"So what? The law of the jungle world is like this. Even if those newcomers can reach the kingdom, it’s like hahahaha. You don’t understand the horror of giant trees and forests, and you don’t even know how terrible the outside world is. We have seen those players who are as powerful as monsters with our own eyes. Even if they can go out, they will be even worse." They are already in trouble with good and evil and recognize that what they have done is not wrong.

That’s what they hate! !
I hate what others have done to them when I am doing unforgivable bad things, so people’s hearts have been seriously distorted.
Forgetting the dust but not laughing, he took his other arm and asked coldly, "Do you have any family?"
Very cold words, although he didn’t know what the enemy would ask in front of him, he smiled. "What about family?" ?
Hearing his answer, Forgetting Dust did not have pity or sympathy, but smiled and said, "Really? I’m relieved that even if I kill you, no one will regret it. "
"Just a newcomer! ! !”
"Now let you know that the newcomer is terrible." In a sense, forgetting the dust is not an ordinary newcomer. His past life is much better than these guys, and he walks farther.
Bone fracture, body connection, forgetting dust, grasping his left arm, showing an angry face, and with that roar, only the arm was broken and thrown into the sky.
"Ah you damn bastard my hand my hand! !” In this world which is almost close to reality but more mysterious and strange, destroying an arm is equivalent to breaking half of his life. Unless he is a master regenerative teacher, he will never be reborn again. Such excitement is more terrible than death! !
"Does it hurt? Pain is right, but what I have done is nothing compared with your sins. I won’t kill you because I think of a better way to deal with you. "
"You, what do you want to do?" I feel that I have forgotten the dust, and my malicious eyes are always panicked and my arms are broken. He has completely lost his fighting power. At this time, he is completely slaughtered by others.
"You will know about the horse."
"Ah ah ah"
There was a creepy scream in the huge lotus leaf security area. No one knew what happened, but it was completely calm afterwards.
"This is the beginning, and we will be even more cruel in the future. When we are in troubled times, there is no other choice. Where this man eats the world, the road leads to hell for us." Forgetting the dust is like saying to myself, and it is like saying to the eyes behind us that touch the body and shake the snow.
Snowfall nodded firmly and slowly calmed his breathing. Because he forgot to talk about the dust, the snow fell inside and occupied the main part. It was made of mud and mixed, showing his head but not dying.
His arms and feet were completely destroyed by forgotten dust, but because the snow fell, he stopped the bleeding from his wound and kept him in this state, but it was even worse than killing him.
"Why don’t you kill me! ! You beast, you b! !” Cruel means to turn himself into this appearance. For the old man, he has no future. Although he regrets everything in his heart, he can’t make a terrible roar and hatred in the simple device.
"I think this makes you feel uncomfortable." The serious and handsome appearance really doesn’t show that the world of forgetting dust is a demon, but compared with what forgetting dust has done, these people don’t know how many sins they have stained.
I don’t feel guilty about forgetting the dust.
"I want I want to kill you! ! Kill you! ! !” Resentment grows in my heart. If I can still act at this moment, I will fight hard. Unfortunately, it is too late. His life has already passed.
"If you can do it," forgot the dust and smiled jokingly. "How wonderful do you think your companions will look if they see you?"
"You devil, you executioner’s hand, hahahahahaha, by the way, your little root doesn’t know our team’s terror, right? Hahahahaha, you will die. You don’t know us, which is your greatest weakness. You will die even worse than me. No, you will be worse than death! ! !”
"Are you? That’s really worth looking forward to. "Continue to provoke and almost bleed the old man.
However, after the calm, the old man smiled and trembled. The grim smile was even more bizarre with that ferocious face. "You don’t know us at all, and you don’t know our boss’s horrible newcomer. You regret doing the right thing with us. When you choose to resist us, you are already a prey! !”
