"Minister …" Lu Yu suddenly struggled with him. In fact, he didn’t know which one to ask, but after hesitating for a while, he answered "true ancient fairy"

"It’s no big deal. Just rest for a few days."
"Can I … meet her?"
"See her do? Want to continue the frontier? "
Lu Yu was silent.
"Lu Yu Palace, you just have a rather indecisive personality. Before that, it was because of drug theory. If you can’t blame your palace, you will think of you for the first time after waking up. A pair of children will think of Zhou Lijuan, your wife for so many years. What’s the result? You actually want to continue with Gu Xianxian … "Early summer was angry and smiled." You really … refreshed the palace cognitive bottom line. "
Lu Yu was a little nervous at once, but he didn’t know what to say, so he kept his head down.
"But the palace still gives you a chance." In the early summer, I took a deep breath and endured the love rat who died without a needle. "Gu Xianxian is in the house. You can go to the palace if she wants to." Then I took Nanyichen and left.
Nan Yichen glanced at Lu Yu and said nothing, but he was also very disappointed. lord protector Lujia was the hero of Nantang. However, I didn’t expect such a sun to be found. Otherwise, such a person will inherit the duke of the country in the future. I don’t know what kind of chaos can be caused.
Lu Yu waited until after the Empress left, she breathed a little sigh of relief and hurried to the door of the house. He did give up some things. After all, the innocent girl of Gu Xianxian followed him. Although her soul was not her at the beginning, she was her. He hoped to continue to be responsible.
In fact, he doesn’t feel so bad. At least he hasn’t had a room or an aunt for so many years. Maybe it’s because of this that he suddenly had the opportunity to cheat, which made him out of control.
But isn’t it normal for men to have three wives and four concubines But why can’t Zhou Lijuan put up with this?
That’s why he came to see Gu Xianxian in the first place instead of looking for Zhou Lijuan.
In the house, Gu Xianxian naturally heard Lu Yuyin’s slight frown and didn’t have a bed door. Instead, he directly raised his voice. "Please go back to the world. All kinds of things are not fairy wishes. What happened is over."
"But …"
"The fairy fairy is a proud person. If you continue to pester the fairy fairy, you can die and apologize." Gu Xianxian said that she was very cruel and could not help it. But if the fake soul was longer in her body, her own soul would disappear completely. It was the empress who gave her a chance to live again. She cherished it.
Lu Yu opened his mouth. After all, he was not the kind of person who could tie up and beat people, but then turned away and met Zhou Lijuan at the gate.
Zhou Lijuan was going to take the door and saw him come out. He quickly stepped back two steps and let the road signal him to go out first.
Lu Yu looked at Zhou Lijuan but felt a little trance. In my mind, I suddenly remembered that they have been in the same boat for so many years. It seems that she is by his side and now …
"Is there anything wrong with Lu Dashao?" Although Zhou Lijuan felt uncomfortable, after all, he was a frank person. Since he was released, there was no need to continue dragging his feet. When the other party didn’t move for a long time, he couldn’t help but smile at him.
"You …" Lu Yu didn’t know what to say.
"Since Lou Shao is fine, I went to the Empress in advance and asked me to come and take care of an ancient lady." Zhou Lijuan said and bypassed each other and entered the hospital.
Lu Yu clenched his fist and suddenly became confused. How did this happen?
But no matter whether he is in a state of mind, it’s time for the Empress to return to Beijing.
Originally, everyone rode horses, but after all, there was an ancient fairy who had not yet recovered and Zhou Lijuan was also a woman’s house. Finally, he got two carriages.
On the verge of the Chinese New Year, all the people galloped all the way towards the capital.
Nalanxu also followed, but he always helped the sick and wounded. Now he naturally followed when he left, but he was surprised that they came with a Ling Mo and An. Why didn’t they see anyone when they went back?
Because of the strange also asked out.
Early summer saw his one eye "those two people have been sent back to Beijing before" is actually to feed the medicine and throw it in her.
Tongjia is an important fortress in the northwest of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Now Xianwang is not dead. Who knows if those two goods will be connected there? I won’t let them know about Tongjia
In fact, Nalan’s preface is just a casual question. After the queen’s grandmother gave the answer, she stopped saying anything.
As a result, it was not long before Tongjia came face to face with a group of people. It turned out that Wang Shinan’s literate Sect was followed by a little girl riding a white horse and pink clothes.
"See the Emperor’s Empress" Nan Wenzong got off his horse far away and then ran two steps forward and fell to his knees directly.
The little girl behind followed the flying horse and knelt beside Nanwenzong, "Nanqing kowtowed to the emperor and queen."
第五百二十七章 回京
"Auntie of the Seven Emperors" Nan Wenzong took a step forward. "My father said that everything was decided by Auntie of the Seven Emperors."
"This ….." Early summer smiled a "responsibility is a bit big, after all, it is a marriage event in case …" Can she go back to a marriage agency in the Queen’s Building? Then clean up all the marriageable men and women and pair them up specially?
Well, that’s a good idea. Go back and study one.
"Auntie Seven Emperors, you know that my father is the oldest in Xingyue City, and almost everyone knows me. I just want to examine those people who can’t do it. They all curry favor with our family …" Nanqing pouted. "To tell you the truth, I had an engagement when I was a child, but at that time I was dying of illness. The other party said that my three generations ran in front of my father and cried bitterly. Later, my father broke off. Now I’m fine. As a result, the king egg has come over again and said that he wants to divorce his wife and marry me. Bah
Frown in early summer "Who is so shameless?"
"Not just the wangs? At the beginning, they were rushing to get married with our house. Because of Wangfu, they got a lot of cheap, but later they broke off their engagement first. But at that time, I was in poor health and felt that I couldn’t delay others’ results … "Nanqing Tantan hand" So I went to Beijing to hide from the quiet, otherwise I would be able to see that Wang Wen met me and pretended to be affectionate … "
"Why don’t you give it a beating?"
"Beat, but the other party said that it was a kiss and scold, and it was love. The Wangs of the Seven Emperors were an old family in Xingyue City. Master Wang was a scholar, but he was also a protege, so many of them could not be killed …"
I couldn’t help laughing in the early summer. "Let’s go if you say it’s so pitiful."
"Great ….." Nan Qing suddenly jumped up happily and then gave a hand to Nan Wenzong. "Eldest brother, you go home. I’m sure I’ll have a good time in Beijing. Ah Zhu, Jane will move my things here quickly."
So there were three more people on the way back to Beijing, Nan Qing and their girls.
Nan Qing is very discerning. Although she was invited to her carriage in early summer, she didn’t go. The seven aunts are very kind, but the seven uncles are strict. Just look at her eyes … Well, if she dares to promise to go to their carriage, she can probably throw it back to Xingyue City. She took the initiative to Zhou Lijuan and Gu Xianxian’s carriage.
Although there are many people, the speed is not slow, because these people are not delicate, so they don’t always shout tired.
Nan Yichen calculated the speed of returning to the city and found that it was more than enough to go back for the New Year.
On the way back, it is natural to pass through Ink Town, where the iron mine has been taken over by the court at this time and the Ministry of Industry has already worked here.
South escape minister, they didn’t disturb these people, but they secretly went in and explored it. Instead, there was nothing unusual and they went straight to Beijing around there.
When the party arrived at the outskirts of Beijing, they saw a group of people waiting there from afar because of the reply from Haidong Blue Meteor.
"It won’t be that all the civil and military officials have come over?" Early summer was a surprise.
"That’s not too much …" South escape minister glanced at "estimated to come"
"I thought it would be nice to keep a low profile and go back to the palace …"

