A woman with slow dirt picked up a few small things from the collapsed wall with an iron bar in her hand.

Wipe your face with a smile and throw things into your back pocket.
These gadgets are worthless to outsiders, but she knows very well that some rich people have a preference for them.
It’s a sellable price
The key is
Find the right buyer
"Miss Lawrence"
A gentle male voice made the woman look big and her body instantly tense, and raised her iron bar to point at each other.
"Who are you? You have the wrong person?"
"Miss Lawrence is not malicious" Zhou Jia hands in the air showed goodwill
"I want to ask you about two people."
"I told you I’m not Lawrence and I don’t know who you are talking about." The woman waved an iron bar desperately in a panic.
"Go, go!"
"I’m really harmless." Zhou Jianai took two steps back and pulled out a piece of meat pie.
"Since you are not Miss Lawrence, can I ask you some questions?"
"…" The woman manually froze her eyes and stared at the patty throat consciousness and rolled it to Zhou Jia.
"What do you want to ask?"
Zhou Jia handed the meat pie in the past slow way
"I want to ask for a clue about two of my friends."
"friends?" As soon as the woman grabbed the meat pie, she stuffed her throat into her mouth and rolled hard, regardless of biting her lips.
"I didn’t expect … well … this place … hiccups … and people know each other?"
"You eat slowly" Zhou Jia looked worried.
"I have another one here. Be careful not to choke."
It’s okay to choke, but it’s bad to choke to death.
"Who are you looking for?" The woman licked the greasy fingers carefully and tasted the faint meat flavor.
"It was agreed in advance that I would have the meat pie whether I knew it or not."
"No problem" Zhou Jia took out a meat pie again and asked.
"My two friends, Chen Hui and Lv Rongqian, took care of Miss Qian at the outer house. I heard that after the beast tide, they were taken into Huofu."
"The two of them …" The woman’s eyes were in a trance, and she paused to shake her head.
"They did get into HuoFu but …"
"Huofu that night the situation is more chaotic than other places. Those people rushed in and killed everyone and robbed everything together …"

She doesn’t know what to comfort her. She felt that Ye Qing could marry Xiao Mu so generously and had already come out.

Ye Qing looked at her funny. "Why do you look at me like this? I’m not saying this to make you feel sorry for me. I just want to tell you that I didn’t like seeing you before."
Qiao Cen "…" She gave Ye Qing a white look. "There were more rich people that day. Why don’t you have a meal for everyone?" It’s ruined by a good sensation.
Ye Qing answered naturally, "Not every rich man is my friend."
Qiao Cen nodded. She said it was right. "But I think you have to beat Xiao Mu first."
Speaking of Xiao Mu …
Qiao Cen turned and asked, "What’s the matter with you and Xiao Mu?"
Ye Qing leng leng did not deceive her. "The reason is very simple. You know that I am not very healthy now. He is still willing to do this. What am I unwilling to do?"
Qiao Cen didn’t speak and obviously didn’t believe it.
Ye Qing also saw it and went on to say, "Of course that’s one of them."
She paused with a wry smile. "In fact, I don’t know what I think of him. After so much, who cares about love? I feel very satisfied that he can give me a home and a sense of belonging so that I will not be affected by Ye’s family affairs. "
Joe Cen sighed lightly. "So you should face your difficulties with him."
Ye Qing "well" she didn’t say much.
The topic seems a little heavy, so Qiao Cen easily asked, "What about the little policeman? I think he is quite unusual for you. "
Ye Qing was silent for a moment before he said, "I’ve only met several times to talk about something unusual."
When they talked again, it was almost time to go back to that place, and Xiao Mu was already waiting there.
The guests all went away. Xiao Mu, leaning on the car body, saw two people straightening up and facing Joe Cen. "I’ll take you back."
"No," Qiao Cen raised an eyebrow at Ye Qing. "Don’t forget my yogurt!"
Qiao Cen seems to be in a good mood these two days. At breakfast, he is more diligent than Xiaomu.
"Very happy?" Huo Yanming asked
"It’s okay" Qiao Cen took a bite and suddenly turned to Huo Yanming "I’m nervous"
"What are you nervous about?" Huo Yanming looked at her and felt funny.
Qiao Cen mumbled a few words and remained silent for a moment before looking at him again. "Mr. Huo, I think I have a disease called premarital phobia." She stared at Huo Yanming with big eyes blinking.
Huo Yanming looked at her plate. "What do you rely on to decompress?"
Qiao Cen pouted, "You really don’t love me. You didn’t ask me what I was nervous about."
Huo Yanming pretended to look at her strangely. "What are the old couples nervous about?"
Jozen swallowed the crumbs in his mouth and looked at him carefully. "Are you really not nervous?"
Huo Yanming also answered "nervous" seriously
Qiao Cen "…"
In the afternoon, Qiao Cen received an urgent need to translate an urgent document.
There is a special translator who came to the company, but it is said that other employees have their own things at hand when they are sick, which is even worse. It is not good to do more documents, but few people are willing to take the initiative to pick them up.
The work naturally fell to Qiao Cen and Tian Yueshen.
Qiao Cen naturally has no problem living abroad for such a long time.
There are some professional terminology documents that are not too long, two pages, and it will be almost the same after two people have discussed it for more than an hour.
The manuscript can’t be directly typed by Joe Cen.
She doesn’t have a printer on her desk. Borrow one from Cold Beauty.
The thing about this document is that the cold beauty met Qiao Cen and asked a sentence, "Have you finished translating the document?" There is an emergency meeting at ten o’clock in the afternoon and there are twenty minutes left. "
Joe Cenyang held a USB flash drive in Yang’s hand, "Just type it when it’s ready."
What a coincidence. Unfortunately, the printer is not very good at the moment, and I can’t even print out the internet.
Qiao Cen and Tian Yue worked hard for a while, and someone over there was already urging, "Is the meeting horse ready?"
Cold beauty should "go to the side first and type things out" to the two people.
But as soon as the voice just fell, I saw two supervisors rushing over. "What can’t be called? Who will translate with me?"
Qiao Cen and Tian Yue looked at each other.
Cold beauty can’t care about other "go and watch your mouth"
I broke off last night, and I didn’t want to have a conflict with my family because of something. I wanted to move out and negotiate for an hour and failed … I really didn’t have the heart to code it yesterday …
Today, I don’t want to fight for more days, so beautiful girls ~
☆ 31. My prospective husband
Tian Yue gave Qiao Cen a look. "What should I do?"
Qiao Cen pursed her lips. What else can I do?
Tian Yue was embarrassed. She grabbed Qiao Cen and whispered in her ear, "I won’t … can I not go?"
"you can’t! Qiao Cen replied firmly that it was the first time for her to attend such a meeting, and Tian Yue felt better when she did nothing beside her.
Tian yue pie mouth recognition

