents and consternation with his mood.
The mysterious treasure room is located in the center of Violet Castle. It is protected by the most powerful magic sent by the wizards. There are many artifacts hidden in it. Although the wizards can’t make them themselves, they can’t risk falling into others’ hands, such as magic weapons.
On the defense force is absolutely no less than the sunstrider Wang Jiabao Library in Silvermoon City.
"How is that possible! ?” In my heart, Kael’thas held out his hand and let antonidas catch it. No one can send it in without the speaker’s limit. It should be like this
Two people to the mysterious treasure room.
The world around them has become a model. antonidas’s comfortable walls filled with houses have disappeared and replaced them with a huge stone room.
The scope of the fire shines. A man stands among the treasures. He has bright black hair, strong and tall figure, and he is angular and elegant. Even for Kael’thas, the elf king who is very picky about appearance, this human being is very handsome to be continued.
Merry Christmas everybody!
I wanted to write two watches today, even if I saw two people rewarding me at 7: 30 pm, I was drunk.
Yunfei is grateful for runny nose (I have a cold)
Two more watches tonight, he can’t promise.