The moment should let night jing gave a cold shiver, take up a chill in my heart.

The man’s sudden release of breath should make him a little overwhelmed
The evil man in front of him is not a good character!
Be challenged directly choked night jing face suddenly blue and white.
Long, narrow eyes staring at the night scene with malicious intent and grinning, "I haven’t killed anything for a long time either, or let you try it?"
Night jing smell speech was changed "hum! You are all waiting for this account, and I will calculate it with you sooner or later! "
He turned his head and ran away before he finished speaking.
Just ran away?
Tang Luoling stared at the far-off figure.
This night Jing have it both ways fact is terrible!
It’s just like changing!
Tang Luoling looked at me with some complaints. Why don’t you kill him? Chapter 1616 mothering 1
I sobbed and stretched out my hand to compare with Zhu Garuda in the distance. "You’d better save her first than killing people!"
It’s like following his words. Zhu Garuda actually fell straight from high school
This time, Xia Houlian helped a lot. He caught the official rain.
When Tang Luoling saw that Zhu Garuda was injured, he quickly checked his injury and his heart sank.
He was badly injured, and the tendons in his hands were actually broken by the earthquake!
Without saying anything, I did this silently, and then let Xia Houlian carry Zhu Jialou and Luo Yi leave here as quickly as possible.
"Let’s go back to Lingfeng on a fierce day."
"Well, then we all go back!"
Fierce peak
Leibang Peak is full of Leibang people.
In the main hall, Tang Luoling was sitting in the abode of fairies and immortals.
As soon as I entered the main hall, I wandered around and was very interested in everything.
"See what didn’t you kill the night jing? Keep his life. Once he’s poor for evil. "
I lazily threw her a sentence, "Do you think I can kill him?"
"Why not?"
Tang Luoling asked stupidly.
"You forget? I can’t lift anything if I can kill people? "
"But didn’t you have a body then?"
"Idiot! At that time, if it wasn’t for the full moon night, would you really be omnipotent? "
I reached out and gave her a forehead. I didn’t good the spirit. I continued, "I can show up and maintain half a cup of tea. Besides, I’m trying to scare the little one by saying that I want to kill something."
Holy shit!
What if the roots were not lethal at that time?
Tang Luoling stood there sobbing at the corner of his mouth. It is estimated that there will be a person who can do such a thing this day.
You can scare away masters like Ye Jing just by breathing.
But if you don’t show up, you will die yourself.
Someone in the place is afraid and will die at the hands of Ye Jing.
Tang Luoling sighed faintly. "So you say that you are not sure to kill Ye Jing?"
"Are you kidding! I am much stronger than him, ok? "
I sat down on the stone table and looked at her with a frown on my face.
"That you just said …"
"Little girl, how come I haven’t seen you for a while? You’ve become so stupid?"
Tang Luoling glared at him, and he began to show off in an ostentatious manner again!

However, the price has not risen, and the people’s lives are still too calm and safe. However, some young people have a boiling passion and discuss the topic of joining the army enthusiastically, which is so unusual compared with usual.

Everyone believes that the imperial court failed to resist Nanhai county before, and this time it is nothing to be afraid of but being a king of Jingnan!
Although there are no four families now, Li’s adult can even clean up the four families, which is worse than the imperial army?
But it’s just a lively look for everyone!
At this time, two carriages pulled into the backyard of a small restaurant in a small town called Qingshan Town, more than 20 miles away from entering Nanhai County from the Central Plains.
The carriage stopped a car and an old man with a gray beard, a waiter, a white-skinned man in his thirties came. Another carriage came with two 16-and 17-year-olds.
Although these two teenagers are dressed in ordinary semi-new, not-too-old lake blue robes and wrapped in square pacifiers, their skin color is yellowish and their facial features are thick, but they can see that they are somewhat hard to say handsome.
In particular, those eyes are inconspicuous when they droop their eyes, but when they look up at people, they are as clear, bright and aura as a flood of autumn water, which makes people ignore their appearance and be attracted by such excellent eyes.
The boy with a short head locked the car door tightly and then covered the car curtain.
A closer look reveals that the doors and windows of this carriage are all made of wooden doors. Two teenagers will seal the doors and windows in one car, and outsiders must never peep at half of them.
The boy rubbed his arm and ran to hold the old man with a gray beard and smiled. "Sir, we can go to Nanhai County today! Hee hee, the scenery all the way south is really good! I don’t know if there are any interesting places in Nanhai County! "
The old man Bonai glanced at him with a sigh and said angrily, "Is there any interesting place?"
"In the end, the master has more pursuits than me!" Teenagers clap their hands and giggle like bells.
Several people couldn’t help laughing, and the tall boy couldn’t help smiling. "Let’s go in, master and brother!"
Several people walked into the restaurant talking and laughing. Suddenly, the old man gently tugged at the sleeve of the short teenager. "Don’t look around. Your eyes are too conspicuous!"
Those eyes are clear and smart, and the spirits in the water are especially aura when they turn. Anyone who sees them can’t help but look at them more.
The teenager spat out his tongue and laughed, "I can’t control it … well, I won’t look around!" "
The small town restaurant is not so particular about the whole lobby, and there is no package.
A few people picked up the table in the most inconspicuous corner, ordered some special dishes in the store and waited.
Two drivers sat at another table, dressed in a semi-old, gray, short brown face and brown face. If you look closely, you will find that their joints are bright and bright, which is no ordinary driver.
"Sir, do you want to go out and inquire? How come all of a sudden this generation is in a state of chaos? It’s amazing! Is it difficult to fight? " The short boy took a glance and said to the old man.