Long Ze can’t handle pain!

Na Lanqing can’t even handle his own master. Don’t you know that shine on you is better than Blue?
Long Ze …
He is very wronged.
Ling Lan threw a magic skill and didn’t teach him anything. Even Ling Lan didn’t know how to fix it.
Isn’t it difficult?
Ling Lan coldly glanced at Long Bai’s cold indifference around him, making Long Bai look instantly pale, bowed his head and clasped his hands, and looked a little jealous.
"I have something to say. I’m going to the brothel and I’m not with you!"
Ling Lan picked up the teacup and looked indifferent. "Where is the medicine heart?"
People answer
Everyone knows who Yaoxin is except Nalanqing.
"I don’t know Ling Lan, don’t you introduce your brother to each other? I didn’t even know that your brothers didn’t know each other’s identities! "
"Is it necessary?" Ling Lan has a dull tone.
Su Mianyue smiled gently and looked at Long Ze with a glass of wine. "To tell the truth, I didn’t expect that Buddhist adults and the Five Emperors Hall would be my sisters and brothers. Are they really strangers?"
"The second brother is joking. My brother and I never knew that Master had two younger brothers. I don’t know if the big brother is the drug heart you said?" Long Bai Qian smiled gently and gently, just like a daughter who doesn’t know people’s fireworks.
But is it possible?
How can Ling Landi not eat fairy fire?
It’s just a disguise
"Yaoxin is a big brother, and I rank second. Which one of you is third and fourth?"
"I am the third brother and the fourth!"
"So you are a small five, aren’t you?" Su Mianyue is partial to thinking and picking lightly.
"Don’t count me in with you. I’m not interested!" NaLanQing a face of abandon that appearance makes Long Bai angry again.
Ling Lan didn’t have any unhappy eyes and glanced at Na Lanqing lightly. "I received his letter of help when Yaoxin disappeared, but I lost him. Whoever has the ability to find Yaoxin and tell me directly if there is news!"
NaLanQing sit up straight body eyes serious "he is not to find his sister? Some time ago, I saw that he felt very much like a man … The king of Lin ‘an is there! "
There was a man with a piano weapon who saved Bridget. The man felt like a drug heart.
"The king of linan? I haven’t seen Yaoxin in King Lin ‘an! " Su Mianyue was silent. He looked up at several people and shrugged. "Don’t look at me like that!"
Na Lanqing disdained and glanced at him. "I didn’t even know that Lili and Brigitte were here. You can know Yaoxin. It’s a miracle. It’s estimated that you and Yaoxin were caught by King Lin ‘an."
Su Mian month face a stiff lip remained silent.
Na Lanqing’s head is no longer a word. When he holds Long Ze’s hand, his expression is softer.
This is a banquet for Ling Lan to meet her brother. Is she Ling Lan’s brother? Ling Lan has never taught her anything except letting Hai Dongqing train her flying skills.
Washing clothes, fetching water and chopping wood was forced by Hai Dongqing to train for lightness skill …
This is the life of her hot-water brother Ling Lan.
"Xiao Qinger, come here!" Ling Lan called Long Ze’s face slightly heavy. Na Lanqing took his hand to appease and then smiled at him.
"I’ll be right back. Wait for me. We’ll see the stars later!"
Xiao Qing-er is his exclusive title. It’s too uncomfortable.
Ling Lan walked side by side in the garden on the roof of Siyue Building. Her face was rare and serious. "Ling Lan really said, why are you here?"
"I was entrusted to take my old friend away from the imperial battle!" Ling Lan’s hands are covered with a silvery white robe, which floats lightly with the wind and looks like a fairy.
"So that’s it. I told you why you came here ~" Na Lanqing’s tone was relaxed when she faced Ling Lan, so she could feel the indifference of men in front of her.
Have no interest in everything, and will not pry into other people’s privacy.
"An old friend? Ling Lan, so you are an uncle? " NaLanQing fiercely to react, she stare big eyes look surprised.
Ling Lan "…"

Jojo looked at the information without looking up. "Thank you. Leave it here and drink it when it’s cold."

