Breaking the waves while attacking Wang Yue crazily laughed. "Wang Yue, you have already developed the five-lei Hua-pole hand boxing, and it has reached an incredible realm. You also have immortality, but you can escape like a mouse before the power, but it will be interesting to see if you can escape." Ha ha … "

I can’t get Wang Yue to break the waves for a while, and I’m not in a hurry. Anyway, Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are all here today, so they will all be killed.
Duanlang has absolute confidence in his martial arts. He believes that he is the first warrior in China.
Wang Yue’s heart is a little discouraged and his power to break the waves is too strong, which is three times that of himself. Wang Yue can avoid it with a palm, but the aftermath of that palm can still make Wang Yue’s blood fluctuate, and Wang Yue will be unbearable when he grows up.
If two people are evenly matched, it will be very difficult for one party to win, not to mention that the strength difference is three times. If Wang Yue is hit by a broken wave, even if Wang Yue has a spirit and a family boxing, he will be shocked to death.
"If you can’t go like this, the energy consumption of breath will be too fast, and my strength will be exhausted when I fight for one or two sticks of incense." Wang Yue’s expression is cold and his eyes are calm and intelligent, but his heart is secretly anxious.
Although it is said that the fighters in the realm of ghosts and gods can do their best, it is relatively impossible to do their best, of course, especially in desperate situations, the energy consumption of qi and blood has reached a horrible level
Wang Yue’s heart was secretly anxious, and Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s heart was in their throats.
Wang Yue is like a boat in the waves, which will be swallowed up by the palm force if he is not careful.
Wang Yue’s shaky situation seems to be doomed at any moment.
Nie Feng pulled out the snow drinking knife and said coldly, "Brother Yun, Uncle Wang is too dangerous. We must do it."
Bu Jingyun nodded, "Good display of Moke quantity".
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s swords combined to display the Moke quantity.
This move is very powerful, and the waves are shocked when the battle is interrupted.
Breaking the waves, hitting a palm and twisting, Wang Yue was knocked back.
"Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, you two can’t wait to die. I’m going to kill Wang Yue first to let you live longer, but since you want to die, I’ll be you."
Breaking the waves and yelling at each other blocked Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s "Moke quantity"
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were knocked back by the earthquake, and they vomited one mouthful blood and were injured, but the broken waves remained as firm as a rock and did not move.
"The seat is the most powerful warrior in China, even if Indra Tianshi is not my opponent, not to mention the two of you." Broken waves laughed. "Bu Jingyun Nie Feng, didn’t you look down on me? Now you are going to die in my hands. Who are you to look down on me? "
Bu Jingyun glanced at the blood-red animal paw and sneered, "No matter how strong your martial arts are, you have not become a half-man, half-beast monster! Are you still a person now? "
The scarlet light in Duanlang’s eyes flashed and roared, "Bu Jingyun, you want to die!"
Swallowed two dragon yuan, although the capability increased greatly, it turned into a half-man, half-beast monster, which made the broken waves bitter. Now Bu Jingyun’s irony made the broken waves angry from embarrassment.
Breaking the waves and getting angry, blood-red claws are all over Long Lin, as if he really wants to become a dragon’s claw
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, armed with a dignified face, turned the true qi to perfection.
Breaking the waves and roaring, he will kill Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng in one fell swoop.
At this moment, Wang Yueda said, "Your opponent is me, and I will teach you a profound lesson even if I pay a great price today."
Wang Yue drew his sword and pointed it at the broken waves.
Broken waves crazy laughed "fencing? Wang Yue, your five-element fencing can’t even break my defense, can you? It’s crazy that you want to hurt me with fencing now. "
Wang Yue said coldly, "You won’t know until you try."
Wang Yue’s realm of kendo transcends the "unity of man and sword", but can it break the waves to defend Wang Yue’s heart? The power of breaking the waves is too strong to compare with that of the Dragon.
Wang Yuehua rushed to the broken waves with a streamer, and the sword in his hand was so dull. The speed of stabbing the sword was extremely fast, but it felt quite slow. Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun could see every change of Chu Wangyue’s sword. This contradiction made people feel upset and want to vomit.
Broken waves face a change Wang Yue this ordinary sword only he knows how terrible.
Breaking the waves wants to flash, but it is in vain to avoid this sword.
A light ring Wang Yue sword crossed the broken wave chest and arm.
I didn’t know I was really cheated until I felt pain and waves.
Breaking the waves and hitting Wang Yue in the chest, Wang Yue flew back.
"Uncle Wang" Nie Feng shouted.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun caught the seriously injured Wang Yue with a ghosting image.
Wang Yue’s mouth was pale and weak with the divine light in his blood eyes. "Let’s hurry or we won’t be able to leave."
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun nodded and soon disappeared from the sky.
Broken waves looked down at the sword marks and blood stains on his chest and said in shock, "Wang Yue actually broke through my immortality. What fencing is he?"
Wang Yue’s sword can easily kill the strong in the late stage of the ghost territory, and even the strong in the peak of the ghost territory can be seriously injured. This fencing is really powerful and incredible.
"This swordsmanship is stronger than that of a famous Wan Jian." Broken waves spit out one mouthful blood with fear in their eyes.
"Wang Yue Wang Yue, you are seriously injured, and I am waiting for you to be healed. I will dismember you, and the twin cities will also leave no chickens and dogs." Breaking the waves and staring at Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun disappeared safely and roared.
A hundred years ago, a talented warrior Woody appeared in the Wu family, but when Wu defeated Indra, he disappeared, and he founded SHIN Gong, but left the Wu family.
Proud to kill the Wu family, the Lord let the talented "Xiaowu" escape from the secret passage with his family’s SHIN Gong, while others died.
The last man who killed the Wu family felt the earth shake slightly, which came from far away to kill the fluctuation.
"It’s a wave-breaking battle", and I’m proud to be determined to go back to the tunnel
At this moment, a sword of light appeared in the Takeshi.