On how excellent the replicators are, they can’t touch the bar all the time, but they can transform the energy of yang dun. They always lack the ability of wood dun, which is even more terrible. As they make more and more wood dun, their bodies are irreversibly lignified …

Up to now, there have been dozens of "wood carvings" in the Tuanzang laboratory …
To some extent, according to the current trend, if Zhen Yong fails to get this precious energy conversion method, I’m afraid his fate will be as miserable as that of his predecessors …
Six blessings!
Secretly wiped a cold sweat on his forehead. After learning that his situation was so critical, Zhenyong was able to swear and continue to speculate on those obscure words and then carry out simple simulations in his mind … From the description, this process will be very long. According to the description of the first generation, it took more than a month for the Qianshouzhu to complete this process … Of course, Zhenyong never expected that he could do better than the first generation …
Ahem, this kind of thing is not difficult to understand. Not everyone feels that they are born superior and destined to become the dominant player in this plane. For Qian Zhiyong, this kind of thing has never occurred to him-he was an ordinary otaku before crossing, except that his fingers are flexible and strong … because of playing games! Don’t think about it! Ahem … Besides, he is absolutely unique. Even if he encounters this kind of thing, he can imagine himself climbing to the top of the world’s power. In the final analysis, the most deadly thing is not meeting a white beard grandfather and then triggering his three wishes!
Far from it …
Judging from the current situation, Zhenyong’s goal has not been changed, that is, at least to ensure that he can live.
"Breathe … shout …"
A really brave man took a deep breath and began to try hard for the first time-although a little old man named Tuan Zang has been staring at him all the time, which makes him very uncomfortable, it is a matter of his own life and life, so he can be informal.
At the same time, the ability to predict the future in the height of spirit also makes Zhenyong chakra begin to slowly accumulate and recover the differences before the body runs. In the process of running, Zhenyong has begun to rearrange chakra, and this arrangement faintly makes chakra, which has no nature, have a special change … At first, it was a little bit until it flooded. Zhenyong chakra seemed to boil up!
And his tender cheek twitched for about half a second before it began to twist violently-that shows that the messenger is experiencing imaginary pain … Well, if it has to be shaped, it may be comparable to the fact that the male animal’s vital point has been severely injured by weakness.
To put it another way, cover it up in two words-egg pain! ! ! ! ! ! !
Holy shit!
Does it mean that people of the times are even more tolerant than ninjas now? ? Or maybe he is actually in a state of being possessed! ?
It’s really brave. It’s hard to imagine that torture like this should last for two hours before a course of treatment, twice a day, for about 30 days to "recover"! ?
God! I’d better give up treatment! ! !
It’s brave to bite the tip of the tongue with your eyes closed. If you distract yourself from time to time, I’m afraid he will faint directly. According to the scroll, if he loses consciousness at this time, he will be lucky enough to become a piece of wood … Isn’t this a trick? At least my cold medicine will symbolically write a "taboo reaction" clause, this damn secret scroll …
Remember to write the vice in the speech! Soul Chapter 39, Yang dun studied … Complete!
What happens in a place where you can’t see the sun all day?
Endure this horrible pain day after day. What?
Suffering! ! !
Over and over again, this sad process should be repeated until Zhenyong can freely control his body yang and escape energy! ! !
Of course, from a technical point of view, I personally think it is faster to simply kill him …
Are you kidding me? ?
As the saying goes, it’s worse to die than to live. Even the battlefield is so pitted. It’s brave to persist. What can a mere practice be? ? … well, judging from the facts, even if this practice is called death, it can be tolerated.
What makes him even more uneasy is that this so-called Yang Dun energy cultivation road will be aided by foreign aid except the scroll in front of him … After all, the whole konoha is now able to cultivate and practice this energy, and he is the only one … Three generations of people may be very strong, but they are not really brave in helping the external Yang Dun energy cultivation road.
Zhen Yong is always swearing by himself at every break, which is not only complaining about pain, but also a natural catharsis-when human beings face the unknown … or fear, they always have their own ways to relieve stress, and some people will make a hullabaloo about … Zhen Yong is obviously this type, but they are different from sitting there doing nothing, and Zhen Yong is more willing to give it a try.
And this long and boring cultivation process has lasted for a whole week so far … In this dark day, when the root of Konoha can only be judged by Zhenyong, there is also a group that needs him to refer to the scroll once a day-yes, this abnormal old man actually stayed here for seven days without doing anything!
At first, I was really brave, but I didn’t talk to this old guy because I was cautious in anger, but after a long time … Compared with those around me who wore masks and concentrated on maintaining the dark side, it was more scientific to communicate directly with this guy who could see his face … But this time, people took a rack, and why did you talk nonsense and don’t put a fart?
Until the last two days, Zhenyong has given up the possibility of communicating with this guy. Fortunately, he started to scold the street by himself. At the beginning, it was this Yang dun cultivation method. At the end, he began to make personal attacks on the old man without scruple …
Rao is a first-class kung fu expert in keeping qi, or he was almost angry several times …
Zhen Yong doesn’t know whether this old guy has secretly cursed himself with sores on his head and suppurations on his soles, but he has almost started to practice. Today, that kind of long-lost pain has never appeared again … Not only that, it’s like a fairy tale saying that if you can still feel cold and uncomfortable at the bottom of your ass, Zhen Yong almost wonders if you are under the illusion … This really doesn’t need to try to disturb the flow of chakra.
Bah, bah …
This idea just appeared and was thrown out of the cloud by Zhen Yong! ? Now, I’m in the process of transforming the energy of yang dun … this is not a relaxed and happy thing. It’s hard to say when I will become wood if I’m not careful!
But it’s obviously not the way to leave it like this … it’s not that I’m really brave, but I really haven’t eaten a free lunch since I got to this world
It’s so cool now … maybe it will really hurt until you lose consciousness!
