"If I can refine the jade dish and master this side of the world thoroughly, I am the master of the world, and even if Hongjun is reborn, it may not be my opponent." After more than 2,000 years, the sick madman began to act.

The flamingo escaped into the abyss of this world after being seriously injured by the attack of the bereavement maniac. The flamingo learned the array knowledge from Wang Gang. Although he was hunted by the bereavement maniac for more than 2,000 years, he is still alive. Not only that, but fallen angels’s strength is becoming more and more powerful.
The madman who can’t afford to be sick broadcasts the secret of becoming a god, portraying the fire crow and its forces as the most horrible evil. He is relying on the strength of human gods to compete with the fire crow, and in the process, he has found a way to refine the jade dish.
"If other gods attack, our gods may not be able to resist the loss of half of Gaoshen Pavilion," said the tall and muscular deities with heavy eyebrows and big eyes, who were worried.
Other gods nodded their heads when they heard this. New believers and new land should go to believe in Shinto. There is no god who doesn’t want to be linked to the power of gods because of believers.
But now it’s not Archaic. They have a god to seal the gods. It’s not a secret for the strong people in the main plane. Although there is a strong strangulation by the gods, there are still several people who have succeeded in sealing the gods and formed the Archaic gods more than those who are hostile to the sick.
"Hum!" A loud hum came from the mouth of the sick madman, and the gods were as white as lightning, and he was covered by the holy light, so it was not like a human scream to shout out from his mouth
The divine power of the clergy has appeared in the hands of the sick madman in an instant. Without the divine power to protect the man, a pool of red droplets burned wildly and disappeared in the extreme temperature of the sun, and even the soul did not escape.
"Remember, I’m not discussing with you. This is an order. Whoever dares to disobey Dongfang Hao is the other field." The insane voice is cold and complete, and the divine godhead in his hand is transformed into the most source energy into the power of refining, refining and making jade dishes.
"Now the horse gives me half of my heart and throws it into the main plane!" In the bereavement, all the gods’ faces are full of poverty and murderous sounds, with fear and hatred in their eyes, but they can obey the bereavement’s orders, resist the tearing of their souls, and send their souls into the main plane through the temple of the gods according to the requirements of the bereavement.
"You still have some time to wait for you. Everything is my energy to refine the jade dish of nature." When I feel that the refining degree of the jade dish of nature has deepened for a little while, the sick crazy face shows a gentle color and looks at the faces of all the gods here, but it is more vicious to turn my mind to the extreme.
"Little Firecrow, you are very good. You have made great progress in these years." You are still excited and sick when you realize that the soul sounds into the temple of the gods, and your face is cold and your scalp is numb.
"How could he still be alive! Impossible! " In those years when Wang Gang’s instrument became the main object, the sick man secretly went to the earth and found that the wilderness had disappeared. All the immortals became friends with tales of mystery.
After coming to the West for a while, the Empress Dowager searched the world and found no name of Hongjun. At that time, his heart was filled with ecstasy because these signs showed that his master Hongjun was really dead.
It is precisely because of this that he has the courage to sneak up on the fire crow, seize the jade dish of nature, broadcast it as a Shinto, and lure several gods into his refining and refining. The energy of the jade dish of nature remains to be continued.
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Chapter 73 Zixiao Palace is now
"You’re so disappointing, bereavement maniac!" In front of the bereaved, there was a wave. With the sound, Wang Gang appeared in casual clothes behind Wang Gang, followed by angry fire crows.
A flaming red hair and black tights will completely reveal the perfect figure. Although the face is angry, it is like the darling face of the world, which makes many gods forget their souls and lose their pain, and stare at the unique beauty of the flaming crow.
"disappointed? What are you, you? Are you still the natural enemy Hongjun? Reincarnated, you are nothing! Don’t you dare to come here today, you won’t want to leave. "In the heart of the sick madman who feels that Wang Gang has no strength, he is ecstatic than he. Wang Gang has just returned from reincarnation and has not recovered his strength, and he has lost all the instruments.
