"So what? The law of the jungle world is like this. Even if those newcomers can reach the kingdom, it’s like hahahaha. You don’t understand the horror of giant trees and forests, and you don’t even know how terrible the outside world is. We have seen those players who are as powerful as monsters with our own eyes. Even if they can go out, they will be even worse." They are already in trouble with good and evil and recognize that what they have done is not wrong.

That’s what they hate! !
I hate what others have done to them when I am doing unforgivable bad things, so people’s hearts have been seriously distorted.
Forgetting the dust but not laughing, he took his other arm and asked coldly, "Do you have any family?"
Very cold words, although he didn’t know what the enemy would ask in front of him, he smiled. "What about family?" ?
Hearing his answer, Forgetting Dust did not have pity or sympathy, but smiled and said, "Really? I’m relieved that even if I kill you, no one will regret it. "
"Just a newcomer! ! !”
"Now let you know that the newcomer is terrible." In a sense, forgetting the dust is not an ordinary newcomer. His past life is much better than these guys, and he walks farther.
Bone fracture, body connection, forgetting dust, grasping his left arm, showing an angry face, and with that roar, only the arm was broken and thrown into the sky.
"Ah you damn bastard my hand my hand! !” In this world which is almost close to reality but more mysterious and strange, destroying an arm is equivalent to breaking half of his life. Unless he is a master regenerative teacher, he will never be reborn again. Such excitement is more terrible than death! !
"Does it hurt? Pain is right, but what I have done is nothing compared with your sins. I won’t kill you because I think of a better way to deal with you. "
"You, what do you want to do?" I feel that I have forgotten the dust, and my malicious eyes are always panicked and my arms are broken. He has completely lost his fighting power. At this time, he is completely slaughtered by others.
"You will know about the horse."
"Ah ah ah"
There was a creepy scream in the huge lotus leaf security area. No one knew what happened, but it was completely calm afterwards.
"This is the beginning, and we will be even more cruel in the future. When we are in troubled times, there is no other choice. Where this man eats the world, the road leads to hell for us." Forgetting the dust is like saying to myself, and it is like saying to the eyes behind us that touch the body and shake the snow.
Snowfall nodded firmly and slowly calmed his breathing. Because he forgot to talk about the dust, the snow fell inside and occupied the main part. It was made of mud and mixed, showing his head but not dying.
His arms and feet were completely destroyed by forgotten dust, but because the snow fell, he stopped the bleeding from his wound and kept him in this state, but it was even worse than killing him.
"Why don’t you kill me! ! You beast, you b! !” Cruel means to turn himself into this appearance. For the old man, he has no future. Although he regrets everything in his heart, he can’t make a terrible roar and hatred in the simple device.
"I think this makes you feel uncomfortable." The serious and handsome appearance really doesn’t show that the world of forgetting dust is a demon, but compared with what forgetting dust has done, these people don’t know how many sins they have stained.
I don’t feel guilty about forgetting the dust.
"I want I want to kill you! ! Kill you! ! !” Resentment grows in my heart. If I can still act at this moment, I will fight hard. Unfortunately, it is too late. His life has already passed.
"If you can do it," forgot the dust and smiled jokingly. "How wonderful do you think your companions will look if they see you?"
"You devil, you executioner’s hand, hahahahahaha, by the way, your little root doesn’t know our team’s terror, right? Hahahahaha, you will die. You don’t know us, which is your greatest weakness. You will die even worse than me. No, you will be worse than death! ! !”
"Are you? That’s really worth looking forward to. "Continue to provoke and almost bleed the old man.
However, after the calm, the old man smiled and trembled. The grim smile was even more bizarre with that ferocious face. "You don’t know us at all, and you don’t know our boss’s horrible newcomer. You regret doing the right thing with us. When you choose to resist us, you are already a prey! !”
"prey?" Forget the dust came also sneer at indifference suddenly folded way "it seems that you didn’t find? Who is the real prey? "
"If it weren’t for me to leave a trace, would you be able to find my location at this level of IQ? Why did you and I choose this road for you to pursue the cause, so that I can determine whether you will spread out and kill me as I planned. "Forgetting the dust made the old man’s only body tremble, and his eyes revealed incredible eyes, but when he thought about it, he continued as he said.
"Was it from the beginning" that the old expression became scary.
"So from the beginning, you made a mistake about who is the real prey and who is the real hunter." Forget the dust and pick up the butcher knife again, with a murderous light in your eyes.
Staring at the sky, I suddenly burst out laughing. "So what? Even if I die now, the boss will avenge me. The new man is waiting to meet the anger of the dark swordsman. Hahahahahahaha."
Chapter 37 Anti-killing
In the daytime, a dark shadow galloped in the depths of the jungle, and the speed was like a violent thunder. In less than a minute, he rushed about a kilometer away. The black tight-fitting sword robe roared with the cold wind, and it sounded cold and cold. A black mask covered his forehead and exposed his eyes, which was more frightening than the new one.
Suddenly, he stopped galloping. At this moment, his heart felt as if he had lost something.
Then he communicated with the starfish to tick.
"Do you want to influence whether the function is turned on?" The swordsman in black stopped indifferently, always feeling that something made him uneasy. After seeing the old signature, almost at the same time, more than a dozen people took out the com with the influence function outside the forest of the dead.
"This is a communication starfish, not an influence starfish. What is this old guy doing here?" Everyone complained and opened their hands at the same time. Starfish is an important means of communication in the front mainland, but not everyone needs to buy and rob to get it.
Communication starfish image, then starfish life is here.
"Hey, you idiot, what are you doing? The communication starfish is worth ten thousand yuan." Just after opening the communication device, several people roared, but when the image appeared, their minds trembled.
That’s the way to look directly at a familiar face in a picture. At this moment, the limbs of a normal person are simply held in a device.
He was smiling before he died.
"Brothers must take revenge on me. I will curse this new person and never turn over. I want him to be dead. I will take revenge! ! !” Unwilling and resentful eyes before he died, starfish images actually gave him a close-up. After saying this, another bloody head fell to the ground.
Click and disappear with the loss of the image. Anger, roar and unwilling roar have come from all over the forest. Their hatred for forgetting the dust has reached the point of hatred.
Lotus leaf tree
"It looks like it’s completely dead this time." This is the second time to kill this guy, and it’s all about beheading others’ heads, wiping blood on their cheeks and forgetting dust. I always feel that I’m getting more violent.
Although his methods are cruel and excessive, he doesn’t think it is necessary to be kind to this group of people, and the hatred has long since been forgotten from the beginning. Unless he can escape from here, the hatred will continue. The first time he fights the swordsman in black, he will know that this is an old enemy.
At that time, forgetting the dust already knew that it was either you or me. In this case, it is better to step out and smash them one by one. Once they join hands, they will have a good chance of winning.
The contest won at the cost of two partners’ lives, but it didn’t end there.
"Lao" slowly took off his mask, and the mask face showed ferocious scratches. He was silent for three seconds and put the mask on his chest like a funeral procession for Lao.
"I’ll let him come to hell with you."
"All the people to the bone cave that new man he will go there all immediately! !” A swordsman in black, the soul of the team, gave everyone the most correct judgment and instruction he thought.
"But the boss! !” They are worried that they will not forget the dust and go to Wan Gu Cave, but choose to go to other places. After all, the waning moon kingdom is not only the city of the dead, although it is the main city, there are other places to go to Jushusen.
"We can’t just let that guy go. I’m closest to my brother’s position. I’ll intercept him! !” Rough Berserker came roaring, and the death of two consecutive partners has made them angry to the extreme.
"Don’t you understand me when I say that the horse goes to the bone cave?" The swordsman in black is suppressing his anger. At this moment, maybe he is the most angry person, but if he forgets dust, it will be lucky if he can kill the fifth. Even the old swordsman died in his hands. It can almost be judged that no one in his team is the opponent of the newcomer.

