"Shameless!" Windson helplessly cursed.

Barker Singlida, an academician of the Central Academy of Science and Technology of the Democratic Republic, has publicly published many papers on spatial plane, such as On the Stability of Space Barrier, Architecture Form of Parallel Plane, and so on, and he is an expert in spatial plane research on Tran Star.
And windson is for this person.
When Lin Feng invaded the brain of Academia Sinica in Lida Democratic Republic, he felt helpless. This was not because his level was not enough, but because the brain of Academia Sinica was not connected to the outside world at all, which made Lin Feng like a mouse pulling a turtle.
Soft is not good, only hard!
Lin Feng originally planned to check Buck Singh’s other research results from the brain of Lida Academia Sinica, and also look at what this person is studying recently. If what he is studying is useful to Lin Feng, then Lin Feng is not going to move him for the time being until he studies it. Otherwise, if we rashly tie each other to each other, there will always be resistance. Even if we don’t strike, we can’t do anything about it. After all, scientific research is a matter that needs to be devoted wholeheartedly, and others can’t be compromised by threats.
But windson didn’t expect that he couldn’t get any information about buck singer’s latest research topic, so he had to tie it if he didn’t. Even if he interrupted his research, it would be good to get him back to be an assistant to Tess.
Now that you have the idea of doing it. Windson immediately began to search for the position of Academia Sinica in Lida Democratic Republic. Defense situation. A series of information such as internal facilities.
Everything comes to him who waits. It took less than a day for windson to basically get the information he wants to know, but how to get in has become another problem.
The Academia Sinica of Lida Democratic Republic is located on the outskirts of Leah. It’s a building with two floors above ground. 66 floors underground. Covering an area of about 2 square kilometers, Academia Sinica is surrounded by 2 mechanized divisions and 1 mecha brigade. As for the storm before the war fortress didn’t arrive windson is not considered. Although he easily destroyed a mecha patrol team, it is basically impossible to fight against a country with a huge mecha team.
Many ants bite dead elephants, even though they are mecha on Tran Star, they are generally at the backward level of the first generation, but once the number reaches a certain level, it is still enough to blow "purple light" into scrap iron, not to mention that the Lida Democratic Republic has all kinds of large-scale war machinery in addition to the mecha.
Can’t storm and go underground? It’s not that Lin Feng hasn’t considered digging tunnels, but it will take too long and it will be too much trouble. In the process of searching for information in the confidential database of various countries on the Internet, Lin Feng also showed how much storm was caused by yesterday’s skirmish. At least ten countries have sent mecha to ambush quietly on the border of Lida Democratic Republic, and Lida’s military department has also made a series of targeted arrangements. This situation was not thought of by Lin Feng at that time, but instead of regretting it, he felt that it was a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters, so he should act quickly.
After searching online for a while again, Lin Feng finally found an available information with a bright eye, and a series of action steps for this information slowly took shape in his heart.
On a not wide road outside the suburb of Leah, a train of 12 large black trucks is driving evenly. There are two armored suspension vehicles in front of and behind this train, and six battle mecha are hovering above this train to guard against any possible attacks. The whole train is like a fierce beast from ancient times, with a faint chill.
When the motorcade passed through a small forest, a big tree with the thickness of one person folded on the left side of the road suddenly fell down.
The body just cut off the motorcade.
The sudden change made the team slightly confused, and at this moment, a black shadow quickly flashed from the right side of the road and drilled into the bottom of a truck without attracting anyone’s attention.
Two battle mecha flew down from the world, but the remaining four mecha were divided into four directions, and the two mecha that were more alert to the team’s descent looked around the tree for a long time. It seems that there is nothing unusual now, and directly lifted the fallen tree and threw it far away. Then the team set off for the destination again.
Windson tightly affixed to the bottom of a truck at the moment, he was wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform, and all kinds of smells scattered in his body were suppressed. According to the scientific and technological level on Tran Star, there was no detector to show his trace.
The left hand buckled on a prominent part at the bottom of the suspended truck, and the right hand turned "water blue" and appeared in the hand of Lin Feng. Without hesitation, he drew a circle with a diameter of about half a meter on the bottom plate of the truck on his head. Hard alloy plate is not much better than a piece of tofu in front of "water blue"
Pack up "blue" right hand up a windson could not help but curse.