Lin Yi said "fair"

The secret palace master brayed, "It’s not fair … It’s not fair at all …"
Lin Yi said, "I gave you fairness, but you didn’t cherish it. Besides, how dare you hide behind your back and hurt others? How dare you talk about fairness!"
The secret palace Lord said, "Please give me another chance … I want to fight with the Golden Guards. If I win, let me go …"
The secret palace master knew that he was defeated by Lin Yi and wanted to pick Teng Bin to duel.
This may still have a glimmer of life.
But Tengbin won’t work with him.
Teng Bin made a sudden attack on the left chest of the cat palace master with a move of "flying wild goose hand", and Lin Yi also cut the palm of his hand to the right chest of the cat palace master.
The secret palace master can handle two people
He greeted Teng Bin with one hand and struck Lin Yi with the other.
A few palms intersect, and Lin Yi and Teng Bin’s hand strength is also shocking. The main body of the cat palace is shaking violently. Teng Bin’s other hand is also pushing to grasp the throat of the cat palace. Lin Yi kicked out and kicked the cat palace’s main abdominal cavity …
When the cat was cornered, it was hard to dodge. He was able to cope with Lin Yi and Teng Bin’s attacks in a hurry.
Lin Yi’s attack on the right side of the palace master Teng Bin’s attack on the left side of the palace master will never "cross the line".
The two of them also attacked faster and faster, and the secret palace master tried his best to cope with the converging attack of the two of them. After several moves, the secret palace once again resolved Teng Bin’s attack, but it was hard to avoid Lin Yi’s blow.
Lin Yi hit the right rib of the palace master with a palm.
The right rib of the secret palace master was completely broken, and he gave a pain and vomited blood in his mouth.
Teng bin also took advantage of a recruit "flying geese hand" to hit his left chest.
The secret palace master’s body is in a state of pain and trembling, and more blood is vomited in his mouth.
Lin Yi stopped.
Teng bin saw Lin Yi stop, and he also stopped for a while.
The secret palace master leaned back against the stone wall, his legs went weak, and his body slowly slipped down the stone wall. Finally, he sat down on the ground.
Lin Yi looked at his face with resentment and coldness.
Lin Yi said, "When your master blew you away, you not only let him down, but also let me down. You are so natural. I said that I was not interested in dominating the Jianghu and asked you to behave yourself. You promised at that time, but now you have forgotten the past. You are guilty!"
Say Lin Yi stretched out his hand and pulled the cat palace masked.
The real face of the secret palace master is exposed.
This is a young and handsome face, and it looks a little like a woman’s face, which makes it difficult to distinguish between men and women. His face is full of aura and still full of immature spirit.
Lin Yi stared at him and said, "Are you that one?"
The secret palace master vomited blood again, and his face squeezed out a smile. He said, "Who … who knows …"
Chapter two hundred and seventy-four From now on, the cat was (2)
Lin Yi stared at the cat, and the palace master suddenly smiled.
Lin Yi wears a magic face and laughs a little ferocious.
Lin Yi said, "Yeah, who knows? You know it yourself, but it doesn’t matter if it’s true or false."
Teng bin said to the main road of the cat palace, "From now on, come back to the cat palace!"
Lin Yi hit the right chest of the palace master with a palm of his hand.
Teng bin also attacked the left chest of the cat palace master with a palm.
Almost at the same time, their palms hit the main chest of the secret palace, and their palms also shattered his viscera through the main chest of the secret palace. The main body of the secret palace trembled violently, and then he moved again, and his head also drooped.
Next to the cat lady, when she saw that the cat palace master was dead, she cried, and then she faced Zeng Tengyun and stabbed the knife, and she no longer evaded.
Zeng Tengyun knew that this woman wanted to die, but fortunately she became her.
So Zeng Tengyun stabbed the cat’s female body with a knife.
Cat female body yishan she looked at Ceng Tengyun pleading tone intermittent way "beg … and he … buried together …"
Zeng Tengyun said, "Good!"
Then Zeng Tengyun took out a knife and the cat fell to the ground and died.
Zeng Tengyun was curious about the woman’s appearance, so he lifted her face, and the flying mouse leaned in to see that this woman had a natural beauty.
Zeng Tengyun shook his head and said, "What a pity."
The flying mouse said, "Who let them offend the royal family? The emperor can’t let them go."
At this moment, there are only thirty or forty disciples killed in the temple. Those dozens of disciples who abandoned the dark and threw themselves into the secret stopped watching the bloody scene. They turned around and stood on the wall.
The flying mouse went to fight again.
Zeng Tengyun knife went to Lin Yi and followed him to see the face of the palace master, then angrily kicked his body and spat.
Zeng Tengyun said to Teng Bin, "Lord Teng, I have something I want to ask you for help."
Teng Bin knew that Zeng Tengyun and Lin Yi were like brothers. He said, "What can I do for Zeng Xiong?"
Zeng Tengyun said, "When the woman died, she begged me to bury her with the master of the secret palace. I promised her to invite Teng’s adult."
Teng Bin said, "I will do it if it is a small matter."
Lin Yi is killing the secret palace master this time. Now that the secret palace master is dead, Lin Yi is also ready to go. It is Teng Bin’s business to kill the secret palace master.
Lin Yi said to Teng Bin, "Brother Teng, I’ll go first and say hello to the emperor for me."
Teng Bin said, "Brother Lin, when you fight against Kunlun Magic, I and the Royal Brotherhood will cheer for you. You should take good care of yourself and keep your best condition to meet the first world war with the old magic."
Lin Yi nodded his head.
Then Lin Yi and Zeng Tengyun greeted the dozen disciples who abandoned the secret to leave the underground palace.