"If you don’t come to me, I’m sure I can’t find you. Since you’ve come to die yourself, that would be great. With your soul and blood, refining the jade dish can be shortened to a thousand years." The sick man burst out laughing wildly. He thought that every inch of Wang Gang’s body had been explored, and there was really no power!
"You really let me down," Wang Gang shook his head and said with no emotion in his eyes. "You are the first ray of light produced by heaven and earth. After listening to my sermon, you were born to spread a few rays of light, bringing warmth and vitality to people, but I didn’t expect you to be like this."
"When I preached in those days, I already said that believing in Shinto is simple and fast, but it is not the right way to practice. I didn’t expect you to practice Shinto one year later."
"I think your strength is estimated to reach the sacred realm in ten thousand years after my fall, right? But a few years later, you are still in this state, and the fire crow has been insisting on practicing. Although I designed the skills for her, I started to practice slowly, but now I am at the peak of Yasheng. Do you want to know anything? " Wang Gang’s eyes were filled with pity.
"Even if the fire crow becomes a saint, if I have mastered the jade dish now, I will launch the power of the jade dish, and you will also have a dead end." After listening to Wang Gang’s words, the sick madman seems to have been greatly stimulated and his face began to look crazy.
"Because your body is contaminated with too many causes and effects, you have been thinking about it. If you want to get others’ beliefs, but never think about feedback, if you want to break through the present realm, feedback from heaven and earth is your only way out. Everything you have, even your soul needs to return to heaven and earth, before you can truly become a Taoist." Wang Gang said with a sneer on his face, and everything Wang Gang said was true.
"Let you taste the power of the jade dish!" The sick man roared with all his strength and poured into the temple of the gods. Through the association between the temple of the gods and the jade dish, he wanted to start the road of the jade dish and kill Wang Gang with one blow
Wang Gang shook his head, and even the flamingo was full of pity. He looked at his face flushed and his strength was constantly being absorbed, but he was half-sick. "No, this is the master’s creation of the world. Even if you will refine the jade dish department when the master disappears completely, there will be no more!"
"It’s the owner’s things, even if heaven is robbing you, it’s you." In the sound of fire crow, a painful and extreme roar came from the mouth of the sick madman, and there was a mixture of begging for mercy
Wang Gang paid no attention to "I always said that every cause has its consequences. You planted it because now it’s time for you to bear the consequences!"
"This world is created by me, even if I should be robbed and fall, even if I have a little strength, no, I am still a heaven in this world. I want to be in this world. Don’t say that you are a little sage. Even if a saint comes, I can kill it with one eye. This is very simple. You can think of it, but cause and effect have blinded your eyes. Heaven and earth want you to die, so you can challenge me like a fool."
As Wang Gangyin’s body shriveled slowly, the divine power in his body disappeared completely, and everything returned to heaven and earth, and the soul and true spirit were completely turned to dust by Wang Gangyin’s hand.
Even the chance of reincarnation was deprived by Wang Gang. A faint light appeared and fell in Wang Gang’s hand when the bereaved disappeared. With a smile, he said to the fire crow, "Fire crow, you practice the fire on the fire avenue. This light is the first ray of light that has been produced for the first time. It contains the secrets of the light avenue. Take it and practice it well."
"Thank you, master" Firecrow is more excited than she is. Although she has made rapid progress, the light road is obscure than it is difficult to understand. If she gets the first ray of light that contains some laws of the light road, she will enter the realm of saints for thousands of years.
"This is because you don’t have to thank me for so many years. This thing can’t make up for it! Go and close it. Don’t come out until you reach the saint’s realm. I’ll accept you as your real avenue. "Watching Wang Gang, the fire crow, disappear with a smile.