Zhen Yong doesn’t want to turn into wood!
It’s like enjoying the last meal of a condemned man. Adult Zhenyong began to suffer in another degree … In this kind of comfort like bathing in the early spring sunshine, in this kind of comfort like massage … Cough, it’s really difficult to stay awake in this situation … Especially now Zhenyong can’t move, and a few days ago, it has been formed that under what circumstances, if he loses consciousness, he will not stop the chakra cycle. But now this situation has become an obstacle-because then Zhenyong can really count as something to do …
Ah, ah, it seems that the sky began to be naughty at this time, and this time the "treatment" continued to be unexpectedly long.

Of course, you can’t do anything. It’s really brave that you can’t notice hiding out of bounds, which shocked the whole person to get up and look at yourself in the world …
It’s this old man who keeps his word in Konoha … Let’s call him an uncle. Up to now, he has always remained cold and calm in front of outsiders. Almost no one has ever seen him so at a loss …
It was given to the head of the scroll root of Zhenyong before. How could it not be completely studied … and it was precisely because Tuanzang had thoroughly scrutinized every detail of it that he was surprised by Zhenyong’s present form.
That symbolizes the wood-escaping energy, green chakra is surging wildly, and then the naked eye can see the speed of compression, destruction and reconstruction! Freshman! !
The white light that gradually dazzles is the sign of the qualitative change of Yang dun energy!
That’s right. That is to say, even the first generation of Mu Dun took several months to complete the process, and the descendants of the thousand-handed family were really brave, and it was completed in less than a week! !
This is no longer the so-called genius can explain … in the eyes of Tuan Zang, something famous and ambitious began to burn, and he decided
This kid in front of me will be the root … No, the rise of Konoha Chapter 40, the emergence of power! ! Not coming out …
An hour?
No, it’s probably a day … well, actually, if it’s really brave, I’m not sure.
It’s only after I’ve really experienced it that I know that it’s the greatest enemy of mankind than the need to keep biting my teeth and insisting on pain and pleasure … I’m sure I’ll try this abnormal "torture" method if I have the chance to be brave later … he bet! Absolutely few people can carry it!
Well, if it’s for hiding on one side, he calculates every second clearly
It took a total of 3 minutes and 45 seconds from entering the metamorphosis state until the thousand hands really opened their eyes.
Deadly for 3 minutes, and when this kid wakes up, Tuanzang can finally breathe a sigh of relief … which means that he has passed the first … most dangerous one of the wooden escape studies.
They copied a lot of wooden messengers who didn’t survive this stage and turned themselves into a piece of rotten wood …

Blood Yanggu is one of the great forces of Longyuanxing.

You know, even in those days, the three major forces, Qingtian Village, Fengyun Gang and Juyi Villa, persisted in being hit hard for many years before they finally fell.
Who would have thought that Blood Yanggu was removed from Longyuanxing in one day!
"What the hell is going on?"
"I heard that it was Chen Xuanyang who attacked the snow ridge with a great army and was about to call it. What did you expect that Su Mo led a great army to defeat Chen Xuanyang?"
"Sumo is him again!"
"But even if Chen Xuanyang is defeated, how can he be defeated so badly if the owner of the blood-yang valley is the order Xuanxian who has been famous for many years?"
"I heard a monk who escaped from the Blood Yanggu Valley say that Su Mo was the one who killed the Blood Yanggu Valley alone."
"However, no one has seen what happened in the specific situation of World War I, and I am afraid it will always be a mystery."
"This Sumo is really terrible. Every time he is born, he will stir up the wind and cloud. His strength and fierce name are even qualified to establish a new force to replace the Blood Valley!"
The whole longyuanxing is talking about it almost these days.
Ten days later, Fengxueling
There are a lot of cultivation resources and treasures in the valley of Blood Yang.
With the destruction of Xueyang Valley, these cultivation resources and treasures were transferred to the snow ridge!
Snow ridge has also entered the reconstruction stage.
Xia Qingying strongly persuaded Yue Hao and others to choose to stay in the snowy mountains.
Destroying Yangzhai was revenge.
Now, with the collapse of Yanggu Valley, Yangzhai Village has merged into the snowy mountains, and there is not much resistance in everyone’s heart.
Although the snowstorm ridge suffered heavy casualties in this world war I,
However, the strength of Fengxueling has greatly increased with the addition of Zhiyang Village to inherit the huge resources of Xueyang Valley!
And these days, there are many monks around who come here and choose to join the snow ridge.
Fengxueling hall
Sumo, Yue Hao, Shen Fei, Gu Wenjun, Xia Qingying, Duan Tianliang and others were seated on both sides of the hall.
The position of Lord in the middle of the hall is still there.
These days, many monks are busy rebuilding the snow ridge, and the monks have been busy appeasing the farmers to receive the resources of Xueyang Valley.
Now the snow ridge is gradually on the right track, and the Lord’s position can’t be kept like this
Real people already have a candidate in their hearts.
Everyone seems to have this talent who has the qualification and strength to become the Lord of Fengxueling to order one party to deter the heroes!
Xia Qingying gently coughed and slowly got up and said, "Calling everyone here today is to establish the Lord candidate."
Voice down all eyes all fell Sue ink body.
Even Xia Qingying is the same.
Xia Qingying smiled slightly "Su Daoyou Lord is yours"
"I can’t do it."
Sue ink look cool shook his head and refused.
"Sue brothers have you to be the Lord, so we all have no opinion!" Yuehao also hurriedly said
Gu Wenjun nodded, "Yes, Brother Su has joined Friar Fengxueling these days almost because of your hope."
"There’s no need to do this again."
Sumo said, "I will stay in Snowstorm Ridge for a while, but you have to choose another person, Lord."
According to his cultivation speed, he will leave Longyuanxing before long.
