Some evil spirits blinded Su Mo’s five senses, which made him lose his direction and eventually turned around.

Su Mo suddenly felt as if there was something behind his neck and breathed a sigh of relief!
For an instant, Su Mo’s hair stood on end!
Want to also don’t want to Sue ink eyes yoshimitsu surging backhand is a punch!
The fist landed with a crunchy sound.
There is no one behind the root.
Su Mo took a deep breath and was about to turn away when she suddenly found a long-haired woman in a white shirt not far away with blood on her face.
The woman turned her back on him and couldn’t see her face.
It’s much scarier to appear at the bottom of this buried dragon valley than in the ruins of Dagan!
There is no substance in the ruins.
I don’t know how horrible the girl is in front of me, how much resentment and anger in her heart, and even the flesh and blood are nourished!
Don’t say that Su Mo is completely ruined, even if it is at its peak, it is definitely born to die!
Su Mo did not dare to make a move. She was tense and stared at the white-shirted woman not far away.
The woman in white moved.
The neck did not move.
The female head is strangely turned to the back facing Su Mo!
The corners of the mouth, nostrils and ears of women are all bloodstained. There are no eyes in the eyes, which are a pair of blood holes.
Female Yin qi dense smile scarlet tongue hanging like a python!
Fox just poked his head out along his fingers and looked out, but he just saw this scene.
Fox exclaimed and fainted in fright.
Don’t say it’s her. Even if she has seen the wind and waves, Su Mo feels cold all over her body and her hands and feet are weak!
The white-shirted woman jumped directly with an evil wind.
Su Mo hurriedly stretched out his right hand to block the front.
His strength can’t threaten the girl in white.
The only thing that can afford it may be a burning bone!
The white-shirted woman suddenly stopped. A pair of blood holes stared at Su Mo’s right hand, which seemed a little fearful.
"Jie Jie!"
The white-shirted woman smiled and flashed, so Su Mo’s gaze disappeared completely!
Sue ink heart in a surprised hurriedly four find out.
There is no trace of the girl in white around him, as if the scene just now was his illusion!
Su Mo knows that the gap between them is too big!
Although this woman in white is condensed by Yin Shaqi, I’m afraid her strength is not weaker than that of Taoist returning to emptiness.
It’s even worse than the shoulder method!
There are corpses hanging in front of them, and the bloody people crawling out of the blood river are approaching quickly.
A bloody man suddenly descended to reveal a ferocious face and opened his mouth to bite Su Mo’s throat!
Su Mo hurriedly turned his right hand into a palm knife and poked it into a bloody person!
The fire is full!
This bloody man was swallowed up by a blazing flame without saying anything!

Suzhou yizhuang

In front of the ring, there are almost people crowded with people. It is really hard to find anyone in this venue. Just when Xiaoqi and others decided to find it for the third time, they finally had to wait for someone to come out from the city gate.
Zuo Tangtang Beique several people haven’t reacted yet. Seven crows are very agile and throw red moves at each other.
That’s what your sister called?
Zuo Tangtang said that she was shocked and cried.
Habitually retreat and wait until Zuo Tangtang thinks that he is almost safe, then he remembers that he is not running for his life.
I slapped my head hard and Zuo Tangtang rushed out again, thinking angrily about where I learned this wretched body.
This side of the flag is red, and it can be said that there are countless Zuo Tangtang. After he just quit, he looked for a long time to find the location of Xiao Qiyi pedestrians.
Into the crowd Zuo Tangtang was dumbfounded again.
Dear scholars, don’t treat each other like ghosts for three days. Sure enough, the ancients didn’t deceive me!
Seeing that the seven crows are domineering, they have been playing a set of moves according to each other, and they will not give each other a chance to push after they finish.
The other side died, Xiaoqi became red, and everyone was stimulated by this, which was like being dyed by the other side’s blood. They started the Jianghu mode and rushed at each other.
Even Zuo Tangtang, who has always been hiding behind people, is no exception to be continued this time.
[13] Chapter one hundred and fifteen Disappointed in prison]
Huh? -this is a tone of deep doubt.
Gee …-This is a carefully thought-out tone.
Hey! -this is an unusually excited tone.
Zuo Tangtang walked aside for a long time and finally found a fact-that is, these people are really good at playing!
Previously, she looked at these people, all of whom were wearing shining statues, and they looked very powerful and domineering. At that time, she was still wondering what to do with this, and the people next to her rushed to beat her up, and she followed her to mend the knife.
Probably many hands make light work! These people are very ugly when they are beaten, and they are almost powerless. Zuo Tangtang’s most formal things gradually disappear, and instead, they are full of excitement.
When his name turned red, an abnormal satisfaction filled Zuo Tangtang’s heart. This is probably why people like to kill people in red. Zuo Tangtang thought, but this taste is really good!
It’s a pity to watch yourself kill one person again, showing that Zuo Tangtang is waving a hook, and then he feels a little sorry. Maybe this kind of opportunity is only available today. This kind of bullying behind a group of people feels quite good. There are quite a few people fighting and being experts, but the keys are all kinds of unreliable. Who dares to follow?