Yunshan smiled and advised, "Drink this soup while it is hot."
Yun Qiaoqiao waved his hand. "I have work to do. Go and get busy first."
What else can Yunshan say to be obedient? "Well, remember to drink."
She silently withdrew. Jojo raised her head and frowned slightly.
She called Brother Jia Qige to check it for half a ring. "There is no poison in the soup, but be careful."
Everyone is very defensive. How can they drink soup cooked by others?
Jojo naturally won’t drink "well, take it out and deal with it."
Jia Qige took the stairs and Yunshan looked up. His face changed and he came over and stared at the bowl of soup. "Seven elder brothers, isn’t this my soup?" How did you get it out? "
Brother Jia looked at her silently. Did she really or falsely understand?
YunShan secretly lose "don’t jojo sister doubt me? Dare not drink my soup? I’ll show you. "
She grabbed the soup bowl and drank it all at once. "See? I have nothing to do with your little heart. "
She was wronged, angry and embarrassed by unbelief.
Jia Qige’s look remains the same. "Miss Yunshan, I am a noble householder, and I can’t afford any mistakes …"
This poked Yunshan’s heart. "We are cousins. Can I still harm her?" What good can I get? "
Her eyes were red with anger and she was about to cry.
Jia Qige said lightly, "I want to say that my householder has three meals a day, which seems ordinary. In fact, she specially ordered food according to her identity."
"eh?" Yunshan froze.
Brother Jia Qige said solemnly, "I can understand your desire to please her, but my householder has rules in his diet and daily life. Eating and dressing are all customized for her not to eat anything else because she is afraid that the food will collide."
This explanation makes Yunshan look much better. "I’m white. Thank you, Brother Jia, for pointing me out. I will stay in the carriage and not go anywhere."
The next day, she settled down a lot, and her attitude towards Jojo was more polite than enthusiastic
This is Jojo’s attitude. Keep your distance!
The three golden characters of Tianxinzhuang are hanging high and dazzling.
When a group of people passed by, they just saw the gate’s housekeeper welcoming guests at the door, and groups of people flooded in.
Jojo knows that the owner of Tianxin Village is Hao, and a pair of hammers wield wind and water and occupy a floor in the Jianghu.
So many guests today are Jianghu people, dressed up and armed.
South-South looked at the red and green gate with a bright eye. "Wow, the big villa is so spectacular and there are many people. Is this a wedding? Elder sister, let’s go to Ceng rice. "
It’s important to have a small meal and join in the fun
Jojo is always willing to cooperate with such a small matter as "good idea"
In the past, I found out that today is a great day for Hao Gong to get married, and I specially put on a three-day banquet.
South-South suddenly came to the spirit, and this good water banquet is to have a fun.
When the housekeeper saw them, they immediately attracted great attention. These people were not ordinary people at first glance.
His attitude is particularly polite. "I don’t know which lady is visiting, please let me know."
The "Ouyang family" North North men came out when their sisters didn’t want to socialize.
Ouyang Jia? The housekeeper can’t react. Is there this one in the Jianghu?
Before he thought, Bai Beibei frowned slightly. "Can’t you go in?"
"No, no, please," the housekeeper didn’t dare to offend them and personally send them in.
The villa owner seems to be caught up in something important, so he can’t get away for a while. He can’t see a few younger generations entertaining guests, but he can’t see the famous villa owner Hao.
A group of people randomly found a place to sit, and they were outstanding in appearance, elegant in temperament and particularly conspicuous.
Especially Jojo, she is dressed in red, her lips are red, her teeth are white, her skin is like snow, and her eyes are shining.
She just sat around and attracted attention.

Wang Yue shook his hand and smiled. "Don’t bother at home."

"Village head, I have something to tell."
Xiao Huan’s face suddenly became very serious. "When I was away from Da Liao, Xia Daxia said that you killed nearly 10,000 Da Liao soldiers. The whole Da Liao shook and Da Liao wouldn’t let it go. Da Liao’s master and recluse master have gone south to seek revenge from the village chief."
Wang Yue face a change.
A Bi was worried and asked, "What happened to Brother Wang Yue?"
"They have arrived" Wang Yue cold way.
Wang Yue’s voice did not fall, but he has left the courtyard.
A Bi worried that "Xiaohuan, let’s go out and have a look."
When A Bi and Xiao Huan came out, three people in the courtyard surrounded Wang Yue.
Although A Bi and Xiao Huan can’t see the depth of these three people’s training, we can guess from their momentum that they are all master fighters.
"Are you Wang Yue?"
An old man with a long sword spoke.
This is a sword master, Wang Yue, who can feel the sword awn flashing in his eyes at that time.
Another white-haired old man has a fine breath and a profound skill. He is still in Li Qiushui only for his skill training.
The last one was a middle-aged man with steady footwork. Wang Yue knew at a glance that this man had extremely high flying skills and overbearing leg skills.
Wang Yue sneered, "The three of you came to see me, and I’m afraid you’ve already investigated my affairs. Cut the crap and let’s solve it somewhere else."
Wang Yue cast Yu step and ran outside Wang Jiacun.
Four people are extremely superior Wang Jiacun but can’t stand them.
Three people with Wang Yue behind out of Wang Jiacun.
Wang Yue secretly observed the three secret passages in his heart as he ran. "These three old guys are really amazing. Every one of them can beat Li Qiushui. If my mental strength and martial arts realm have not broken through, I will definitely have no hope of survival, but now it is another matter."
Wang Yue Da Liao grassland realized the meaning of family boxing. Although it has not yet become a Dan Jin fighter, it is also a step into this realm.
Now Wang Yue is worthy of the name.
What’s more, Wang Yue still has that magical heart.
"Here it is."
Wang Yue stopped and came here. It is a place suitable for fighting because of its vast terrain and no human habitation.
"From a small point of view, you want to choose your burial place here." The middle-aged man with strong flying skills and legs laughed. "Nice place. It’s a good place. It’s a treasure trove of geomantic omen."
Three Liao masters surrounded Wang Yue again.
Although they talk easily, they are cautious in their actions. After all, Wang Yue and their level master Da Liao killed nearly 10,000 soldiers, but they can’t do anything false.
Wanjun killed nearly 10,000 people from it, and then from the distance, the three of them were powerful, but they may not be able to do it.
Wang Yue slowly mobilized his qi and blood energy and laughed. "The three seniors don’t argue with each other. If you really have the confidence to kill me, you won’t join hands with me. Wang Yue and you are resentful. Are you coming to trouble me?"
Sword old man sneer at a way "resentments? It’s ridiculous, Wang Yue. You killed nearly 10,000 troops in the Liao Dynasty. This blood feud alone is enough for you to die ten times. I, the Wolf God in the Liao Dynasty, and your six door masters in the Song Dynasty and the one in Xixia, have agreed that master fighters can’t assassinate the emperor from ordinary soldiers. You actually killed me in the Liao Dynasty. At an early age, your martial arts were superb and you became the top strong among master fighters. I don’t believe that your master didn’t tell you this. "
The Wolf God of the Liao Dynasty and the Six Door Masters of the Song Dynasty, Xixia One Door Masters, are all powerful beyond the master. They were already great masters 50 years ago, and now they don’t know what kind of realm they have reached.
Wang Yue is also the first time to hear that there are masters beyond the master level in the Liao, Song and Xixia Dynasties.
Come to Wang Yue and guess that the great master fighters in this Jianghu are afraid that there is a sweeping monk in Shaolin Temple.
However, if you think about it carefully, you will be relieved. After all, it is impossible for a country’s royal family to have no masters.
If Xixia had no great master fighters, even Li Qiushui would have subverted Xixia decades ago.

