She doesn’t know what to comfort her. She felt that Ye Qing could marry Xiao Mu so generously and had already come out.

Ye Qing looked at her funny. "Why do you look at me like this? I’m not saying this to make you feel sorry for me. I just want to tell you that I didn’t like seeing you before."
Qiao Cen "…" She gave Ye Qing a white look. "There were more rich people that day. Why don’t you have a meal for everyone?" It’s ruined by a good sensation.
Ye Qing answered naturally, "Not every rich man is my friend."
Qiao Cen nodded. She said it was right. "But I think you have to beat Xiao Mu first."
Speaking of Xiao Mu …
Qiao Cen turned and asked, "What’s the matter with you and Xiao Mu?"
Ye Qing leng leng did not deceive her. "The reason is very simple. You know that I am not very healthy now. He is still willing to do this. What am I unwilling to do?"
Qiao Cen didn’t speak and obviously didn’t believe it.
Ye Qing also saw it and went on to say, "Of course that’s one of them."
She paused with a wry smile. "In fact, I don’t know what I think of him. After so much, who cares about love? I feel very satisfied that he can give me a home and a sense of belonging so that I will not be affected by Ye’s family affairs. "
Joe Cen sighed lightly. "So you should face your difficulties with him."
Ye Qing "well" she didn’t say much.
The topic seems a little heavy, so Qiao Cen easily asked, "What about the little policeman? I think he is quite unusual for you. "
Ye Qing was silent for a moment before he said, "I’ve only met several times to talk about something unusual."
When they talked again, it was almost time to go back to that place, and Xiao Mu was already waiting there.
The guests all went away. Xiao Mu, leaning on the car body, saw two people straightening up and facing Joe Cen. "I’ll take you back."
"No," Qiao Cen raised an eyebrow at Ye Qing. "Don’t forget my yogurt!"
Qiao Cen seems to be in a good mood these two days. At breakfast, he is more diligent than Xiaomu.
"Very happy?" Huo Yanming asked
"It’s okay" Qiao Cen took a bite and suddenly turned to Huo Yanming "I’m nervous"
"What are you nervous about?" Huo Yanming looked at her and felt funny.
Qiao Cen mumbled a few words and remained silent for a moment before looking at him again. "Mr. Huo, I think I have a disease called premarital phobia." She stared at Huo Yanming with big eyes blinking.
Huo Yanming looked at her plate. "What do you rely on to decompress?"
Qiao Cen pouted, "You really don’t love me. You didn’t ask me what I was nervous about."
Huo Yanming pretended to look at her strangely. "What are the old couples nervous about?"
Jozen swallowed the crumbs in his mouth and looked at him carefully. "Are you really not nervous?"
Huo Yanming also answered "nervous" seriously
Qiao Cen "…"
In the afternoon, Qiao Cen received an urgent need to translate an urgent document.
There is a special translator who came to the company, but it is said that other employees have their own things at hand when they are sick, which is even worse. It is not good to do more documents, but few people are willing to take the initiative to pick them up.
The work naturally fell to Qiao Cen and Tian Yueshen.
Qiao Cen naturally has no problem living abroad for such a long time.
There are some professional terminology documents that are not too long, two pages, and it will be almost the same after two people have discussed it for more than an hour.
The manuscript can’t be directly typed by Joe Cen.
She doesn’t have a printer on her desk. Borrow one from Cold Beauty.
The thing about this document is that the cold beauty met Qiao Cen and asked a sentence, "Have you finished translating the document?" There is an emergency meeting at ten o’clock in the afternoon and there are twenty minutes left. "
Joe Cenyang held a USB flash drive in Yang’s hand, "Just type it when it’s ready."
What a coincidence. Unfortunately, the printer is not very good at the moment, and I can’t even print out the internet.
Qiao Cen and Tian Yue worked hard for a while, and someone over there was already urging, "Is the meeting horse ready?"
Cold beauty should "go to the side first and type things out" to the two people.
But as soon as the voice just fell, I saw two supervisors rushing over. "What can’t be called? Who will translate with me?"
Qiao Cen and Tian Yue looked at each other.
Cold beauty can’t care about other "go and watch your mouth"
I broke off last night, and I didn’t want to have a conflict with my family because of something. I wanted to move out and negotiate for an hour and failed … I really didn’t have the heart to code it yesterday …
Today, I don’t want to fight for more days, so beautiful girls ~
☆ 31. My prospective husband
Tian Yue gave Qiao Cen a look. "What should I do?"
Qiao Cen pursed her lips. What else can I do?
Tian Yue was embarrassed. She grabbed Qiao Cen and whispered in her ear, "I won’t … can I not go?"
"you can’t! Qiao Cen replied firmly that it was the first time for her to attend such a meeting, and Tian Yue felt better when she did nothing beside her.
Tian yue pie mouth recognition