My heart is secretly not heart, my brother-in-law is so fierce, maybe people here still dare to fight with him? Want to die?
This line of people is Lian Fangqing and his party.
The old man is Li Fu, who can’t be found everywhere, as if people were evaporating. The two drivers are surrounded by him with stunts. One is a middle-aged and one is a young man. The two servants are palace eunuchs, Dai Gonggong and Xiao Liao, and another young boy. It is said that Lian Fangqing went to Beijing to find the emperor, Sun Zhouyan!
Everyone’s family died in that famous fire, but Zhou Yan was not in the East Palace at that time!
Peter said that in Yu County, because of Lian Che, and later because of Li Fulian’s family, Mrs. Ding got along quickly. Even Fang Qing went to Ding Fu from time to time to play with Mrs. Ding’s granddaughter. Mrs. Ding also loved her disciple very much. This intelligent and clever sister treated her very well.
One day when Lian Fangqing went to find Mrs. Ding’s granddaughter, she came to Mrs. Ding’s room and overheard the conversation inside.
I can’t hear every sentence clearly, but the angry words such as "Li Wang", "pleading" and "Tai" are heard in vain.
Lian Fangqing’s heart was "hitched" at that time, and he dared not listen to it more and hurriedly left.
Is in the heart but a little nervous.
She knows that Tai Fu Ding and his brothers all have mentoring feelings. If he avoids returning to his hometown, he will not join the party. I believe this is not unknown to Tai Li Wang and others.
However, the king of glass still sent someone to plead with Dr. Ding that something must have happened in the capital and it was very bad for the king of glass, so he had to bite the bullet and go to the doctor!
Supposedly, it’s unfortunate that the East Palace of King Li is as stable as a rock.
But even Fang Qing couldn’t help thinking that Wang Li and his princess’s family were so bad! So how can the bad guys honestly wait for bad luck? The teacher refused to help, fearing that the wicked family would resort to dirty tricks …
Even Fang Qing wanted to think about Zhou Yan’s heart, but after all, he couldn’t be practical, so he left a letter to his third aunt and quietly went to Beijing one night with gray left without saying goodbye!
At that time, it was already the twelfth lunar month, and the canal had already been closed. Even Fangqing had no choice but to hire a carriage to go by land.
It’s too conspicuous to wear gray. She used to get a cloak for gray to wear, but it’s better for gray to resist death, so she can wear it together to hide her eyes and ears.
When I arrived in Beijing, it was the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month. Chapter 1468 Meet each other.
Even Fang Qing wanted to think, so he was too lazy to see his second brother yisow and his third brother-didn’t he appear in Beijing at this time to get scolded?
Let’s do it in a few days!
Wait until the Chinese New Year before she goes to the door. Well, they won’t scold her, will they?
So she found a family in a village on the outskirts of the city to stay for a while, and put the ash on the mountain to play by herself during the day, so she went into town to find a chance to see Zhou Yan.
I don’t want the situation in Beijing to be very tense. It’s too harsh for a little girl like her to go to town alone.
Even Fang Qing, who was waiting for an opportunity, got together a group and just mixed into the city.
When I entered the city, I found out that the emperor was seriously ill and bedridden!
Even Fang Qing suddenly wondered how sad Zhou Yan might be!
After she left Beijing, Toffee didn’t hold Zhou Yan’s couplet tightly, and there wasn’t much to do!
See Zhou Yan spirit look not so good as expected, however, see her still pleasantly surprised is very happy.
Even Fang Qing was glad for a while. He talked a lot about what he would hear in Ding Taifu’s favorite, and told him to be careful not to break your heart behind the glass king’s back!
Zhou Yan eyes light suddenly a folding of the nod promised to thank her mind a little nervous.
Zhou Yan’s sexual nonsense is one thing, but growing up in the East Palace, what intrigues and intrigues have you never seen?
He’s too lazy to deal with it by the same means. He’d rather offend people with a straight stomach for a long time and no one dares to provoke him easily.
His so-called name, don’t ask others for it!
Zhou Yan knows that she is an academic bully in her father’s eyes, and it’s just a matter of walking the horse and teasing the cat. I’m really about to say something serious. It’s strange that my father will believe in himself!
Suddenly Baba ran to his father and told him to be careful that Uncle Li’s father would not teach himself a lesson.
Thinking about it all the time, Zhou Yan decided to go out of town the next day and ask her to help him think about it.
The horse is about to celebrate the Spring Festival, and there are so many things that Zhou Yan wants to go out to the East Palace. It’s not easy to watch half a day pass!
He had no choice but to change his mind and go out of town late and come back the day after tomorrow
So after dinner early, Komatsu was ordered to pretend to be himself and sleep on the bed. He took Xiaoliao and Liao out of the palace quietly and went out before the gate was opened!
Even Fang Qing didn’t expect him to come all this way to find himself, so he was naturally happy. The two of them were not too cold. They were on fire in the small kitchen of others. After half a night, Gray sat down and reposed. Little Liao Cage started to shrink his head and slept soundly by sitting there …
The day full of fireworks is so warm and peaceful.
Even Fang Qing said, "Your father doesn’t believe you. Why do you have to tell him yourself?"? Why don’t you just write an anonymous note and sneak it on his desk? Stupid, forget it! "
Choke Zhou Yan straight stare.
Yes, it’s best to write an anonymous letter on the desk in my father’s most guarded room-it’s not difficult for him to be guarded in a tight room!
Father will be surprised when he sees it, and he will be alert and take it to heart!