Her mind is in a mess. She keeps cutting her mind. Just now, when Liu Bai pointed a gun at Hua Wenxuan, Shen Xintang was so nervous that she was afraid that Liu Bai would make a mistake … She could not bear to die at Hua Wenxuan, but she didn’t want Liu Bai to make such a big mistake.

Just as he said that it is not a good habit to slap people in the face at every turn, it is not a good habit for him to draw a gun at every turn.
Shen Xintang tilted his head to discuss this matter with him, only to find that the fellow was asleep with his eyes closed and his eyebrows tight, but his breathing was even and he snored.
Shen Xintang first sighed in his mind and then looked at it. It turned out that he didn’t sleep well last night, otherwise he wouldn’t fall asleep so soon.
Although there is heating in the room, I’m afraid he will still catch cold if he sleeps like this. She rolled over and sat up and was about to be led to cover him. Suddenly he opened his eyes and grabbed her hand. "Where are you going?"
"I didn’t want to go anywhere to see you so tired. I wanted you to sleep with a good cover." She lowered her eyes to cover up her guilty feelings. Anyway, he didn’t sleep last night because of her.
"Well, come and sleep with us!" His words became gentle and his eyes were pleading. "Let me hold you and let me feel that you will run away quietly when I am awake, not to mention that I am asleep. I am afraid that you will be gone when I wake up. Only when I feel that you are here can I sleep soundly."
She stole a look at him. He looked at her so piteously. Her face was always in high spirits and tired. His touching words just now still hit her heart. She was always ruthless.
"Okay, I’m right here. I promise I won’t leave. Go to sleep!" She vowed to wait until he had enough sleep and spirit to talk about breaking up!
"Don’t let me sleep with you. Don’t worry, I won’t touch you!" He took the initiative to get into bed and lifted the corner next to him and patted the pillow to signal her to go "hurry up! Wait until you wake up and have lunch! "
Shen Xintang hesitated. She knows this man. He is a first-class pester. If she doesn’t promise him, she can always cling to you.
Since you can’t beat him, you can compromise with him
Shen Xintang took off his shoes, but he didn’t undress. He lay directly on the other side, but he lay on the edge of the bed as much as possible.
Liu Bai just smiled like a rewarded child, slipped off his coat and lay down contentedly, and tried to lean towards her and put his hand on her waist.
☆, Chapter 249 Sleep together ☆.
Even through a thick down coat, Shen Xintang is still stiff and wants to move a little further, but he is already on the edge and can’t move any more, so he has to wait patiently for him to fall asleep early.
Who knows that fellow stretched out his hand and groped around in the quilt. He was not obscene, but he made her feel uncomfortable with the heating and wearing a thick coat. Shen Xintang felt that she seemed to be sweating.
"Hey, do you sleep or not?" She lifted the quilt, sat up, glared at him angrily, and exhaled that it was too hot. "If you don’t sleep, we’ll talk about it."
"Sleep! Sleep! I’m so tired! " He smiled and his fingers touched the wrist of her right hand. Even though he was stuffed with down sleeves, she should be very painful, right? "I want to see your wrist. Did I pinch you just now?"
As he said this, people sat up with him and were about to take off her coat.
"What are you doing?" Shen Xintang hurriedly protected his chest and stared at him nervously. Did you show your true colors? You just said you wouldn’t touch him?
"It’s hot in the room. Please take off your coat. Don’t turn around and catch a cold again." He said confidently. His eyes are quiet and sincere, and there are no other desires and distractions. "By the way, let me look at your wrist. I must have been bruised just now."
So when he said that, his eyebrows were still tight, and he felt guilty and distressed from the heart.
"You know that, too?" Shen Xintang left the pie mouth. First, because it was really hot, and second, she wanted to see what her wrist looked like. It really hurt her to tears. She took off her coat by herself, and then pulled the sweater and warm clothes sleeves. Sure enough, a circle of finger marks and bruises on her right wrist made her grin with pain.
"Please don’t pinch my wrist every time, and you will pinch it off one day!" She lovingly blew on the sore spot and scolded him discontentedly
"Well, I won’t pinch!" He looked at her with an emotional smile and his eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky. Because she said "time" and "one day", she couldn’t help but talk about their future … She suddenly said that breaking up today really shocked him and made him angry. He didn’t even think about it, let alone let him accept it? !
"I’m sorry, miss white and tender wrist. I hurt you and I won’t pinch you again, okay?" He gently took her by the wrist, kissed her gently at the bruise, and said solemnly, "Tell your master that I won’t dare again. I won’t pinch you again if I get angry again. I will pinch myself!"
Looking at his sincere and gentle appearance, he is a little cute and cute when he is emotional. She can’t help but bend her mouth.
"Well, aren’t you tired? Go to sleep for a while! " She pulled back her hand and fell asleep again, still clinging to the edge of the bed.
"Well, good!" He gently replied and soon came close, still clasping his hand around her waist. Without the heavy down, it seemed to be closer to her body, but it reduced her discomfort. He just put his hand on her waist but never moved restlessly again.
He should put away his thoughts and let himself fall asleep early, otherwise he will be animal and unable to control himself later, and he seems to have found that whenever he wants to have that idea, they will both have some unpleasant changes.
Forget it, to avoid similar incidents from happening again, he still has to endure waiting for their wedding night!
"Fox, I’ll go to your hometown with you. Can I visit my future parents-in-law?" His breath blew just above her head, which made her head itch.
Shen Xintang heard that his body was frozen and silent for a while. When she wanted to make excuses, his ear came again. He snored slightly.