Su Mo doesn’t want Long Yuanxing to leave too much cause and effect, and he doesn’t want to bring some disasters to the people in the snow ridge because of himself.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and seventy-one Longyuanxing variation
When they saw Su Mo’s resolute attitude, it was not good to persuade him again.
Yue Hao wanted to look at the opposite Xia Qingying. "In this case, this Lord is still clear. After all, this belongs to your territory, and you are most familiar with it here."
"I can’t"
Xia Qingying shook his head slightly and laughed. "My cultivation level is too low."
Longyuanxing is not everyone like Su Mo. The cultivation speed is so terrible.
In the past 60 years, Xia Qing Ying Xiu is still the quadruple of Xuanyuan realm.
Xia Qingying thoughtfully said a little, "Yue Dage is the seventh-order Xuanxian, and the strength of the village is stronger than that of the snow ridge, and now it is integrated into the snow ridge."
"In addition to Su Daoyou winning this Lord, I’m afraid there is Yue Dage."
Yuehao hurriedly motioning with his hand was about to refuse.
Shen Fei aside could not help but say "line line! It’s the same for you two to refuse and who will come … Ahem. "
Shen Fei didn’t continue to talk to show HuaLiYouHua a face of teasing at YueHao and Xia Qingying two people.
Yuehao and Xia Qingying glances and hurriedly avoid eyes.
Xia Qingying’s cheeks are reddish, but she is still calm.
YueHao but make a big blush rubbing his hands some at a loss.
Gu Wenjun couldn’t help smiling when he saw this picture of eldest brother.
Su Mo saw this scene, and there was an epiphany in his eyes.
I didn’t expect Yuehao and Xia Qingying to have this fate, which is also rare.
Xia Qingying is kind-hearted and has just experienced the pain of losing her father. It is rare to have someone to accompany her.
And this period of contact to Yue Hao is also an aboveboard and heavy-hearted Han, and the two are quite suitable for each other.
Su Mo smiled slightly. "In that case, Yue Hao will come to do what the Lord of Snowstorm Ridge doesn’t understand. Ask Xia Qingying more."
Shen Fei and others immediately responded.
Yue Hao heard Su Mo say this, so he would no longer refuse to get up and bow to Xia Qingying with his fists slightly. "Xia Qingying Taoist friends, if there is anything wrong in the future, just tell me that I will change!"
Xia Qingying nodded his head and went blue.
It’s the most beautiful feeling that the two of them are in that hazy state before they show up.

Ling Mo Pupil got dressed and took a deep look at Feather. "I’ll be back soon after I go out."

Feather pastor red face nodded.
Mo Yan waited outside for a while before he saw Shura coming out. His silver head was wild and his shoulders set off the jade handsome face.
Mo Yan, the fox, couldn’t help snapping his fingers against the wall and said with a smile, "I really don’t care if you are a saint. What about a real hero who is absolutely sad and beautiful?" How was last night? "
Shura God asked, "How about what?"
Fox mo yan nasty "is, of course, you and feather contact girl that how gentle village pin people soul? So you don’t always mean to me that I’m a sex maniac. That taste is very wonderful … "
Shura shrugged his shoulders and said coldly, "I’m not like you. I like women and I’m not interested in them!" "
And he ignored Mo Yan and strode forward.
Mo Yan quickly took small steps to please and said, "Well, well, you are a saint, so much more noble than me, right?"
Ling Mo looked at him coldly. "You didn’t come here early in the morning just to say these compliments to me, did you?"
Mo Yan patted his head. "Of course not. Didn’t I say that? Help me to get a ferret. "
Ling Mo smiled coldly. "I guess it’s so rare. I’ll try it in a good mood."
Mo Yan, the fox, almost jumped up, and his beautiful eyes flashed with excitement. "I guess you are always cold-faced and warm-hearted, and you will definitely help me, even though you do owe me."
Chapter one hundred and ninety-nine I’m a bitch?
Feather Zhen is still lying on the bed of Lingmo Pupil. She is covered with her head, trying to remember everything last night, thinking that her little face is red again. This chapter is read by line ()
After last night, everything was different. Suddenly, I finally took the initiative to hold Ling Mo’s pupil.
This is what I willingly do. I must have returned to Shura, and I’m sorry.
Feng Luo? Feather head "om" a what unexpectedly again remind of the wind? The image of Feng Luo in his mind is getting clearer and clearer, and his handsome bloody eyes look at himself quietly without expression.
Fengluo, will you blame me for giving myself to Shura?
Feather Zhen stretched out his hands to touch Feng Luojun’s face, but he couldn’t touch her. She was almost in tears.
After a while, Yu Zhen sat up and dressed slowly.
Just then the door suddenly opened and Xiaoxi and Qinxin came in. Xiaoxi walked and shouted, "Brother Mo, are you all right?"
Qin Xin and Xiaoxi were shocked when they saw that Yu Zhen was busy dressing, especially Xiaoxi’s mouth was open enough to swallow an egg.
Qin Xin didn’t speak, but she was also very surprised. Her face was hard to see.
"Feather pastor you how do you sleep ink pupil brother room? Did you sleep in his room last night? Maybe you and him …? " Small west fingers trembling voice said
Feather Zhen can’t wait to dig a crack and get in at once.
Qin stared at Yu Zhen coldly for a long time before he spit out a few words coldly: "You can be a bitch!"
These words seem like a 100-pound sledgehammer banging heavily on the feather, and the feather almost vomited blood.
Jean turned around and walked away with her sleeve. Xiaoxi stretched out her tongue. "You don’t mind that she didn’t mean that." He quickly ran after Jean.
Feather pastor watched Qin Xin and Xiaoxi’s distant back, and his heart was as sweet and sour as knocking down a five-flavored bottle. I really don’t know what it was like.
Jean’s heart slammed the words "bitch" when they left, which stung her geocentric.
