Suzhou yizhuang

In front of the ring, there are almost people crowded with people. It is really hard to find anyone in this venue. Just when Xiaoqi and others decided to find it for the third time, they finally had to wait for someone to come out from the city gate.
Zuo Tangtang Beique several people haven’t reacted yet. Seven crows are very agile and throw red moves at each other.
That’s what your sister called?
Zuo Tangtang said that she was shocked and cried.
Habitually retreat and wait until Zuo Tangtang thinks that he is almost safe, then he remembers that he is not running for his life.
I slapped my head hard and Zuo Tangtang rushed out again, thinking angrily about where I learned this wretched body.
This side of the flag is red, and it can be said that there are countless Zuo Tangtang. After he just quit, he looked for a long time to find the location of Xiao Qiyi pedestrians.
Into the crowd Zuo Tangtang was dumbfounded again.
Dear scholars, don’t treat each other like ghosts for three days. Sure enough, the ancients didn’t deceive me!
Seeing that the seven crows are domineering, they have been playing a set of moves according to each other, and they will not give each other a chance to push after they finish.
The other side died, Xiaoqi became red, and everyone was stimulated by this, which was like being dyed by the other side’s blood. They started the Jianghu mode and rushed at each other.
Even Zuo Tangtang, who has always been hiding behind people, is no exception to be continued this time.
[13] Chapter one hundred and fifteen Disappointed in prison]
Huh? -this is a tone of deep doubt.
Gee …-This is a carefully thought-out tone.
Hey! -this is an unusually excited tone.
Zuo Tangtang walked aside for a long time and finally found a fact-that is, these people are really good at playing!
Previously, she looked at these people, all of whom were wearing shining statues, and they looked very powerful and domineering. At that time, she was still wondering what to do with this, and the people next to her rushed to beat her up, and she followed her to mend the knife.
Probably many hands make light work! These people are very ugly when they are beaten, and they are almost powerless. Zuo Tangtang’s most formal things gradually disappear, and instead, they are full of excitement.
When his name turned red, an abnormal satisfaction filled Zuo Tangtang’s heart. This is probably why people like to kill people in red. Zuo Tangtang thought, but this taste is really good!
It’s a pity to watch yourself kill one person again, showing that Zuo Tangtang is waving a hook, and then he feels a little sorry. Maybe this kind of opportunity is only available today. This kind of bullying behind a group of people feels quite good. There are quite a few people fighting and being experts, but the keys are all kinds of unreliable. Who dares to follow?
Xiaoqi kept shouting for Zuo Tangtang’s hook to help control him. He was a little worried. After watching himself kill Zuo Tangtang, he finally rushed away.
I have to say that the urban management is simply a good fighter, and the claws are all kinds of kites. Zuo Tangtang and Xiao Qi used their control skills to break through the enemy one by one, but unfortunately Zuo Tangtang became a knife mender every time.
Looking at his killing value dally to rise head bright red name is almost turned into purple Zuo Tangtang heart also some uneasy this … This should not have what thing?
Then Zuo Tangtang felt that he was really worried. It was only a matter of time before the enemy was scattered by this trend. However, it must be noted that he must stop when the enemy finally bled, and he must not be unlucky again, otherwise this killing will be her top again.
"Hoof hooves where are you? Hurry and help control one! " Once again, Xiao Qi is in high spirits because of the smooth pursuit.
"Come, come" Zuo Tangtang hurriedly took a blood medicine before he recovered from meditation without even blood.
Arguably, Liu Xiao is also an urban management officer, but the reason why Xiaoqi didn’t call him is that there are two reasons. After a personal fight, it is quite fierce. After that, a few people can act together and kill each other alone. Secondly, it is mainly because Xiaoqi and Zuo Tangtang were used to playing soy sauce in various pursuits. Xiaoqi habitually called Zuo Tangtang and Zuo Tangtang didn’t feel anything wrong.
When Zuo Tangtang went there, the hostile man still had more than half of his blood, but he was almost familiar with it. id Zuo Tangtang’s original concern was nothing, because according to her memory, this man died in their hands several times, and the root was not enough threat.
Zuo Tangtang pushed to stop him. Seven crows looked at Zuo Tangtang’s people coming, and hurriedly dumped two moves and left in the past.
"I’m going to clean the hooves behind me first. Come here quickly!" Xiaoqi said.
"Oh," Zuo Tangtang replied neatly, but his heart was a little depressed. This damn Xiaoqi regarded her as a personal servant girl, didn’t she? Don’t shout wherever you go. Isn’t it too highly of her to leave her with half the blood man and ask her to come quickly?
But this guy is really quite a dish. I think Zuo Tangtang, who has just died in various ways, figured that he could solve it in about a minute.
But what does it feel like to play fast?
Well, no, no
What’s so hard now?
Zuo Tangtang was puzzled to see all kinds of dying people who were about to fall to the ground suddenly alive and kicking and fighting with her.
"Hoof hooves! Come here quickly! " There were seven crows chanting in my ear, "It’s better for people to get together and the other side is not easy to fight!"
Zuo Tangtang feels a little annoyed. She always cherishes her life. Doesn’t she know that people get together to save their lives? The key is that he dumped this lousy stall on her, and she hasn’t come to solve it yet. This guy keeps nagging again.
This is your sister!
When was she half-blood?
Zuo Tangtang didn’t notice that the original blood was consumed by the other side unconsciously.
"Hoof hoof you hurry up! Don’t let anyone order you! " Seven crows are still crying in the air.
God is annoying!
Zuo Tangtang frowned slightly and stared at the other side closely. Zuo Tangtang didn’t even commit the habit of looking at the skill bar when fighting, but kept his hands coherent and tried to win the advantage again.
No, this can’t be done!
Zuo Tangtang shook his head, and he was really going to die if he played like this again.
Have you finished winning and grasped the present?
The only way is to lead each other to Xiaoqi.
There are many people there!
After making up your mind, Zuo Tangtang said and did it.
Fly back and try to hook each other with a hook.
It’s a pity that I was dodged by the other side every time because of my bad luck. Looking at the skill to cool D, Zuo Tangtang has never been so disgusted with this D for so long.
If the control skills are in cooling and being melee, the urban management can be beaten. Zuo Tangtang also knows this truth and hurriedly makes the flying skills go backwards.
It’s a pity that there are too many people here in Yizhuang, Suzhou. Zuo Tangtang can see the direction of the seven crows and others at a glance. He can’t help but be anxious and shout "Xiao Qi! Where are you? Come and help! "
I can’t find everyone. Zuo Tangtang decided to stick to it and wait for Xiaoqi to come and settle down.
It’s a pity that Zuo Tangtang lost to the other side, but it can still be delayed. However, the other side at this time is like knowing that Zuo Tangtang’s strength is weak, the situation is critical, and various outbreaks of Zuo Tangtang are overwhelming.
"Xiao qi? Have you come? " Zuo Tangtang couldn’t help asking again.
"Don’t rush! This is not not found! " Seven crow tone also some impatient.
"You can’t come …" Zuo Tangtang looked at his figure and murmured.
The announcement has been sent to death row because of the heinous crime of pig’s trotters stew
Zuo Tangtang saw that the whole person was already in prison when his picture turned.
Oh, by the way, purple name will automatically go to death row after death …
Zuo Tangtang feels a little dull … Although she doesn’t fight much, she still knows some basic settings.