He had a good sleep until two o’clock in the afternoon.
Shen Xintang also slept in a daze for a while, and then he groped to take off his sweater because it was too hot, and because he slept in a posture for a long time, his body turned sideways automatically and consciously, and he surrounded her from behind and turned her into a hug with him and fell asleep.
Fortunately, she woke up before him, and when she opened her eyes and saw that she was clinging to his chest, she quickly turned to pretend that nothing had happened.
While Liu Bai although eyes didn’t open your mouth, but involuntarily escape with a smile.
Shen Xintang lay down for a while again, but she couldn’t sleep. She cried loudly in her stomach, so she got up softly and slipped into a sweater and poured a glass of water in the water dispenser outside.
I don’t know what happened to Hua Wenxuan, but she was worried to know that she came all the way here and got a gun butt. It was really a disaster.
She took a cup to the bedroom and glanced at Liu Bai. She still kept her original posture and slept like a log.
Shen Xintang this just took the mobile phone to send text messages to HuaWenXuan outside "are you ok? I’m sorry about today. I’ll apologize to you personally when I get back to the sea. "
"I’m okay. What about you? He didn’t trouble you, did he? " The text message replied quickly, "It’s not your fault if you don’t apologize to me. Come with me, Tang. I don’t want to give you up to him!"
Shen Xintang was just about to reply that Liu Bai had woken up and ran out barefoot. When she saw her leaning against the window, she was relieved, as if "Thank God you are still there!" Then I strode towards her and took her in my arms as if she were a treasure. "Promise me you won’t leave me and don’t break up easily. You said we would have a generation, and I always keep it in mind! You said that if I failed you, you would kill me and go to the grave with me, and I would do the same if you abandoned me! "
"Lu Bai, let’s sit down and talk about it!" She struggled from his arms and looked at him unsmiling.
He immediately smiled casually in a panic. "Wait for me. I’ll get dressed first. You must be hungry, right? Shall we go to eat first? If you have something to say, you will have the strength to say it when you are full! "
He finished his sentence quickly, then turned back to the bedroom, got dressed, and brought her coat when he came out. He personally put on her coat, zipped up her bib and put on her hat. Only then did he satisfactorily lead her out of the door, and his snow boots creaked on three inches of snow.
After eating a hot mutton pot, I became warm all over.
Because Lu Bai said that he would go to Shen Xintang’s hometown the next day, he called someone to help her buy two tickets for the Chongqing-bound bullet train. The weather was bad and the plane was difficult to travel, and it was hard to get a ticket for the Spring Festival travel rush train. As a result, it was only five minutes after he finished the call that he replied that the tickets had been bought.
Since I want to go to her hometown, I naturally have to go back to her home to report to my parents. Besides, I have to prepare a personal belongings to visit my home. When I need something, Lu Bai plans to go home after eating a good meal and a good horse.
"Lu Bai!" Looking at talking to himself, Liu Bai Shen Xintang sighed, "We …"
"Don’t say it!" He reached a forbidden gesture with a serious face. "Don’t say it! Absolutely not. I disagree! The thing today is that I can be angry with you and punish me, but I can’t stand not saying anything or letting go! "
"Well, let’s not break up." Shen Xintang gave in a step. "Let’s calm down first! Just I also go home for the Spring Festival, and you also stay at home for the Spring Festival and return to the sea after the Spring Festival. If we … "
"no!" This proposal was also rejected by him. "I’m used to being with you. If I don’t see you one day, I won’t be able to get up. I’ll go back with you!"
The most important thing is that Hua Wenxuan will definitely go back to Chengdu for the Spring Festival. It is very convenient for him to go to Shen Xintang’s house then, and Shenyang parents like him. What if Shenyang parents make a decision and let them register directly with the Civil Affairs Bureau?
No, no, even if it’s a million to one, he can never let it happen.
As a result, this problem has been discussed all the time, and the final result has not been reached yet. Shen Xintang will not let go and refuse him to go home with her. Later, Lu Bai stopped the car at the roadside of the county road without letting her go. He simply took out a cigarette and lit a fire, smoking sullenly.
A choking smell of smoke suddenly rose in the closed carriage. Shen Xintang pressed his head out of the window to breathe cold and fresh air.
She remembers that when they first met, Lu Bai went to Lao Yang’s shop to buy cigarettes. She ate too much that night and walked to the river. She also saw him sitting alone on the stone steps by the river and smoking. But later, every time he appeared in front of her, she never saw him smoking, which shows that he always respected her and smoked directly in front of her like this, which shows her bad mood.
"Liu Bai, we are all adults. Don’t be emotional like children." Shen Xintang was almost thirsty, so she said it many times today. "We are really not suitable for being together. You feel tired and I am tired. If you don’t let each other off earlier …"
Shen Xintang’s words are still unfinished. Liu Bai has hit the window glass with a punch. Fortunately, the thick glass was shocked, but Shen Xintang was shocked.
☆, Chapter 25 Go home☆.
"I already apologized for my mistake yesterday. What else do you want?" Lu Baimian was a little distorted by anger. "I have never been angry with others. I have apologized to you for a few times. Can’t you be a little more generous?" Why do you keep clinging to this mistake? Is it that we are not suitable or that you simply don’t want to be with me? Have you already made an appointment with Hua Wenxuan to go home together before you agree to let me go back with you? "

Linghu was beaten back without responding, and rolled several times, and her right cheek was swollen!