When did you become a bitch? Feather Zhen is mad, but think about yourself. Last night, I did say that with the spring breeze of Shura, and Qinxin was right, but I really didn’t want to be said that!
She is full of anger, and it is he who has made herself a "bitch" in the eyes of others!
She dressed angrily and slipped back to her room.
Jean’s heart angrily returned to her room, followed by Xiaoxi, who bumped her head and got a big bag.
Little Xizha grinned and rubbed his head bag and followed up in the room and said unhappily, "Why are you so energetic? What are you crazy about?"
Qin Xin angrily sat down at the table, thumping his hands on the table and jumping a few times on the teapot and handless little cup.
Jean felt trapped inside her heart, and everything on the table was swept to the ground with a stroke of her sleeve.
Xiaoxi was startled, furious at present, gentle and considerate in peace, as if two people were possessed by demons.
Xiaoxi’s eyes were wide open and he looked at the teapot and teacup whose feet were smashed. He sighed, "What’s the matter with Qinxin?"
Jean heart qiao face flushed bright red "don’t you have eyes? Didn’t see the feather pastor that wench unexpectedly sleep ink pupil brother room they unexpectedly last night … "
Xiaoxi breathed a sigh of relief and said simply, "What’s the matter? Brother Mo Pupil came to like the feather pastor very much. It was only a matter of time before the two of them fell in love. But I didn’t expect that brother Mo Pupil would sit still so soon. I didn’t expect him to … "And he giggled while covering his mouth.
Jean heart coldly stared at Xiaoxi, whose eyes were like two knives shining with cold light. Xiaoxi quickly stopped.
Jean said bitterly, "What the hell happened to that girl? Let Mo Yan’s brother not know who he is? "
Xiaoxi said with a smile, "That girl is not beautiful, but she has her own lovely place. She is the reincarnation of Tiannv Jingxuan …"
Words didn’t say that finish jean heart flustered and frustratedly picked up a chair and hit Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi quickly flashed the chair and smashed the wall.

However, the price has not risen, and the people’s lives are still too calm and safe. However, some young people have a boiling passion and discuss the topic of joining the army enthusiastically, which is so unusual compared with usual.

Everyone believes that the imperial court failed to resist Nanhai county before, and this time it is nothing to be afraid of but being a king of Jingnan!
Although there are no four families now, Li’s adult can even clean up the four families, which is worse than the imperial army?
But it’s just a lively look for everyone!
At this time, two carriages pulled into the backyard of a small restaurant in a small town called Qingshan Town, more than 20 miles away from entering Nanhai County from the Central Plains.
The carriage stopped a car and an old man with a gray beard, a waiter, a white-skinned man in his thirties came. Another carriage came with two 16-and 17-year-olds.
Although these two teenagers are dressed in ordinary semi-new, not-too-old lake blue robes and wrapped in square pacifiers, their skin color is yellowish and their facial features are thick, but they can see that they are somewhat hard to say handsome.
In particular, those eyes are inconspicuous when they droop their eyes, but when they look up at people, they are as clear, bright and aura as a flood of autumn water, which makes people ignore their appearance and be attracted by such excellent eyes.
The boy with a short head locked the car door tightly and then covered the car curtain.
A closer look reveals that the doors and windows of this carriage are all made of wooden doors. Two teenagers will seal the doors and windows in one car, and outsiders must never peep at half of them.
The boy rubbed his arm and ran to hold the old man with a gray beard and smiled. "Sir, we can go to Nanhai County today! Hee hee, the scenery all the way south is really good! I don’t know if there are any interesting places in Nanhai County! "
The old man Bonai glanced at him with a sigh and said angrily, "Is there any interesting place?"
"In the end, the master has more pursuits than me!" Teenagers clap their hands and giggle like bells.
Several people couldn’t help laughing, and the tall boy couldn’t help smiling. "Let’s go in, master and brother!"
Several people walked into the restaurant talking and laughing. Suddenly, the old man gently tugged at the sleeve of the short teenager. "Don’t look around. Your eyes are too conspicuous!"
Those eyes are clear and smart, and the spirits in the water are especially aura when they turn. Anyone who sees them can’t help but look at them more.
The teenager spat out his tongue and laughed, "I can’t control it … well, I won’t look around!" "
The small town restaurant is not so particular about the whole lobby, and there is no package.
A few people picked up the table in the most inconspicuous corner, ordered some special dishes in the store and waited.
Two drivers sat at another table, dressed in a semi-old, gray, short brown face and brown face. If you look closely, you will find that their joints are bright and bright, which is no ordinary driver.
"Sir, do you want to go out and inquire? How come all of a sudden this generation is in a state of chaos? It’s amazing! Is it difficult to fight? " The short boy took a glance and said to the old man.
My heart is secretly not heart, my brother-in-law is so fierce, maybe people here still dare to fight with him? Want to die?
This line of people is Lian Fangqing and his party.
The old man is Li Fu, who can’t be found everywhere, as if people were evaporating. The two drivers are surrounded by him with stunts. One is a middle-aged and one is a young man. The two servants are palace eunuchs, Dai Gonggong and Xiao Liao, and another young boy. It is said that Lian Fangqing went to Beijing to find the emperor, Sun Zhouyan!
Everyone’s family died in that famous fire, but Zhou Yan was not in the East Palace at that time!
Peter said that in Yu County, because of Lian Che, and later because of Li Fulian’s family, Mrs. Ding got along quickly. Even Fang Qing went to Ding Fu from time to time to play with Mrs. Ding’s granddaughter. Mrs. Ding also loved her disciple very much. This intelligent and clever sister treated her very well.
One day when Lian Fangqing went to find Mrs. Ding’s granddaughter, she came to Mrs. Ding’s room and overheard the conversation inside.
I can’t hear every sentence clearly, but the angry words such as "Li Wang", "pleading" and "Tai" are heard in vain.