"What do you mean older than him?" King Kong cannon doubts at my mouth.

"Sister, what the hell is going on?" I didn’t catch the clue when I turned to chasing the wind and putting myself in my traditional life.
"It seems that you have been given two opportunities by your unscrupulous ancestors, and you are still dishonest. If you screw up your ancestors’ face again this time, you will lose it." Mu Zhuifeng did the translation literally, but she was also in a daze.
"Why am I not doing my job?" I can’t help laughing. Everything I’ve done since I was right, I respected the teacher, I rebuilt the concept of Ziyang, I preached Taoism, and I broke through the peak of Ziqi for 30 years. How did I become an unprofessional person? How did I become a disgrace to my ancestors?
"Do you think about it?" Mu Zhuifeng said, drinking water for an excuse is no longer a cavity.
"Take a good look at yourself".
"I don’t reflect on my ass." I got up angrily. "I should take something out and send it out."
They smell speech back up the backpack in succession.
I took the lead in moving, and Yuan Shen can choose a variety of moving ways. Walking is also one of the first.
There are a large number of figurines scattered in the card passage, which seriously hindered the people from moving forward. The King Kong cannon became impatient and stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Yicheng’s collar, so he gave it to him. He longed for the pursuit of the wind and took over Meju’s spirit.
Moments later, the huge bronze gate in the burial area has appeared, and everyone is excited again.
Because the card is very dry, the huge copper door does not derive verdigris, but emits a heavy yellow-blue breath.
After a short search outside the card, everyone found a place where the imperial seal could be lifted. Without it, we can naturally break the door.
"Ye Aofeng see you" King Kong cannon blunt Ye Aofeng said with a cigarette in his mouth.
Ye Aofeng glanced at the King Kong cannon with an expression on his face. He raised his hand and stretched out his hand. His nose trembled and drank heavily. The huge bronze giant door was slowly pulled out by him.
Bejeweled, dazzling, blind …
Chapter 522 A heap of gold and jade
Gold, silver, beads and jade are not only the most impressive breath, but also the dazzling luster. Although the people have not yet entered the burial area, the dazzling luster from the cracks in the bronze door has dazzled everyone. At this moment, the people just woke up and we finally knocked on the door of the Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum.
The Qin Mausoleum has been dusty for more than two thousand years, and there have been all kinds of speculations and conjectures about it. Today, all the mysteries will be revealed and the tomb curtain will soon be revealed.
"Go in. The burial area won’t be organic anymore," I said after a long pause.
"Xiao Jiu, you go first." Mu Zhuifeng smiled. What she made me advanced was to give me the honor of "the first person to enter the imperial tomb."
"In the section chief, please go first." Lin Yicheng spoke and echoed Lin Yicheng’s voice with a vibrato, which showed that he was very excited.
Ye aofeng is still a sullen at the moment, but he is also available to retreat for half a step into the mausoleum to break the array. I take the lead, and he naturally won’t and dare not take the credit.
At this moment, my mood is not calm. I have been to all kinds of ancient tombs before, but those are not real tombs. It is not only the tomb here, but also the largest tomb in history. It is hard for anyone to restrain their excitement.
As soon as I was calm and excited, King Kong Cannon couldn’t help but stick his head into the bronze door. By the time Mu Zhuifeng found out and pulled him back, King Kong Cannon’s eyes were straight.
"What do you see?" I smiled, and I didn’t have any pecking order with King Kong Gun. Naturally, I wouldn’t blame him for starting first.
The word "value" means that a lot of hard work has been worth knowing before, but Kong Bao, a well-informed expert, has seen a lot of gold, silver, pearls and jade, which can make him sigh like this just by a glimpse, which shows that the tomb is buried with splendor.
"Go home if it’s worth it." I smiled and stepped into the bronze door.
The burial area of the imperial tomb is still a circle with a width of two miles around the main tomb. After entering the bronze gate, the first thing you see is a lot of gold.
Gold is not a golden brick or a gold cake. A large amount of gold has been melted and cast into different shapes. There is a huge gold statue on the left and right sides of the tomb-guarding beast channel every 100 meters. There are two male and female corresponding rows on the left and right. The first is two golden dragons with five claws, followed by Kirin to ward off evil spirits, flying horses and many other gold statues. The casting and watering technology is exquisite, the attitude is vivid and the attitude is humble. It means that the emperor is intimidated by outsiders. The humility is two opposite attitudes. The gold statue maker can express this gold statue at the same time.
In addition, every golden statue of a spirit beast has wings behind it, which is an exaggerated artistic technique to express the profound meaning of condescending to China, instead of these spirit beasts being born with wings. Take it as an example. In fact, today, both Indian rhinoceros and African rhinoceros are called rhinoceros, which can reach three tons in size and can’t fly even if a propeller is inserted into it.
These gold-infused spirit beasts are close to the physical objects, and the volume of gold is so huge. Each respect of gold spirit beasts exceeds several tons, so I guess these gold spirit beasts should be melted and poured here in situ without large lifting equipment.
The smell of gold in the burial area almost gathers these golden statues of beasts, which means that all the gold in the imperial tomb has been made into golden statues. There is a great advantage in doing so, that is, foreigners can easily remove them by law, and the best anti-theft effect has been achieved by the most original method. Things can’t be moved here to stare blankly.
There are two miles in the diameter of the burial area, and the ground floor is paved with black moyu, a jade that I know is much more valuable than Hetian jade in Shaanxi, but here it is made of floor tiles, which make the thick earth-like moyu exactly equal in size, and each piece is about 50 cm in diameter. The gap between the splicing parts of the two moyu pieces is almost invisible, and even the jade texture is connected, and many auspicious patterns are cleverly spelled out through the natural texture of the jade.
The walls of the passage are still inlaid with jade, which is as high as nine feet. The walls are completely inlaid with various colors of jade, but the mosaic is not random, but divided into three different levels according to the different colors of jade. The deeper the jade color, the lighter the jade color, and the pure white jade is at the top of the tomb.
This kind of white jade is not white marble, because white marble is the most rubbish jade, so it can’t be called jade. Qin Huang naturally won’t make this kind of rubbish in his own tomb. His white jade is luminous, but it is as bright as day without lighting equipment in the whole passage. Unfortunately, I don’t know this kind of luminous white jade, so I can’t say what its origin is.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me"
"tut tut tut"

Dragon housekeeper mind a quiver don’t know master so ask then nodded and said "is the master commanded …"

"Turns out to be my dad … that fruit? Didn’t you find it? "
"No, I didn’t realize later that Li Tianyu didn’t drive the car to his destination, but abandoned the car halfway … and then he should take the water."
"Waterway …"
"We have checked the airport and major traffic intersections, but we didn’t pay attention to shipping …"
"Hey ~ Li Tianyu, where have you been hiding?" Izumo Nai lamented
"It turns out that such a thing happened to you in Japan." Tangtang said with emotion after listening to her sister’s story.
"Yeah, but I don’t know what happened to them."
"Well, it seems that you must accompany William to England."
"Of course, this time the main responsibility is still on my side, so I can get some information through William. After all, the friction between us and Japan has been heating up. It is definitely better to make money from foreigners." Candy laughed in the words.
"Ah … your sister, my wedding once less you and future brother-in-law! Not only are you missing, but you are also missing the unlucky bear! "
"unlucky bear?"
"Yes, it’s Izumo. Their brother’s real name is’ Li Tianyu’ and you should remember him as the elder sister."
"ah? I remember him? " Tang Xiguo felt puzzled.
"Yes, did you forget that you met a player named’ unlucky bear’ in the game?" Sugar sugar asked
"… seems to be a little impression. By the way, that was more than five years ago, right?" Candy scratched his head and said
"Well …" Sugar sugar has some words.