Xiaoqi kept shouting for Zuo Tangtang’s hook to help control him. He was a little worried. After watching himself kill Zuo Tangtang, he finally rushed away.
I have to say that the urban management is simply a good fighter, and the claws are all kinds of kites. Zuo Tangtang and Xiao Qi used their control skills to break through the enemy one by one, but unfortunately Zuo Tangtang became a knife mender every time.
Looking at his killing value dally to rise head bright red name is almost turned into purple Zuo Tangtang heart also some uneasy this … This should not have what thing?
Then Zuo Tangtang felt that he was really worried. It was only a matter of time before the enemy was scattered by this trend. However, it must be noted that he must stop when the enemy finally bled, and he must not be unlucky again, otherwise this killing will be her top again.
"Hoof hooves where are you? Hurry and help control one! " Once again, Xiao Qi is in high spirits because of the smooth pursuit.
"Come, come" Zuo Tangtang hurriedly took a blood medicine before he recovered from meditation without even blood.
Arguably, Liu Xiao is also an urban management officer, but the reason why Xiaoqi didn’t call him is that there are two reasons. After a personal fight, it is quite fierce. After that, a few people can act together and kill each other alone. Secondly, it is mainly because Xiaoqi and Zuo Tangtang were used to playing soy sauce in various pursuits. Xiaoqi habitually called Zuo Tangtang and Zuo Tangtang didn’t feel anything wrong.
When Zuo Tangtang went there, the hostile man still had more than half of his blood, but he was almost familiar with it. id Zuo Tangtang’s original concern was nothing, because according to her memory, this man died in their hands several times, and the root was not enough threat.
Zuo Tangtang pushed to stop him. Seven crows looked at Zuo Tangtang’s people coming, and hurriedly dumped two moves and left in the past.
"I’m going to clean the hooves behind me first. Come here quickly!" Xiaoqi said.
"Oh," Zuo Tangtang replied neatly, but his heart was a little depressed. This damn Xiaoqi regarded her as a personal servant girl, didn’t she? Don’t shout wherever you go. Isn’t it too highly of her to leave her with half the blood man and ask her to come quickly?
But this guy is really quite a dish. I think Zuo Tangtang, who has just died in various ways, figured that he could solve it in about a minute.
But what does it feel like to play fast?
Well, no, no
What’s so hard now?
Zuo Tangtang was puzzled to see all kinds of dying people who were about to fall to the ground suddenly alive and kicking and fighting with her.
"Hoof hooves! Come here quickly! " There were seven crows chanting in my ear, "It’s better for people to get together and the other side is not easy to fight!"
Zuo Tangtang feels a little annoyed. She always cherishes her life. Doesn’t she know that people get together to save their lives? The key is that he dumped this lousy stall on her, and she hasn’t come to solve it yet. This guy keeps nagging again.
This is your sister!
When was she half-blood?
Zuo Tangtang didn’t notice that the original blood was consumed by the other side unconsciously.
"Hoof hoof you hurry up! Don’t let anyone order you! " Seven crows are still crying in the air.
God is annoying!
Zuo Tangtang frowned slightly and stared at the other side closely. Zuo Tangtang didn’t even commit the habit of looking at the skill bar when fighting, but kept his hands coherent and tried to win the advantage again.
No, this can’t be done!
Zuo Tangtang shook his head, and he was really going to die if he played like this again.
Have you finished winning and grasped the present?
The only way is to lead each other to Xiaoqi.
There are many people there!
After making up your mind, Zuo Tangtang said and did it.
Fly back and try to hook each other with a hook.
It’s a pity that I was dodged by the other side every time because of my bad luck. Looking at the skill to cool D, Zuo Tangtang has never been so disgusted with this D for so long.
If the control skills are in cooling and being melee, the urban management can be beaten. Zuo Tangtang also knows this truth and hurriedly makes the flying skills go backwards.
It’s a pity that there are too many people here in Yizhuang, Suzhou. Zuo Tangtang can see the direction of the seven crows and others at a glance. He can’t help but be anxious and shout "Xiao Qi! Where are you? Come and help! "
I can’t find everyone. Zuo Tangtang decided to stick to it and wait for Xiaoqi to come and settle down.
It’s a pity that Zuo Tangtang lost to the other side, but it can still be delayed. However, the other side at this time is like knowing that Zuo Tangtang’s strength is weak, the situation is critical, and various outbreaks of Zuo Tangtang are overwhelming.
"Xiao qi? Have you come? " Zuo Tangtang couldn’t help asking again.
"Don’t rush! This is not not found! " Seven crow tone also some impatient.
"You can’t come …" Zuo Tangtang looked at his figure and murmured.
The announcement has been sent to death row because of the heinous crime of pig’s trotters stew
Zuo Tangtang saw that the whole person was already in prison when his picture turned.
Oh, by the way, purple name will automatically go to death row after death …
Zuo Tangtang feels a little dull … Although she doesn’t fight much, she still knows some basic settings.

Who are you? What was your name, what club you were in and what did you do with our sister? Say it quickly!