Master Hong and Han Yuanwu walked side by side in front and saw them squatting on the stairs before they came.

The heart gave a jerk.
Erha, what are you doing squatting here?
Should it …
Experienced a master Hong’s conscious recognition that Erha was here to collect spar.
You can’t pass without paying spar.
Master Hong feels a dull pain in his heart.
Ling Tian, this is crazy!
He spent so much spar, and now he’s doing it again.
If we do this once every time we go, no matter how many Hongjia crystal stones they have, they will have to be cut out!
Thought of here, he can’t walk any further.
Master Hong knows that Erha is terrible, but Han Yuanwu doesn’t.
It’s Han Biao’s negotiation to advance this hall.
No one in the Korean family knows Erha is awesome except him.
Seeing Han Yuanwu walking straight towards Erha, Han Biao was heartbroken.
"Yuan Wu …"
That monster beast can’t provoke!
As a result, before he finished, he saw that Han Yuanwu had walked past Erha.
I didn’t even look at him from the end.
In fact, Han Yuanwu is not impulsive. He has been on the alert. It looks like an ordinary beast.
But it’s a bit unexpected that the other party didn’t attack him
At that time, he saw Ling Tian.
Ling Tian is next to Erha, but he has just been blocked by Erha’s huge size.
"Ling …"
Won Wu walked over to greet Ling Tian.
But suddenly someone excited way
"Come! Come again! "
Han Yuanwu turned his head to look, and when he saw not far away, Han Liang and others’ faces suddenly froze with laughter.
What the hell?
Why are there people on this side?
And look at each other’s clothes. Why are they so similar to their Korean family?
Han family, too?
No, he doesn’t know any of them.
Master Hong and Han Biao also came at this time.
Two people see this situation is one leng.
Especially Master Hong.
He clearly knew that there were guards in this hall when they came over.
It stands to reason that no one can come earlier than them.
But in front of so many people, it’s obviously not by changing!
"Ling Tian, what is this?"
Master Hong didn’t go there. The old man across the street gave him a strong sense of oppression.
It is very likely to be higher than him.
It is still unclear about the origin and attitude of the other party. If the other party suddenly attacks him, he may come or not.
Ling day didn’t hide the lights and others said one.
After listening to the Korean won, I was stunned.
"Wait a minute, did you just say their last name is Han?"
"If they hadn’t lied to me."
Ling day nodded.
Han Yuanwu looked blankly at Han Biao.
"Fourth Uncle, do you know which Korean family besides us?"
Han Biao shook his head.
Then what’s going on?

"Ok, I’ll take you there and wait for you." Long Xiao decided.

From these days’ decisions, it’s also a little white, and it’s the biggest concession.
"Let’s leave the hospital at noon." Looking at Long Xiao with a smile, I expect him to order a noble head.
Long Xiaoding looked at her and couldn’t help smiling "good"
"Well," Wen Nian smiled and greedily watched Long Xiao eat. Long Xiao was compromised. "I’ll send you some soup to nourish your stomach later."
Wen Nian regretted touching himself a little bit. "Look, this is the double bar where you send soup to eat." These two dragons will send people to send soup and water, and sometimes they will accompany them to eat a little, and sometimes they will chat and supervise.
"Pay attention to your diet after discharge, and don’t let me ask someone to look after you." Long Xiao summed up the conversation lightly, packed up the lunch box and explained when he left, "What kind of clothes do you want?"
Wen Nian looks at his patient’s "whatever" and enjoys the sunshine coming in at the bedside, and beckons him to play with his mobile phone.
"I’ll pick you up this afternoon."
Long Xiao left and stayed at noon for an hour at most every day to have a meal and ask the doctor about his recovery. He couldn’t say a few words to Wen Nian.
Wen Nian is a little deliberately not to think about it. Long Xiao chats with Li Xiaoxiao every day, talks with coach Luo, calls home, and is recited by his mother. After watching all the films in the past three or four years, he finally waits until he can be discharged.
After discharge, I have to face things a little upset, a little uncomfortable, and I have no plans at all. I don’t want to keep fit and sleep every day.
At two o’clock in the afternoon, a thin girl came. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, carrying a small bag.
"Hello, is this Wen Nian?" The girl is very polite and cultured, and her voice is soft and gentle, and she feels good about her.
"It’s me. And you are?"
"My name is Heninglong Xiao, and let me send you something." The girl smiled gently, shallow and just right, and when she listened to it, she suddenly gave birth to an inferiority complex.
I’m a little embarrassed to say thank you for picking up Bao Hening. I’m a little embarrassed to take out a whole set of clothes from the inside out and read them from the inside out.
"You try it first, and I’ll go through the discharge formalities." Hening smiled like comfort, like understanding what Wen Nian thought. Wen Nian nodded and could feel his face burning.
What? What happened? Wen nian is embarrassed. What are you embarrassed about?
It’s very suitable to change clothes quickly, and the size of clothes and short-sleeved plates are very popular. I took a photo with my mobile phone and looked at the face that was not outstanding on the screen and was a little disappointed.
Henning Long Xiao asked her to come? They … What? How can you care so much?
It took more than half an hour for Henning to come back with a big bag of Chinese medicine in his hand. "The formalities are all done. Long Xiao said that you should wait for him here. These are some tonics. You have them with you."
"Then I’ll go first. Goodbye." Hening’s direct soft words surprised Wen Nian, but she felt like a kid in front of her and still felt a little uncomfortable.
"Yeah, yeah, thank you for your trouble."
"It’s okay not to send goodbye."
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 2 Feeling Seconded
"Then I’ll go first. Goodbye." Hening’s direct soft words surprised Wen Nian, but she felt like a kid in front of her and still felt a little uncomfortable.
"Yeah, yeah, thank you for your trouble."
"It’s okay not to send goodbye." Hening still smiled and said goodbye when she first came. Seeing that she didn’t hate herself very much, she was busy walking and didn’t worry about waving goodbye.
I sat in bed, put my medicine and my cell phone charger in, and looked around. I didn’t want to pack anything before I realized that waiting for someone was still so hard, even waiting for my boyfriend.
I think that I always feel very cultured and temperament when I saw Hening just now. What is my girl and Long Xiao? No, you can’t be so narrow-minded and blind. Is that still you?
Even boyfriends have their own private lives and social circles. You can’t think about it because you didn’t ask. By the way, when you meet, you have to ask about the situation. You can’t still know nothing like this, or you can’t live your own life if you come to Zhang Ning and Li Jing.
Thinking about the fact that Long Xiao is her boyfriend is a little unrealistic. I don’t know him at all, and he doesn’t know his sexuality … Is this really a relationship? It’s really different from others
How do you calculate that you have been alone for ten days? Wen Nian and Long Xiao didn’t even ask each other about their family situation. Wen Nian didn’t delve into the ambiguous meaning of Long Xiao’s saying that his job is to process documents.
Maybe it’s because neither of them has experience, or maybe Wen Niantai can’t communicate with others, or Long Xiao forgot … Wen Nian is very good at comforting himself. Before he found the news in Baidu, he forgot it long ago. Now he wants to forget that he can’t interfere too much with his boyfriend’s social problems, and then he goes to ask Li Xiaoxiao if he has any good cartoons and movies.
It’s only 4: 30 after watching a movie. According to usual, it will take an hour for Long Xiao to come to Wennian. I can’t wait to call Long Xiao. When no one answers, I send a text message and leave with my things.
Whether you have a boyfriend or not, it is still very unpretentious to do things by yourself. Even if you marry Gao Fushuai, you still have to work hard to find a way to firmly tie him down. Girls who don’t rely on themselves are doomed to suffer.
Take a taxi directly to the stadium and go back to your dormitory to rest for a while. Tell Xiaowen that the conversation is almost seven o’clock.