Lian Fangqing’s heart was "hitched" at that time, and he dared not listen to it more and hurriedly left.
Is in the heart but a little nervous.
She knows that Tai Fu Ding and his brothers all have mentoring feelings. If he avoids returning to his hometown, he will not join the party. I believe this is not unknown to Tai Li Wang and others.
However, the king of glass still sent someone to plead with Dr. Ding that something must have happened in the capital and it was very bad for the king of glass, so he had to bite the bullet and go to the doctor!
Supposedly, it’s unfortunate that the East Palace of King Li is as stable as a rock.
But even Fang Qing couldn’t help thinking that Wang Li and his princess’s family were so bad! So how can the bad guys honestly wait for bad luck? The teacher refused to help, fearing that the wicked family would resort to dirty tricks …
Even Fang Qing wanted to think about Zhou Yan’s heart, but after all, he couldn’t be practical, so he left a letter to his third aunt and quietly went to Beijing one night with gray left without saying goodbye!
At that time, it was already the twelfth lunar month, and the canal had already been closed. Even Fangqing had no choice but to hire a carriage to go by land.
It’s too conspicuous to wear gray. She used to get a cloak for gray to wear, but it’s better for gray to resist death, so she can wear it together to hide her eyes and ears.
When I arrived in Beijing, it was the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month. Chapter 1468 Meet each other.
Even Fang Qing wanted to think, so he was too lazy to see his second brother yisow and his third brother-didn’t he appear in Beijing at this time to get scolded?
Let’s do it in a few days!
Wait until the Chinese New Year before she goes to the door. Well, they won’t scold her, will they?
So she found a family in a village on the outskirts of the city to stay for a while, and put the ash on the mountain to play by herself during the day, so she went into town to find a chance to see Zhou Yan.
I don’t want the situation in Beijing to be very tense. It’s too harsh for a little girl like her to go to town alone.
Even Fang Qing, who was waiting for an opportunity, got together a group and just mixed into the city.
When I entered the city, I found out that the emperor was seriously ill and bedridden!
Even Fang Qing suddenly wondered how sad Zhou Yan might be!
After she left Beijing, Toffee didn’t hold Zhou Yan’s couplet tightly, and there wasn’t much to do!
See Zhou Yan spirit look not so good as expected, however, see her still pleasantly surprised is very happy.
Even Fang Qing was glad for a while. He talked a lot about what he would hear in Ding Taifu’s favorite, and told him to be careful not to break your heart behind the glass king’s back!
Zhou Yan eyes light suddenly a folding of the nod promised to thank her mind a little nervous.
Zhou Yan’s sexual nonsense is one thing, but growing up in the East Palace, what intrigues and intrigues have you never seen?
He’s too lazy to deal with it by the same means. He’d rather offend people with a straight stomach for a long time and no one dares to provoke him easily.
His so-called name, don’t ask others for it!
Zhou Yan knows that she is an academic bully in her father’s eyes, and it’s just a matter of walking the horse and teasing the cat. I’m really about to say something serious. It’s strange that my father will believe in himself!
Suddenly Baba ran to his father and told him to be careful that Uncle Li’s father would not teach himself a lesson.
Thinking about it all the time, Zhou Yan decided to go out of town the next day and ask her to help him think about it.
The horse is about to celebrate the Spring Festival, and there are so many things that Zhou Yan wants to go out to the East Palace. It’s not easy to watch half a day pass!
He had no choice but to change his mind and go out of town late and come back the day after tomorrow
So after dinner early, Komatsu was ordered to pretend to be himself and sleep on the bed. He took Xiaoliao and Liao out of the palace quietly and went out before the gate was opened!
Even Fang Qing didn’t expect him to come all this way to find himself, so he was naturally happy. The two of them were not too cold. They were on fire in the small kitchen of others. After half a night, Gray sat down and reposed. Little Liao Cage started to shrink his head and slept soundly by sitting there …
The day full of fireworks is so warm and peaceful.
Even Fang Qing said, "Your father doesn’t believe you. Why do you have to tell him yourself?"? Why don’t you just write an anonymous note and sneak it on his desk? Stupid, forget it! "
Choke Zhou Yan straight stare.
Yes, it’s best to write an anonymous letter on the desk in my father’s most guarded room-it’s not difficult for him to be guarded in a tight room!
Father will be surprised when he sees it, and he will be alert and take it to heart!
Things have been solved, and it is rare to get out of the city again in the near future. I don’t know when it will be. The next day, Zhou Yan will be reluctant to leave early, and even Fang Qing will go to the mountain for a barbecue with gray.
It is not easy to find some pheasant and hare prey at this time, although the mountain wind is cold and shivering, but there is no snow.

Long Xiaotian, a middle-aged man, was frowning and thinking about a topic that was important to the dragon, but the audience in the stands was attracted by the fierce battle between Fang Meng and Qi.

Fang Meng is worthy of his powerful power to make everyone in the stands shocked, but even more surprised, he turned into a semi-demon state, Meng Qi
Although Meng Qifang’s fierce fight has been in the wind, there has been no sign of defeat, and the attack power of his lightning hands is even more heart-pounding.
In addition to Fang Meng’s hands, the carapace can resist Meng Qitian’s thunder hand. Once the rest of the place is hit by Meng Qi, it will inevitably be blackened.
And it’s not just a superficial skin injury. Once Meng Qi doesn’t hit his hand, Lei Li, the god of sunflower and water, will be sharp and enter Fang Meng’s body to wreak havoc.
Although Fang Meng is in the wind, he still has to guard against Meng Qi’s hands, but Meng Qi is not flustered now although he is in the wind. Generally speaking, it seems that Fang Meng’s trick should be to limit him to survive this period sometimes, so once Fang Meng wins this tactic, it must be his own.
