Suddenly, the body trembled violently, and Xiang directly picked up the snot fried rice. In Lysak’s surprised and puzzled eyes, he ran away at the fastest speed!

I didn’t pay any attention to shouting from behind that Xiang ran straight out for a long time before stopping. Fortunately, the location of Lysak’s shop was hidden, otherwise his behavior just now was very similar to that of a man who packed up and fled after eating a overlord meal.
I found a place where people are walking, and then I can see the property of strengthening snot fried rice.
Strengthen the overall attribute of fried rice with runny nose (S) by 10% for 6 minutes.
It is said that one day, Lysak found that the fried rice with a broken nose turned out to be extremely delicious. Since then, he seems to have spied on his intention to walk in the future, and finally he has developed a fried rice with a stronger nose than the fried rice with a broken nose. This is a gourmet’s painstaking efforts, and the materials are rare, and it contains a lot of essence.
After reading it, Xiang’s hand almost made this rare reward fall off the bluestone road. If it is missing, it means that this fried rice is indeed a rare gain. The overall attribute of food has increased by 10%. If you think about it, it seems that this disgusting food can finally be eaten by yourself.
Solemnly put the fried rice with enhanced snot in the corner of the prop bar until the day he dropped it, and he didn’t want to see the word snot again.
Although it is really disgusting, he is glad that he didn’t refuse this at the beginning, otherwise it would be a kind of luck to get such a good food.
"Thanks, Lysak …"
After silently looking back at the direction of nightmare restaurant, Xiang Tou walked forward without looking back, and never stepped into that restaurant again, not even that area.
It took almost a week to complete this Xiang grade, which can be said to be stagnant for a week, and then Argo briefly reported the table gain food. It is natural that the other party is surprised that the gain food attribute is full of schadenfreude, and he can also smile bitterly at it.
Later, for more than a month, Xiang has been alone in the forefront of boring training, completing an unknown loner, which can also be said to have completely replaced the position of Tongren.
Now Tongren ranks among the best as the original, but he is no longer a loner but a member of the moonlit black cat group. He helped the members of the moonlit black cat group to grow rapidly, and at the same time, a small guild with less than ten people gradually developed into a medium-sized guild and kept pace with Klein’s guild.
Sometimes, when eating black bread after a break, Xiang always laments and talks to himself, feeling that he has not only changed the future of Tongren, but also shouldered the arduous task of saving all the players.
At the same time, he sometimes thinks that it is impossible to be with Asina after being in a black cat group. Whenever he think about it, he feels as if he has done something full of sin.
"sin, sin, but at least there is a good thing."
Swallow the brown bread in one gulp. Finally, Xiang jumped from a big stone and habitually patted his ass and looked up at the blue sky and raised a cheerful smile.
His place is a wasteland occupied by rocks, and it is also the highest floor at present. Few players will train here, but those who have the strength to train here are in the maze.
At first glance, it’s only when you look at the vast rocky wasteland that you can see that one person is almost barren. It’s easy for people to feel lonely. But Xiang has long been used to it. After his rest, he rushed to the point where monsters suitable for leveling poured out.
Now it has reached the 43rd floor, and the mainstream player level has reached 55, while Xiang’s current level is 66. After a little effort, it will be close to the top 7.
However, due to the high level, it is extremely difficult to upgrade the hunting monster’s experience. If you want to upgrade faster, you can enter the maze, and this matter is imminent. However, at present, he is not sure about the strength to single out the carnivorous toad, and he simply doesn’t want to update his equipment and train.
It was not until late at night that Xiang stopped boring training, and the experience bar increased by about 15% all day, and the speed was horribly slow. After all, his level was about ten levels higher than that of An. According to common sense, monster experience acquisition has reached the lowest value.
In the original work, Tongren experienced the tragedy of black cats in the night and kept practicing like crazy, but the level of flying was almost the same as that of Tongren in that state.
In the middle of the night, the unusually quiet sound of the wasteland seems to be swallowed up by the lonely atmosphere, and there is no sound at all. By the bright moonlight, you can see pieces of cold stones piled together.
In order to save time, Xiang didn’t go back to the town hotel and directly got into a hidden rocky gap to close his eyes. If he is sleepy, he will sleep directly. If he is still energetic, he will continue to train.
For the pursuit of rank Xiang, it can be said that everything is morbid, and it is more certain to defeat Heathcliff and then return to the real world. To achieve this goal, boring suffering is ignored by him.
"It’s terrible not to be able to sleep …"
Have a good rest for a while, but I haven’t felt sleepy yet. Xiang sighed gently, got up and walked out of the gap where one person could be accommodated and headed for the monster gushing point to start a new round of leveling.
I slept for about four hours every day, and the rest of the time I came to practice, which lasted for more than a month and achieved great results. By the fiftieth floor, this state should continue.
Argo is very puzzled by Xiang’s desperate training, and Xiang gives her the answer that she wants to go to the maze as soon as possible. Argo can understand this. Map pioneers are crazy. After all, the first person who develops maps always gets the greatest benefit.
Chapter vi
Boring, boring and monotonous, that’s what it’s like to train alone. If Argo doesn’t mail together from time to time, he might be tempted to stop halfway.
After another four or five years, Tian Xiang finally rose to the next level. However, after this level, he found that his experience was reduced by twice. He put up with it and decided to give up training at the current level and turn his eyes to the maze.
Carnivorous toad is equivalent to level 7 or so. Although Xiang is not fully sure to take carnivorous toad, it is not useless. Now his level has reached 67. The only lack is equipment update.