At the beginning, if it hadn’t been for my sister, so many things wouldn’t have happened … probably I wouldn’t have met Yunyun, but it is precisely because of this that my sister should remember clearly. After all, I have been with them.
And my sister actually forgot … Think about it, too. Candy sister hasn’t played games for more than five years. Besides, she has been studying hard abroad. How can she have leisure to re-note that game? People and things in it are really likely to forget.
When candy thinks like this, little memories in candy’s mind begin to gather.
"It seems that … there is such a person, and I still seem to have a good impression on him at that time." Thought of this, candy smiled and there was really no impurity at that innocent age of youth.
"Sister, when are you going to come back?"
"The itinerary can’t be disturbed. William and I will continue to travel around the world after going to England. Come back one year later without any accident."
"How cruel!"
"You have a cloud, and your sister is no longer worried. By the way, take care of dad."
On August 8, Izumo and Tangtang held a wedding in Guodu Hotel.
Their wedding included the whole hotel, and everyone who was famous in Jiangsu and Zhejiang came to attend the wedding.
The more the floor is, the more distinguished the guests are. It is an honor for everyone to witness the wedding scene on the top floor instead of broadcasting it.
There are a few people sitting at a table against the wall on the top floor.
A table is a unit of ten people, and this table only seats five people in the end
"How long before Sister-in-law gives birth?" Two whew looked at Lu Yao belly asked to the bone.
"The due date is in early October, right? I don’t even want her to come today." Staring at Lu Yao with a small moustache, she said with a happy face.
"Today’s sister and Izumo wedding day, why can’t I come? And I came to say that our family of three is here! " Lu Yao laughed.
Everyone is happy.
"Do you still play Erwhew?" Xiao Ye, sitting beside Er Xiu, suddenly asked
Haircut, half-rimmed glasses, no beard, slightly fat, and Gherardini replied, "What do you think?"
"Ah, so many of us, including my friends in the game, are out of the pit …" Tired of beauty, Abortion shook her head and said with a wry smile.
"I believe you still have fun!" Hanging bangs, wearing glasses, bright eyes, staring at Erxiu at night, replied
"I believe it, too," Bones interjected
Erxiu smiled and said, "I can’t find him in reality, maybe I can see him in the game one day."
Said a few people look at the two whew side.
There are two red invitations on the desk.
A moment later, a cloud and a candy wedding began.
But until that table, there was still a couple missing.
Chapter 194 Who are you?
Today is July, 15.
It is sultry in summer in the south, and there will be showers from time to time.
"Half a lifetime ~ Go to the uncle’s field and see what’s wrong with the tomato seedlings," cried an uncle outside the house.
"Snow, I’ll go out and see Uncle Zhang’s tomato seedlings first." Half my life said to Mu Xue.
At this time, there was a child sitting in Mu Xue’s arms. She picked out the food and bit it before giving it to the child’s mouth.
After feeding this mouth, she turned her attention to the half-life bowl and saw that he still had a few mouthfuls of rice. She was a little unhappy and said, "Don’t wave the last few mouthfuls of food before you go."
"Uncle Zhang, please wait a while. My daughter-in-law wants me to eat the last few mouthfuls before letting me go out."
"Ok ~ You eat first."
Uncle just finished this sentence and has wolfed down a bowl of rice with loofah soup for half his life.
Mu Xue couldn’t help laughing when he looked at his swallowed dates.
"Then I’ll go ~" After half a life, I smiled at the little doll in Mu Xue’s arms and said, "Fugui’s father is gone ~ You should listen to your mother at home."
"well! Dad wants to … grow white rice! " The doll named "Fugui" said with a tender thread
Half-life rubbed his child’s head and smiled. "Well, then bring it back to Fugui."
After half a life, he picked up the pesticide watering can and ran out the door.
"Uncle Zhang has been waiting for a long time. Let’s go." I put the watering can on the tricycle for half my life and turned my head to say to Uncle Zhang.
"Good ~" said Zhang Daye and they took a tricycle for half their lives and set off in the direction of the field.
"Half a life, have you been in Meiyu Village for almost two years?" Uncle Zhang sat in the car and took out a pipe and lit it and asked.
"Well" half replied.
"In fact, we look down on mainlanders here … but now you are really accepted by the villagers." Uncle Zhang said and smoked a mouthful of opium.
Just then, a few village women by the river greeted Uncle Zhang with a smile, and the two of them smiled at them as a courtesy.
"Uncle Zhang, you should not be a native, right?" Then half asked.
"Ha ha, I’ve lived here for twenty years. How do you know that I’m not from here? My accent is the same as that of the villagers. "Uncle Zhang asked.

Eric Suen Yiu Wai said he was going to sleep, but in fact he just closed his eyes and meditated, that is, after a while, he resumed his state. His eyes shone sharply and he said to the door, "Go and investigate where Yi Hou has been in contact with someone now."

At this time, wreaths all have stabilized themselves. Although there is still residual energy to be absorbed, a battle is much faster than sitting there all the time. It is an excellent way to absorb residual energy from the body or directly attack the enemy in a battle.
After she answered for a while, she disappeared in the original place, and there was a faint fragrance of flowers floating in the air.
It’s still night when Eric Suen Yiu Wai walks out of the house. It’s his son’s first birthday. It may be a very restless day. He has to prepare well. Now, the first thing to ask is whether everything in this house has been investigated clearly.
Unexpectedly, he just walked out of the door and saw Yang Jian rushing over. "I wonder if there are two people who claim to be your old friends here?"
"Did you say your name?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai light asked.
"One of the men in pursuit is the sage of HarmonyOS, and the other claims to be the magic statue of Baiyun." Yang Jian bowed his head and said.
"Is it actually HarmonyOS?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai paused and then smiled slightly. "Since he is here, please come in. Be sure to protect the protector."
Although there is no one to protect, Yang Jian naturally knows that there are no people worthy of protection here except Dong Bingyan and Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s children and grandchildren.
Seeing Yang Jian leave, Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled slightly and lifted his feet and went out. No matter if HarmonyOS is also a sage in the realm of transformation, he is much more powerful than Eric Suen Yiu Wai. It is also necessary to meet him in person. This is of course the key point. If the HarmonyOS sage doesn’t know how to be good or bad, Eric Suen Yiu Wai won’t be polite to him. After all, it is still the three realms of China. HarmonyOS must always pay attention to not exceeding this range, otherwise even if he is already a executioner, he will inevitably suffer cruel punishment.
However, when he went out, he saw that the so-called white cloud magic statue of HarmonyOS saint had disappeared and asked the peer Tongtian leader. He replied, "Just now, the white cloud magic statue of HarmonyOS saint had an argument and the white cloud magic statue left in a fit of pique."
Eric Suen Yiu Wai nodded thoughtfully and then looked at the sage HarmonyOS and said, "Brother HarmonyOS hasn’t seen you for a long time. How have you been these days?"
"Hum, you’re a little bold. Now you’re actually intimate with each other directly." HarmonyOS took a cold look at Eric Suen Yiu Wai, but suddenly laughed. "But look at your small strength now, you are qualified to call your seat like this. Forget it. Forget it. Don’t talk nonsense. Where is your son? Give your seat a look."
This HarmonyOS really doesn’t think of himself as an outsider. You know, he and Eric Suen Yiu Wai used to be enemies. Now, just coming to other people’s homes depends on other people’s cautious personality. How can Eric Suen Yiu Wai easily let him get what he wants?
Listen to Eric Suen Yiu Wai sneered, "HarmonyOS, the two of us don’t seem to be so good that you don’t act anymore. What do you want to do? Say it clearly. It’s my son’s first birthday. I don’t want to move my mind, but it’s not certain that I won’t move."