Do you know that you’d better tell the truth now, or we can guarantee that you will see us every day in the future!
Playing soy sauce is as handy as talking, and all kinds of shelling make the eastern suburbs of the Soviet Union take all kinds of measures.
He also wanted to know what he had done … He barely braced himself to cope with the soy sauce around him and asked that the eastern suburbs of Su Dong were full of nai, but his heart became softer when he saw a girl with a finger-set in the Flower Palace.
In his impression, he didn’t know such an imposing girl. Look at her previous moves and think about it. Maybe she used to be gentle. This change is because of him. He thinks that even if a man doesn’t have much affection for this girl, his heart will become soft.
Especially … In the numbers … Peach Blossom Robbery …
Once again, I think it’s wrong. The bottom of my heart in the eastern suburbs of Su is inexplicably happy to treat all kinds of questions like oral investigation, and I have been patient and friendly in answering soy sauce.
So the situation seems to be stable. Maybe it’s not too bad?
Not far away, facing a piece of kelp in front of his eyes, he silently put his jade flute back behind his back, and red mist also eliminated it again bit by bit.
He suddenly felt that he was wrong.
I know a lot about it, but he still forgets what is the most striking feature of soy sauce makers.
Always changing your mind
He didn’t want to admit that he had just made a serious decision to give it a try because he had failed to complete the decision when soy sauce makers came to Heifeng Village to "smash the field"
If he continues to defend himself at such a moment and insists, he thinks he is willing to do it.
It’s … It’s obvious that he misjudged.
An unexpected person appeared.
Turned around and looked back at incredibly didn’t have the slightest temper to respond to the figure of fried hair and soy sauce. The conspicuous three words in the channel near kelp eyes were not much darker in color.
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters stew cats? You’re here, too
Zuo Tangtang looked curiously at the mighty team of Maoershang not far away. This is …
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters are stewed. Have you finished clearing the battlefield?
Cat Ear Niang casually replied, one by one, wearing Yunfei to kelp. He hasn’t come to greet hooves yet. You know, kelp, a lazy commodity, suddenly sent a message, but he promised one thing-he can do more specific command when he wants to get this place out of chaos.
God knows, when one of his Wang handed over the gang to him, he said four words and sent it away-it depends. At that time, he definitely felt very cheating, okay! Then he came out to cross the battlefield and calculate various alliances, which also made his tired bags grow out!
However, this guy has now offered to make more arrangements, which is such a joy! Of course, he didn’t want to think about when kelp should be squeezed on the business trip and when to play. He was afraid that he would give it to him once he thought about brotherhood.
Thought of here, he couldn’t help looking at the orange box next to his name.
Wait until kelp default catfish mother cheerfully shouted at all.
How to quell a chaos-it must cause a bigger chaos.
Everyone in Heifengzhai is a good cook for finding their own fun on the battlefield.
[Private chat] Stewed kelp with pig’s trotters!
[Private chat] Pig’s trotters stew cats and cats. Why are they beating soy sauce in red? I m him, he didn’t return! What happened!
At present, the sudden change of situation made Zuo Tangtang directly find a quiet kelp.
[Private chat] Seaweed soup has little salt … Yeah, it’s okay. They’re just kidding.
[Private chat] Is the pig’s trotters stewed for fun?
Zuo Tangtang hesitated.
[Private Chat] Seaweed soup has little salt. Yeah, you see, when they kill them, neither side will send one of them to prison.
Kelp so explained that looking at each other, Zuo Tangtang also accepted this statement and put his heart to be continued.
[393 Chapter three hundred and ninety-four Unexpected]
After waiting for a long time, the chaos did not end as soon as Zuo Tangtang imagined. I saw it for the first time and knew for the first time that when the two groups, Heifengzhai and Soy Sauce, got together to fight and fight, the chaos was far more than that caused by one of them.
I still want to wait, but Nai did experience too many battles today, which made people laugh and cry. Zuo Tangtang was really tired when he played oolong continuously.

Where do you hang the mixed-day ghatpot when it turns back? The wind is automatic. She gave a yangba "Otherwise, they will be your day today."

Huang Yinger exclaimed, "Three days in heaven and earth? You might as well just kill me. "
Nezha smiled. "One bird shouldn’t be a difficult thing for you."
Huang Yinger gritted her teeth and looked at the ashes all over the ground. "It’s only three days, but I still have one condition."
Nezha didn’t expect this little demon to dare to talk to her about the conditions. He couldn’t help being interested in two points. "Huh? Let’s hear it "
Huang Yinger’s face changed when he said "I want a green lion". Huang Yinger saw that he screwed up his brow and knew that he was in a hurry and said something wrong. He quickly changed his mind. "I’m not trying to save his life or ask you to fight for his life, but he and I have a past and I need him to do it."
"Go," said Nezha, putting away his face and crossing Huangying’s son to continue the mountain.
From halfway up the mountain to the top of the mountain, except for Huang Yinger’s team, Nezha met eleven teams of demon soldiers, who let her crush the ashes one by one.