Breaking the waves while attacking Wang Yue crazily laughed. "Wang Yue, you have already developed the five-lei Hua-pole hand boxing, and it has reached an incredible realm. You also have immortality, but you can escape like a mouse before the power, but it will be interesting to see if you can escape." Ha ha … "

I can’t get Wang Yue to break the waves for a while, and I’m not in a hurry. Anyway, Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are all here today, so they will all be killed.
Duanlang has absolute confidence in his martial arts. He believes that he is the first warrior in China.
Wang Yue’s heart is a little discouraged and his power to break the waves is too strong, which is three times that of himself. Wang Yue can avoid it with a palm, but the aftermath of that palm can still make Wang Yue’s blood fluctuate, and Wang Yue will be unbearable when he grows up.
If two people are evenly matched, it will be very difficult for one party to win, not to mention that the strength difference is three times. If Wang Yue is hit by a broken wave, even if Wang Yue has a spirit and a family boxing, he will be shocked to death.
"If you can’t go like this, the energy consumption of breath will be too fast, and my strength will be exhausted when I fight for one or two sticks of incense." Wang Yue’s expression is cold and his eyes are calm and intelligent, but his heart is secretly anxious.
Although it is said that the fighters in the realm of ghosts and gods can do their best, it is relatively impossible to do their best, of course, especially in desperate situations, the energy consumption of qi and blood has reached a horrible level
Wang Yue’s heart was secretly anxious, and Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s heart was in their throats.
Wang Yue is like a boat in the waves, which will be swallowed up by the palm force if he is not careful.
Wang Yue’s shaky situation seems to be doomed at any moment.
Nie Feng pulled out the snow drinking knife and said coldly, "Brother Yun, Uncle Wang is too dangerous. We must do it."
Bu Jingyun nodded, "Good display of Moke quantity".
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s swords combined to display the Moke quantity.
This move is very powerful, and the waves are shocked when the battle is interrupted.
Breaking the waves, hitting a palm and twisting, Wang Yue was knocked back.
"Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, you two can’t wait to die. I’m going to kill Wang Yue first to let you live longer, but since you want to die, I’ll be you."
Breaking the waves and yelling at each other blocked Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s "Moke quantity"
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were knocked back by the earthquake, and they vomited one mouthful blood and were injured, but the broken waves remained as firm as a rock and did not move.
"The seat is the most powerful warrior in China, even if Indra Tianshi is not my opponent, not to mention the two of you." Broken waves laughed. "Bu Jingyun Nie Feng, didn’t you look down on me? Now you are going to die in my hands. Who are you to look down on me? "
Bu Jingyun glanced at the blood-red animal paw and sneered, "No matter how strong your martial arts are, you have not become a half-man, half-beast monster! Are you still a person now? "
The scarlet light in Duanlang’s eyes flashed and roared, "Bu Jingyun, you want to die!"
Swallowed two dragon yuan, although the capability increased greatly, it turned into a half-man, half-beast monster, which made the broken waves bitter. Now Bu Jingyun’s irony made the broken waves angry from embarrassment.
Breaking the waves and getting angry, blood-red claws are all over Long Lin, as if he really wants to become a dragon’s claw
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, armed with a dignified face, turned the true qi to perfection.
Breaking the waves and roaring, he will kill Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng in one fell swoop.
At this moment, Wang Yueda said, "Your opponent is me, and I will teach you a profound lesson even if I pay a great price today."
Wang Yue drew his sword and pointed it at the broken waves.
Broken waves crazy laughed "fencing? Wang Yue, your five-element fencing can’t even break my defense, can you? It’s crazy that you want to hurt me with fencing now. "
Wang Yue said coldly, "You won’t know until you try."
Wang Yue’s realm of kendo transcends the "unity of man and sword", but can it break the waves to defend Wang Yue’s heart? The power of breaking the waves is too strong to compare with that of the Dragon.
Wang Yuehua rushed to the broken waves with a streamer, and the sword in his hand was so dull. The speed of stabbing the sword was extremely fast, but it felt quite slow. Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun could see every change of Chu Wangyue’s sword. This contradiction made people feel upset and want to vomit.
Broken waves face a change Wang Yue this ordinary sword only he knows how terrible.
Breaking the waves wants to flash, but it is in vain to avoid this sword.
A light ring Wang Yue sword crossed the broken wave chest and arm.
I didn’t know I was really cheated until I felt pain and waves.
Breaking the waves and hitting Wang Yue in the chest, Wang Yue flew back.
"Uncle Wang" Nie Feng shouted.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun caught the seriously injured Wang Yue with a ghosting image.
Wang Yue’s mouth was pale and weak with the divine light in his blood eyes. "Let’s hurry or we won’t be able to leave."
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun nodded and soon disappeared from the sky.
Broken waves looked down at the sword marks and blood stains on his chest and said in shock, "Wang Yue actually broke through my immortality. What fencing is he?"
Wang Yue’s sword can easily kill the strong in the late stage of the ghost territory, and even the strong in the peak of the ghost territory can be seriously injured. This fencing is really powerful and incredible.
"This swordsmanship is stronger than that of a famous Wan Jian." Broken waves spit out one mouthful blood with fear in their eyes.
"Wang Yue Wang Yue, you are seriously injured, and I am waiting for you to be healed. I will dismember you, and the twin cities will also leave no chickens and dogs." Breaking the waves and staring at Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun disappeared safely and roared.
A hundred years ago, a talented warrior Woody appeared in the Wu family, but when Wu defeated Indra, he disappeared, and he founded SHIN Gong, but left the Wu family.
Proud to kill the Wu family, the Lord let the talented "Xiaowu" escape from the secret passage with his family’s SHIN Gong, while others died.
The last man who killed the Wu family felt the earth shake slightly, which came from far away to kill the fluctuation.
"It’s a wave-breaking battle", and I’m proud to be determined to go back to the tunnel
At this moment, a sword of light appeared in the Takeshi.