Hearing Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s words, HarmonyOS also expressed a cold face and then said indifferently, "We, the executioner there, saw what we wanted and took him directly to another world for training."
Eric Suen Yiu Wai wanted to speak but was interrupted by HarmonyOS’s direct wave. "Whether you agree or disagree, the result is the same. If the punisher takes a fancy to the person, there has never been a mistake."
"Really?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai looked at HarmonyOS indifferently. "If you are here for a drink, I welcome it and greatly welcome it, but if you want to take my son to some place where people are sentenced to death in the world, it is absolutely impossible. I don’t want to be the kind of person who knows how to kill idiots and has no taste of living at all."
"Don’t you dare to disobey the two worlds?" HarmonyOS added tone and said
"Joke old don’t even fear heaven is really afraid of two worlds? What’s more, God still has long eyes unless you dare to break this rule and attract God’s intervention. Otherwise, you really have nothing to take away from me. "Eric Suen Yiu Wai sneered that he was too lazy to take a look at HarmonyOS any more, and some disdainfully threw his sleeves at the Tongtian leader and said," Don’t send this old thing after it is rolled. All cats, dogs and dogs bring bad luck home. "
"Being original" Tongtian leader glanced at HarmonyOS lightly and said, "Please leave here, you are not welcome."
Get such a rejection that HarmonyOS saint is not angry at all, but laughs "No matter whether you agree or not, you will stay here today. Since I am the one who is sentenced to death, you must never let him give birth to any unexpected seat. A person may not take him away, but you can’t come if you want to regret it."
Life in the outer world is a spiritual state. There are two ways for creatures to go to the outer world. One is to cultivate the physical body into a high-end product that can be transformed into a spiritual body, and the other is to directly get rid of the soul and then reach the outer world from this soul.
Obviously, Eric Suen Yiu Wai Day hasn’t been cultivated yet, so it can’t be the first way. Then there is the second way. The gouhun messenger of the sentenced person directly forcibly extracts the soul and takes it to another world, which is not only very painful but also very cruel.
"Don’t say what is the heady messenger. Even if something doesn’t kill the dog comes in person, I won’t be afraid." Eric Suen Yiu Wai coldly looked at HarmonyOS’s eyes and had already shot sen’s cold murder.
Heaven horse officer Chapter 362 Give birth to a baby (text)
Chapter 363 Almost robbed
Chapter 363 Almost robbed
See Eric Suen Yiu Wai resolute HarmonyOS is cold hum a stop talking turned and walked to the gate of the house to keep there don’t go U point om (text novel network starting).
Eric Suen Yiu Wai really wants to get rid of this old thing, but this guy’s strength is strong after all, and I’m afraid it will delay a lot of fighting, which will lead some people to take advantage of it, which is not a good thing.
He threw a word at the leader of Tongtian, saying, "Keep an eye on the youngest son for me. If there is any trouble, report immediately. This youngest son’s coming here is definitely not because he wants to take me away. I’m afraid there are other attempts."
Tongtian hierarch smiled and laughed. "This matter is just handed over to being original. Even though HarmonyOS’s strength is higher than being original, if he really fights to be original, he can still hold him off."
"That’s good. I watched the celestial phenomena at night and found that tonight is an uneven night. There will probably be other things happening. Everything should be careful. The guards at the gate will bother the leader." Eric Suen Yiu Wai sighed.
"Being original knows" Tongtian leader nodded, then took people back to the gate and sat cross-legged in the gazebo. It seems that his eyes are closed, but in fact, his knowledge has completely enveloped the surrounding area. Don’t say that a big living person can’t escape his exploration even if a fly flies over.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai had a quarrel with HarmonyOS inexplicably, but instead of getting angry in his heart, it was very bright. Perhaps he knew very well that tonight would really be an eventful night. Even if things were really angry, people should never get angry. Once they get angry, they will lose their minds and make mistakes in many things. That is absolutely impossible.
He lifted his feet and walked to Mo Tianxiang’s house. Although it is said that the prehistoric fierce synthesis can never be carried out in this tense situation now, it is true to give the relic to Mo Tianxiang and help him digest it, but it will not take Eric Suen Yiu Wai too much time and energy.
In this situation, it is better to have a powerful helper to help than nothing.
However, just as Eric Suen Yiu Wai was walking towards Mo Tianxiang House, he suddenly saw a white light flashing on his face, which was amazing and the target was Eric Suen Yiu Wai.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai was frightened to disgrace and hurried to work to resist the fact that it is absolutely impossible to escape at this time. The only way is to play hardball.
Chaos vortex was instantly regretted by him and the white light. This time, the hard regret directly drove Eric Suen Yiu Wai back seven steps, while the white light across the street was still in hot pursuit and didn’t mean to stop.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai eyes flashing cold cold light days axe to detain appeared in the hand towards the white light simply won. At this time, if it is blindly defensive, it can be driven by the other side to go the wrong way, and finally it is not as timid as taking the initiative to attack, but it is more likely to turn the situation around.
At the sight of the axe, the white light seemed to hesitate, but in the end it was hard to touch it. As a result, it was conceivable that the axe in Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s hand was shocked and flew out. However, the white light also seemed to be shocked by such a blow. It has already shown her body, but she is a pretty girl in white clothes. If she looks like she is ten years old according to the age of mortals, she will read novels and go to Ye You ~ You.

"If I can refine the jade dish and master this side of the world thoroughly, I am the master of the world, and even if Hongjun is reborn, it may not be my opponent." After more than 2,000 years, the sick madman began to act.

The flamingo escaped into the abyss of this world after being seriously injured by the attack of the bereavement maniac. The flamingo learned the array knowledge from Wang Gang. Although he was hunted by the bereavement maniac for more than 2,000 years, he is still alive. Not only that, but fallen angels’s strength is becoming more and more powerful.
The madman who can’t afford to be sick broadcasts the secret of becoming a god, portraying the fire crow and its forces as the most horrible evil. He is relying on the strength of human gods to compete with the fire crow, and in the process, he has found a way to refine the jade dish.
"If other gods attack, our gods may not be able to resist the loss of half of Gaoshen Pavilion," said the tall and muscular deities with heavy eyebrows and big eyes, who were worried.
Other gods nodded their heads when they heard this. New believers and new land should go to believe in Shinto. There is no god who doesn’t want to be linked to the power of gods because of believers.
But now it’s not Archaic. They have a god to seal the gods. It’s not a secret for the strong people in the main plane. Although there is a strong strangulation by the gods, there are still several people who have succeeded in sealing the gods and formed the Archaic gods more than those who are hostile to the sick.
"Hum!" A loud hum came from the mouth of the sick madman, and the gods were as white as lightning, and he was covered by the holy light, so it was not like a human scream to shout out from his mouth
The divine power of the clergy has appeared in the hands of the sick madman in an instant. Without the divine power to protect the man, a pool of red droplets burned wildly and disappeared in the extreme temperature of the sun, and even the soul did not escape.
"Remember, I’m not discussing with you. This is an order. Whoever dares to disobey Dongfang Hao is the other field." The insane voice is cold and complete, and the divine godhead in his hand is transformed into the most source energy into the power of refining, refining and making jade dishes.
"Now the horse gives me half of my heart and throws it into the main plane!" In the bereavement, all the gods’ faces are full of poverty and murderous sounds, with fear and hatred in their eyes, but they can obey the bereavement’s orders, resist the tearing of their souls, and send their souls into the main plane through the temple of the gods according to the requirements of the bereavement.
"You still have some time to wait for you. Everything is my energy to refine the jade dish of nature." When I feel that the refining degree of the jade dish of nature has deepened for a little while, the sick crazy face shows a gentle color and looks at the faces of all the gods here, but it is more vicious to turn my mind to the extreme.