"prey?" Forget the dust came also sneer at indifference suddenly folded way "it seems that you didn’t find? Who is the real prey? "
"If it weren’t for me to leave a trace, would you be able to find my location at this level of IQ? Why did you and I choose this road for you to pursue the cause, so that I can determine whether you will spread out and kill me as I planned. "Forgetting the dust made the old man’s only body tremble, and his eyes revealed incredible eyes, but when he thought about it, he continued as he said.
"Was it from the beginning" that the old expression became scary.
"So from the beginning, you made a mistake about who is the real prey and who is the real hunter." Forget the dust and pick up the butcher knife again, with a murderous light in your eyes.
Staring at the sky, I suddenly burst out laughing. "So what? Even if I die now, the boss will avenge me. The new man is waiting to meet the anger of the dark swordsman. Hahahahahahaha."
Chapter 37 Anti-killing
In the daytime, a dark shadow galloped in the depths of the jungle, and the speed was like a violent thunder. In less than a minute, he rushed about a kilometer away. The black tight-fitting sword robe roared with the cold wind, and it sounded cold and cold. A black mask covered his forehead and exposed his eyes, which was more frightening than the new one.
Suddenly, he stopped galloping. At this moment, his heart felt as if he had lost something.
Then he communicated with the starfish to tick.
"Do you want to influence whether the function is turned on?" The swordsman in black stopped indifferently, always feeling that something made him uneasy. After seeing the old signature, almost at the same time, more than a dozen people took out the com with the influence function outside the forest of the dead.
"This is a communication starfish, not an influence starfish. What is this old guy doing here?" Everyone complained and opened their hands at the same time. Starfish is an important means of communication in the front mainland, but not everyone needs to buy and rob to get it.
Communication starfish image, then starfish life is here.
"Hey, you idiot, what are you doing? The communication starfish is worth ten thousand yuan." Just after opening the communication device, several people roared, but when the image appeared, their minds trembled.
That’s the way to look directly at a familiar face in a picture. At this moment, the limbs of a normal person are simply held in a device.
He was smiling before he died.
"Brothers must take revenge on me. I will curse this new person and never turn over. I want him to be dead. I will take revenge! ! !” Unwilling and resentful eyes before he died, starfish images actually gave him a close-up. After saying this, another bloody head fell to the ground.
Click and disappear with the loss of the image. Anger, roar and unwilling roar have come from all over the forest. Their hatred for forgetting the dust has reached the point of hatred.
Lotus leaf tree
"It looks like it’s completely dead this time." This is the second time to kill this guy, and it’s all about beheading others’ heads, wiping blood on their cheeks and forgetting dust. I always feel that I’m getting more violent.
Although his methods are cruel and excessive, he doesn’t think it is necessary to be kind to this group of people, and the hatred has long since been forgotten from the beginning. Unless he can escape from here, the hatred will continue. The first time he fights the swordsman in black, he will know that this is an old enemy.
At that time, forgetting the dust already knew that it was either you or me. In this case, it is better to step out and smash them one by one. Once they join hands, they will have a good chance of winning.
The contest won at the cost of two partners’ lives, but it didn’t end there.
"Lao" slowly took off his mask, and the mask face showed ferocious scratches. He was silent for three seconds and put the mask on his chest like a funeral procession for Lao.
"I’ll let him come to hell with you."
"All the people to the bone cave that new man he will go there all immediately! !” A swordsman in black, the soul of the team, gave everyone the most correct judgment and instruction he thought.
"But the boss! !” They are worried that they will not forget the dust and go to Wan Gu Cave, but choose to go to other places. After all, the waning moon kingdom is not only the city of the dead, although it is the main city, there are other places to go to Jushusen.
"We can’t just let that guy go. I’m closest to my brother’s position. I’ll intercept him! !” Rough Berserker came roaring, and the death of two consecutive partners has made them angry to the extreme.
"Don’t you understand me when I say that the horse goes to the bone cave?" The swordsman in black is suppressing his anger. At this moment, maybe he is the most angry person, but if he forgets dust, it will be lucky if he can kill the fifth. Even the old swordsman died in his hands. It can almost be judged that no one in his team is the opponent of the newcomer.