Pale dragon elders are overjoyed!

The breath of life in the battlefield dragon poplar body is so small that it can hardly be sensed.
Qunlong doesn’t know the situation of Longyang, but he has fallen.
There is an uproar among the dragons!
Some people are furious, some people are surprised, some people are sad, and some people are stunned on the spot.
A group of dragons want to come to Long Yang, who has cultivated to return to the virtual realm of dzogchen. Even if the Yuan God strives for danger, he can’t end up in a meteorite.
But now Longyang fell to the ground motionless and could not feel any vitality!
Longyang died in battle!
Many dragons rushed to the battlefield.
Some black dragon eyes are red and look sad!
Have black dragon turned to glare at Su Mo Avenue "Dragon Ink, I want to challenge you! It’s a battle of life and death in this dragon blood battlefield! "
"Let me do it! Longmo, I challenge you! "
Another pale dragon came out.
"What are you doing!"
Candle dragon dragon Long Can quickly walked beside Su Mo. "This is a life-and-death battle between two people. No wonder Brother Mo!"
"If you hit us, the candle dragon can still be afraid of you!"
Another Candle dragon said.
"Be quiet!"
Long Xi roar loud.
But her voice was quickly drowned out in this noisy battlefield.
In an instant, the dragon blood battlefield is going to break out in a dragon group war!
"What are you doing!"
At this time, a majestic sound suddenly sounded in the middle of the half, and there was a powerful shock in every dragon’s ear!
The dragons looked around with a shock in their hearts
Seeing the five figures in the middle of the class exudes a strong atmosphere and coercion is wanton.
This coercion to suppress the dragons has just surged and the blood has gradually subsided.
Five pulse dragon elder arrival!
"What’s the trouble? There are no rules!"
The elders of Canglong looked around, and no one dared to look at each other in the fierce group of dragons!
"Elder, an outsider, killed Brother Yang!"
Finally, a black dragon still couldn’t help but say with red eyes and sadness
"Dragon blood battlefield is life and death! Don’t come here if you are afraid of death! " Pale dragon elders said coldly
"But …"
This black dragon is still unwilling
He is a member of the same family as Longyang, and he is naturally very close to Longyang in his heart.
Su Mo came to Dragon Skeleton Valley less than a year ago or Candle dragon’s veins were impure. He was an outsider in his eyes!
"No buts"
Elder Canglong shook his head and said, "There is no doubt that this is a dragon rule!"
Pause a little pale dragon elders took one deep look at Su Mo and said slowly, "More Kuang Longyang, he’s not dead yet."
The voice fell and the dragons were startled
Longyang is not dead?
Normally, Yuan Shen suffered this kind of trauma, even if he didn’t fall immediately, I’m afraid he couldn’t save it.
But there are life and death, human flesh, bones and Taigu spring in the dragon skeleton valley!
Elder Canglong waved his sleeve robe and generate produced a magic power.
Longyang’s huge body is transformed into a human form.
Pale dragon elders eyes and Sue ink body pause a little blunt he nodded to leave with Long Yang.

"Newborn Druid God, you need to show your humility!"

In a void, some powerful gods are silently watching the upcoming war.
Like a dark light, Wolida Mara said, "I think we should give this new druid some respect!" "
"Respect? Wait till he comes to us! " Cyric, the god of murder, is careless.
"A new god and how much strength? In my opinion, it is better to take away his deity and let them connect with the hub.
Presumably you can get more power. "
Hearing the force, the gods were silent.
The crystal wall world is very special. It was born like the world of Montenegro and the world of magic stars, and it floated out of the long river of time.
But unlike these bubble worlds, it is made up of fantasy and will.
Because of the extreme force, it was born with a trace of truth from illusion.
This trace of truth is like a fairy standing on the roots of heaven and earth, like a chaotic vortex in water, wind and fire.
Make it possible to achieve all things.
Dreams and bubbles are getting stronger and stronger, and the crystal wall world has grown rapidly like a blink of an eye for thousands of years in the Force and the desire of creatures in the world
It has evolved into a complete world like the wilderness created by the wilderness.
However, the Great Wilderness is a complete world foundation that has been bred in the realm of earth, water, wind and fire for tens of millions of years.
Although the crystal wall world has evolved into a complete world, it does not have enough solid foundation to support it.
Therefore, it want to transform itself by robbing other world.
Transform oneself.
The bubble world can’t bear the power of robbing the fairy three times.
But the crystal wall world is different. It has a real foundation.
In the same wild world, Yuanling in the general world has great potential.
It is the failure of the world that makes it rich and rich.
But therefore, the power of pick can be displayed in this world.
However, this kind of display is to make the original world virtual.
When external forces enter this world, they will be taken away.
Ling Qingfang entered this world and was promoted to God before they took away the "reality".
Such a condensed deity is no less than a natural treasure to the fairy in this crystal wall world.
That’s a brick that can help you to take a solid step toward Daluo Road.
The original name of Yuanling in Crystal Wall World is Io.
He is equivalent to the wilderness, and he is the natural master of natural heaven.
In this illusory world, he is the only one in the real world, and all beings are qualitatively different.
It’s like a dream. The crystal wall world is a dream and Io is the master of the dream.
A move of his mind can make the end of the world and bring down the gods.