And Fang Meng naturally knows about this matter. He was surprised to see Meng Qibian behind him and was able to attack like a storm, but he felt that Meng Qixiu didn’t have his own Gao Lingli and didn’t have his own depth. Even so, he won by himself.
But after playing so, Meng Qi, although in the wind, showed no signs of defeat, and Fang Meng was bloodthirsty. Although he rose to a very high level, he consumed a lot of spiritual power, and gradually he was in danger of spiritual power exhaustion.
And Meng Qi looked like there was nothing else. Although Fang Meng became a little grumpy, he didn’t lose his mind. He knew that if he went so far, he had to make a move to decide the outcome.
Thought of here, Fang Meng couldn’t help but admire Meng Qi. He didn’t think that Meng Qi was just an early guy who could force him to use it for decades to study the successful killing.
Just after Fang Meng’s claws tore a claw, Meng Qi pulled away. Meng Qi didn’t know what Fang Meng was going to do, so he took this opportunity to catch his breath.
And Fang Meng drank a lot after retreating, and then suddenly a layer of red light appeared in his body to fight. By this time, such a vision naturally made Meng Qi alert. He knew that Fang Meng would surely exert his last trick.
We can’t let him show it! Meng Qi thought of swooping down toward Fang immediately, but when Meng Qi was about to hit Fang Meng, the original was not very flexible, and Fang Meng actually disappeared in front of Meng Qi.
Then in the sky, Fang Meng said, "Eat me and crack the ground!" Meng Qi hurriedly looked up at the square, and the red light had disappeared, but his hands were full of red light.
The fluctuation of spiritual force in the light made Meng Qi’s eyes narrow, and then she could not consider that Fang Meng had rushed towards herself, and her hands were swollen with a white light from Kwai Shui Shen Lei Hua.
However, at this moment, the fierce attack has reached Meng Qi’s head not far away. How can Meng Qi meet this seemingly conan the destroyer blow?
White light hit Fang Meng’s forehead, but Fang Meng cracked and burst, dazzling red light filled the whole martial arts stage, and there was no figure in the red heart …
It took a full ten seconds for the red light to dissipate gradually, and there was no figure or even a body in the field except barely cubic fierce, as if there was a person in this martial arts stage
Everyone was shocked, and it suddenly seemed that it didn’t do too much damage to the specially built martial arts stage like his name, but a breeze blew through the martial arts stage and there seemed to be some sound.
Then they saw that the original hard drill platform actually hit the center in the ground and there was a crack, and then the crack actually slowly extended outward.
With the sensation of this crisp crack field, this is definitely the most exciting game in the trial so far, especially the final crack is absolutely called horror.
The middle-aged man in the referee’s box shook his head when he saw Fang fierce crack, and said, "It’s a pity for that little guy, but Fang fierce is really fierce."
However, Long Xiaotian frowned when he looked at Fang Meng’s martial arts stage. I don’t know that he always felt that Meng Qi had no cause of death. He remembered the day he saw the shadow escape …
Chapter DiErJiu Misunderstanding
Chapter DiErJiu Misunderstanding
After a short silence, the martial arts field broke into a shocking cheer, and Fang Meng’s victory was even more amazing. But at this time, no one paid attention to the shattered Meng Qi’s applause, which always belonged to the winner.
But Fang Meng was not happy after winning in the middle of the martial arts stage. He knew how powerful the crack was, but from Meng Qi’s performance, Fang Meng didn’t feel that he could crush it.
Therefore, he has been vigilant about the surrounding situation, but after a long time, there is no other situation, and Fang Meng gradually relaxed his vigilance and waited for the referee to pronounce his victory.
But at this time, a drop of blood dripped from Fang Meng’s back, and it seemed that a figure slipped with the blood, and a pair of scales flew slowly, and blood-spattered claws appeared in Fang Meng’s neck.
Then a hoarse voice came, "Fang Xiong cracked really badly." Fang Meng was stunned and immediately smiled bitterly. He stopped resisting and asked, "I guessed that you didn’t fall, but did you escape my crack?"
Meng Qi was silent for a moment and then said, "Hide? Brother Fang is polite. In that case, if you can avoid it, you just avoid the center of the most violent explosion, but you are still beaten black and blue by Brother Fang. "
Fang Meng nodded to say that Meng Qi could avoid a fatal blow in that situation. He was determined not to believe it, but at the beginning he was sure that even if he didn’t finish hitting Meng Qi, he would be able to beat him badly. It can be said that he underestimated Meng Qi.
What’s done is fierce, and it’s not the kind of person who doesn’t lose. Since he underestimated Meng Qi, he lost, and he didn’t fight back. He shouted, "I give up!"
Then he turned to Meng Qi and smiled, and then he jumped into the martial arts stage. Meng Qi had already moved his hand from Fang Meng’s neck when Fang Meng said that he was giving up, and then he smiled at Fang Meng, but he couldn’t laugh a little sad.
And the audience in the stands was silent again. No one expected that things would turn sharply. This situation was somewhat unresponsive for a while.
However, Long Xiaotian, who had already been psychologically prepared, laughed out and said, "Uncle, in fact, you just saw that he escaped from Fang."
The middle-aged man smiled and nodded and said, "I really didn’t find that if I hadn’t seen you with a strange look, I wouldn’t have gone to check the shadow evasion. It’s really a demon race."
Long Xiaotian is not surprised that middle-aged people can see at a glance the spells made by Meng Qi. After all, even he can see that it is normal for middle-aged people to see nature.
Long Xiaotian smiled and said, "Can you declare him a winner?"
The middle-aged man nodded and sighed again, and then announced to the winner-Meng Qi. After that, he said to several other referees next to him, "I’ll take care of it. I’ll go first."