Chapter one thousand one hundred and seventy-one Powerful mahogany
"This …"
"Is Emoko careless?"
"I think so. Why else would he be hit by a little doll?"
Linghu shook his head and got up, panting slightly, and gradually slowed down.
"Little doll, you annoy me!"
Linghu stared at the nearby children and said ruthlessly
This kind of physical blow is still the second time.
Mainly in front of monkeys and others, he was punched in the face by a child. It’s a shame!
Linghu’s body flashes and bursts with qi and blood, surrounded by a series of thunder, which exudes the unique domineering majesty of the tiger family!
Linghu growled at the child.
The wind is howling!
"You are so noisy!"
Children frowned a little angry.
He was going to teach a Linghu a lesson. Unexpectedly, the Linghu got up and yelled at him, which made him very upset.
Linghu felt that flower girl had disappeared at the moment!
So fast!
Linghu’s heart sank and he didn’t want to wave his hand and burst into thunder.
Before Linghu’s fist touched the children’s clothes, his cheek was hit hard again!
It was after a while that Linghu realized that he had been punched away by a child again!
When he got up from the ground, his cheeks swelled up on both sides and became a veritable’ tiger head’
This time the monkey and others didn’t laugh.
They have a high eye for the number of battles, and naturally they can see clearly that this child looks pure and lovely, but this fighting capacity is extremely horrible!
There aren’t many demon families who can beat Linghu in the same order.
Although Linghu is not at its peak when it is not incarnated, this child is also in Terran form.
"a little interesting"
The monkey smacked his lips and passed a trace of fighting spirit in his eyes.
His favorite thing in life is fighting!
When he first met Su Mo, he lived in the cave for half a year and played almost every day.
Nowadays, seeing that children are good at fighting, monkeys have one’s fingers itch.
"Little doll monkey brother comes to play with you!"
The monkey grinned and tiptoed past, and an evil spirit came out of his hairy palm and grabbed it at the child.
Children also seem to see that the monkey’s means are not weak, and his face is hard to cope with.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Children and monkeys struggle three times in a row, but they don’t fall in the wind!
The monkey was also worried about hurting the child.
However, the strength of the two men’s continuous hard-shaking monkey body has been rising to the end, and it is hard to push the boy back!
And the monkey faintly feels that the child seems to have spare capacity!
Monkeys are afraid to see and hunt, and they will never leave their hands to break out and fight together!
"Whose doll is this so powerful at a young age?"
Qingqing was greatly puzzled in his heart.
You know, among the seven brothers, the monkey ranks third in combat power, but how can this little doll be so powerful?
"Can you see something, Bachelor?"
Qingqing raised eyebrows and asked
The night spirit mused a little, "Peach wood is extremely powerful. In Archaean times, it was called dragon wood, ghost wood and many races called fairy wood."
You can imagine the power of descending dragons, exorcising evil spirits and exorcising ghosts!
"So powerful?"
Qingqing secretly stunned.
Cocoa doubts in the heart can’t help but say, "But it’s rare to see a peach tree psychic in the demon domain. Even if it’s psychic, it’s rare to practice to this state, let alone have such a powerful force."
"It depends on whether peach trees are psychic," said Ye Ling.

Hell three-headed dog?

It’s not that perverted scientist again, is it?
Several soldiers thought so in their hearts.
That is, they are soldiers who often come into contact with incredible things. If they were his troops,
Even if you see this exaggerated hell three-headed dog, you will already have the power.
A little while
Dressed in a system, Hill walked out of the action center with Coulson, the black widow and Hawkeye who arrived here this morning.
"What is this?"
"How to fight?"
As far as the four giants of Aegis are concerned, they are watching Cerberus fall into shock.
In the morning star, Riley ribbon comes with Cerberus style.
Standing still, 50 meters from the gate of the action center.
Ta da!
Hill took Coulson and others to the door to watch the appearance of special effects, Leslie, and the three-headed dog with poisonous snakes and three heads of hell.
Lailisi quietly in situ is full of divine golden eyes with a sly didn’t speak.
On the one hand, it’s because it’s also the underworld. princess royal’s grade should be very high
On the other hand?
all right
Lailisi’s brain was so hot that she didn’t know how to say it until she got here …
So she decided
Let the opposite side speak first …
Chapter 417 Aegis Meeting
Most afraid of sudden silence
Hill and others watched the cordon coming out with special effects, Leslie, and Cerberus, a dangerous creature.
Lailisi and Cerberus are still in the same place.
The former is vigilant.
The latter …
I didn’t even think about what to say when I came out
From late autumn, with a cold wind and a breeze blowing through the small trees not far away, birds fluttered and flew away with their wings.
Like a bird, Peter stared at the scene in front of him on a branch, which was quite similar to watching a third-rate malicious delay when watching a drama.
quite a while
Cerberus bureau, a three-headed dog with colorful snakes, is a frightening roar to Hill and others.
Then condescending, staring at Hill and other people indifferently, said, "mortal, I smell our traitor."
Hill "…"
Coulson "…"
Black widow, eagle eye "…"
Lailisi, shrouded in the morning star, would have raised her forehead if she hadn’t taken care of her image at the moment.
This stupid dog!

Shi Shuangcheng: "Of course I’ll look around … but as you said, how did Hua Zhen lose to me for such a big event and it’s nothing?"