Things have been solved, and it is rare to get out of the city again in the near future. I don’t know when it will be. The next day, Zhou Yan will be reluctant to leave early, and even Fang Qing will go to the mountain for a barbecue with gray.
It is not easy to find some pheasant and hare prey at this time, although the mountain wind is cold and shivering, but there is no snow.

Eric Suen Yiu Wai said he was going to sleep, but in fact he just closed his eyes and meditated, that is, after a while, he resumed his state. His eyes shone sharply and he said to the door, "Go and investigate where Yi Hou has been in contact with someone now."

At this time, wreaths all have stabilized themselves. Although there is still residual energy to be absorbed, a battle is much faster than sitting there all the time. It is an excellent way to absorb residual energy from the body or directly attack the enemy in a battle.
After she answered for a while, she disappeared in the original place, and there was a faint fragrance of flowers floating in the air.
It’s still night when Eric Suen Yiu Wai walks out of the house. It’s his son’s first birthday. It may be a very restless day. He has to prepare well. Now, the first thing to ask is whether everything in this house has been investigated clearly.
Unexpectedly, he just walked out of the door and saw Yang Jian rushing over. "I wonder if there are two people who claim to be your old friends here?"
"Did you say your name?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai light asked.
"One of the men in pursuit is the sage of HarmonyOS, and the other claims to be the magic statue of Baiyun." Yang Jian bowed his head and said.
"Is it actually HarmonyOS?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai paused and then smiled slightly. "Since he is here, please come in. Be sure to protect the protector."
Although there is no one to protect, Yang Jian naturally knows that there are no people worthy of protection here except Dong Bingyan and Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s children and grandchildren.
Seeing Yang Jian leave, Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled slightly and lifted his feet and went out. No matter if HarmonyOS is also a sage in the realm of transformation, he is much more powerful than Eric Suen Yiu Wai. It is also necessary to meet him in person. This is of course the key point. If the HarmonyOS sage doesn’t know how to be good or bad, Eric Suen Yiu Wai won’t be polite to him. After all, it is still the three realms of China. HarmonyOS must always pay attention to not exceeding this range, otherwise even if he is already a executioner, he will inevitably suffer cruel punishment.
However, when he went out, he saw that the so-called white cloud magic statue of HarmonyOS saint had disappeared and asked the peer Tongtian leader. He replied, "Just now, the white cloud magic statue of HarmonyOS saint had an argument and the white cloud magic statue left in a fit of pique."
Eric Suen Yiu Wai nodded thoughtfully and then looked at the sage HarmonyOS and said, "Brother HarmonyOS hasn’t seen you for a long time. How have you been these days?"
"Hum, you’re a little bold. Now you’re actually intimate with each other directly." HarmonyOS took a cold look at Eric Suen Yiu Wai, but suddenly laughed. "But look at your small strength now, you are qualified to call your seat like this. Forget it. Forget it. Don’t talk nonsense. Where is your son? Give your seat a look."
This HarmonyOS really doesn’t think of himself as an outsider. You know, he and Eric Suen Yiu Wai used to be enemies. Now, just coming to other people’s homes depends on other people’s cautious personality. How can Eric Suen Yiu Wai easily let him get what he wants?
Listen to Eric Suen Yiu Wai sneered, "HarmonyOS, the two of us don’t seem to be so good that you don’t act anymore. What do you want to do? Say it clearly. It’s my son’s first birthday. I don’t want to move my mind, but it’s not certain that I won’t move."
Hearing Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s words, HarmonyOS also expressed a cold face and then said indifferently, "We, the executioner there, saw what we wanted and took him directly to another world for training."
Eric Suen Yiu Wai wanted to speak but was interrupted by HarmonyOS’s direct wave. "Whether you agree or disagree, the result is the same. If the punisher takes a fancy to the person, there has never been a mistake."
"Really?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai looked at HarmonyOS indifferently. "If you are here for a drink, I welcome it and greatly welcome it, but if you want to take my son to some place where people are sentenced to death in the world, it is absolutely impossible. I don’t want to be the kind of person who knows how to kill idiots and has no taste of living at all."
"Don’t you dare to disobey the two worlds?" HarmonyOS added tone and said
"Joke old don’t even fear heaven is really afraid of two worlds? What’s more, God still has long eyes unless you dare to break this rule and attract God’s intervention. Otherwise, you really have nothing to take away from me. "Eric Suen Yiu Wai sneered that he was too lazy to take a look at HarmonyOS any more, and some disdainfully threw his sleeves at the Tongtian leader and said," Don’t send this old thing after it is rolled. All cats, dogs and dogs bring bad luck home. "
"Being original" Tongtian leader glanced at HarmonyOS lightly and said, "Please leave here, you are not welcome."
Get such a rejection that HarmonyOS saint is not angry at all, but laughs "No matter whether you agree or not, you will stay here today. Since I am the one who is sentenced to death, you must never let him give birth to any unexpected seat. A person may not take him away, but you can’t come if you want to regret it."
Life in the outer world is a spiritual state. There are two ways for creatures to go to the outer world. One is to cultivate the physical body into a high-end product that can be transformed into a spiritual body, and the other is to directly get rid of the soul and then reach the outer world from this soul.
Obviously, Eric Suen Yiu Wai Day hasn’t been cultivated yet, so it can’t be the first way. Then there is the second way. The gouhun messenger of the sentenced person directly forcibly extracts the soul and takes it to another world, which is not only very painful but also very cruel.