"Little Firecrow, you are very good. You have made great progress in these years." You are still excited and sick when you realize that the soul sounds into the temple of the gods, and your face is cold and your scalp is numb.
"How could he still be alive! Impossible! " In those years when Wang Gang’s instrument became the main object, the sick man secretly went to the earth and found that the wilderness had disappeared. All the immortals became friends with tales of mystery.
After coming to the West for a while, the Empress Dowager searched the world and found no name of Hongjun. At that time, his heart was filled with ecstasy because these signs showed that his master Hongjun was really dead.
It is precisely because of this that he has the courage to sneak up on the fire crow, seize the jade dish of nature, broadcast it as a Shinto, and lure several gods into his refining and refining. The energy of the jade dish of nature remains to be continued.
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Chapter 73 Zixiao Palace is now
"You’re so disappointing, bereavement maniac!" In front of the bereaved, there was a wave. With the sound, Wang Gang appeared in casual clothes behind Wang Gang, followed by angry fire crows.
A flaming red hair and black tights will completely reveal the perfect figure. Although the face is angry, it is like the darling face of the world, which makes many gods forget their souls and lose their pain, and stare at the unique beauty of the flaming crow.
"disappointed? What are you, you? Are you still the natural enemy Hongjun? Reincarnated, you are nothing! Don’t you dare to come here today, you won’t want to leave. "In the heart of the sick madman who feels that Wang Gang has no strength, he is ecstatic than he. Wang Gang has just returned from reincarnation and has not recovered his strength, and he has lost all the instruments.
"If you don’t come to me, I’m sure I can’t find you. Since you’ve come to die yourself, that would be great. With your soul and blood, refining the jade dish can be shortened to a thousand years." The sick man burst out laughing wildly. He thought that every inch of Wang Gang’s body had been explored, and there was really no power!
"You really let me down," Wang Gang shook his head and said with no emotion in his eyes. "You are the first ray of light produced by heaven and earth. After listening to my sermon, you were born to spread a few rays of light, bringing warmth and vitality to people, but I didn’t expect you to be like this."
"When I preached in those days, I already said that believing in Shinto is simple and fast, but it is not the right way to practice. I didn’t expect you to practice Shinto one year later."
"I think your strength is estimated to reach the sacred realm in ten thousand years after my fall, right? But a few years later, you are still in this state, and the fire crow has been insisting on practicing. Although I designed the skills for her, I started to practice slowly, but now I am at the peak of Yasheng. Do you want to know anything? " Wang Gang’s eyes were filled with pity.
"Even if the fire crow becomes a saint, if I have mastered the jade dish now, I will launch the power of the jade dish, and you will also have a dead end." After listening to Wang Gang’s words, the sick madman seems to have been greatly stimulated and his face began to look crazy.
"Because your body is contaminated with too many causes and effects, you have been thinking about it. If you want to get others’ beliefs, but never think about feedback, if you want to break through the present realm, feedback from heaven and earth is your only way out. Everything you have, even your soul needs to return to heaven and earth, before you can truly become a Taoist." Wang Gang said with a sneer on his face, and everything Wang Gang said was true.
"Let you taste the power of the jade dish!" The sick man roared with all his strength and poured into the temple of the gods. Through the association between the temple of the gods and the jade dish, he wanted to start the road of the jade dish and kill Wang Gang with one blow
Wang Gang shook his head, and even the flamingo was full of pity. He looked at his face flushed and his strength was constantly being absorbed, but he was half-sick. "No, this is the master’s creation of the world. Even if you will refine the jade dish department when the master disappears completely, there will be no more!"
"It’s the owner’s things, even if heaven is robbing you, it’s you." In the sound of fire crow, a painful and extreme roar came from the mouth of the sick madman, and there was a mixture of begging for mercy
Wang Gang paid no attention to "I always said that every cause has its consequences. You planted it because now it’s time for you to bear the consequences!"
"This world is created by me, even if I should be robbed and fall, even if I have a little strength, no, I am still a heaven in this world. I want to be in this world. Don’t say that you are a little sage. Even if a saint comes, I can kill it with one eye. This is very simple. You can think of it, but cause and effect have blinded your eyes. Heaven and earth want you to die, so you can challenge me like a fool."
As Wang Gangyin’s body shriveled slowly, the divine power in his body disappeared completely, and everything returned to heaven and earth, and the soul and true spirit were completely turned to dust by Wang Gangyin’s hand.
Even the chance of reincarnation was deprived by Wang Gang. A faint light appeared and fell in Wang Gang’s hand when the bereaved disappeared. With a smile, he said to the fire crow, "Fire crow, you practice the fire on the fire avenue. This light is the first ray of light that has been produced for the first time. It contains the secrets of the light avenue. Take it and practice it well."
"Thank you, master" Firecrow is more excited than she is. Although she has made rapid progress, the light road is obscure than it is difficult to understand. If she gets the first ray of light that contains some laws of the light road, she will enter the realm of saints for thousands of years.
"This is because you don’t have to thank me for so many years. This thing can’t make up for it! Go and close it. Don’t come out until you reach the saint’s realm. I’ll accept you as your real avenue. "Watching Wang Gang, the fire crow, disappear with a smile.
If Firecrow hadn’t always adhered to his plan, Wang Gang wouldn’t have gotten the pre-dream deity. Although even without the deity, Wang Gang would gradually restore his memory, but he didn’t know how many years it would take when needed.
It can be said that the fire crow has made great contributions to it, which can be replaced. This is a cause and effect, and it is natural for Wang Gang to express it.
"What a pity!" Wang Gang looked back at his fear than looked at himself. The gods said, everyone can’t understand the vernacular, but they didn’t move the world. No matter where the gods disappeared from them, the divine power of the Ministry was also taken back by Wang Gang at the same time, and Wang Gang didn’t let go.
However, unlike the bereaved, the souls and true spirits of these people were sent to reincarnation by Wang Gang. After all the forces were recovered, the heavenly power was also made perfect by Wang Gang, and all the creatures in the world fell into a deep sleep in an instant. The jade dish with a diameter of 99 cm larger than the sun was brought into Wang Gang’s mind.
At last, a palace full of Taoist rhymes was left. Wang Gang’s face fell into Zixiao Palace with a nostalgic look, and he said with emotion, "Old friend finally sees you again."
"It’s a pity that I’ll never see it again." A statue is bigger than the original world. The murderous look brought by the falling sound from the virtual makes the virtual trembling heaven evade to be continued.
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Chapter 74 Destiny and Ghosts
After finishing this sentence, the monstrous figure shrank rapidly and finally became almost as tall as Wang Gang, wearing a colorful cassock face. Gu Zhuo’s face stepped into Zixiao Palace with a smile and appeared in front of Wang Gang.
"Long time no see, friends of destiny!" Wang Gang didn’t panic when he saw the fate of the three monsters. Instead, he smiled as if he hadn’t seen his old friends for years, and there was even a little expectation in it.
See Wang Gang sitting cross-legged in the hall of Zixiao Palace. How many years has it been without any hesitation? One hundred and ten yuan plus 16 million years is really long enough. If Pangu, a reckless man, was not desperate to open up the world, how could I be restricted by the avenue for so long and not be able to return to my birthplace? "
"It’s a pity that it has become like this now. If it weren’t for breath induction, I couldn’t find the place where the avenue gave birth to me." Fate’s face was full of emotion
"Daoyou came back this time?" Wang Gang, the power of fate, can’t figure it out, but he can roughly sense that the power of fate and ghosts is generally in the realm of human beings, and he is not as high-minded as he thinks.
It is precisely because of this that Wang Gang’s heart is greatly relieved. Wang Gang still has certain means to cope with it. Even if Pangu is resurrected, it is not necessarily an opponent of fate and ghosts.