Middle-aged person, the person in charge of this audition is naturally very profitable. He said that he would leave, and the others naturally dare not say anything, while Long Xiaotian is a white middle-aged person. What a sigh. It would be great if Meng Qi could have a dragon crystal. What a pity …
After hearing that he won, Meng Qi dragged his broken body away from the martial arts field in the attention of all the audience present. After slightly treating his injuries, Meng Qi returned to Zifu.
Now the government knows that his master will see Meng Qi when his son-in-law comes back. Naturally, no one has any reaction. At this time, Zi Qiu is healing with purple incense, and they even have no notification.
Meng Qize went back to the house where he lived these days, and then the door sat down on a futon. At this time, Meng Qicai showed a wry smile.
Fang Meng’s crack just now, although he was barely hiding from the attack, the power of the crack was too terrible. Even the aftermath made Meng Qishen seriously injured. If it weren’t for Meng Qi’s eating dragon saliva grass, I’m afraid the root couldn’t stand it.
But even so, Meng Qi’s injury is definitely not only the most serious skin injury but also the physical injury.
Meng Qi took out a bottle of healing pills and swallowed a few pills. Soon a spiritual force flowed in Meng Qi’s body to repair Meng Qi’s mutilated body.
But just a few pills of Dan medicine doesn’t seem to be enough. Meng Qi poured out a few pills of Dan medicine from the jade bottle and swallowed them, and then the spiritual force flow was almost dried up and trickled out again. So Meng Qi opened more than half a bottle of Dan medicine, and the injury in the body was recovered by about 60% to 70%.
Meng Qi opened his eyes and sighed. It is quite good to be able to return to this sample in such a short time. However, Meng Qi doesn’t know if he can advance smoothly after a competition.
Meng Qi frowned, and his confidence has been reduced a lot. This is just the trials in the Dragon Valley. He already has such a strong opponent. Although he still has the final killer, who knows where he can go?
And Meng Qi’s biggest reliance is Longjing, but who will give him time to condense out of the field? Joke when everyone else is stupid
Just as Meng Qi frowned and shook his head, the closed door was pushed in. When he saw that Meng Qi seemed to have healed, he smiled and asked, "How did you win?"
Meng Qi nodded and said, "I won, but if I have always been like this, I don’t know where I can go. This is just a trial. When the demon assembly gathers the demon elite, I’m afraid it will be difficult."
Purple Qiu smiled. He really didn’t expect Meng Qi to actually talk to himself as a real Meng Qi. Although it’s not bad, Zi Qiu felt that if Meng Qi could finally represent Long Gu, it would be very great. He even said that after knowing that Meng Qi’s opponent was Fang Meng today, his original Meng Qi would be brushed in the first round.
I didn’t expect Meng Qi to win Ziqiu. I was very happy, but I still had no hope for Meng Qi’s idea of winning the championship of the Demon Conference.
Although Fang Meng is good, he is also the bottom player at most at the Demon Conference. However, for Zi Qiu, Meng Qi’s ability to defeat Fang Meng has already made him overjoyed. You know Meng Qi is only in the early days of then.
So Zi Qiu said with a smile, "Don’t be under too much pressure. It’s great that you can win Fang Meng, but Fang Meng can’t be ranked in the top five roles in this trial."
Is the top five? Meng Qi’s eyes twitched for two or one, and the top five has seriously injured Meng Qi. If he is the first, what should he do?
Purple Qiu found that Meng Qi’s face was a little wrong and asked, "Are you hurt?" Say that finish before Meng Qi speak purple Qiu himself is first laughed and said, "how can defeat Fang Meng intact? Come on, Meng Qi, I’ll heal you."
Meng Qi one leng didn’t expect Zi Qiu to have the strength to heal himself. At that time, he was a little embarrassed. He knew Zi Qiu was a granddaughter’s husband, but Meng Qi Zixiang was a friend.
Meng Qi, who is too kind to herself, is always not used to it, but when I think of the refusal of the representative dragon quota in a few days, Meng Qi can’t say anything. After half a ring, he also said "thank you."
Purple Qiu smiled and said, "Don’t be so stranger. If you don’t abandon me, just call me grandpa like Xianger."

w w w 8

Gu Jun was silent for a while, staring at Wang’s eyes became a little strange. She didn’t really quarrel with Lu Mo after drinking sanhua just now, or she broke Liu Hanxuan and framed Wang Taifu with young Sir Alex. She didn’t want her husband to send her son to Yingtianfu, and she didn’t want Liu Mo to go to tell the Wangs first. Lu Mo was angry, anxious and worried, and she quarreled with her.
Looking at Wang at the moment, she doesn’t know that she always feels that she didn’t do anything wrong in her previous decision.
Anyway, it’s not that she’s going to harm herself. At most, she’s not allowed to go anywhere when she’s arrested and landed in Hanxuan. She’s devoted to letting him read at home for other things. Besides, why should she offend the six emperors and the prince of Zhao?
After understanding this, she got ready to hold the old lady Gu and turned her head when she lived in De ‘anju. She saw Liu Hanxuan standing by the door with her hands behind her back in white soap boots, and her face looked a little agitated.
Think of just after their husband and wife quarreled, they didn’t care about their brother and sister Gu Jun. Without feeling a little guilty, they waved and called him "Han Xuan! Where have you just been? "
Liu Hanxuan’s face was not good at the door with a straight face. It was natural that the old lady was frightened. He couldn’t help but feel distressed and beckoned him to come and comfort him. Then he went back to blame Gu Jun. "So adults do things like a child. Fighting in front of the child doesn’t scare the child?"
Gu Jun is quite embarrassed to bow his head.
Gu Boqi woke up to the old lady without noticing anything. "It’s time for mother to pass, and almost all the guests will come."
Because of Gu Jun’s delay, Mrs. Gu glanced at the hourglass and nodded, "Let’s all go with me!"
Gu Man quickly changed his clothes. Now it’s getting hot and staying in the water is very short. She doesn’t feel uncomfortable. Thinking about falling into the water twice in a few short months, she feels a little funny herself.