Looking at Meng Qi, who is still in a coma in the hands of Tao Lao, two people can’t help but feel a little flustered, but Meng Qishen is alive again and the two women are just a little relieved.

"Well, the base has been healed, but it needs to be nursed back to health for a while." Tao veteran Meng Qi handed the two men a touch of his sparse beard and said.
"But why hasn’t Meng Qige woken up yet?" Hu Xianer touched Meng Qi cheek and asked
Tao Lao stared at Hu Xianer and said, "You little girl are too impatient. His mind is so damaged that he won’t wake up immediately. He will wake up in a few hours."
However, Hu Xianer’s eyes still have some disbelief and are about to ask again. Cheng Rewei pulled Hu Xianer’s skirts and then took a look at Hu Xianer and said to Tao Lao, "Thank you for saving his life. Tao Lao said that we will try our best to cooperate."
Tao Lao heard Cheng Re-wei’s words and nodded and said, "Let’s go to a place where people live. After so long, the old man is a little hungry." Then he touched his chubby belly.
Seeing this, Hu Xianer suddenly smiled gently.
Seeing Hu Xianer’s smile, Old Tao stared and said, "What are you laughing at, little girl?"
Hu Xianer smiled lightly and said, "I can now believe that Tao Lao" xianggong "is from the same family." Then he took a glance at Tao Lao’s rounded belly.
"oh? How do I look like this little place? " Tao old suddenly looked at Meng Qiran after some interested and said
"Tao’s old" xianggong "is very greedy. Every time" xianggong "eats something, he also received a little apprentice who can cook good food." Hu Xianer couldn’t help laughing when he remembered the former Meng Qi.
"oh? He has a little apprentice. Why isn’t he there? " In fact, Tao Lao is not interested in Meng Qiyou’s little apprentice, but in the following sentence, which is a good dish.
Speaking of Zi Xuan, after Meng Qi has been safely ill now, two women have some thoughts about that girl.
"She once felt that Zong Chat ran out to play and never came back." Cheng Rewei missed a Zi Xuan and then replied.
"Gone? It’s a pity that the old man shook his head when he heard that Zi Xuan was gone. It’s a pity that his greatest hobby is to taste all kinds of food. Now that Zi Xuan is away, it’s natural to miss a chance to taste it.
However, seeing the old man with a disappointed look, Hu Xianer added, "In fact, Meng Qige’s craftsmanship is also very good."
"oh? What is he good at? " Tao old hear Meng Qi incredibly still have a good craft I asked.
"I don’t know about this, but once he cooked a table of food for both of us, it was really delicious. When we were still in Zi Xuan, that is, Meng Qige’s younger brother came back," Hu Xianer remembered that Meng Qi cooked a table of food and had a poor aftertaste.
Seeing Hu Xianer, Tao Lao couldn’t help but have a little expectation for Meng Qi’s craft. Although he has tasted delicious food, I don’t know how many, but he still seems to have no resistance to it. Hearing that there is delicious food to eat is still a bit drooling.
At this moment, there seemed to be some movement not far away, and then a wild boar emerged from a bush. The wild boar looked at least five or six hundred kilograms and had a thick layer of mud armor.
There are two white fangs about half a meter long at the mouth, and if they reflect red light faintly, they will know that there are no fewer fangs.
I’m afraid I don’t know how many butch bodies have been torn.
At this time, the wild boar is staring at Tigress around three people with red eyes. It is possible to pounce at any time, but the wild boar seems to be afraid of Tao Lao.
Although he knew how terrible Tao Lao was, he didn’t even feel how dangerous Tigress was to him, but the trembling feeling from his soul made him know that he should stay away from Tao Lao.
Seeing this big wild boar, Tao Lao suddenly smiled and said, "It’s a good material. I wonder if it will punish wild pork this moment?" Then I was about to start work when I heard Tigress growling at the wild boar.
Seeing this, Tao Lao had no heart for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Well, you can go, but don’t let him get away."
In fact, since she came to Tao Lao, Tigress has been really clever, crawling on the side like a kitten and even afraid to breathe.
She felt the feeling she had felt from Meng Qishen from Tao Laoshen, but it was strong and I don’t know how many times it was as profound and extensive as the sea.
But for a wild boar who doesn’t know how to live or die, Tigress doesn’t have such a good temper. At any rate, it used to be a king of beasts. Although this wild boar is unusual, if she meets Tigress, she won’t take the initiative to provoke it.
But how dare it challenge itself? Tigress can’t stand it. After Tao Lao spoke, Tigress jumped at the wild boar.
And that’s the wild boar with red eyes. When he sees Tigress coming at him, he will ignore that and warn him. Anyway, it’s not against Tao Lao.
The wild boar is also blunt go to.
To say that this wild boar is really extraordinary, it is estimated that there is a little blood in the ancient savage beast. When rushing to Tigress, there is actually a soil aura lingering around it. With its thick mud armor, it seems to be as hard as a heavy tank to crush towards Tigress.
It’s probably enough for Tigress to drink a pot.
However, Tigress is not stupid. Although the speed of the wild boar is not very slow, it is not Tigress’s way to escape. Tigress is very vigorous and quick when the wild boar rushes forward.
And that wild boar hit a big tree that need two people to surround it.
The tree with deep roots and dense leaves is standing there quietly, and it seems that it can grow so strong. After thousands of years, it may be possible to enter the spiritual world by chance.
However, the old tree didn’t know that it would encounter such an accident to be strong. The trunk seemed to turn into tofu in front of the wild boar, and the fangs of the wild boar easily stabbed in.
Then the old tree is to meet the wild boar’s strong body
"bang!" There was a burst of dust in some dry air, and a figure slowly came out of the dust. It was the wild boar.
After the smoke cleared away, the old tree was badly damaged. Not to mention the two deep and long holes in the trunk, Pang Dagen seemed to be pulled away from himself by the wild boar and clung to the land.
Fresh soil is exposed to the air, and the roots that were tightly wrapped by the soil are also desolate and exposed. The old tree was hit and tilted a little, which shows how much power this collision contains.
Seeing that she is so powerful, she can’t help but get chills in her back once she hits Tigress. She’s a little lucky that she’s hiding, or she’ll be seriously injured if she eats this, even if her life is not in danger.
The destructive power of this wild boar even surprised Cheng Rewei Hu Xianer slightly.
"I didn’t expect this wild boar to be quite strong," said Hu Xianer, looking at the tattered old tree with some surprise.
However, this means naturally can’t get into Tao’s old eyes. His eyes flashed a little light and said, "It turns out that there is a little brute force. It is no wonder that there is such a big brute force."
Chapter one hundred and seventy Longjing