Besides, the person with such strength is not the only one who is a ghost of fate, and sometimes there are two ghosts.
"Of course, I’ve come to wipe out the world. If I wake up Pangu’s reckless man, he won’t stop because I escaped and Pangu almost fell, old centipede. Are you going to protect the world now because you were killed by Pangu?" Destiny is not loud, but it contains determination and murder, but it is amazing.
"I have been a member of this world since it just appeared, and I have made several efforts in the development of the world!" Wang Gang looked at fate’s eyes and paused and continued, "Pangu is the creator of this world and I am the guardian of this world!" "
"Old centipede, do you know the price of fate with me?" In the eyes of fate, a colorful Tianhe appears, and the fate of both creatures and the world is in the colorful Tianhe, even Wang Gang appears in the colorful destiny river from time to time.
"Fate, if you can really master the fate of all beings, you can’t be here. You can’t scare me. If I were you, don’t start work. After starting work, there is no turning back. Although my chaotic magic body has become the cornerstone of the world, my soul has also come to the realm of human beings." Wang Gang was released by his department in an instant
A number of creatures appeared to worship Wang Gang, and even lifeless substances also appeared around Wang Gang. Even the world is a part of all beings.
Although there is no power to destroy the world in the imposing manner, it contains the artistic conception of all beings that has surpassed the world

"No problem, I’ll take care of it here, but I want to wake you up. Don’t be soft-hearted because the other side is a woman. I’ve seen a lot of female deaths after fighting for so many years." Mu Chongshan said with some worry.

Mu Qingfeng patted him on the shoulder and said no problem. Don’t forget that there is a jealous Snow Lotus present.
At the same time, Takeda Hararo was smashing things in the tent of the temporary camp for a long time. He gasped and said, "If you must save the princess for me!" And this news must not be leaked out! !”
be jealous
When Muqingfeng arrived in the cabin, she found that there was something strange about the atmosphere inside. Looking at the side, there was something indifferent. The Japanese woman had wiped her face with black mud, so she looked very beautiful and had a taste that could not be said. Although her appearance was worse than that of Xue Lianer, that noble and inviolable gesture said that her background was very unusual, which is why Xue Lianer was so nervous.
"Pavilion must be the commander of this army. I don’t know what makes your wife catch me such a weak woman. Is that how you treat women? Isn’t Daxia a ceremonial state? Z is really eye-opening for my daughter. "Japanese women are in no hurry or slow, and they are in the mood to pick up the teacups on the table and shine them carefully."
Muqingfeng didn’t say much, but she picked up the teapot and filled her cup with tea with a look of surprise. She said that she had a hard time collecting good tea and didn’t come to taste it carefully. It was actually cheaper for an enemy of Japan, but didn’t she just say that she had to be polite to herself? In fact, Muqingfeng’s purpose in doing so was that this Japanese woman seemed to be very clever and found that things were out of control and didn’t try hard to hide it. Facing such a scheming enemy, it seemed that it was the most appropriate attitude.
The Japanese woman looked at Muqingfeng with satisfaction and poured tea carefully for herself. From this fragrant tea, she knew that it was definitely not their country that produced tea. Although her country learned to grow tea in summer, the taste always seemed to be so poor that it could not be compared with the authentic origin. Of course, if she knew Muqingfeng’s identity, she would not be so surprised. It is natural to know that the status of the Northern Yan Ying King in the whole summer is not low and there are some good things.
"As you said, our summer is a country that treats people with courtesy. I have prepared tea. From the way you drink tea, you are a master of tea ceremony. In this case, we might as well honestly tell you if the girl can tell me your identity and what you will be on this ship." Mu Qingfeng pretended not to see Xuelian’s eyes. It is a miracle that Xuelian was so polite to a beautiful woman.
"My name is Quannai Sakura. As you think, I am a Japanese woman. I and Japanese commander Takeda Hararo are very good friends. I came to visit the summer scenery, but I didn’t expect to be attacked by you in the moonlight. At that time, it was dark outside, and it was screaming and killing me to prevent you from killing me by mistake. I wanted to find a place to hide, but I didn’t expect to be caught by your wife. It’s killing or cutting. Anyway, it doesn’t count if I say it." This woman named Quannai Sakura calmly said it and then picked up the teacup.
"Miss Quannai, I have great respect for you, but you still don’t tell me the truth, which makes it very difficult for me. You know, my patience is limited. Your Japanese army didn’t come to visit in the summer. They left a lot of sins in this land. If you have reservations about me, I’m sorry to let you go out and tell them. I can’t guarantee that you will be intact in the face of angry people." Mu Qingfeng is not easy to send people away.
"Ha ha, the young general, don’t shout at me. How do you know I’m not telling the truth? And let me hold you back? How to keep it? Actually, it’s okay. Why don’t you let this bitch out and I’ll keep it for you to see my heart? "Say that finish after spring nai to MuQingFeng ran a glad eye finger on his breasts seems to be a word out of" honest "meaning.
Looking at Quan Nai is like a different person. Mu Qingfeng’s brain is a little stupid. Except for the second charm pavilion, the saint Nie Yinger seduce herself, she has never been so thirsty. Although the beauty is going to offer herself in front of her, it’s a pity that she ignores a very, very important thing, that is, Snow Lotus is still on the side.
Since she and Mu Qingfeng were recognized by her uncle Jiri Mutu, Xuelian is like a mother wolf. All the people who are three feet long and have some good looks who enter Mu Qingfeng are their enemies. It’s not that she is narrow-minded and grassland people’s character. In their system, if a man doesn’t have three wives and four concubines, it’s a woman in charge. If he can’t control his own man and let him have affairs outside, he can swallow the bitter fruit by himself. Of course, he can’t admit that he is a weak man, but he can’t be fickle.
Compared with Snow Lotus, I still can’t bear to look at my lover’s hand. I still have to take care of his generation if I beat Muqingfeng to death. But I’m not so polite to seduce my husband, Japanese woman. Seeing Snow Lotus picking up the table and teapot and splashing it over the spring, I listened to the woman screaming and Snow Lotus smirked.
Fortunately, the water in the teapot is not Muqingfeng’s, but it’s a bit hot. Otherwise, Quan Nai’s delicate face will be destroyed. Rao is so embarrassed. She is also flustered. Although her body is almost soaked, she is full of charm, but Muqingfeng is no longer half-watched. Just now, this teapot not only spilled Quan Nai all over herself, but also poured out that little desire that she had just been lured up. She almost forgot that this woman had no sand in her eyes for men and women.
"You! How can you be such a woman? How can you start work? Even in our country, being sensible and reasonable is a compulsory course for Japanese women. How can a woman like you be polite and tell you this is called a bitch! " There is no more wine in Quannai. Just calm and flustered, she shouted at Xuelian, who was still laughing. In her opinion, a beautiful woman like Xuelian must be in front of her eyes. In Quannai’s cognition, how can a wife do such a thing in front of her husband and another beautiful woman?
"Ha ha! It seems that you really don’t know anything. I’m this man’s unmarried wife, but who told you that I’m from summer? Very good. I, Xuelianer, am a golden knife Khan in the open grassland, but what can those winds blow away the weak women in our grassland? If a woman is passive, Nuo Nuo will either become a slave or die in the grassland. In addition, people like me have a separate title in the grassland called a female hero! " Snow Lotus is right and tide wait for no man to stare at this woman whose clothes are all wet. She says that Quan Nai has a really good figure. Even Muqingfeng couldn’t help secretly taking a look, but it’s just a glance. Because Snow Lotus took a gentle look at herself, Muqingfeng felt like falling into an ice cave and felt a chill all over.