"Don’t say what is the heady messenger. Even if something doesn’t kill the dog comes in person, I won’t be afraid." Eric Suen Yiu Wai coldly looked at HarmonyOS’s eyes and had already shot sen’s cold murder.
Heaven horse officer Chapter 362 Give birth to a baby (text)
Chapter 363 Almost robbed
Chapter 363 Almost robbed
See Eric Suen Yiu Wai resolute HarmonyOS is cold hum a stop talking turned and walked to the gate of the house to keep there don’t go U point om (text novel network starting).
Eric Suen Yiu Wai really wants to get rid of this old thing, but this guy’s strength is strong after all, and I’m afraid it will delay a lot of fighting, which will lead some people to take advantage of it, which is not a good thing.
He threw a word at the leader of Tongtian, saying, "Keep an eye on the youngest son for me. If there is any trouble, report immediately. This youngest son’s coming here is definitely not because he wants to take me away. I’m afraid there are other attempts."
Tongtian hierarch smiled and laughed. "This matter is just handed over to being original. Even though HarmonyOS’s strength is higher than being original, if he really fights to be original, he can still hold him off."
"That’s good. I watched the celestial phenomena at night and found that tonight is an uneven night. There will probably be other things happening. Everything should be careful. The guards at the gate will bother the leader." Eric Suen Yiu Wai sighed.
"Being original knows" Tongtian leader nodded, then took people back to the gate and sat cross-legged in the gazebo. It seems that his eyes are closed, but in fact, his knowledge has completely enveloped the surrounding area. Don’t say that a big living person can’t escape his exploration even if a fly flies over.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai had a quarrel with HarmonyOS inexplicably, but instead of getting angry in his heart, it was very bright. Perhaps he knew very well that tonight would really be an eventful night. Even if things were really angry, people should never get angry. Once they get angry, they will lose their minds and make mistakes in many things. That is absolutely impossible.
He lifted his feet and walked to Mo Tianxiang’s house. Although it is said that the prehistoric fierce synthesis can never be carried out in this tense situation now, it is true to give the relic to Mo Tianxiang and help him digest it, but it will not take Eric Suen Yiu Wai too much time and energy.
In this situation, it is better to have a powerful helper to help than nothing.
However, just as Eric Suen Yiu Wai was walking towards Mo Tianxiang House, he suddenly saw a white light flashing on his face, which was amazing and the target was Eric Suen Yiu Wai.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai was frightened to disgrace and hurried to work to resist the fact that it is absolutely impossible to escape at this time. The only way is to play hardball.
Chaos vortex was instantly regretted by him and the white light. This time, the hard regret directly drove Eric Suen Yiu Wai back seven steps, while the white light across the street was still in hot pursuit and didn’t mean to stop.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai eyes flashing cold cold light days axe to detain appeared in the hand towards the white light simply won. At this time, if it is blindly defensive, it can be driven by the other side to go the wrong way, and finally it is not as timid as taking the initiative to attack, but it is more likely to turn the situation around.
At the sight of the axe, the white light seemed to hesitate, but in the end it was hard to touch it. As a result, it was conceivable that the axe in Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s hand was shocked and flew out. However, the white light also seemed to be shocked by such a blow. It has already shown her body, but she is a pretty girl in white clothes. If she looks like she is ten years old according to the age of mortals, she will read novels and go to Ye You ~ You.

Zhang Chongxuan looked down at the old demon in Montenegro, but he saw that there were fish head demons, lobster demons and crab demons on the ground. From their eyes, it can be seen that they were all expelled. Zhang Chongxuan said, "How far is it from here to the abyss swamp?"

The old demon in Montenegro said, "At this speed, it will take about half an hour to fly."
Zhang Zhongxuan heard that there was still half an hour and frowned. "Half an hour is too long. Anything can happen in this. Just speed up."
The old demon in Montenegro looked at Zhang Chongxuan with a face of nai. "This is the fastest speed I can get."
Zhang Chongxuan’s action answered the old demon in Montenegro. He stretched out his hand and drew a few magic tricks to speed up his body shape, such as Qi technique. The old demon in Montenegro suddenly felt that his whole body was light, so he got up and wanted. Zhang Chongxuan said, "This spell can last for five minutes and should be able to reach the abyss swamp. Come on, it’s so far from the abyss swamp, but there are already some small fish demons in it. It’s likely that it will take some time for the fish demons to expel them."
"Well, let’s go immediately." The old demon in Montenegro threw his body strength forward, and Zhang Zhongxuan’s feet were suffused with a little green light, so it was obvious that the true yuan of repairing the gods was entering the divine sand from his soles. It was Zhao Ziji and weathered clouds who practiced for a long time to reach the realm of air inlet.
Because Zhang Zhongxuan and the old demon in Montenegro flew to the end of high school, the demons naturally couldn’t find what they had and didn’t cause any accident. They instantly came to the abyss swamp.
The abyss swamp is bigger than the vast swamp. Compared with the scenery of people, it can also be said that the abyss swamp is like the sea in people’s position. There are black mud everywhere, some wooden branches floating on the surface of the mud, and there are bones and bubbles constantly appearing in some parts. Because there is no wind in it, those bubbles will produce a very strange smell when they are broken.
The old demon in Montenegro exclaimed, "The beast demon and the fish demon really went to the lynx plant."
Zhang Zhongxuan looked coldly at a black whirlpool in the abyss swamp and said, "Is that whirlpool going straight to the bottom of the abyss?"
The old demon in Montenegro nodded his head. "Don’t say that you are a fish demon. It is not easy to go to the bottom of the abyss because the abyss swamp is extremely corrosive, and the more corrosive it is, the more you can’t fight the fish demon."