Poof! Poof! Poof!

There are always monks falling down and blood pouring out.
No one noticed that the blood on the ground was flowing to the center of the blood pool like being pulled by some kind!
There is not much thunder in Su Mo’s veins, so there is no way to release thunder again.
Magic magic teaches magic to confuse people’s minds, swordsmanship, shura magic, blood and blood, saber-cutting, fierce riding and sharp gun-shooting all caused a lot of trouble to Su Mo.
Plus, monks from the magic door are constantly besieging Sumo to ensure that they are unscathed.
In the sword, Su Mo can kill the enemy while trying to avoid the most minor injuries in exchange for the other person’s life!
It wasn’t long before Su Mo’s body was bloodied, and he had his own blood, but it was the blood of Brother Mormon.
The three demons and many magic monks became more and more frightened in the Vietnam War.
The blue monk seems to be tired and some wounds have not caused him much trouble.
Where do they know that Su Mo’s body resilience is terrible and his physical strength is amazing? These minor injuries are nothing.
There was a sudden rumbling here and now, and the ground shook with it.
Pang Yue narrowed his eyes and his eyes fell on a blood pool not far away.
This muffled sound is coming out of the blood pool.
And at the same time, a huge bubble rose on the surface of the blood pool, causing a little ripple.
Many monks of the magic door are somewhat absent.
Su Mo didn’t think too much. Before striding, he waved and punched a monk in the chest.
The fracture sounded, and the man’s chest was deeply sunken and the dirt was crushed.
This person was punched by Su Mo and fell far out, which happened to fall into a pool of blood.
Almost instantly, this person’s flesh and blood fell off and disappeared into the blood pool, leaving a new skeleton. The surface of the blood pool paused and sank a little.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-five Town Kill the Devil
Many monks in the magic door changed color slightly when they saw this scene, but the light in everyone’s eyes became hotter and hotter.
Su Mogen doesn’t know what this place is, but by looking at the changes in the look of the magic door, we can probably infer that it is likely to be born in the evil blood pool!
But no one dared to make a move when he saw the monk enter the blood pool just now.
At this time, the official feather body flashed and suddenly attacked while Jiyao smoke was slightly absent.
The edge of the folding fan is extremely sharp, and the lotus flower flashes across Ji Yao’s smoke arm.
Ji Yao’s face turned white with pain and could not help but shout a pain.
Seeing this scene, Su Mo’s eyes leapt from the top of many monks’ heads and directly killed several people in front of Guan Yu.
The cold moon sword fell from the sky with a forward momentum!
Officer feather look which dare recklessly hurriedly backwards mouth shouted "stop him for me! You guys, let’s work together to kill this man! "
The first half of the sentence is to bring him the four beautiful women, but the second half is to greet him as a monk.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Four beautiful women have practiced converging attack, and four long swords are stabbed at different angles to make people feel difficult to resist.
Although Ji Yaoyan is a magic door middleman, she is Ji Yaoxue’s sister after all.
With this layer of Sumo, you must protect her Zhou!
Now, seeing Ji Yao’s cigarette injury, Su Mo has taken care of too much. In the face of stabbing four long swords, he doesn’t retreat. He doesn’t avoid the cold moon knife in his left hand and leans out his right hand to take a long sword.
A roll and a shock!
The blade gave a dramatic quiver, and the woman holding the sword exclaimed that the four-person converging attack technique was immediately broken when she broke the sword in her jaws.
Su Mo’s body flickered and the ghosting came to this woman’s front and leaned against her body.
Bang, this female figure is like a broken kite, and she was already out of breath when she was hit and landed on the spot.
At the same time, Su Mo backhand wiped a cold light from another woman’s white neck.

In my heart, I was angry. Delina had made all the preparations in the moment when the woman moved, but the tender voice had already rang at the moment when she entered her mocking range-