Before the top of the mountain, Nezha looked at the neat queue of eleven people. She gently pulled a silver hair chain from her hair and wrapped it around her wrist. Then she bowed her head and smiled. "Qianyuan Mountain Nezha came here with Tai Aobing of dragon three in the East China Sea to ask the demons of Skull Mountain 96 Road Group to pay for it one by one."
Just now, there was a flash of light around her hand, and the hair chain suddenly changed into a clear and transparent thing. It turned out that the hair chain was the dragon tendon change left by Ao Bing that day, and she disguised it as an ornament to wear.
Stone in the abode of fairies and immortals listen to the blue and white skin color covered by black lines, and the blue and black step out of the abode of fairies and immortals and applaud to hear her say with smile.
"There was a reincarnation of the Dharma name" Blood Sea "in Lingzhu. Eleven demon kings ranked nine people in groups according to Jiugong hexagrams. Among them, one person was divided into dry, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun and Dui, and another person was centered by the blood gas array. The main attack was Hugh, birth, injury, Du, scene, death, shock and opening the door. People were trapped in the array and felt gloomy and foggy. There was yin in the blood sea surge in the mountains.
Eleven demon kings have set up their swords according to their positions and put them in their palms.
Nezha raised his eyebrows. "Then what?"
Shi Ji said, "I haven’t taken my hand against the enemy since this array was refined. I wonder if you dare to join the array?"
"What is the waste of this kung fu?" Nezha pressed his wrist to tie it up. In a short time, the dragon tendon put his hand on it to find out the fire-pointed gun. Now, in the palm of his hand, Ling leaped into the nine-turn method, and he stabbed his gun to the demon king in the middle of the array.
Nezha, who is in the center, knows that it is the fire crow cave owner around Shijie. She clearly remembers that this person was always guarding Shijie on the night when Shijie attacked Qianyuan Mountain. Therefore, the first shot of this formation-destroying demonstration rushed at him.
The Lord of Shi Huo Firecrow Cave didn’t respond very much, and the purple fire at the tip of your gun had already hit the’ Peng’ with a loud noise. Suddenly, there was an extra 20-foot high pit. When the smoke dispersed, everyone could not afford to lie down. Only the stone record was still firmly established. In the directional pit, I saw the Lord of Firecrow Cave living.
Nezha pursed her lips. "That’s it?"
Stone remember a sullen drum applause "what a head start"
Two people’s words, a glass cover wrapped in nine fire dragons, flew and landed on the top of the mountain, covering the whole skull mountain tightly.
Nezha slowly stepped back and looked at many demons who had just struggled from the ground. In an instant, he looked at the stone and whispered a few words in his mouth.
The Kowloon Shenhuo Cover gradually became smaller from the top of the mountain and finally landed on the heads of dozens of demons who still had the strength to get up. But when Nezha bowed in the direction of Qianyuan Mountain and got up again, he smiled at those demons. "How dare you remember evil with the stone?"
Words "pa" to put his hand in a cover of nine fire dragons suddenly spew hot golden light and vertical samadhi true fire, and tightly flew a bunch of demons into it, winding fire-point guns and purple fire to help forge fly ash for all the people in the Shenhuo cover.
As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire to refine the stone, but it is by no means ordinary today. But in her life memory for many years, she clearly remembers that thousands of years ago, the fiend Chiyou fell in a magma sea and was burned by fire. His body was harder than the stone, and he was almost destroyed by the sea of Na Yan.
This memory came to my mind and I frowned unconsciously, but for a moment it was stretched again. "If you come back from the dead, you’d better not resist being a good boy and teach you to suffer less."
Seeing that there was someone else here, Nezha took back his hand and took back the Kowloon Shenhuo cover. He said, "Eye Skull Mountain is full of dust and dust, and you, me and you still want to be a hero?"
Shi Ji said, "I’d like to thank you for cleaning up these wastes for me."
Said with two stone sword handle chopping to Nezha fire pointed gun against tossing and turning red light and black gas intertwined conflict is not absolute war at midnight.
It took thousands of years for her to be physically injured when she adopted the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon. How many koos did she become famous today?
Shi Ji saw that he couldn’t get half a penny cheaper, so he threw his heart out of the three zhangs and started to transport his magical powers. Thunder and lightning flashed all over the sky, and sand and stones were flying, so he decided to win or lose here in Nezha.
Nezha intentionally procrastinates until the fifth drum day, but Shi Ji is so divided at this time that she is threatening her life in the mountains. How can Nezha see the light of day?
But see the stone in a hurry Nezha shook your gun before holding it. Violet fire with chaotic force broke away from your gun and surrounded the stone to illuminate the dim night, which disturbed her.
Chaos, force, force, and dry up. Kun teaches that everything in heaven and earth is misty.
Shi Ji was surrounded by purple fire, but he felt dizzy and unlucky, but it was not because of the ups and downs of men’s and women’s mixed voices. "What kind of yin-loss spell did you cast to stir up your mind?"
Nezha looked at the black fog and pulled his lips and smiled. "Evil doesn’t invade, so I have to harm you?"