Mann Mann was curious. "He’s not a natural enemy. It’s normal to lose to anyone in a fight. What does it matter? He doesn’t care whether he can beat you. If you have a wide range of competitions and are better than him now, so what? "
Chapter 29, Different Guests
The next day is Saturday, and ten people came to Yangyuan Valley again. Not only did they leave five times, but they also sneaked over at the weekend. In addition, 13 teachers from Yangyuan Division in the four corners will stay here to work, and another one is Xia Changqing, who also came to join in the fun in the name of reporting workers.
Xia Changqing was a student in the first training class, but he left with the second students because he was confined for half a month with Mo Xiaoyue. That was a real confinement, and it was not as easy as Shi Shuangcheng’s "confinement". Xia Changqing did not break through Level 4 at that time, but he succeeded in breaking the boundary a few days ago after returning to his post as a port worker.
Xia Changqing is a cousin of Xia ‘er, a standard local aboriginal institute. His breakthrough in Level 4 is very representative, which proves that the promotion of Yangyuan is successful and cross-cultural and cross-racial. Or Hua Zhenxing also promoted another cultural idea by promoting Yangyuan and proved that it can be accepted and recognized.
The case of Yangyuan Art Center like Xia Changqing is not an isolated case. Xia Changqing is not only a reporter this time, but also has to pass the four-level review of Yangyuan Division, and then get a certificate, which is more comprehensive when there are many people.
What is he reporting for? It is concluded that two groups of people with suspicious whereabouts have been found recently in Banda, Somali port, and they are AI.
Not being an eastern city, it is impossible to have an eye-catching system all over the streets. However, several key areas are subject to multiple monitoring, such as Palm Manor, Sales Headquarters, New Alliance Headquarters, and Fufeng Garden in Sanhu Town, Far Banda City … and that humble grocery store is the key point.
The owner of the grocery store is Yang Tehong. There is nothing suspicious about his old man’s behavior, but the attitude of Yang Laotou, including the other two old people, has become more and more obvious. They no longer directly ask about how to arrange things here in Suo Port.
Hua Zhen’s residence and the real part of Chundan production area don’t need any security measures, but the outside is absolutely closely monitored and the surface can’t be seen at all. People with ulterior motives will definitely be interested in this place, which is also an excellent "fishing" place.
During this period, Yang Tehong and Hua Zhen Bank were not grocery stores, but there were still shop assistants in the grocery store, and Lei Dajin was responsible for the deployment and arrangement. All of them were elite backbones of Huanxiang Industrial New Alliance, even though they worked hard to sell instant noodles.
At the east intersection of grocery store lane, there is a stall selling local local drinks, which is also standard for local natives, while at the west intersection of lane, facing a newly-built road, there is a parasol, which is equivalent to an umbrella for public security booth. There is always someone on duty with a yellow armband, and a card with the five eastern characters of "people" is set up in front of it.
Setting up stalls and performing duties, including several residents in this lane, were specially trained by Li Jingzhi’s leadership and Huanxiang Industrial Security Department. Now they all have another identity as intelligence personnel belonging to the new alliance security department.
Li Jingzhi was the head of Huanxiang Industrial Security Department as early as possible, and he is still in the post. From the training of public security patrol to the present, Li Jingzhi brought out almost all the backbone of the army and police, and also had straw sandals to help the bottom. Now the new alliance has transferred the backbone elite and established the security department.
The security department is an intelligence agency, which has two important functions: one is to be responsible for important leaders, such as Shire security guards; The second is to prevent the enemy spy from destroying, and to collect and analyze all kinds of intelligence. Now Li Jingzhi has been transferred to the front line to take charge of military command, while Wang Fengshou is in charge of the security department.
Due to the particularity of intelligence workers, the security department’s tentacles extend to all his functional departments and are relatively confidential. Lei Dajin, Fan Dake and Xia Changqing all participated in some of them.
There is a requirement for the training of stationed intelligence personnel that they should not move or act like anything. In any case, they should not sell local drinks when they are on duty, and enjoy the cool when they are on duty.
First of all, Lei Dajin received a report that the number of students who came to the grocery store to buy things has increased significantly recently. Many of them are not neighbors in the neighborhood, nor are they fond of industrial workers. They are not without other shops. Who would have nothing to do to go so far to buy things? Some people obviously secretly take pictures.
Then Xia Changqing received a tip that there were always suspicious points wandering around the grocery store. They came together in twos and threes to send one person to the grocery store in turn, while others waited at the intersection for suspicious behavior.
At the same time, Xia Changqing received a lot of reports from another channel. Recently, someone asked Hua Zhenxing about all kinds of information, including Chundan and Yangyuan Art, and asked someone to ask where Yangyuan Valley was.
According to past experience, you just need to find out what information you want to give money. Although the port of Somalia has been transformed, people are still original. Some people are willing to spend money to ask questions. Of course, they are happy, but many people have been trained and educated, and then they turn around and report the situation to the organization.
Lei Dajin and Xia Changqing summarized the information at hand to Vandak. Although Vandak people didn’t work this week, they also had special personnel to deal with it and technical support from Huanxiang Industrial R&D Department.
Nowadays, artificial intelligence technology is far less magical and mysterious than many future materials. With its powerful computing power and advanced algorithms, it can automatically analyze, identify, compare and summarize all kinds of data information.
Technicians input all the secret monitoring information into the system for technical analysis and verification, and the intelligent identification system quickly came to the conclusion that there are two groups of suspicious people, one is collecting information from the grocery store and Chundan Center, and the other is spying on the information from the grocery store and Yangyuan Art Center, and these two groups are actually independent of each other and have no contact.
Although they all wear makeup and behave naturally, they often buy off local residents to collect information, but there are often different deliberate places and do suspicious things. The hidden camera takes a lot of information and then passes through the face, and the automatic posture recognition comparison can screen out clues. With clues, we can further follow up the investigation and grasp the situation of the two groups.
The first group of people are all western faces like Locke. They also know that the local people are more conspicuous. They pretend to be tourists and hire indigenous people to collect information. Don’t you know that this is like lighting a lamp in the dark? Recently, there are no foreign tourists in the port of Somalia except the families of workers who are helping to build aid? What’s more, none of them have an entry record.
There are still a few people who cover the identity of international hospitals to help doctors, just as Luo Chaide was still relatively hidden 2.
According to the analysis of Lei Dajin and others, this group of people should be coming for Chundan, and it is likely that it has something to do with Gambitting. Gambitting has already obtained the exclusive agent of Yogaole, and Chundan must have spread out through various channels. Such a good thing should contain huge profits in batches. Gambitting should also be interested by others.
The second group is more complicated, and many of them are actually aid workers from the East, but less of them are covered by this identity. They should be aiming at raising Yuan art or raising Yuan Valley, and the alliance has not yet alarmed us.