It’s a time to save lives, but this time it’s a time to display risks. I naturally don’t care about Cheng Dong in my heart, so my injury can make her accept more than Gu Chengdong’s injury. I was unlucky first, and the old lady Gu made up her mind to punish Gu Chengdong.
She watched Peiyin put the last hairpin on her head before counting the coral beads on her left wrist and asked, "You’ve been holding jade for so long, but you can come back?"
Just then, he pushed the door and came in with a smile. "Just got back!"
After following Pei Qin for a long time, she gradually became more cheerful. When Gu Man saw her smile, he asked, "What good news made you happy like this?"
Holding the jade to make Wang angry, Gu Boqi to have them, and how the old lady punished Gu Chengdong all said it again. Several people in the listening room were amazed.
This time, Gu Boqi was able to help Wang speak first. Gu Man guessed that he was probably looking at Yinfen, which was quite funny.
Several people are chanting "Girl Ouyang is coming" when they knock at the door outside.
Just now, Ouyang Shan and Ouyang Can were here, which should have frightened Ouyang Shan, thinking that she got up and said, "Please come in!"
Ouyang Shan did jump in and pulled her hand, so she looked at it for a while and saw that she was really okay. She looked up and asked her some doubts, "Every time you come to your house, you and your brothers and sisters have to make something?" I was pushed to the hillside by your fourth sister and pushed to the lake by your brother this time. Why is your Houfu so dangerous? "
Gu Man saw that she was staring at herself with her big eyes open, so she laughed. "You can’t go out and say when did you hear that our Hou Fu life is very dangerous?" Who but you knows that we are not harmonious? "
This is talk.an excellent thing, but Ouyang Shan still feels a little strong when she listens.
Gu Man knows that their assistant minister’s mansion is a rare and clean place in Shengjing. Because Ouyang Assistant Minister’s official integrity is not complicated at home, Ouyang Shan has always been held by everyone. Naturally, he doesn’t know what’s going on in this backyard, so he doesn’t explain to her much and pulls her to the outside.
After bypassing the garden, she saw it behind the shed. It’s time to find Liu Hanxuan Liu Yuran.
Liu Yuran took a girl to greet incense and was wondering what to say. Her face was very depressed and her eyes were red. She seemed to have just cried.
Gu Man was just thinking that Liu Yuran said that Liu Hanxuan had always followed Gu Chengyu recently, but Ouyang Shan had already seen Liu Yuran raise her hand and called her "Jade Sister!" It seems that Liu Yuran is also good.
Gu Man was a little curious and asked her, "Do you know my cousin?"
Ouyang Shan nodded and said with joy, "Know! I came back to your house and met her. Later, she went to the Spring Festival banquet and I chose clothes for her. "
Liu Yuran has been greeted with a smile. "I just came here, but I touched you so skillfully." He took Ouyang Shan’s way. "You came early today."
Ouyang Shan was pulled by her and naturally broke free from Gu Man’s hand and said, "What are you talking about? You promised me your purse and you haven’t sent it to me yet! I’m still waiting for you to teach me to contact, but I always wait for you not to come! "
When Lu Yuran remembered these things, he was busy and said, "There have been so many things recently that I really forgot about it!"
Ouyang Shan saw that she was really annoyed. She threw away what had just happened and smiled and asked her, "What are you up to?"? Why didn’t you come to play with me recently? "
No, it’s okay. Liu Yuran reminds me of the culprit. If it weren’t for Liu Hanxuan, how could she be at home every day these days?
It happened that just before she went out to ask Liu Hanxuan what angered her parents because of something, Liu Hanxuan still looked impatient and refused to reveal half a sentence.
But it’s not that she has no eyes. Gu Jun and Lu Mo have a long face every day these days. It’s not that she didn’t see that there was a fight today because of Liu Hanxuan!
She’s not in a hurry. How is that possible? But ask Liu Hanxuan. He’s still hiding something and won’t say anything.
It’s not that she hasn’t seen the change of Liu Hanxuan these days. Recently, she hasn’t read the paintings and thrown away the waiters in the room, and she has changed her old love to run outside.
When her face changed, she sighed, "It’s a long story. I haven’t paid attention to many things at home recently."
Gu man saw that her face didn’t look like she was going to show little sorrow. "Didn’t you say you were looking for a cousin?" Why are you here alone now? Is cousin all right? "
Her heart always vaguely felt that Liu Hanxuan was not simple, and everything could not be simple with Gu Chengyu in the end.
Liu Yuran shook his head in some anger. "Where will he tell me what’s on his mind now? I ran into such a disaster and provoked the old lady to disturb herself, but she ran away without saying a word. "She said that when she thought of Ouyang Shan here, she was busy and stopped talking."
Gu Man listened to one leng Liu Yuran, meaning that Gu Jun quarreled with Lu Mo because of Liu Hanxuan? But what on earth can make Gu Jun not only fight with Lu Mo, but also hide it from the old lady? -everyone listen to clear Gu Jun quarreled with Lu Mo, but because Lu Mo went out to drink sanhua!
If Liu Yuran said this is true, it is obvious that Gu Jun is lying. I think of Lu Mo’s awkward and full of doubts.
Is there anything that Gu Jun would rather buckle the excrement basin in Lu Mohou than hide it for Liu Hanxuan? According to Gu Jun’s sex and the old lady’s arrogance towards this grandson, even if Liu Hanxuan ran into another disaster, there is nothing to hide, right?
But it happened that Gu Jun kept it from her, and Lu Mo could endure the scolding of the old lady and could not tell what was the great event of Liu Hanxuan’s coming to hide anything like this.
Gu Man couldn’t help thinking that Liu Yuran had previously said that Liu Hanxuan had been following Gu Chengyu mysteriously in recent days, and he didn’t know what he was doing, so he felt a chill in his heart.