Talking fire pointed gun passed through a lot of heavy fog, and in a golden stone, a spark lit up in the fog like a temple fair fireworks
"Have you ever felt pain?" Nezha got into the fog and saw a sharp gun in the fire. She nailed her to the rock wall from the front of the stone. She looked at the stone and looked like she remembered something. She quipped, "You are a stubborn stone. How can you feel the pain?" But I’m redundant. "
Then he added, "But without me, you will experience another taste."
If we ignore this tense scene, this conversation seems like two friends who have not seen each other for a long time are catching up.
Stone hung his head and hummed and said, "Did you kill the demon Qian Qian for killing thousands of people?" Did you kill it? If you can’t kill them all, sooner or later, someone will swallow you up. Then past lives’s vendetta against you will be written off! "
Nezha leaned against the stone wall and said indifferently, "Whether I was swallowed up or not is not yet known, but you will be doomed before me."
Shi Ji said, "Hum, there’s more than one flesh devil in your body."
Nezha, the wind is still. "Without them, you will never live together."
Words The first ray of sunlight penetrated the fog. Nezha raised his hand and covered it. He suddenly flickered away and collected the fire-point gun. He raised his hand and offered a sacrifice to the Kowloon Shenhuo cover. He jumped out of the fog and threw the Shenhuo cover in the half-light flint.
Nezha put his hand in a closed shenhuo hood and quickly narrowed it and swept it back to her. Nine small fire dragons were shining with fierce golden light and wrapped around the stone body to follow her back to Qianyuan Mountain.
Back to Nezha, Qianyuan Mountain, I didn’t go back to the abode of fairies and immortals to visit Taiyi. I went to Jinxia’s grave first, put the Shenhuo cover in front of the grave, and burned the stone. I listened to the stone, and the men and women were intertwined and muddy.
Nezha sat on the spot and gave a three-pillar fragrance. "Brother said he would avenge you."
The fire dragon in the shenhuo hood struggled to break out of the shenhuo for two days before refining the stone prototype. Nezha returned the shenhuo hood to Jinguangdong and returned it to Taiyi reality. "Nezha Xie Shizun borrowed the shenhuo hood to help Nezha."
Nezha went out with a stone and found that white pear tree that was born at the door at an unknown time. The white flowers were covered with branches and blooming in the green leaves.
Just look up for a moment. She wants to make pear flowers from fallen flowers. Will Ao Bing like it?
Taiyi reality put the fire shield aside and looked at Nezha’s back at the entrance. It was very complicated. I didn’t expect Nezha to really pick the skeleton mountain without even saying hello.
Where did he feel that he saw another shadow? Even though he was as proud as he used to be, he seemed to think more about things when he could do things, and he was more inclined to his ability to do things without making mistakes.
Just like this time, she had already made a plan before going to Xiqiao, but she did whatever she thought like that, but she abruptly endured until Jiang Ya’s army fell to Chaoge City and took the initiative to chase and capture the nine-tailed fox. She learned that the nine-tailed fox was taken over by Yang Chan Lotus Lantern without any worries.
Nezha’s reflection is reflected by the green grass along the Jiuwan River, and the layers of water ripples are clear. The stubborn stone was crushed into a handful of white ash in her palm, which was scattered into the river with the wind and carried into the East China Sea by the waves.
Nezha bowed his head and squatted down to put his hand on the surface of the water, and the running water brushed her joints, breaking up and washing away the palm with white ash.
I don’t know how many hours in the past, a few birds suddenly flew from the branches, and Nezha would rather calm down and listen, but Huang Yinger ordered them to come to the news-
Gui Mu was educated by Guanyin in the South China Sea and was taken to Lingshan. Twenty-four days were responsible for protecting the baby from all evils, while the green lion and white elephant seemed to be being hunted by others and lived a day of fleeing in Xi Niu Hezhou.
Nezha doesn’t know what to say after listening to Lingshan’s taking away Gui Mu’s demon. She can look at the Buddha’s face in the Linglong Tower and ignore it, but the green-haired lion demon’s six-toothed white elephant is doomed to be kept away from others.
Thinking of this, Nezha set up hot wheels to ask the birds in the branches for the specific location of the green lion and white elephant, and then quickly went to Hezhou, Xiniu.
Chapter 8 Chapter 8

"Shameless!" Windson helplessly cursed.

Barker Singlida, an academician of the Central Academy of Science and Technology of the Democratic Republic, has publicly published many papers on spatial plane, such as On the Stability of Space Barrier, Architecture Form of Parallel Plane, and so on, and he is an expert in spatial plane research on Tran Star.
And windson is for this person.
When Lin Feng invaded the brain of Academia Sinica in Lida Democratic Republic, he felt helpless. This was not because his level was not enough, but because the brain of Academia Sinica was not connected to the outside world at all, which made Lin Feng like a mouse pulling a turtle.
Soft is not good, only hard!