When I found out that my honey trap was wrong, Quan Nai stopped doing work and just sat back after dressing up. But this time I didn’t look at Mu Qingfeng, but I stared at Xue Lianer in the Japanese country and said that beauty and wisdom can’t be both beautiful and calculating. A woman like herself is absolutely rare, but this woman seems to be in her own face and wisdom.
"You don’t have to install a battlefield in front of my eyes. I’ve been here several times. I know that the commander of the Japanese army is a man named Takeda Hararo, and your warship is owned by the Japanese pirate Weaving Tian Zhen Village. I heard my husband say that although they are both good, it is impossible for a general party and a royalist to bend the rules in some things. You keep saying that you are Takeda Hararo’s good friend. Then why didn’t you appear in the camp and how did you get on the boat? Besides, you just said yourself that a Japanese woman should pay attention to her husband everywhere. Why didn’t I find your husband on the boat? There are generally two situations in which a beautiful woman doesn’t even have a man around her, either the men around her are blind or the woman’s position is too high for the average person to deliver. No, she will know that you are the latter when she looks at you Japanese people. "Xue Lianer eloquently used to sweat with a golden knife. She has the most experience in such things.
"I can’t believe that I lost my sight. The most difficult thing to deal with in this room is the handsome general in front of me. I didn’t expect it to be you. Now that you have seen it, there is no point in hiding it. You guessed it well. I am not just a friend of Takeda Hara. My real identity is Quannai Sakhara, the sole heir of the Japanese emperor!" At this time, Quannai showed an imposing manner in a high position, which can’t be faked. It can only be cultivated by people who are in charge all the year round, just like Xuelian in those days.
Hearing this news, Mu Qingfeng hardly sat down to the ground because he caught a prominent Japanese woman, but he didn’t expect to be the heir to the Japanese throne, but the Japanese allowed women to be emperors. This is still a surprise to Mu Qingfeng, but it’s a relief to see Snow Lotus Mu Qingfeng on the side. Isn’t this a lesson?
"Well, you know my identity, and I don’t know what you’re going to do. Anyway, if I die, our country will find another heir. You plan it yourself." Calm down and come to Quannai, and don’t care about your treatment like an innocent person.
It’s MuQingFeng turn and snow lotus son looked at each other, what should I do?
Back to the city
It seems that it is not a good thing to know the original identity of Quannai wine. It is impossible to let it go. Don’t say that the Japanese people can’t easily expose it in the summer land alone. It’s not realistic to kill her. Although the Japanese are evil, it seems a little inhuman to take it out on a woman. But then again, the woman who knows best is Xue Lianer, who saw Mu Qingfeng’s difficulty. So she said to Quan Nai, "I said, respect the imperial daughter. If you don’t want to die in the hands of a group of angry men outside, you’d better cooperate with me. From today on, you will save an ordinary woman in summer. At present, it’s a good injustice for you to be my maid. I think you should not understand the reason that people have to bow their heads in the eaves
In the face of Snow Lotus’s kindness, what can Quannai do but accept it? She also knows that it is impossible for Muqingfeng to let them go. Fortunately, this beautiful woman gives herself a way out, but if she has a choice, Quan Nai prefers to be Muqingfeng’s handmaid. She believes that her charm should be able to make men in front of her, but she feels chilly when she secretly looks at Muqingfeng. Looking back, she puts a cold arrow next to her cheek when she doesn’t know.
"Don’t do things you shouldn’t do, or I’ll scratch this face as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade when I’m excited, which will be greatly bad." Snow Lotus and other keen spring Nai only showed a little meaning, so she cut off this sign. She didn’t want this kind of feminine beauty to appear on Muqingfeng’s bed.
Since Snow Lotus is willing to take over this hot yam Muqingfeng, it is naturally desirable that the atmosphere in the room is a little weird, so I’d better leave quickly, otherwise it would be bad for the immortal to fight and hurt mortals.
Looking at Muqingfeng’s embarrassment, she couldn’t wait to leave the room. Snow Lotus laughed out. This Muqingfeng seems to be funny. Actually, she thinks very highly of herself. She believes that it won’t be an accident to leave Muqingfeng alone with this Japanese woman. It’s just like pretending to confuse Quannai, but even so, Snow Lotus doesn’t intend to "be a man’s plan" because it’s her own fault anyway.
"I am twenty years old this year. According to your summer rules, I should be a wife and mother now. Unfortunately, most Japanese people are lazy or just people who know how to fight and kill Beowulf. No one has entered my eyes, but it seems that my sister has found the right husband. By the way, I wonder how young my sister is this year?" Quan Nai looked at Xuelian and stared at the door, so he asked, it depends. If you want to stay with this woman for a long time, you should first play well and say that it is very uncomfortable to save the day.
Although she is a little reluctant to be called sister Xuelian, the fact is that she is smaller than her. Xuelian says, "I am younger than you. I am just ten years old this year, but this stay is not that good. Although he looks good, he is not a good thing."
Seeing Xue Lian’s duplicity, Nai Nai shook her head. "Sister needs to worry that although your husband is a personal dragon, but he is a summer man, I won’t be crazy. I need someone who can help me revitalize the royal family. He must be able to join Japan and become our son-in-law of Quannai royal family!"
Snow Lotus was a little relieved when she heard this sentence, because she knew that Mu Qingfeng, a summer man, was so persistent about this land that she accompanied her to the grassland to take refuge. It was impossible for Summer to want him to join the Japanese.
Just when the situation of the two women eased, Mu Qingfeng once again came to the deck not far away. It was a relief to see Mu Qingfeng coming alone. I didn’t expect that Snow Lotus helped her solve the big problem. Mu Chongshan was a bystander. Mu Qingfeng had one of the biggest shortcomings, that is, she was not determined enough about women. In those days, Snow Lotus was like this, so was Nie Yingying. Fortunately, both Xue Lianhua and Zhuo Lunyue were one of their own, and there was no big move. It was the best thing for everyone to accept this Japanese woman.
"How long before Mu leads us to Tongbo City?" Muqingfeng looked at the sea and found that it was still a vast expanse of sea, but Muqingfeng asked the wrong person this time, and his understanding of the sea and Mu Chongshan was not much more familiar than him.
"The King’s Palace is in no hurry. According to the current ship speed, we can return to Tongbo at noon at most." The answer is that Sha Tongtian has been obsessed with this Pingliang Pill since he bought it. After a whole night and an early morning, his big hand never left the rudder. He is extremely satisfied with the Japanese craftsmanship.
"I don’t know about the good things in the sea. I rely a lot on brother Sha." Muqingfeng is also constantly building himself. Although he has rich experience in the battlefield, he can’t catch up with Sha Tongtian by tying a boat himself. In fact, in Muqingfeng’s heart, the captain of this warship is Sha Tongtian
After a night of precipitation, Yunyi’s mood was much better. He finally came out of the shadow of different sacrifices of money. At this time, he took off his heavy armor and sat on the side of the ship and stared at the sea without saying a word.
"I’m surprised that you got seasick when you were the leader of the war, but I’m going to tell Master to make him laugh at you." It’s also Muqingfeng to be able to talk to Zhan Yunyi like this.
Zhan Yunyi turned around and smiled huskily and said, "If you dare to confide a word, believe it or not, I will always throw you into the sea to feed the fish. I am an old war expert, and the sea is flat, so I will tell your master that old miscellaneous hair, remember?"
"Yes, yes! You are a natural sailor. It’s really wronged that Xuanjiamen was built in the mountains. I must tell Master that. Are you satisfied? " It’s rare for Zhan Yunyi to joke with himself. Mu Qingfeng knows how to ease the atmosphere.
"Speaking of this, I’m sorry for the old money and hundreds of brothers. If it weren’t for your cleverness, I’m afraid this Xuanjiamen dress will be explained here for those who leave first, will it be fine? They don’t have such a big ship as ours to escort them? " Zhan Yunyi suddenly thought of this problem. Those lucky people won’t get lost in the sea.