Zhang Chongxuan said lightly, "That’s not necessarily true." Zhang Chongxuan put his hands on his left and right shoulder holes, and a little light flashed through him. A light shoulder quickly surrounded Zhang Chongxuan. Zhang Chongxuan was like being in a bubble. The old demon in Montenegro felt a trace of truth and naturally knew that it was not a bubble. "Is this an air wall?"
Zhang Chongxuan confidently said "yes". This gas wall is the protective gas wall produced by Zhang Chongxuan’s chaotic gas in Yuan Shen. Zhang Chongxuan just forced the gas wall out of the body by cutting off the pulse, so that this gas wall can resist the corrosion of the abyss swamp.
The old demon in Montenegro looked at Zhang Zhongxuan and said, "You are a monster."
Zhang Chongxuan said, "Now is not the time to discuss it." Don’t say that this abyss swamp is the bottom of the sea. Vandory Zhang Chongxuan has gone to the abyss swamp. Zhang Chongxuan naturally doesn’t care, but he is afraid of accidents due to the inability to show his hands and feet at the bottom of the sea when he wants to fight with the fish demon and the beast demon. Zhang Chongxuan still chose to arrange the array in his body.
The old demon in Montenegro knew that Zhang Chongxuan wanted him to go, but she didn’t say anything. Anyway, her biggest purpose was to kill the beast and the fish. She didn’t bother to take care of it before. She did borrow Zhang Chongxuan to kill the beast and the fish, and then she dived into the abyss and swamp to eat the eggs alone, and then she hid in the abyss and swamp to practice. Anyway, it is impossible for her to see Zhang Chongxuan now. What are your thoughts about going there?
The abyss swamp is no better than the sea. Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t see it in the bottom of the sea as he did in the beginning. On the contrary, he could see muddy mud after entering the abyss swamp. Zhang Zhongxuan couldn’t help saying, "If you want to move your hands in this mud, it will be affected. This is a factor to consider."
The old demon in Montenegro is not as good as Zhang Zhongxuan. She has long been accustomed to the swamp. When she entered the vortex, she merged with the abyss swamp. Zhang Zhongxuan can also see the head of the old demon in Montenegro moving with him.
That’s it. About a thousand miles later, the scenery of the abyss and swamp changed greatly. At the bottom, two thousand miles was actually not inferior to the seawater in the sea. The blue water flow here is more visible at the bottom of the sea. Zhang Zhongxuan looked up and met. It seems to be separated by some substance into two halves. There are many strange things in the world.
The old demon in Montenegro said, "That coral forest in front is where the lynx plant is." The old demon in Montenegro is integrated into the water and she can speak freely no matter where she is.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-six God’s egg (2)
Chapter one hundred and thirty-six God’s egg (2)
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at the coral forest not far away, and saw that the area was turned into a fiery red because of the growth of large coral, but there were two small black spots deep in the fiery red. Zhang Zhongxuan guessed that it was the beast demon and the fish demon and ordered "Let’s go and take the lead."
It’s natural for the old demon in Montenegro to be resigned, but he can still talk when he sees Zhang Zhongxuan’s deep gas wall. For Zhang Zhongxuan, this repair is simply a slap in the face, and he will have a chance or go to someone in the future. After all, seeing Zhang Zhongxuan makes him feel that his gap is too big.
When the old demon of Montenegro and Zhang Zhongxuan flew into the coral forest, a burning energy reached them through the water bloom. The face of the old demon of Montenegro changed and changed. "I know what they want to drive away all the small fish monsters in the abyss swamp. They are now using the demon fire to catalyze the lynx. If those fish monsters are in the abyss swamp, they will die because they are not capable enough to stand the infringement of the demon force, but they will produce a dead body."
"Demon fire? Then why not borrow it before? " Zhang Chongxuan doubt way
The old demon in Montenegro stopped, saying, "The demon fire only comes once in a hundred years, and it’s not that you want to borrow it. In fact, the original body of the fish demon is a giant loach. Just now, the whirlpool in the abyss swamp was made by him. I think he dug a hole and pulled the demon fire out from the bottom of the abyss swamp."
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at the old demon in Montenegro. "Do you have other concerns?"
The old demon in Montenegro replied, "It’s true that the beast demon can spit fire and dumpling demon. He can swallow the demon fire and then attack it. Our monsters are actually monsters. At that time, the division of heaven and earth produced alienation, but we not only have the original ability to demonize the beast demon, but also can use the demon fire to attack and produce a fire armor on ourselves. We are very defensive if we are in the past."
Zhang Zhongxuan laughed when he heard the words of the old demon in Montenegro. "You don’t worry about that. Just leave it to me. Hum, there is so much water at the bottom of the water. No matter how strong the defense of fire armor is, it is impossible to destroy the conclusion that water can put out the fire."
Montenegro’s old demon hesitated, "Are you going to borrow water from here …" Montenegro’s old demon thought of Zhang Zhongxuan’s countless tricks, and his heart was a little more confident. "Well, I will believe you once." Montenegro’s old demon has the confidence to take the lead and fly to the coral area.
Come near Zhang Zhongxuan finally see the beast and the fish. The face of the fish is like a loach. The loach has a few slender whiskers standing on both sides of his nose. It looks a bit funny. The beast is also three or five thick, which is different from the weathered cloud. His face will know that it is a dumpling, and he also has a few long whiskers.
