"Ok, I’ll take you there and wait for you." Long Xiao decided.

From these days’ decisions, it’s also a little white, and it’s the biggest concession.
"Let’s leave the hospital at noon." Looking at Long Xiao with a smile, I expect him to order a noble head.
Long Xiaoding looked at her and couldn’t help smiling "good"
"Well," Wen Nian smiled and greedily watched Long Xiao eat. Long Xiao was compromised. "I’ll send you some soup to nourish your stomach later."
Wen Nian regretted touching himself a little bit. "Look, this is the double bar where you send soup to eat." These two dragons will send people to send soup and water, and sometimes they will accompany them to eat a little, and sometimes they will chat and supervise.
"Pay attention to your diet after discharge, and don’t let me ask someone to look after you." Long Xiao summed up the conversation lightly, packed up the lunch box and explained when he left, "What kind of clothes do you want?"
Wen Nian looks at his patient’s "whatever" and enjoys the sunshine coming in at the bedside, and beckons him to play with his mobile phone.
"I’ll pick you up this afternoon."
Long Xiao left and stayed at noon for an hour at most every day to have a meal and ask the doctor about his recovery. He couldn’t say a few words to Wen Nian.
Wen Nian is a little deliberately not to think about it. Long Xiao chats with Li Xiaoxiao every day, talks with coach Luo, calls home, and is recited by his mother. After watching all the films in the past three or four years, he finally waits until he can be discharged.
After discharge, I have to face things a little upset, a little uncomfortable, and I have no plans at all. I don’t want to keep fit and sleep every day.
At two o’clock in the afternoon, a thin girl came. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, carrying a small bag.
"Hello, is this Wen Nian?" The girl is very polite and cultured, and her voice is soft and gentle, and she feels good about her.
"It’s me. And you are?"
"My name is Heninglong Xiao, and let me send you something." The girl smiled gently, shallow and just right, and when she listened to it, she suddenly gave birth to an inferiority complex.
I’m a little embarrassed to say thank you for picking up Bao Hening. I’m a little embarrassed to take out a whole set of clothes from the inside out and read them from the inside out.
"You try it first, and I’ll go through the discharge formalities." Hening smiled like comfort, like understanding what Wen Nian thought. Wen Nian nodded and could feel his face burning.
What? What happened? Wen nian is embarrassed. What are you embarrassed about?
It’s very suitable to change clothes quickly, and the size of clothes and short-sleeved plates are very popular. I took a photo with my mobile phone and looked at the face that was not outstanding on the screen and was a little disappointed.
Henning Long Xiao asked her to come? They … What? How can you care so much?
It took more than half an hour for Henning to come back with a big bag of Chinese medicine in his hand. "The formalities are all done. Long Xiao said that you should wait for him here. These are some tonics. You have them with you."
"Then I’ll go first. Goodbye." Hening’s direct soft words surprised Wen Nian, but she felt like a kid in front of her and still felt a little uncomfortable.
"Yeah, yeah, thank you for your trouble."
"It’s okay not to send goodbye."
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 2 Feeling Seconded
"Then I’ll go first. Goodbye." Hening’s direct soft words surprised Wen Nian, but she felt like a kid in front of her and still felt a little uncomfortable.
"Yeah, yeah, thank you for your trouble."
"It’s okay not to send goodbye." Hening still smiled and said goodbye when she first came. Seeing that she didn’t hate herself very much, she was busy walking and didn’t worry about waving goodbye.
I sat in bed, put my medicine and my cell phone charger in, and looked around. I didn’t want to pack anything before I realized that waiting for someone was still so hard, even waiting for my boyfriend.
I think that I always feel very cultured and temperament when I saw Hening just now. What is my girl and Long Xiao? No, you can’t be so narrow-minded and blind. Is that still you?
Even boyfriends have their own private lives and social circles. You can’t think about it because you didn’t ask. By the way, when you meet, you have to ask about the situation. You can’t still know nothing like this, or you can’t live your own life if you come to Zhang Ning and Li Jing.
Thinking about the fact that Long Xiao is her boyfriend is a little unrealistic. I don’t know him at all, and he doesn’t know his sexuality … Is this really a relationship? It’s really different from others
How do you calculate that you have been alone for ten days? Wen Nian and Long Xiao didn’t even ask each other about their family situation. Wen Nian didn’t delve into the ambiguous meaning of Long Xiao’s saying that his job is to process documents.
Maybe it’s because neither of them has experience, or maybe Wen Niantai can’t communicate with others, or Long Xiao forgot … Wen Nian is very good at comforting himself. Before he found the news in Baidu, he forgot it long ago. Now he wants to forget that he can’t interfere too much with his boyfriend’s social problems, and then he goes to ask Li Xiaoxiao if he has any good cartoons and movies.
It’s only 4: 30 after watching a movie. According to usual, it will take an hour for Long Xiao to come to Wennian. I can’t wait to call Long Xiao. When no one answers, I send a text message and leave with my things.
Whether you have a boyfriend or not, it is still very unpretentious to do things by yourself. Even if you marry Gao Fushuai, you still have to work hard to find a way to firmly tie him down. Girls who don’t rely on themselves are doomed to suffer.
Take a taxi directly to the stadium and go back to your dormitory to rest for a while. Tell Xiaowen that the conversation is almost seven o’clock.