Lin Feng originally planned to check Buck Singh’s other research results from the brain of Lida Academia Sinica, and also look at what this person is studying recently. If what he is studying is useful to Lin Feng, then Lin Feng is not going to move him for the time being until he studies it. Otherwise, if we rashly tie each other to each other, there will always be resistance. Even if we don’t strike, we can’t do anything about it. After all, scientific research is a matter that needs to be devoted wholeheartedly, and others can’t be compromised by threats.
But windson didn’t expect that he couldn’t get any information about buck singer’s latest research topic, so he had to tie it if he didn’t. Even if he interrupted his research, it would be good to get him back to be an assistant to Tess.
Now that you have the idea of doing it. Windson immediately began to search for the position of Academia Sinica in Lida Democratic Republic. Defense situation. A series of information such as internal facilities.
Everything comes to him who waits. It took less than a day for windson to basically get the information he wants to know, but how to get in has become another problem.
The Academia Sinica of Lida Democratic Republic is located on the outskirts of Leah. It’s a building with two floors above ground. 66 floors underground. Covering an area of about 2 square kilometers, Academia Sinica is surrounded by 2 mechanized divisions and 1 mecha brigade. As for the storm before the war fortress didn’t arrive windson is not considered. Although he easily destroyed a mecha patrol team, it is basically impossible to fight against a country with a huge mecha team.
Many ants bite dead elephants, even though they are mecha on Tran Star, they are generally at the backward level of the first generation, but once the number reaches a certain level, it is still enough to blow "purple light" into scrap iron, not to mention that the Lida Democratic Republic has all kinds of large-scale war machinery in addition to the mecha.
Can’t storm and go underground? It’s not that Lin Feng hasn’t considered digging tunnels, but it will take too long and it will be too much trouble. In the process of searching for information in the confidential database of various countries on the Internet, Lin Feng also showed how much storm was caused by yesterday’s skirmish. At least ten countries have sent mecha to ambush quietly on the border of Lida Democratic Republic, and Lida’s military department has also made a series of targeted arrangements. This situation was not thought of by Lin Feng at that time, but instead of regretting it, he felt that it was a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters, so he should act quickly.
After searching online for a while again, Lin Feng finally found an available information with a bright eye, and a series of action steps for this information slowly took shape in his heart.
On a not wide road outside the suburb of Leah, a train of 12 large black trucks is driving evenly. There are two armored suspension vehicles in front of and behind this train, and six battle mecha are hovering above this train to guard against any possible attacks. The whole train is like a fierce beast from ancient times, with a faint chill.
When the motorcade passed through a small forest, a big tree with the thickness of one person folded on the left side of the road suddenly fell down.
The body just cut off the motorcade.
The sudden change made the team slightly confused, and at this moment, a black shadow quickly flashed from the right side of the road and drilled into the bottom of a truck without attracting anyone’s attention.
Two battle mecha flew down from the world, but the remaining four mecha were divided into four directions, and the two mecha that were more alert to the team’s descent looked around the tree for a long time. It seems that there is nothing unusual now, and directly lifted the fallen tree and threw it far away. Then the team set off for the destination again.
Windson tightly affixed to the bottom of a truck at the moment, he was wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform, and all kinds of smells scattered in his body were suppressed. According to the scientific and technological level on Tran Star, there was no detector to show his trace.
The left hand buckled on a prominent part at the bottom of the suspended truck, and the right hand turned "water blue" and appeared in the hand of Lin Feng. Without hesitation, he drew a circle with a diameter of about half a meter on the bottom plate of the truck on his head. Hard alloy plate is not much better than a piece of tofu in front of "water blue"
Pack up "blue" right hand up a windson could not help but curse.

Judging from the feeling from the hand, the upper part of the bottom plate of the painting circle is obviously pressed against the goods.
Empiric abdomen encouraged Zhenyuan’s right hand to abruptly cut the alloy plate together with the goods above, and lifted it up. The whole body of her left hand quickly curled up and easily got into the truck. Then put down his right hand and let the metal container weighing at least one thousand kilograms press on his back. Windson easily embedded the cut circular alloy plate back into the distance, and his fingers braved the blue flame and circled the truck floor in the gap. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see that it has been cut.
After restoring the floor, windson moved a few steps to gently put down the metal container that was pressed on him, which was a sigh of relief.
This is an armed convoy carrying materials to Lida Academia Sinica, and it is also the simplest infiltration method that Lin Feng can think of. As long as he can enter the research institute, nothing can stop him. The internal network in the research institute is like a tattered spider web in front of Lin Feng. It is impossible to resist his invasion.
I found some tools from the ring, chose a metal container, opened it, took out some of the goods inside and put them back in the ring. Lin Feng rolled over and got into the container, closed the roof, and then waited patiently for the team to send him to the research institute.
Although people are in the container, the whole team’s every move is under the monitoring of Lin Feng’s mind.
After more than half an hour, the motorcade arrived at its destination-Academia Sinica of Lida Democratic Republic.
Followed by a series of handover and handling, during which no one found an unexpected guest in this batch of goods.
After everything calms down, the metal container where Lin Feng is located has been neatly placed in the warehouse on the basement of the research institute, waiting for further distribution.
Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Fengyong scanned a circle in the warehouse and found two monitoring devices only at the door. Lin Feng smiled gently and quickly jumped out of the container, took out a small wisdom brain and connected it to a computer used to control the storage of goods in the warehouse.
Sure enough, as windson expected, this computer in the warehouse really connected with the internal network of the institute, so windson invaded the brain of the institute very easily, and most of the facilities of the institute were under his control.
Pack up small wisdom brain windson didn’t act immediately, but found a hidden corner in the warehouse, crossed his legs and sat down quietly to pranayama.
Windson’s practice is more than 10 hours. When he woke up, it was already the tenth and the normal work of the research institutes.
Windson stood up from the ring and took out a standard uniform of a researcher at Lida Academia Sinica, which had been prepared long ago-a white coat was put on the outside of the tight combat uniform, and the imitation badge face seemed to be a different person unconsciously. If Han Yu were here, I’m afraid he would immediately jump into his arms and happily call him lobular!
When everything is ready, windson took a deep breath and swaggered open the door of the warehouse and went out.
There is no one on the passage outside the warehouse. Of course, this is something that Lin Feng has long known. The whole underground 66th floor of the Institute is divided into dozens of research departments, and the information in the database of Ba Zhu Brain that Lin Feng wants to kidnap should be in the research department of the 58th floor.

Chapter one hundred and sixty-nine ones
At noon, it is the most sleepy time of the day. Researchers in Lida Central Committee are either still absorbed in the research work at hand or in the rest room. Experts and scholars in this field have very loose freedom.
Turn out of the doorway of the warehouse. Windson moves aboveboard in the basement of the Institute. Occasionally, when he meets other researchers head-on, this guy will nod and smile gracefully with each other without any guilty appearance.
As the Democratic Republic of Lida, Academia Sinica certainly has a very strict security system. Even the important locations on each floor are guarded by armed soldiers. In addition, it is not easy for other agents to sneak into the secret with all kinds of advanced weapons hidden in the floor and ceiling.
According to the topographic map transferred from the database of the research institute’s brain, Lin Feng soon came to the high elevator. Perhaps it was his unfamiliar face that made two soldiers standing in front of the elevator doubt that a soldier on the left was doing exercises on a small instrument on his wrist. I want to check Lin Feng’s identity. The soldier on the right stared at the badge that Lin Feng hung on his chest for a long time before smiling and asking, "Dr. Ye, you should have just arrived at the Institute for a long time."
Windson didn’t answer, just a faint expression of "well" seemed disdainful, but it was just in line with his current status. As a young doctor, it is normal to look down on ordinary soldiers. What’s more, it is very educated to be questioned by the other party and not immediately flew into a rage.
Sure enough, the soldier who spoke didn’t seem to see anything strange from Lin Feng’s performance. He turned to look at the soldiers around him, but now he made a gesture in the right direction, so the soldier immediately smiled and explained, "Don’t get me wrong. I just want to be close to you. "
When Lin Feng stepped out of the elevator, it attracted the attention of a small number of research experts. At first glance, they turned their heads and went to some busy places.
Windson smiled first along the lounge at both ends of the turn through the glass window on the door. Lin Fengxian’s lounge is empty, which makes him feel very satisfied. There are alarm devices everywhere in Lida Academia Sinica, some of which are not controlled by the main brain but go straight to the security center. If they start their hands for a while, but now two people will be in trouble in the lounge.
After checking the lounge, Lin Feng walked along the office area to the innermost space laboratory. Along the way. His eyes swept all the people here. There is no trace of the current target, Buck Singh, but it has aroused the dissatisfaction of several researchers.
Windson saw someone stood up. There seems to be a plan to come over and question yourself, and quickly speed up the pace and walk to the edge of the glass door of the space laboratory. Through the glass door windson saw at a glance that guy you want to kidnap middle-aged baldheaded face must also wear a pair of glasses to look like some neither fish nor fowl aquiline nose pointed chin fat to tell the truth is really not so long.

Descending valley according to the key ring in the back of a chair turned his hand and said, "I guess it’s the same as the second time."

"Probably," said Zhu Jingguang after taking a sip of coffee, "Now none of the code members need the intelligence team and the action team to act together. Now you and I can get together."
I’m afraid that the two of us will backstab each other.
The fujingguang maintain people didn’t speak.
"Well, since Belmore and Ireland have spent so much effort, we can’t live up to the good pleasure." Descending Valley reached out and held the cups of Fujingguang, and the fingertips rubbed against another person’s fingertips, and purple-gray eyes were stained with provocative colors.
Zhu Jingguang looked up at the valley and stared at the valley with blue eyes like a big cat staring at its favorite prey.
The joints broke up and left the teacup, grabbed the demon hand with calluses and rubbed the slender fingers and forefinger of the intelligence members, and gently scraped a valley.
Jianggu couldn’t help but have a beautiful look, and her eyes were full of surprise, while the young trainer sitting opposite her said those reverie words with regret, "Oh, you are still so sensitive after so long."
Zhu Fujingguang suddenly lowered his voice and fell into the valley. At ordinary times, he heard a completely different valley, and his ears turned red unconsciously. This kind of hir is really provocative. If he was a little girl, he must have begun to have a crush on hir.