"In addition to my husband and I outsiders are ugly! !”
Jill’s sharp palm wind flashed across Nie Shuang’s face, and the speed was terrible. The sharp wind roared and scraped Nie Shuang’s face, and there seemed to be blood flowing out. But at this time, Nie Shuang’s heart was very happy. He knew that Delina had succeeded. Before Jill attacked him, he mocked Jill for failing to touch Nie Shuang. In the attack, Jill had turned around and rushed to one side. There was shock in her eyes-
That’s impossible!
Jill white how quickly she attacked herself, but at this time she didn’t attack you. Instead, her body went to one side uncontrollably … What is this?
It’s time to smile in my heart.
Nie Shuang can’t hesitate what Delina can’t stop Jill from attacking her. She can fight for a moment and Nie Shuang will seize it-
Step forward, the right hand directly holds Jill’s arm from the side and slightly encircles Jill’s body. The left hand bypasses Jill’s back shoulder, and the fingers on her left shoulder hold Jill’s hand and twist it slightly to Nie Shuang’s own side, then lift it to make her lift up her face.
Kissed to be continued.
Chapter 11 This is a kiss
Jill’s face is still a pear flower with rain, but when Nie’s parents go, they also stare big eyes and don’t move.
Jill stared at the man with her lips in front of her. Before the white game, although you didn’t notice that his victory condition was to kiss himself, Jill herself didn’t believe that in her opinion, this human male was so weak that she needed to blow him away and beat him with a light palm!
But …
The fact is that when she was about to attack you, she was suddenly controlled by an inexplicable force and forced to turn her body so that she couldn’t meet you, but she was backhand by him-
Kissed myself.
Is this a kiss?
Jill’s little heart plopped and jumped up. After a short shock, she closed her eyes, and her face flushed with shyness. She didn’t see her tongue. Some bullying came towards her side. At first, Jill was a little embarrassed. At first, Bei’s teeth were closed and reserved, but she couldn’t hold back the storm-like offensive, which made her body melt. The heat gently opened … Instantly Jill felt that you were not there-
His tongue stirred in his own body, and the savage wanted to be entangled with her small tongue. The feeling of satiny was even more so that Jill was dizzy. There was even a huge suction to suck the body fluid from her …
"Uh-huh ….." Jill was a little painful to call out this kiss. It was her first kiss, and she had a panic and a breath. She had not adjusted yet. At this time, she kissed directly, which made her even more breathless …
But Jill doesn’t want to be apart. She wants to go on and get more-Lilac uvula becomes active after adapting, which not only caters to each other, but also rushes into each other’s territory across her lips …
Hands are out of control. You can hold each other’s generous back tightly, and then try to squeeze yourself into each other’s body and blend together …
The night breeze blows gently in the Longgu grassland, and the moonlight and starlight complement each other. The sky is full of stars, shining and arc-shaped, and the horizon in the distant part of the sky is connected together. The farthest inky earth is like an ink painting, which outlines the outline without drawing details, but it still makes people imagine the fine stripes.
In the middle of the grassland, several white boulders emit bright and dazzling light, which illuminates the surrounding area like a small sun. Their light is pale but not dazzling, and they disperse around with soft and cold light, illuminating the faces of all the audience-
It’s shock!
It is silence!
All races were shocked and looked at the middle of the venue in silence, watching that there were two young people who were forgetting themselves and kissing, but forgot their environment.
Of course, the two young people are the only rivals of the contestants in the last Nie Shuang and the second competition. Princess Jill is kissing a shameless human man in full view, and she is still intoxicated by it with shyness and watery eyes …
It is heartbreaking for the surrounding races to see such a scene. After a short silence, there is finally a sound system-
"My day Jill princess … this is … lost? I’m not mistaken. Who will slap me? I think I may be asleep … "
"I … I don’t! ! ! No! ! How could princess Jill lose to his weak human? ! Impossible! !”
"Ah ah that idiot bastard doing! ! ! Let go of your paws and leave! ! Leave! ! Get away from princess Jill! ! !”
All the animals roared, and their anger gathered together, and there was no lack of murderous look among them. Fortunately, there were many dragons to maintain order, otherwise they would really rush to the scene and tear up the human who had desecrated Princess Jill completely! !
Ole was also shocked. Although he didn’t have an appointment with Jun, it was said that he was competing for longer, but he didn’t expect it to be … Never thought that you didn’t see that you actually took Princess Jill and kissed her! At that time, Ole’s heart was mixed with mixed feelings … Suddenly he bit his teeth and screamed with a wave of his hand, "Well done, don’t you see that you won! ! !”
Yes, he won, and he lost. Since that is the case, there is nothing to correct.
Ou Lei can still be happy, but the blood wind … The dragon patriarch is not happy at all. Losing to Luen for a set of equipment is a trivial matter. He even entered his daughter. Although it is true that this competition is for Jill to choose a husband, he never thought that the winner was actually a human!
-uh, my heart hurts …
Blood wind clutching his chest was bitter, his facial muscles twitched and his eyes were complicated. Although the rules were out of line, in the end they agreed. If you go back on your word at this time, the dragon will keep his word … Besides …
Blood wind looked up at the field has stopped kissing Jill feel more pain in the heart-ah ah that little don’t know when to start the action his baby daughter Jill points already like each other!
Humans are so cunning!
The blood wind is not silly. He is also a n experienced person. At this time, Jill’s eyes are full of sweet faces and smiles, and she embraces you with satisfaction and happiness. It’s also very tight that she just doesn’t want to be separated. I’m afraid you haven’t seen it for a long time.
"Ha ha blood wind I won the win! ! !” I’m afraid the happiest thing is Luen beside the blood wind. Since Nie Shuang successfully kissed Jill, this old guy has jumped up and shouted excitedly as if he had won.
Of course Luen is happy. This is their human victory over 14 dragons, and many other powerful races rely on their brains to win. How can they not be happy?
"Ah, I know, I know, I see it!" The blood wind is a little annoyed and rushing to Luen like a fly. "The equipment will give you a damn cheap."
I know that my old friend is in a bad mood, and Luen doesn’t jump quietly to hold the blood wind and pat him on the shoulder. "Blood wind doesn’t say anything else. I told you that your Jill knows her best. I’m afraid her whole heart is not in the dragon now … You see, since Jill likes to see you and he won the game, he will be happy without losing the dragon majesty."
"Look at you, you are still hesitating. If you want to take apart you and Jill, I’m afraid those two kids won’t give up. It’s estimated that your Jill is enough to make trouble …"
In fact, Luen said that blood and wind are all white, but this heart will not accept it for a while! Don’t you see that the little dragon is not very annoying, but it’s unheard of for the dragon to marry the Terran! Bridal sedan chair, this is the first time …
What to do or have to discuss again …
Nie Shuang and Jill kissed in the field, and the corners of their mouths were still glittering and translucent, and they drooled with a little bit of Y.
Nie Shuang looked at what Jill was looking at. She looked at this face with a sweet smile and a tearful girl with her eyes. "Jill is not good …"
"Well …" Jill, of course, understands what her lover said-the audience around her, the dragon elders and her father are ready to ask them.
But now is not the time to be pestered by them. Jill doesn’t want to face those old guys at this time. She also wants to talk more with you … and have a kiss that just intoxicated her …
Suddenly Jill quickly read 1, turned around and pulled up Nie’s wrists, and his body expanded rapidly. In a short time, he turned back to the dragon’s huge claws, holding a small Nie in two directions and throwing it away in the distant night …
There is no dragon chasing behind, and it is probably blocked. Whether Jill or the dragon need to calm down to cool down what just happened.
Returning to the lake of "Jill’s love", Jill changed back to human form. As soon as the transformation was completed, she directly hugged Nie Shuang’s waist and moved boldly and enthusiastically. Jill held her face high and looked happy …