If Firecrow hadn’t always adhered to his plan, Wang Gang wouldn’t have gotten the pre-dream deity. Although even without the deity, Wang Gang would gradually restore his memory, but he didn’t know how many years it would take when needed.
It can be said that the fire crow has made great contributions to it, which can be replaced. This is a cause and effect, and it is natural for Wang Gang to express it.
"What a pity!" Wang Gang looked back at his fear than looked at himself. The gods said, everyone can’t understand the vernacular, but they didn’t move the world. No matter where the gods disappeared from them, the divine power of the Ministry was also taken back by Wang Gang at the same time, and Wang Gang didn’t let go.
However, unlike the bereaved, the souls and true spirits of these people were sent to reincarnation by Wang Gang. After all the forces were recovered, the heavenly power was also made perfect by Wang Gang, and all the creatures in the world fell into a deep sleep in an instant. The jade dish with a diameter of 99 cm larger than the sun was brought into Wang Gang’s mind.
At last, a palace full of Taoist rhymes was left. Wang Gang’s face fell into Zixiao Palace with a nostalgic look, and he said with emotion, "Old friend finally sees you again."
"It’s a pity that I’ll never see it again." A statue is bigger than the original world. The murderous look brought by the falling sound from the virtual makes the virtual trembling heaven evade to be continued.
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Chapter 74 Destiny and Ghosts
After finishing this sentence, the monstrous figure shrank rapidly and finally became almost as tall as Wang Gang, wearing a colorful cassock face. Gu Zhuo’s face stepped into Zixiao Palace with a smile and appeared in front of Wang Gang.
"Long time no see, friends of destiny!" Wang Gang didn’t panic when he saw the fate of the three monsters. Instead, he smiled as if he hadn’t seen his old friends for years, and there was even a little expectation in it.
See Wang Gang sitting cross-legged in the hall of Zixiao Palace. How many years has it been without any hesitation? One hundred and ten yuan plus 16 million years is really long enough. If Pangu, a reckless man, was not desperate to open up the world, how could I be restricted by the avenue for so long and not be able to return to my birthplace? "
"It’s a pity that it has become like this now. If it weren’t for breath induction, I couldn’t find the place where the avenue gave birth to me." Fate’s face was full of emotion
"Daoyou came back this time?" Wang Gang, the power of fate, can’t figure it out, but he can roughly sense that the power of fate and ghosts is generally in the realm of human beings, and he is not as high-minded as he thinks.
It is precisely because of this that Wang Gang’s heart is greatly relieved. Wang Gang still has certain means to cope with it. Even if Pangu is resurrected, it is not necessarily an opponent of fate and ghosts.
Besides, the person with such strength is not the only one who is a ghost of fate, and sometimes there are two ghosts.
"Of course, I’ve come to wipe out the world. If I wake up Pangu’s reckless man, he won’t stop because I escaped and Pangu almost fell, old centipede. Are you going to protect the world now because you were killed by Pangu?" Destiny is not loud, but it contains determination and murder, but it is amazing.
"I have been a member of this world since it just appeared, and I have made several efforts in the development of the world!" Wang Gang looked at fate’s eyes and paused and continued, "Pangu is the creator of this world and I am the guardian of this world!" "
"Old centipede, do you know the price of fate with me?" In the eyes of fate, a colorful Tianhe appears, and the fate of both creatures and the world is in the colorful Tianhe, even Wang Gang appears in the colorful destiny river from time to time.
"Fate, if you can really master the fate of all beings, you can’t be here. You can’t scare me. If I were you, don’t start work. After starting work, there is no turning back. Although my chaotic magic body has become the cornerstone of the world, my soul has also come to the realm of human beings." Wang Gang was released by his department in an instant
A number of creatures appeared to worship Wang Gang, and even lifeless substances also appeared around Wang Gang. Even the world is a part of all beings.
Although there is no power to destroy the world in the imposing manner, it contains the artistic conception of all beings that has surpassed the world