The reincarnation Lord has just defeated the enemy, and when the enemy’s heart is at its strongest, he feels even more brave because of his extreme sublimation and his efforts to behead a great holy spirit.

Direct two-handed evolution reincarnation forbidden art reincarnation lake virtual shadow emerged above his head, left hand past life and right hand afterlife. He is a contemporary enemy!
Mirror Lu Chen didn’t respond to the reincarnation of the Lord’s speech, but he punched it out.
With a knife in his right hand, he swept across the world, beheaded the ancient mine in the early days, buried Tiandao Zun with his left hand, and killed the immortals. The boxing with his left hand was far more subtle than that with Lu Chen’s display, as if it were going to break the world!
The reincarnation of the Lord’s hands broke his elbow and bones were exposed, and he was shocked and retreated. Did the two of them look at each other like saying so outrageous?
In the early days, if the ancient mine was not too old and dignified all the year round, I’m afraid I would have rolled my eyes at this time.
If you can swear, they all want to say that you can’t think for yourself. Think about it. We’ve already killed two people in four fights. Why don’t you just kill a fake holy spirit?
The fierce battle broke out again, and the reincarnation of the Lord joined the war. In fact, he couldn’t leave if he wanted to.
It’s not that these ancient deities have to defeat the magic mirror Lu Chen, but that the magic mirror Lu Chengen will cut down whoever runs if he doesn’t let people go.
In ancient times, if you want to live, you must join hands with the enemy to seize the slightest chance of winning. If you all want to withdraw, no one will want to live.
Because the universe is so big, there is really no place to hide for people at this level.
"Xiao Zhen, I can’t kill you! ?”
At this time, the star sounded a roar, and the stone emperor was angry because Ye Fan repeatedly prevented him from eating. His state was much better than his honour, and he could live by himself again even if he didn’t eat, but he wanted to hoard more goods before "hibernating"
Now that it’s all born, how can it make sense not to sweep it?
However, the combination of Huangdi, Shennong and Ye Fan is too difficult. If it were an ancient statue that did not sublimate to the extreme, I am afraid it would have been Wyndell Dichinson or forced to sublimate to the extreme.
When he hit the stone emperor, he also got angry, especially the yellow emperor’s face against the virtual emperor made him hate it. He stormed the yellow emperor to slay and devour the virtual blood.
Although Ye Fan was scarred and even the package was full of cracks, he still moved forward.
Jiuyou Gai’s predecessor was suspected of falling, which made him feel great sadness, but his predecessor also died, and he could not be a breakthrough in this turmoil.
There is hope in the eyes. The statue of "Super Brother Lu" summoned by Brother Liu is in a terrible mess. It seems that it may not be necessary for them to hold on and slay all the ancient statues.
But actually, if Lu Chen knows what Ye Fan thinks, I’m afraid he will be disappointed.
Therefore, it has been more than twenty minutes since the magic mirror Lu Chen was summoned, and the magic mirror Lu Chen is running out.
Don’t look at the magic mirror, Lu Chen, pressing the ancient deities to fight, but it still takes some effort to kill one at a time. After all, the ability to save lives is not bad, and they are working together against the enemy.
Lu Chen may be able to slay the three ancient deities with the remaining magic mirror, but there is probably no time to help Lu Chen and Ye Fan again.
Their opponent will have to defeat themselves after all.
Star three battlefields are fighting the magic mirror. Liu Chenyong crowned the three great statues with great strength. Every time he went out, he spilled blood. Ye Fan’s trio of stone emperors fought the boiling forbidden art and flooded the area. Outsiders couldn’t see what happened.
And the battlefield that belongs to Lu Chen Sports Institute is the worst. As time goes by, the injuries of him and the Lord of Shenxu are getting heavier and heavier. In the end, both sides are crazy. Lu Chen’s eyes are as red as ghosts and gods, and his golden eyes are bloodthirsty and murderous.
The dreamland of the distant battlefield, Liu Chenchang, chopped the main force of reincarnation, and the blood was even more ferocious.
Then he caught the black blade and cut out a knife again. His opponent had two statues left!
Staring at this scene, it feels like a dream whether the human theory covers the world, the indigenous people or the explorers.
A total of nine ancient deities were born after Chengxian Road, which was a beautiful chaos and almost a great disaster.
But who knows that five ancient deities have fallen since the war!
"The Terran Emperor is brave enough to suppress all enemies!"
Some people called out that Lu Chen, a magic mirror, was a great man born, and Wu Shen was the real emperor.
"Grass he should be the origin of specialty mirror props, what can visualize out so abnormal! ?”
Do the explorers in the Beidou restricted area feel that it is not the origin at all, and the special mirror can exert its power, but it seems like a real living person has arrived
Chapter one thousand one hundred and seventy-five Stone Emperor What is true?
Those who are still in the self-styled state in the Beidou restricted area are also looking at the man in black with a dignified look at this battle.
At this time, the man’s beheading is not to respect him before sublimation, but who is weaker than who in the realm of respecting the peak state?
Throughout the ages, although future generations will evaluate and recognize that some emperors are stronger, they have never really confronted each other.
No one in the forbidden area is willing to admit that he is weaker than any of his emperors. Before they really defeated and died, they all believed that they were enemies in the same territory.
But at this time, the man in black stepped forward and pressed many statues deeply into their hearts.
Although the honored people in the forbidden area don’t want to admit it, they can still feel that they may still be defeated even if they go by themselves.