In front of the fish demon, the beast demon and the beast demon, there is a strange tree, which is exactly like a coral tree, but it is green and its branches have thorns, and the branches are stacked together like stones to form an lynx. Among them, there are two branches like lynx hands, which are in the shape of a flying pigeon wing in front and a small fruit like a mother’s eye on the surface, which is obviously a layer of brilliant brilliance.
"Black Mountain old demon!" Just after spraying the demon fire, the monster turned his head to prepare for absorption, and constantly emerged from the ground to see Zhang Zhongxuan and the old demon in Montenegro showing an unexpected look.
The old demon in Montenegro laughed. "It’s been a long time, beast demon."
It’s hard to suppress the virtual fire. The fish demon turned around and saw the two unhappy. "When did the old demon actually hook up with the bird demon hand minions? I don’t see that you still have this hobby."
Seeing that Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t speak, the old demon in Montenegro obviously wanted her to be cold with the second magic watch, saying, "What kind of bird demon has died in his hand? Now he is the bird demon."
"You said that the bird demon died in his hand. What are you kidding? He was just a watchdog." The fish demon froze and looked at the old demon in Montenegro. "What do you mean, he killed the bird demon?"
Zhang Zhongxuan then said, "It’s good that the demon pattern should be changed. After that, there are no more three demons, me and the old demon in Montenegro."

Suzhou yizhuang

In front of the ring, there are almost people crowded with people. It is really hard to find anyone in this venue. Just when Xiaoqi and others decided to find it for the third time, they finally had to wait for someone to come out from the city gate.
Zuo Tangtang Beique several people haven’t reacted yet. Seven crows are very agile and throw red moves at each other.
That’s what your sister called?
Zuo Tangtang said that she was shocked and cried.
Habitually retreat and wait until Zuo Tangtang thinks that he is almost safe, then he remembers that he is not running for his life.
I slapped my head hard and Zuo Tangtang rushed out again, thinking angrily about where I learned this wretched body.
This side of the flag is red, and it can be said that there are countless Zuo Tangtang. After he just quit, he looked for a long time to find the location of Xiao Qiyi pedestrians.
Into the crowd Zuo Tangtang was dumbfounded again.
Dear scholars, don’t treat each other like ghosts for three days. Sure enough, the ancients didn’t deceive me!
Seeing that the seven crows are domineering, they have been playing a set of moves according to each other, and they will not give each other a chance to push after they finish.
The other side died, Xiaoqi became red, and everyone was stimulated by this, which was like being dyed by the other side’s blood. They started the Jianghu mode and rushed at each other.
Even Zuo Tangtang, who has always been hiding behind people, is no exception to be continued this time.
[13] Chapter one hundred and fifteen Disappointed in prison]
Huh? -this is a tone of deep doubt.
Gee …-This is a carefully thought-out tone.
Hey! -this is an unusually excited tone.
Zuo Tangtang walked aside for a long time and finally found a fact-that is, these people are really good at playing!
Previously, she looked at these people, all of whom were wearing shining statues, and they looked very powerful and domineering. At that time, she was still wondering what to do with this, and the people next to her rushed to beat her up, and she followed her to mend the knife.
Probably many hands make light work! These people are very ugly when they are beaten, and they are almost powerless. Zuo Tangtang’s most formal things gradually disappear, and instead, they are full of excitement.
When his name turned red, an abnormal satisfaction filled Zuo Tangtang’s heart. This is probably why people like to kill people in red. Zuo Tangtang thought, but this taste is really good!
It’s a pity to watch yourself kill one person again, showing that Zuo Tangtang is waving a hook, and then he feels a little sorry. Maybe this kind of opportunity is only available today. This kind of bullying behind a group of people feels quite good. There are quite a few people fighting and being experts, but the keys are all kinds of unreliable. Who dares to follow?
Xiaoqi kept shouting for Zuo Tangtang’s hook to help control him. He was a little worried. After watching himself kill Zuo Tangtang, he finally rushed away.
I have to say that the urban management is simply a good fighter, and the claws are all kinds of kites. Zuo Tangtang and Xiao Qi used their control skills to break through the enemy one by one, but unfortunately Zuo Tangtang became a knife mender every time.
Looking at his killing value dally to rise head bright red name is almost turned into purple Zuo Tangtang heart also some uneasy this … This should not have what thing?
Then Zuo Tangtang felt that he was really worried. It was only a matter of time before the enemy was scattered by this trend. However, it must be noted that he must stop when the enemy finally bled, and he must not be unlucky again, otherwise this killing will be her top again.
"Hoof hooves where are you? Hurry and help control one! " Once again, Xiao Qi is in high spirits because of the smooth pursuit.
"Come, come" Zuo Tangtang hurriedly took a blood medicine before he recovered from meditation without even blood.
Arguably, Liu Xiao is also an urban management officer, but the reason why Xiaoqi didn’t call him is that there are two reasons. After a personal fight, it is quite fierce. After that, a few people can act together and kill each other alone. Secondly, it is mainly because Xiaoqi and Zuo Tangtang were used to playing soy sauce in various pursuits. Xiaoqi habitually called Zuo Tangtang and Zuo Tangtang didn’t feel anything wrong.
When Zuo Tangtang went there, the hostile man still had more than half of his blood, but he was almost familiar with it. id Zuo Tangtang’s original concern was nothing, because according to her memory, this man died in their hands several times, and the root was not enough threat.
Zuo Tangtang pushed to stop him. Seven crows looked at Zuo Tangtang’s people coming, and hurriedly dumped two moves and left in the past.
"I’m going to clean the hooves behind me first. Come here quickly!" Xiaoqi said.