"Bo" Zhu Jingguang didn’t know when to bend over behind him and stick to his ear and said, "Ask Mr. Feng to see what happened recently."
Suddenly I felt the hot air flapping in my ears and falling into the valley! "
I found that the young people were blushing and blushing.
Eavesdropping on Belmore and Ireland "… Is Scotland so sexy?"
You have something to say.
-small theater-
Six months later, the Irish thief was saddened. "Why did I persuade them to make up? My eyes hurt."
Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating nutrient solution angel in 417: ~ 4181: 4: 5 ~
Thanks to the irrigation nutrient solution angel 41845464 bottles; Bottle;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 5 Chapter 5
▍ It turned out to be a child’s training.
See the wind feel like dreaming, although the joint site will happen sometimes.
But this definitely doesn’t include seeing your company and your family lying in the same bed disheveled!
Descending the valley, I saw that my face was red and white, wondering, "What are you doing when the wind sees you? Come here quickly."
No, I don’t want to. I don’t want to join your evil multi-person movement, but it tends to decline. Seeing the wind, I still closed the door and walked past with a heroic spirit.
Zhu Fujingguang wondered, "Mr. Feng Jian, what’s wrong with you? Did you eat a bad belly today? "
See the wind "… no"
What exactly are Mr. Jianggu and Zhu Fu? What Mr. Jianggu will allow Zhu Fu to touch his neck!
Zhu Fujingguang rubbed his head and said, "zer, don’t get up so fast. Look, you hit your collarbone. It’s all red, even though my face hurts."
Jianggu didn’t speak, and his expression was a little guilty.
Zhu Jingguang sighed, "My face injury will be misunderstood by Belmore and others, and I don’t know whether to be happy or sad."
Descending the valley worried, "Does it hurt? Do you want me to apply ointment for you? "
Zhu Fujingguang shook his head. "It’s okay. You should follow the trend first and say I’ll do it myself."
Descending the valley "Oh, call me if it’s inconvenient for you."
Looking at my own company, I was reluctant to part with it, and I saw that all the injuries were not my face but my hands. How did the two of them manage to hurt one collarbone and the other my face?
Descending valley frowned after seeing the wind absent-minded. "What are you thinking about when the wind sees you? What did I just say? Please repeat it. "
See "…" Oh, my God, he’s finished.
"Well, zer, you have to understand that seeing Mr. Yi Feng, after all, it’s a little early in the morning and there’s nothing you can do." Zhu Fujingguang buried his face and said, "zer, I find that I really can’t take medicine myself. Can you help me?"
Descending the valley while complaining, I went over. "So I told you that you can’t get it by yourself. If you don’t believe me, give me the cotton swab and call me."
"Well, it’s hard for zer." Zhu Fujingguang laughed.
Descending Valley looked at this flattering guy in front of him and deliberately said with a sullen face, "Don’t suddenly appear behind me again, okay?"
"I know," sighed Zhu Jingguang. "I think I have a long memory."
Descending the valley and laughing, "I think it’s a little strange to see your face hurt by hir. After all, hir hasn’t been hurt since elementary school."
Zhu Fujingguang laughed. "Well, zer was also injured in a fight with Song Tian at the police academy, but he was not injured at other times. I really didn’t expect to hurt my collarbone because of such a thing."
"Don’t laugh" valley deliberately with a straight face.
Oh, because Zhu Fu suddenly appeared behind Mr. Jianggu, the two men bumped into each other
"That … Mr. Jianggu is very familiar with Zhufu?" See the wind feel the need to brush a feeling.
Zhu Jingguang bent his blue cat’s eyes and laughed. "zer and I are young."
So that’s it. No wonder Mr. Serious Jianggu can show such a defensive smile.
"See the wind I let you check things? Chatting here "asked the valley.
Feng Jian suddenly sat up straight and said, "It’s checked. Please have a look."
Zhu Jingguang "zer, don’t scare Mr. Feng Jian"
Descending valley smacks discontentedly.
"That is to say, the black organization can’t open its hands now because of the explosion at the Boston Institute." Thinking down the valley "Why? Will make the organization so nervous. "
Zhu Fujingguang thought for a moment and said, "What the research office said should have something to do with research, sir. What is the research direction of the institute?"
"In biomedicine," Feng Jian said, "We have expressed our willingness to share information with the relevant agencies, but it seems unlikely to succeed."
"Ha, we have no ability? Actually, I have to ask those foreign institutions to "drop the valley" and ask, "Is this how you become a public security officer?"
See the wind "… I’m very sorry, Mr. Shimonoseki"
"Calm down, zer. After all, this is the fastest way," advised Zhu Jingguang. "Mr. Feng Jian must not be an opportunist, right?"
"Yes, it is absolutely 100% hard work."
Descending the valley with a cold hum and then continuing to discuss the matter with Zhu Jingguang, the wind breathed a sigh of relief and escaped.
"Then pay attention to the organization trend," said Descartes. "After that, hir and I should not please do things for others. This is for mutual security."