Previously, he had always been concerned about the training, but neglected the strengthening equipment. Usually, the hunting targets were all experienced, which led to the fact that he had never received the materials for strengthening equipment, and the materials he needed could not be purchased in the market. Because at this stage, players would choose to strengthen their equipment instead of selling it to Cole. After all, in this world, equipment is equivalent to vitality, and money is no more important than life.
The strengthening direction of Xiang’s body armor has always tended to defense and negative resistance, while the pitying eyes are natural, lasting and thick, and they have always been specialized in armor-piercing and durable from beginning to end. He hopes to smash Heathcliff Shield in the night.
However, when Xiang’s mind switched to equipment, he was filled with anguish, because now he hasn’t intervened in the raiders for more than a month, and naturally he won’t let the logistics and equipment department of the blood alliance help him strengthen the equipment. He really can’t love Yuxi …
He sighed and gently stroked the white light armor. This equipment is light armor, but its properties are similar to those of heavy armor. It was made by Yuxi’s hand and has been recast until now. The name has not changed, but the back number has been changed from 1 to 7, but it has been recast seven times. Every time it caters to Xiang’s properties, but it has never been recast since it was separated in the tea shop. The peak properties of this equipment have remained at 5 to 55 levels, and so have the rest of the equipment.
"It seems that it will be a wave for a while."
Xiang distressed and rubbed his forehead to stay in the guild. Reagan didn’t need to worry about equipment to meet the requirements of recasting, but he could immediately recast it even if the material was not enough. Now he is alone, but he doesn’t have such good conditions. The most important thing is that he can’t find the logistics staff of the equipment department to recast the equipment and turn around and leave.
"There is no way to find a professional player with an idle life."
Xiang was distressed for a while and sent an email to Argo asking if there were any idle players with high proficiency in life skills.
Argo is not the kui is an intelligence dealer who tells Xiang two names every second.
One is a professional forger of Liz Bette, and the other is a black cat on a moonlit night to Xiang’s surprise.
Liz Bette’s good luck is a little impressive, as if she were helping Tongren make a one-handed sword. A female forger didn’t expect Argo to recommend a tailor.
When did Argo Xing change to a tailor? How do I not know
You don’t know there are many things.
Somewhere ago, Argo laughed in a low voice. Some time ago, she wrote an article about the details of the relationship between Asina and Xiang. The length of the article was as high as 20,000 words. The price was 18 Kerr. Before the article was published, she first threw out a heavy news that Xiang had been dumped by Asina. Based on this, most male players gloated and decided to buy the "strategy" to explore the details of the relationship with Asina, hoping to become a boyfriend with Asina.
In the article, Xiang, the hero, knows about this, but Asina, the heroine, has got a lot of money and is now preparing to buy a good house.
When Argo approached her to discuss this matter, she didn’t agree, but when Argo said that she would release the news that she dumped Xiang, she agreed without hesitation. If she could get rid of the scandal and do nothing, she would get a lot of money. This kind of thing is simply a pie in the sky.
Poor Xiang knew Argo was going to hide it for her at the beginning, but she was finally sold and didn’t know it.
After chatting with Argo for a few words, she dropped her mailbox and went to the 36th floor of Beaucert town Lizbeth, where she set up a stall. Now she doesn’t have enough money to open a shop, so she can set up a stall on the street. However, because of her high skill proficiency, the business is still good, and it is not difficult to set up a shop of her own in time.
Beaucert’s town style is forging the main street. Most shops are blacksmiths, which sell all kinds of strengthening materials, but there is no rare level. It is precisely because of this that most idle forgers will choose to set up stalls in Beaucert and players who want to strengthen weapons will naturally come to Beaucert.
When Xiang came to Beaucert to inquire a little, he knew that Liz Bette’s stall was located in the central square of the town, which was the main section of the blacksmith’s stall, which was very lively.
"Have you heard? Liz Bette failed to recast somebody else’s high-grade single-handed sword, and the single-handed sword was directly broken. "
"Recasting failed? Isn’t recasting 100% successful? And I have never heard that the failure of recasting will lead to the disappearance of equipment? "
"I don’t know about this. Let’s go and see it first."
Xiang just came to the edge of the square when he heard the player’s conversation rushing by. He frowned and failed to recast, resulting in the disappearance of equipment?
After thinking about it, he followed the two players towards the center of the square. At this time, it seems that because of the storm, the players started to watch the crowd, and Xiang just heard an angry male voice on the edge of the crowd.
"The one-handed sword but I do my best to let you recast what will disappear? If you don’t do it properly, you won’t want to leave until you make it clear to me today! "
"I’m very sorry for the loss you caused, and I will pay it back." The male voice just fell, followed by a crisp and stubborn woman.
"Repay? What will you pay for it? Even if you sell your possessions, you can’t afford it! "
"So what do you want?"
Liz Bette stared at the bald young man in front of her with reddish eyes, which was very helpful to make sure that selling the sword with one hand could only pay back half of all her existing possessions.
No one in the crowd spoke for Liz Bette. After all, this is a dispute caused by both sides of the transaction. Although the loss caused by the failure of strengthening is borne by the player according to the trading rules of forgers and players, the problem is that recasting the roots will not fail, and at most it will reduce the attributes, let alone make the equipment disappear.
Xiang crossed the crowd and saw a face that helped Liz Bette, as she had seen in the cartoon. Unfortunately, both sides of her cheek were numb and became the only flaw.