Judging from the feeling from the hand, the upper part of the bottom plate of the painting circle is obviously pressed against the goods.
Empiric abdomen encouraged Zhenyuan’s right hand to abruptly cut the alloy plate together with the goods above, and lifted it up. The whole body of her left hand quickly curled up and easily got into the truck. Then put down his right hand and let the metal container weighing at least one thousand kilograms press on his back. Windson easily embedded the cut circular alloy plate back into the distance, and his fingers braved the blue flame and circled the truck floor in the gap. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see that it has been cut.
After restoring the floor, windson moved a few steps to gently put down the metal container that was pressed on him, which was a sigh of relief.
This is an armed convoy carrying materials to Lida Academia Sinica, and it is also the simplest infiltration method that Lin Feng can think of. As long as he can enter the research institute, nothing can stop him. The internal network in the research institute is like a tattered spider web in front of Lin Feng. It is impossible to resist his invasion.
I found some tools from the ring, chose a metal container, opened it, took out some of the goods inside and put them back in the ring. Lin Feng rolled over and got into the container, closed the roof, and then waited patiently for the team to send him to the research institute.
Although people are in the container, the whole team’s every move is under the monitoring of Lin Feng’s mind.
After more than half an hour, the motorcade arrived at its destination-Academia Sinica of Lida Democratic Republic.
Followed by a series of handover and handling, during which no one found an unexpected guest in this batch of goods.
After everything calms down, the metal container where Lin Feng is located has been neatly placed in the warehouse on the basement of the research institute, waiting for further distribution.
Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Fengyong scanned a circle in the warehouse and found two monitoring devices only at the door. Lin Feng smiled gently and quickly jumped out of the container, took out a small wisdom brain and connected it to a computer used to control the storage of goods in the warehouse.
Sure enough, as windson expected, this computer in the warehouse really connected with the internal network of the institute, so windson invaded the brain of the institute very easily, and most of the facilities of the institute were under his control.
Pack up small wisdom brain windson didn’t act immediately, but found a hidden corner in the warehouse, crossed his legs and sat down quietly to pranayama.
Windson’s practice is more than 10 hours. When he woke up, it was already the tenth and the normal work of the research institutes.
Windson stood up from the ring and took out a standard uniform of a researcher at Lida Academia Sinica, which had been prepared long ago-a white coat was put on the outside of the tight combat uniform, and the imitation badge face seemed to be a different person unconsciously. If Han Yu were here, I’m afraid he would immediately jump into his arms and happily call him lobular!
When everything is ready, windson took a deep breath and swaggered open the door of the warehouse and went out.
There is no one on the passage outside the warehouse. Of course, this is something that Lin Feng has long known. The whole underground 66th floor of the Institute is divided into dozens of research departments, and the information in the database of Ba Zhu Brain that Lin Feng wants to kidnap should be in the research department of the 58th floor.

Chapter one hundred and sixty-nine ones
At noon, it is the most sleepy time of the day. Researchers in Lida Central Committee are either still absorbed in the research work at hand or in the rest room. Experts and scholars in this field have very loose freedom.
Turn out of the doorway of the warehouse. Windson moves aboveboard in the basement of the Institute. Occasionally, when he meets other researchers head-on, this guy will nod and smile gracefully with each other without any guilty appearance.
As the Democratic Republic of Lida, Academia Sinica certainly has a very strict security system. Even the important locations on each floor are guarded by armed soldiers. In addition, it is not easy for other agents to sneak into the secret with all kinds of advanced weapons hidden in the floor and ceiling.
According to the topographic map transferred from the database of the research institute’s brain, Lin Feng soon came to the high elevator. Perhaps it was his unfamiliar face that made two soldiers standing in front of the elevator doubt that a soldier on the left was doing exercises on a small instrument on his wrist. I want to check Lin Feng’s identity. The soldier on the right stared at the badge that Lin Feng hung on his chest for a long time before smiling and asking, "Dr. Ye, you should have just arrived at the Institute for a long time."
Windson didn’t answer, just a faint expression of "well" seemed disdainful, but it was just in line with his current status. As a young doctor, it is normal to look down on ordinary soldiers. What’s more, it is very educated to be questioned by the other party and not immediately flew into a rage.
Sure enough, the soldier who spoke didn’t seem to see anything strange from Lin Feng’s performance. He turned to look at the soldiers around him, but now he made a gesture in the right direction, so the soldier immediately smiled and explained, "Don’t get me wrong. I just want to be close to you. "
When Lin Feng stepped out of the elevator, it attracted the attention of a small number of research experts. At first glance, they turned their heads and went to some busy places.
Windson smiled first along the lounge at both ends of the turn through the glass window on the door. Lin Fengxian’s lounge is empty, which makes him feel very satisfied. There are alarm devices everywhere in Lida Academia Sinica, some of which are not controlled by the main brain but go straight to the security center. If they start their hands for a while, but now two people will be in trouble in the lounge.
After checking the lounge, Lin Feng walked along the office area to the innermost space laboratory. Along the way. His eyes swept all the people here. There is no trace of the current target, Buck Singh, but it has aroused the dissatisfaction of several researchers.
Windson saw someone stood up. There seems to be a plan to come over and question yourself, and quickly speed up the pace and walk to the edge of the glass door of the space laboratory. Through the glass door windson saw at a glance that guy you want to kidnap middle-aged baldheaded face must also wear a pair of glasses to look like some neither fish nor fowl aquiline nose pointed chin fat to tell the truth is really not so long.