"Minister …" Lu Yu suddenly struggled with him. In fact, he didn’t know which one to ask, but after hesitating for a while, he answered "true ancient fairy"

"It’s no big deal. Just rest for a few days."
"Can I … meet her?"
"See her do? Want to continue the frontier? "
Lu Yu was silent.
"Lu Yu Palace, you just have a rather indecisive personality. Before that, it was because of drug theory. If you can’t blame your palace, you will think of you for the first time after waking up. A pair of children will think of Zhou Lijuan, your wife for so many years. What’s the result? You actually want to continue with Gu Xianxian … "Early summer was angry and smiled." You really … refreshed the palace cognitive bottom line. "
Lu Yu was a little nervous at once, but he didn’t know what to say, so he kept his head down.
"But the palace still gives you a chance." In the early summer, I took a deep breath and endured the love rat who died without a needle. "Gu Xianxian is in the house. You can go to the palace if she wants to." Then I took Nanyichen and left.
Nan Yichen glanced at Lu Yu and said nothing, but he was also very disappointed. lord protector Lujia was the hero of Nantang. However, I didn’t expect such a sun to be found. Otherwise, such a person will inherit the duke of the country in the future. I don’t know what kind of chaos can be caused.
Lu Yu waited until after the Empress left, she breathed a little sigh of relief and hurried to the door of the house. He did give up some things. After all, the innocent girl of Gu Xianxian followed him. Although her soul was not her at the beginning, she was her. He hoped to continue to be responsible.
In fact, he doesn’t feel so bad. At least he hasn’t had a room or an aunt for so many years. Maybe it’s because of this that he suddenly had the opportunity to cheat, which made him out of control.
But isn’t it normal for men to have three wives and four concubines But why can’t Zhou Lijuan put up with this?
That’s why he came to see Gu Xianxian in the first place instead of looking for Zhou Lijuan.
In the house, Gu Xianxian naturally heard Lu Yuyin’s slight frown and didn’t have a bed door. Instead, he directly raised his voice. "Please go back to the world. All kinds of things are not fairy wishes. What happened is over."
"But …"
"The fairy fairy is a proud person. If you continue to pester the fairy fairy, you can die and apologize." Gu Xianxian said that she was very cruel and could not help it. But if the fake soul was longer in her body, her own soul would disappear completely. It was the empress who gave her a chance to live again. She cherished it.
Lu Yu opened his mouth. After all, he was not the kind of person who could tie up and beat people, but then turned away and met Zhou Lijuan at the gate.
Zhou Lijuan was going to take the door and saw him come out. He quickly stepped back two steps and let the road signal him to go out first.
Lu Yu looked at Zhou Lijuan but felt a little trance. In my mind, I suddenly remembered that they have been in the same boat for so many years. It seems that she is by his side and now …
"Is there anything wrong with Lu Dashao?" Although Zhou Lijuan felt uncomfortable, after all, he was a frank person. Since he was released, there was no need to continue dragging his feet. When the other party didn’t move for a long time, he couldn’t help but smile at him.
"You …" Lu Yu didn’t know what to say.
"Since Lou Shao is fine, I went to the Empress in advance and asked me to come and take care of an ancient lady." Zhou Lijuan said and bypassed each other and entered the hospital.
Lu Yu clenched his fist and suddenly became confused. How did this happen?
But no matter whether he is in a state of mind, it’s time for the Empress to return to Beijing.
Originally, everyone rode horses, but after all, there was an ancient fairy who had not yet recovered and Zhou Lijuan was also a woman’s house. Finally, he got two carriages.
On the verge of the Chinese New Year, all the people galloped all the way towards the capital.
Nalanxu also followed, but he always helped the sick and wounded. Now he naturally followed when he left, but he was surprised that they came with a Ling Mo and An. Why didn’t they see anyone when they went back?
Because of the strange also asked out.
Early summer saw his one eye "those two people have been sent back to Beijing before" is actually to feed the medicine and throw it in her.
Tongjia is an important fortress in the northwest of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Now Xianwang is not dead. Who knows if those two goods will be connected there? I won’t let them know about Tongjia
In fact, Nalan’s preface is just a casual question. After the queen’s grandmother gave the answer, she stopped saying anything.
As a result, it was not long before Tongjia came face to face with a group of people. It turned out that Wang Shinan’s literate Sect was followed by a little girl riding a white horse and pink clothes.
"See the Emperor’s Empress" Nan Wenzong got off his horse far away and then ran two steps forward and fell to his knees directly.
The little girl behind followed the flying horse and knelt beside Nanwenzong, "Nanqing kowtowed to the emperor and queen."
第五百二十七章 回京
"Auntie of the Seven Emperors" Nan Wenzong took a step forward. "My father said that everything was decided by Auntie of the Seven Emperors."
"This ….." Early summer smiled a "responsibility is a bit big, after all, it is a marriage event in case …" Can she go back to a marriage agency in the Queen’s Building? Then clean up all the marriageable men and women and pair them up specially?
Well, that’s a good idea. Go back and study one.
"Auntie Seven Emperors, you know that my father is the oldest in Xingyue City, and almost everyone knows me. I just want to examine those people who can’t do it. They all curry favor with our family …" Nanqing pouted. "To tell you the truth, I had an engagement when I was a child, but at that time I was dying of illness. The other party said that my three generations ran in front of my father and cried bitterly. Later, my father broke off. Now I’m fine. As a result, the king egg has come over again and said that he wants to divorce his wife and marry me. Bah
Frown in early summer "Who is so shameless?"
"Not just the wangs? At the beginning, they were rushing to get married with our house. Because of Wangfu, they got a lot of cheap, but later they broke off their engagement first. But at that time, I was in poor health and felt that I couldn’t delay others’ results … "Nanqing Tantan hand" So I went to Beijing to hide from the quiet, otherwise I would be able to see that Wang Wen met me and pretended to be affectionate … "
"Why don’t you give it a beating?"
"Beat, but the other party said that it was a kiss and scold, and it was love. The Wangs of the Seven Emperors were an old family in Xingyue City. Master Wang was a scholar, but he was also a protege, so many of them could not be killed …"
I couldn’t help laughing in the early summer. "Let’s go if you say it’s so pitiful."
"Great ….." Nan Qing suddenly jumped up happily and then gave a hand to Nan Wenzong. "Eldest brother, you go home. I’m sure I’ll have a good time in Beijing. Ah Zhu, Jane will move my things here quickly."
So there were three more people on the way back to Beijing, Nan Qing and their girls.
Nan Qing is very discerning. Although she was invited to her carriage in early summer, she didn’t go. The seven aunts are very kind, but the seven uncles are strict. Just look at her eyes … Well, if she dares to promise to go to their carriage, she can probably throw it back to Xingyue City. She took the initiative to Zhou Lijuan and Gu Xianxian’s carriage.
Although there are many people, the speed is not slow, because these people are not delicate, so they don’t always shout tired.
Nan Yichen calculated the speed of returning to the city and found that it was more than enough to go back for the New Year.
On the way back, it is natural to pass through Ink Town, where the iron mine has been taken over by the court at this time and the Ministry of Industry has already worked here.
South escape minister, they didn’t disturb these people, but they secretly went in and explored it. Instead, there was nothing unusual and they went straight to Beijing around there.
When the party arrived at the outskirts of Beijing, they saw a group of people waiting there from afar because of the reply from Haidong Blue Meteor.
"It won’t be that all the civil and military officials have come over?" Early summer was a surprise.
"That’s not too much …" South escape minister glanced at "estimated to come"
"I thought it would be nice to keep a low profile and go back to the palace …"