He was relieved to hear her drink Qinghe, and he knew that even if the former princess’s temperament had changed a lot, she wouldn’t be so vicious that she would waste his arm!

He was glad that Sun Jinyin was not finished yet, but he sounded slowly. "I have a small place here and there are children who are not suitable for blood. Just cut off my arm or break the bone. I can’t see it from the outside, so I’ll leave you some dignity."
After listening to her words, Qinghe couldn’t help smoking at the corner of his mouth. It seems that he is blind. This former princess is not a soft hand at all!
"Why? You can’t help yourself, can you? That didn’t let my golden retriever help you! " Ms. Sun grinned with a face of new Rao, a tough guy who is used to killing and cruel people, and couldn’t help getting a cold back.
"Qinghe base body a pair of dare not bother your pet!" After biting his teeth, Qinghe’s right palm moved to his left arm and he heard a slight "scratch" coming out of the bone. Then the pain of broken bone reached his mind through the nerves, so that his brain turned white for a moment and even his ears were temporarily deaf!
Looking at his cold sweat and pale face, Sun Jin couldn’t help but feel a surge of regret to reflect on whether he would have done it too hard. After all, this man is a lackey of Hector even Chengde. Although he thinks badly of young trees, he always fails to take them away. This punishment seems a little heavy … But how can you deter him if you don’t be cruel? !
"Well, you can go slowly!" Realizing that his heart is slowly softening, Sun Jin quickly waved impatiently at him to catch up with humanity. "Don’t appear in front of me again or I will be more impolite!"
Qinghe slowly turned around and walked towards the door while smoking air conditioning. Until now, he clearly realized that GongSunJin was no longer the weak and deceitful lady who didn’t rob the virtuous lady five years ago!
"Golden Gate!" As soon as Qinghe left, Sun Jin sat down on the edge of the bed and his legs went limp, so he couldn’t get up at all. He had to let Jin Mao go to the door.
Now I have been told by the people of Hector even Chengde that it won’t be long before the love rat of Hector even Chengde will know that he has a son living outside! The only thing she can do now is to pray that the wives and concubines in the backyard of love rat are not rare for Xiao Bao, and maybe she can still have a chance to keep Xiao Bao around …
But one thousand that love rat knee if she wants to keep the bag, I’m afraid it will be difficult to ascend to heaven! After all, she is a weak woman. How can she compete with the most favored Gongxiao Wang of Dajin Dynasty? !
This night, Ms. Sun stayed up all night holding the sleeping bag. These days, she has already regarded the bag as her own child, and it is indeed the bone and blood of her body. If even the only relative after she came to this world is to be taken away, she really doesn’t know what motivation she has to take root here!
Finally, when the sky shone, Sun Jin dared to close his eyes for a short time, and it was not long before he was awakened by a pair of small hands patting his face. "Mother, it’s time for us to get up at dawn!"
Last night, I was stunned by the fragrant incense. I didn’t know anything about what happened last night, and I didn’t know that Sun Jin was sleepless all night because he was worried that he would be taken back by his scum dad. Seeing that Sun Jin slept deeply, she was still sleepy.
"Well, how come it’s dawn so soon? I haven’t slept enough! " Sun Jin rubbed his eyes and pretended to be sleepy and stayed in bed. "Okay, let mother sleep for a while, okay?"
"Mother not to say that today want to go to the city to see the shop? If we don’t get up, we may not come back tonight! " The parcel is very worried about urgent way
Ms. Sun’s embrace was rolled for a circle and continued to stay in bed. "If you don’t come back, you won’t come back. The big deal is to stay in the city for one night. Anyway, we are not short of money now …" If you can’t come back, it’s just the time to save the night and worry about what Qinghe’s midnight visit!
"Mother!" Seeing that Sun Jin really wants to stay in bed, I couldn’t help but get angry. I held my arm in front of the bed, pursed my mouth and stared sharply at Sun Jin. Sun Jinnai sat up with her dizzy head and her heart was full of tears. She is so sleepy now. It is estimated that she can fall asleep when she walks!
