Shi Shuangcheng: "Of course I’ll look around … but as you said, how did Hua Zhen lose to me for such a big event and it’s nothing?"

Mann Mann was curious. "He’s not a natural enemy. It’s normal to lose to anyone in a fight. What does it matter? He doesn’t care whether he can beat you. If you have a wide range of competitions and are better than him now, so what? "
Chapter 29, Different Guests
The next day is Saturday, and ten people came to Yangyuan Valley again. Not only did they leave five times, but they also sneaked over at the weekend. In addition, 13 teachers from Yangyuan Division in the four corners will stay here to work, and another one is Xia Changqing, who also came to join in the fun in the name of reporting workers.
Xia Changqing was a student in the first training class, but he left with the second students because he was confined for half a month with Mo Xiaoyue. That was a real confinement, and it was not as easy as Shi Shuangcheng’s "confinement". Xia Changqing did not break through Level 4 at that time, but he succeeded in breaking the boundary a few days ago after returning to his post as a port worker.
Xia Changqing is a cousin of Xia ‘er, a standard local aboriginal institute. His breakthrough in Level 4 is very representative, which proves that the promotion of Yangyuan is successful and cross-cultural and cross-racial. Or Hua Zhenxing also promoted another cultural idea by promoting Yangyuan and proved that it can be accepted and recognized.
The case of Yangyuan Art Center like Xia Changqing is not an isolated case. Xia Changqing is not only a reporter this time, but also has to pass the four-level review of Yangyuan Division, and then get a certificate, which is more comprehensive when there are many people.
What is he reporting for? It is concluded that two groups of people with suspicious whereabouts have been found recently in Banda, Somali port, and they are AI.
Not being an eastern city, it is impossible to have an eye-catching system all over the streets. However, several key areas are subject to multiple monitoring, such as Palm Manor, Sales Headquarters, New Alliance Headquarters, and Fufeng Garden in Sanhu Town, Far Banda City … and that humble grocery store is the key point.
The owner of the grocery store is Yang Tehong. There is nothing suspicious about his old man’s behavior, but the attitude of Yang Laotou, including the other two old people, has become more and more obvious. They no longer directly ask about how to arrange things here in Suo Port.
Hua Zhen’s residence and the real part of Chundan production area don’t need any security measures, but the outside is absolutely closely monitored and the surface can’t be seen at all. People with ulterior motives will definitely be interested in this place, which is also an excellent "fishing" place.
During this period, Yang Tehong and Hua Zhen Bank were not grocery stores, but there were still shop assistants in the grocery store, and Lei Dajin was responsible for the deployment and arrangement. All of them were elite backbones of Huanxiang Industrial New Alliance, even though they worked hard to sell instant noodles.
At the east intersection of grocery store lane, there is a stall selling local local drinks, which is also standard for local natives, while at the west intersection of lane, facing a newly-built road, there is a parasol, which is equivalent to an umbrella for public security booth. There is always someone on duty with a yellow armband, and a card with the five eastern characters of "people" is set up in front of it.
Setting up stalls and performing duties, including several residents in this lane, were specially trained by Li Jingzhi’s leadership and Huanxiang Industrial Security Department. Now they all have another identity as intelligence personnel belonging to the new alliance security department.
Li Jingzhi was the head of Huanxiang Industrial Security Department as early as possible, and he is still in the post. From the training of public security patrol to the present, Li Jingzhi brought out almost all the backbone of the army and police, and also had straw sandals to help the bottom. Now the new alliance has transferred the backbone elite and established the security department.
The security department is an intelligence agency, which has two important functions: one is to be responsible for important leaders, such as Shire security guards; The second is to prevent the enemy spy from destroying, and to collect and analyze all kinds of intelligence. Now Li Jingzhi has been transferred to the front line to take charge of military command, while Wang Fengshou is in charge of the security department.
Due to the particularity of intelligence workers, the security department’s tentacles extend to all his functional departments and are relatively confidential. Lei Dajin, Fan Dake and Xia Changqing all participated in some of them.
There is a requirement for the training of stationed intelligence personnel that they should not move or act like anything. In any case, they should not sell local drinks when they are on duty, and enjoy the cool when they are on duty.
First of all, Lei Dajin received a report that the number of students who came to the grocery store to buy things has increased significantly recently. Many of them are not neighbors in the neighborhood, nor are they fond of industrial workers. They are not without other shops. Who would have nothing to do to go so far to buy things? Some people obviously secretly take pictures.
Then Xia Changqing received a tip that there were always suspicious points wandering around the grocery store. They came together in twos and threes to send one person to the grocery store in turn, while others waited at the intersection for suspicious behavior.
At the same time, Xia Changqing received a lot of reports from another channel. Recently, someone asked Hua Zhenxing about all kinds of information, including Chundan and Yangyuan Art, and asked someone to ask where Yangyuan Valley was.
According to past experience, you just need to find out what information you want to give money. Although the port of Somalia has been transformed, people are still original. Some people are willing to spend money to ask questions. Of course, they are happy, but many people have been trained and educated, and then they turn around and report the situation to the organization.
Lei Dajin and Xia Changqing summarized the information at hand to Vandak. Although Vandak people didn’t work this week, they also had special personnel to deal with it and technical support from Huanxiang Industrial R&D Department.
Nowadays, artificial intelligence technology is far less magical and mysterious than many future materials. With its powerful computing power and advanced algorithms, it can automatically analyze, identify, compare and summarize all kinds of data information.
Technicians input all the secret monitoring information into the system for technical analysis and verification, and the intelligent identification system quickly came to the conclusion that there are two groups of suspicious people, one is collecting information from the grocery store and Chundan Center, and the other is spying on the information from the grocery store and Yangyuan Art Center, and these two groups are actually independent of each other and have no contact.
Although they all wear makeup and behave naturally, they often buy off local residents to collect information, but there are often different deliberate places and do suspicious things. The hidden camera takes a lot of information and then passes through the face, and the automatic posture recognition comparison can screen out clues. With clues, we can further follow up the investigation and grasp the situation of the two groups.
The first group of people are all western faces like Locke. They also know that the local people are more conspicuous. They pretend to be tourists and hire indigenous people to collect information. Don’t you know that this is like lighting a lamp in the dark? Recently, there are no foreign tourists in the port of Somalia except the families of workers who are helping to build aid? What’s more, none of them have an entry record.
There are still a few people who cover the identity of international hospitals to help doctors, just as Luo Chaide was still relatively hidden 2.
According to the analysis of Lei Dajin and others, this group of people should be coming for Chundan, and it is likely that it has something to do with Gambitting. Gambitting has already obtained the exclusive agent of Yogaole, and Chundan must have spread out through various channels. Such a good thing should contain huge profits in batches. Gambitting should also be interested by others.
The second group is more complicated, and many of them are actually aid workers from the East, but less of them are covered by this identity. They should be aiming at raising Yuan art or raising Yuan Valley, and the alliance has not yet alarmed us.