She can’t get out of screamo temple, but she knows a lot about things outside.

"It’s so famous, it’s hard to know …" Ji Yue suddenly reacted. "Are you trying to say that there are martial arts experts around her?"
"Should be" the nangongshan cold city frowned slightly uncomfortable.
Ji Yue’s mind has turned a few times. It seems that the plan needs to be adjusted. "It’s not nervous. There are rules in the rivers and lakes, and the rules in the court will not be easily crossed."
If you cross the line, it will cause public outrage.
If someone comes to assassinate her princess, it will lead to crazy revenge in court.
Everyone knows this truth, but Nangong Hanxi always feels that they will be worried about "I am still very worried."
Ji Yue didn’t good the spirit turned a supercilious look. "I’m in the house. I’m worried."
第911章 层出不穷手段
Followers bobbing "isn’t it simple? You want to take the opportunity to depend on my young master. There are so many tricks. "
I don’t know where I came from, but I’m particularly arrogant.
Half autumn flew into a rage "routine? Hehe, your master wants to touch porcelain. "
She is not easy to mess with.
Attendant for a stay "touch porcelain? What do you mean? "
Banqiu was very rude and scolded, "It’s a rotten crock that insists on putting precious porcelain on it and deliberately smashing it to blackmail you. It’s really amazing that you don’t take the right path."
The entourage was angry and angry, but I didn’t know what to think of. "Ha, ha, ha, that’s so funny. Do you know who my master is? How noble is the birth? "
Half autumn root can’t read "speaking is better than singing, but who will believe it?" What can people show off if they can’t even get 100 thousand silver? "
This is embarrassing. The entourage is angry. Who will have nothing to do with so much money?
Besides, if you don’t touch it, you need 100 thousand taels of silver. Are you kidding?
He was very angry and pushed back. "Then you will have money? You’d take it out and let everyone see it. "
Half autumn casually pulled out a pile of silver tickets is 1200. "The dog sees people look down and see clearly that this is 202,000 silver!"
It feels good to hit people with money with deep pockets.
"…" The other side was dumbfounded.
The young man shouted, "Don’t make trouble with the breeze. This young lady is me. Please forgive me if the money will be delivered later."
Gentle and personable, there is a pleasing elegance in your gestures.
Pian Pian Gong is the dream of several girls.
But Ji Yue is disdainful and slightly headed, "Go and kneel down."
Dignity is as high as an emperor.