"Mother, are you really sick?" Looking at her like she was sleepy after smoking a big cigarette, Xiao Bao couldn’t help but put out her little hand and leaned to her forehead, but she didn’t find that she had a fever.
"No, no, it’s just that I didn’t sleep well last night. I wish I had a cold face …" Ms. Sun tried to open a pair of heavy eyelids and groped for the bed. She came to the water tank, scooped out a scoop of cold water and patted her face with cold well water, which instantly made her chaotic brain awake and a lot of sleep was greatly reduced!
"Let’s go! Go to your uncle Wang’s house to borrow an ox cart. "After wearing good clothes, Sun Jin took the store money and went out with a small bag.
The mother and the son just came to the outside of the Wangs’ Courtyard, and they met the next-door neighbor, Aunt Wang, with a hoe and a vague smile on her face. "Hey, this morning, Jinniang came to see Wang Er again?"
Chapter 36 Go into town to buy a shop
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"Yes, Aunt Ma is working on the spot so early?" When Sun Jin didn’t understand her voice-over, she replied with a chuckle, but Xiao Bao didn’t want to be calm. She stared at Aunt Ma with a little face and called Xiao Tian’s mouth silent when she met people on weekdays.
Feeling the displeasure in his straightforward eyes, Aunt Ma couldn’t help but put away her divination and walked away with a hoe until she was far away. Only then did she dare to look back and take a look at the back of Sun Jin’s mother and muttered to herself, "I don’t know how this Jin Niang taught her children that such a small doll should have such scary eyes. It really scared me!"
"Mother Xiaoshu doesn’t like that grandmother just now!" At the same time, Xiao Bao also expressed her thoughts to Sun Jin. "She is not a good person to chew the root of her mother’s tongue!" In his mind, anyone who maliciously slanders and insults his mother is a bad person!
"Don’t be so obvious if you don’t like it, and your mother is not afraid of her gossiping. She is not afraid of the shadow. Just say what she likes and don’t care too much about outsiders’ remarks." Ms. Sun stretched out her hand and pinched his bulging face and took the opportunity to educate him.
"hmm!" The parcel seems to think and nodded, and the small hand tightened the corner of Sun Jin’s clothes.
"Is Wang Erge at home?" Sun Jinchao shouted at the Wangs’ yard, and soon there was movement in the room, and the Wangs’ second child came out of the room.
"Oh, it turned out to be Jin Niang with young trees! Why come to me so early today? Are you going to town again? " After seeing Sun Jin, Wang’s second child hurriedly stretched out his hand and touched a pair of sleepy faces and cheered up and asked
Sun Jin nodded and replied, "Yes, the radish can go out of the ground and come to Wang Erge again. He wants to rent an ox cart from your family and transport a load of radish to the city."
Then, seeing that the spirit of Wang’s second child seems to be not very good, he added, "Wang Erge, you don’t look well, are you in poor health?"
"I may have eaten something bad last night and pulled my stomach all night, but now it’s all right." I heard Sun Jinxin’s second child in the Wangs hurriedly answered truthfully.
Ms some don’t believe to frown "really all right? Why don’t you rest at home today? I’ll find another ox cart … "The words were quickly interrupted by the Wangs’ second child.
"Don’t don’t don’t! Jin Niang, I’m really all right, and today I’m going to town to see if my eldest brother has written back, "explained Wang’s second child quickly."
"This … all right!" Ms. Sun hesitated and agreed.
After helping the Wangs’ second child to load a car with fresh radish, Sun Jin also took out Lingcao boiled tea and gave the Wangs’ second child a bowl. It didn’t take long for the Wangs’ second child to regain his energy. After the sample, he couldn’t see that he had a stomachache all night last night!
When she entered the city, Sun Jinxian sent a load of radishes to the county magistrate’s office, and then went to the cattle and horse market for a turn. When she learned that a carriage actually cost 120 silver, she decisively gave up the idea of buying a carriage.