"Don’t worry, those people who left before the battle leader will be fine. I asked Sha Tongtian. He said that there were not many storms on the sunny sea in the past two days. Those boats should have arrived in Tongbo before us. Those boatmen are all good at fighting the storms all the year round. They are familiar with the sea just like your team is familiar with it. There will be no problem." Mu Qingfeng inquired about others early. Since the battle cloud wings came out, he just told him.
"That’s good. If they are still in our Xuanjiamen, there will be no big problem. I must find a chance to get back yesterday. My dear nephew, there is something I want to ask you. Although it may be difficult, please look at it. You must help me do it." Zhan Yunyi was bloodshot and his eyes were staring at Muqingfeng.
"But let me help get back the bodies of the soldiers?" Muqingfengcong people naturally know that Zhanyunyi is the most concerned thing now, but it is really very difficult, especially after bringing such a great loss to the Japanese.
Zhan Yunyi nodded his head when he wasn’t talking. Although he wanted to attack himself to get it back, it turned out that Takeda Hararo, on the other side, was a man of brains, and he couldn’t send his opponent off by brute force.
"I will do my best to let the heroes return to their hometown!" Mu Qingfeng made many promises.
Hear MuQingFeng war cloud wing turned hoarse and said, "please! Good nephew! " Mu Qingfeng didn’t dare to disturb Zhan Yunyi again, because now he remembered the warrior who died yesterday, and now he must be in tears. It’s better to concentrate on his promise.
By noon, the ship Muqingfeng finally saw the port sign of Tongbo City not far away, and finally returned to the big summer boundary. The whole dock was crowded with people, and even the dog’s eggs recovered from serious injuries were among the crowd. He listened to the master who came back first and said that he was more anxious to wait for his master’s arrival last night.
With a loud noise, Pingliang Maru landed, and just put anchor, sailors jumped into the cheering crowd, especially Sha Tongtian, and shouted, "Sha Tongtian, the old sea shark team, I’m back!" Jumped straight to the springboard
The members of the "Sea Shark" are all in high spirits to receive people’s cheers. After all, they successfully snatched a good ship like Pingliang Pill back from the Japanese, and soon they were dressed again and the Xuanjia master also got on board.
Although they suffered a big loss last night, it did not prevent the people of Tongbo City from respecting them. After all, they have contributed a lot to Tongbo City’s persistence to this day.
Watching them put on their face armor and step by step come from the ship, everyone was quiet. When these warriors need it, they need to heal their wounded psychology.
The dog egg saw at a glance that the position of his master’s battle cloud wing was different because of his armor. Generally, the black of the battle cloud wing was very strong. When I saw the master release the dog egg, I knew that it was not that simple this time. The departure of different money brought an incalculable blow to my tower.

The unlucky bear’s blood volume returns to three-fifths. If it is full of blood, it is almost the same as Pluto’s blood volume when playing medicine.

Eye bomb’ medicine’ If bbq hands to catch the unlucky bear, it is quite easy to take it away. Of course, it is necessary to feel the fire bomb or ice thunder to freeze and cooperate with the ice bomb before.
Generally speaking, this bomb’ medicine’ ice bomb is preceded because the sp point is too tight.
This tendency to play "medicine" is full of Lei Bing thunder and fire, while it is controversial to play "Mao" thunder, but Han sharp plays "medicine" with "Mao" thunder.
If Pluto is added, the frozen bomb will be put in front of the inferno and the cross fork will be shot (the modified shotgun). If it is not colored by default, you can imagine how obvious the advantages of adding some drugs are.
This is the standard spike stray bullet’ medicine’ plus point.
You need bbq to pick up the float,’ shoot’ and throw a few shuttles of lightning-sensitive firebombs, so you can directly take your opponent away.
Pluto is the highest pk in the business alliance ()
So when Pluto turned on the unlucky bear equipment, he sneered at himself, "You are lucky to win the wind with this virtue equipment, but I won’t dream of winning the costume!"
The countdown is over and the game starts.
Pluto’s six skill keys are kick hell’s flame bbq in a roundabout way and’ shoot’ light Lei Bing thunder.
Stepping’ shooting’ and bbq are both mandatory.
And this Grenade can’t be forced to be added in chapter 5 of 1 year, which means that the rhythm of throwing mines must be before or after the attack.
Tianyu chased him at the beginning, but kept a certain distance from Pluto. There were about four positions on the Y axis to ensure that the’ medicine’ Grenade could not hit him.
Pluto added light thunder at the beginning, and then it was a good fire bomb. buff was not a’ color’ skill, but it still cooled down at the beginning.
"This bomb’ medicine’ doesn’t have a lightning strike mine, and the general gunner doesn’t want to be full of robots except the mechanical base, and there is no Neil sniper and 4 long-range explosive bombs. Everything is simple." Tianyu thought about it and’ fuck’ the unfortunate bear with a buff and began to run.
Pluto threw a ray of light at the ground when he saw the other side suddenly attack and ran to the right.
Buff jumped in front of the unlucky bear when he just ran to a position and jumped high.
"One!" Tianyu heart way is in control of the unlucky bear and fell back to the former position.
"I cheated a Grenade!" The wind looked at the scene just now frowned and spit out a smoke turn to himself.
When Pluto saw that the unlucky bear didn’t attack, he took the initiative to "bang" a little closer. First, he crossed the fork and shot.
Tianyu block
"If a swordsman blocks well, the technology will not be bad." The wind looked at this scene and said,
Pluto fired several shots at the ground, and it would explode because the fireball hit the ground.
However, Tianyu also noticed that his current position immediately jumped out of the shooting process after the automatic shooting process was completed.
In the gunman’s "shooting" process, the bong is the farthest but the attack speed is slow.
Secondly, although the attack speed of the revolver is relatively fast, it is not as good as the hand crossbow to hold the attack speed without the revolver’s’ precision’ and’ medicine’
Then there is the hand crossbow, even though it says ordinary attack speed, because the hand crossbow is faster than the revolver, unless you are roaming, you will not choose the revolver and prefer the hand crossbow.
Then, the automatic’ firing’ range is shorter, but the number of bullets with extremely fast attack speed is also large, which is more suitable for playing’ drugs’
Finally, the hand gun is extremely slow unless it is a big gun with a’ fine’ hand gun.
This bullet’ medicine’ is generally taken automatically or with a crossbow.
"Small automatic range is of great advantage to me. Xu Li’s landslide is bigger than automatic range." Tianyu heart way
Pluto didn’t hit anyone after playing a shuttle, threw a lightning bolt and continued to flee to the right.
"Two" Tianyu said to himself.
Then the unlucky bear moved diagonally to the right along the Y axis and tried to stay on the same screen as Pluto.
Pluto then hid in the right barrel and saw another Grenade in the posture.
"Before the second kind of thunder, there should be a light thunder, and I haven’t seen him throw a’ Mao’ thunder. I shouldn’t take it out. This time, the number of ice thunder is still three." Tianyu looked at Pluto and said.
It’s really difficult to hide in the corner if you play medicine, especially if your opponent or melee class has a fork, a shot and a Grenade to suppress the fire. It’s not easy to get close to playing medicine.
The unlucky bear added another buff or jumped into the sky and then ran a few steps.
Play "medicine" and another "cross" fork "shoot" Tianyu. This time, instead of blocking, it was knocked back several positions.
Then an ice mine was thrown out.
"An ice thunder" Tianyu looked at himself and said with a little more blood left.
The unlucky bear moved a little further, almost in line with Pluto, and both of them could see each other.
"This distance Grenade should be able to blow up!" Tang Xiguo looked at the distance between them and the brain heart way.
Unfortunately, I took a few steps forward and jumped up.
"Bang ~" A piece of ice broke.