"Oh," Zuo Tangtang replied neatly, but his heart was a little depressed. This damn Xiaoqi regarded her as a personal servant girl, didn’t she? Don’t shout wherever you go. Isn’t it too highly of her to leave her with half the blood man and ask her to come quickly?
But this guy is really quite a dish. I think Zuo Tangtang, who has just died in various ways, figured that he could solve it in about a minute.
But what does it feel like to play fast?
Well, no, no
What’s so hard now?
Zuo Tangtang was puzzled to see all kinds of dying people who were about to fall to the ground suddenly alive and kicking and fighting with her.
"Hoof hooves! Come here quickly! " There were seven crows chanting in my ear, "It’s better for people to get together and the other side is not easy to fight!"
Zuo Tangtang feels a little annoyed. She always cherishes her life. Doesn’t she know that people get together to save their lives? The key is that he dumped this lousy stall on her, and she hasn’t come to solve it yet. This guy keeps nagging again.
This is your sister!
When was she half-blood?
Zuo Tangtang didn’t notice that the original blood was consumed by the other side unconsciously.
"Hoof hoof you hurry up! Don’t let anyone order you! " Seven crows are still crying in the air.
God is annoying!
Zuo Tangtang frowned slightly and stared at the other side closely. Zuo Tangtang didn’t even commit the habit of looking at the skill bar when fighting, but kept his hands coherent and tried to win the advantage again.
No, this can’t be done!
Zuo Tangtang shook his head, and he was really going to die if he played like this again.
Have you finished winning and grasped the present?
The only way is to lead each other to Xiaoqi.
There are many people there!
After making up your mind, Zuo Tangtang said and did it.
Fly back and try to hook each other with a hook.
It’s a pity that I was dodged by the other side every time because of my bad luck. Looking at the skill to cool D, Zuo Tangtang has never been so disgusted with this D for so long.
If the control skills are in cooling and being melee, the urban management can be beaten. Zuo Tangtang also knows this truth and hurriedly makes the flying skills go backwards.
It’s a pity that there are too many people here in Yizhuang, Suzhou. Zuo Tangtang can see the direction of the seven crows and others at a glance. He can’t help but be anxious and shout "Xiao Qi! Where are you? Come and help! "
I can’t find everyone. Zuo Tangtang decided to stick to it and wait for Xiaoqi to come and settle down.
It’s a pity that Zuo Tangtang lost to the other side, but it can still be delayed. However, the other side at this time is like knowing that Zuo Tangtang’s strength is weak, the situation is critical, and various outbreaks of Zuo Tangtang are overwhelming.
"Xiao qi? Have you come? " Zuo Tangtang couldn’t help asking again.
"Don’t rush! This is not not found! " Seven crow tone also some impatient.
"You can’t come …" Zuo Tangtang looked at his figure and murmured.
The announcement has been sent to death row because of the heinous crime of pig’s trotters stew
Zuo Tangtang saw that the whole person was already in prison when his picture turned.
Oh, by the way, purple name will automatically go to death row after death …
Zuo Tangtang feels a little dull … Although she doesn’t fight much, she still knows some basic settings.

Jin Chan said, "My brother also heard that King Dapeng and Bodhisattva angered the Bodhisattva’s bodhisattva and killed me with a sword. I can’t expose the three thousand Buddhas in the Western Heaven Lingshan. I can’t use the magical powers behind the enemy to defeat the Bodhisattva, but I am self-effacing and will no longer claim to be the only one!"

Tathagata shook his head and nodded a little before saying, "You don’t know one thing! At that time, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva fought three thousand Buddhas first, and then you Bodhisattvas fought hard. The ancient Buddha fought hard for 500 rounds, but Bodhisattva Bodhisattva’s mana was exhausted at that time! This just let the teacher pick up the cheap luck is better than half a move! In fact, I lost Lingshan! "
When Jin Chan heard that the Tathagata was not as admired as he was in his heart, he couldn’t help but bow down and said, "Master cares about his brother!"
The Tathagata went on to say, "If I talk about Buddhism in the Buddhist paradise, the ancient Buddha’s Buddhism is exquisite and does not fall behind the teacher’s style. The Maitreya Buddha in the east emphasizes the practice of joining the WTO, and it is really a different way." If it comes to fighting, glaring at King Kong and Lohan, falling dragons and crouching tigers and Lohan are all worthy! Among the younger brothers, only your elder brother, Mahakaya, has the highest understanding. Before the end of the practice period, others will belong to you, and they want you to shut up in the lotus platform and practice hard to cope with the future difficulties! "
"Yes!" Jin Chan said with joy. Then I felt that I was beaming with joy and hurriedly put away my smile and meditated on the Mahayana Sanzang Sutra!
Tathagata suddenly leans over in his eyes and sits and laughs and cries three times, "Great joy, great sorrow, great joy, great sorrow, great joy, no sorrow, no sorrow!"
Jin Chan suddenly woke up and folded her hands and prostrated herself. "Thank you, Master!" A flash of light behind you is obviously a further step in Buddhism! The whole world says that it is easy to practice Taoism. Don’t you know that Buddhism is not difficult?
Whether it is difficult or not is nothing more than a word "enlightenment", "practice a thousand times and realize once!" To say that the devil is rebellious, the Buddha is closer to the devil or … The Buddha is also a Buddha in the devil!
The pen turns round and round. Let’s say that the lonely man was born high and flying high in the clouds at this time, trying to slow down the Wujin cloud and not enjoying the scenery behind him!
