
It’s just different camps
Mark is a neutral and chaotic camp, so captain Steven of America is a pillar in the just and orderly camp.
Aside from the camp, even if Mark’s own personality charm enlisted Captain America, Steven will not hesitate to turn to Peggy Carter’s arms after Peggy Carter’s words.
Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. failed Peggy, Peggy will always be her child in her heart.
It’s a foregone conclusion that the American team joined SHIELD, which is bound to happen in many parallel universes.
After figuring this out, Mark didn’t personally wake up the US team to appreciate it, but Mark didn’t like SHIELD and SHIELD.
Especially after considering the possibility that Aegis will defend itself in the future, Mark, the probability here is as high as 70%. In this case, Mark will definitely not give them the guy who may deal with himself in the future.
But it is also because I appreciate Mark’s failure to move Steven to another place.
Mark disdains such small means.
Mark pulled up a chair and looked at Coulson with his glass.
Coulson was silent for a moment, smiled and bowed his head and said, "Well, the reason why I regard Captain America as an idol is really simple."
soon afterwards
Coulson told Mark why he regarded Captain America as an idol.
The reason is as simple as Coulson said.
Let’s just say.
When Coulson was a child, there was no difference between the United States and the United States. They all belonged to the typical type of late development.
However, the American team is different. Besides developing late, Steven also likes to meddle, for example, he is keen.
Although Coulson doesn’t like to meddle, he is treated the same as the US team and is bullied by his friends around him.
If you don’t soil, there will be no bullying. I really want to make statistics, hehe.
The turning point in Coulson’s bullying day came soon after a history class, and the history teacher explained the strange experience of Captain America.
That moment
Coulson seem to have found his spiritual support.
Say that finish
Coulson looked up at Mark and said with a smile, "That’s why I successfully graduated as an honorary student of Aegis before graduating from the last one in each subject when I was trained at Aegis College."
Mark pursed her lips.
Self-improvement always attracts others’ favor.
Mark is no exception.
Just as Mark nodded to say his reward.
Here comes the mutation.