"I said … can you hurry up?" Lonely born turned his head at behind quite impatient shouted.
"It’s my husband!" Speaking, a woman hurried to look at this woman, not a fairy but also a person.
"If it weren’t for you, I would have arrived in the blink of an eye! Come on ….. "Solitary born frowning if it weren’t for his drunk at that time and see Li Shangwu meddling in the intercession of nun 1 … He wouldn’t bring such a trouble! Lonely born has always believed in talking about leaks and not talking about feelings! But as the saying goes, "How can you walk by the river often without wetting your shoes?" This one-night stand will always do something if you do too much!
It’s not natural to get my shoes wet and even my pants wet this time! Some readers want to ask Gu Tiansheng, since it was a "momentary mistake" for Xiangu, why should she follow her? It’s not solitary, is it? In fact, I haven’t said that you naturally don’t know that you need to start from the beginning to say this matter …
Peter said that the orphan was born to bend over the original body again! Although this body is not important to solitary nature, it is not enough to say no, so he doesn’t want it. He didn’t expect that the streets would be full of "solitary natural bodies" … Always solitary nature is still the soul. When you look at it with your eyes open, you are still in your bed. At this time, it is about to dawn. It should be that it is time for Mao Shi, but you just didn’t hear the cock crow!
I was born alone. A carp got out of bed and took a deep breath. Suddenly I heard a "crash" in my ear. When I looked at it again, a woman stayed at the door. The golden basin fell to the ground and the water was scattered all over the floor!
Lonely born just want to mouth suddenly saw the woman suddenly rushed out mouth also shouted "the touts woke up the touts woke up ….." That’s no less than a monk couldn’t help but let lonely born heart regrets Datang Palace undiscovered talent! But lonely born depressed heart way "depend! My little girl has never seen the world, and she is scared to be too handsome. "
Lonely born here haven’t finished thinking, I heard a messy and eager footsteps coming from the corridor outside, and from time to time it was mixed with "thank goodness" and "Buddha bless" sounds, which made lonely born even more strange!
In a short time, I saw a group of people rushing into the lonely natural room. Xiaogui should lead the way. Li Shangwu stepped over the threshold, followed by Xuande Empress, followed by civil and military officials …
"What are you doing?" Lonely born at this time, I remembered that I couldn’t wear half a piece of clothing and hurriedly pulled up the bedding to cover my body.
"Xiandi ….. you finally woke up …" Li Shangwu jumped ahead without saying anything, holding the lonely and groping naturally!
Lonely born froze heart way "I depend! Do you dare to be so arrogant when your wife is here? " But Li Shangwu took the message and let him know what this group of people were so excited about!
Li Shangwu said, "Xiandi, you’ve been sleeping for half a year. You can think of stopping me …"
Lonely born think carefully! Day by day, I was born alone and went to heaven. It took me half a day … Isn’t it half a year?
Lonely was just about to say something, but when I looked up, I saw a man standing at the door. Lonely was suddenly stunned and couldn’t say anything on the spot …
At the door is none other than the girl with a sad face! Lonely born don’t talk, not because the nun is there, but lonely born thinking about a problem … How did the nun’s belly get bigger? _!
Ps, there is another chapter tonight!
The first chapter with a wife to go home
Loneliness is not a lover. On the contrary, once someone in this world can make loneliness naturally emotional, this kind of feeling must be a regret! But it is clear that Xiangufa has this feeling! If I let the orphan choose between Xian Gu and Ba Ye now, I will not hesitate to choose to sacrifice Xian Gu, but … who knows if that is now or later?
Fortunately, Xiangu is very lucky, but she is lucky to bubble! One night and once, Fairy was lucky to win the bid! Lonely born can be rude to Xiangu, but can’t be rude to his own child’s mother. Lonely born, after all, is a person. Although sometimes this person is limited to an animal, we can’t deny the fact that he is a person!
Although lonely born from the moment she woke up, she has always had a bad look on Xiangu, but Xiangu is very worried (pervert! ) Because she feels lonely born slowly accepting herself, even if it is really slow … but it is enough to be with lonely born!
Get married from your father at home and die from your husband!
I can’t help but say that the old man Kong has a far-reaching influence, and some of his thoughts are also worshipped by the old man Li! This is a female sorrow, and it is also the sorrow of all the people in the areas affected by the nuclear radiation of the old man Kong! Kong’s success is based on thousands of years of people’s suffering!
But I have to say that this idea also brings happiness to the people! Because of this idea, people are more satisfied, and those who are satisfied are always happy!
Let’s talk about loneliness. After all, I looked at Xiangu’s forehead and sweated, so I couldn’t bear to slow down. Xiangu walked side by side in Yuntou, although it was not pleasant, but it didn’t take half a day to reach Dongsheng Shenzhou boundary!
"A thousand miles ahead is my brother Huaguoshan. Since you want to be my woman, you will regret it. I can’t say anything now. I don’t know if I can tell you what I want to do … earth-shattering!" Lonely born when I don’t know, I have already held the nun’s hand and gently held her in my arms. The voice is soft but full of unspeakable domineering!
Fairy fairy obsessively looked at this time, and the handsome face of lonely nature showed a strange light in the afterglow of sunset. At this time, lonely nature was so tall that everything in the world seemed to be eclipsed!
"My husband’s concubine is satisfied whether he wants to do earth-shattering things or live in seclusion in the mountains or be with him!" As she spoke, the nun leaned back into her lonely arms. She felt that this feeling was really good!
"Ah ….." Lonely natural glanced at nun 1′ s fascination with all beings in the Three Realms and couldn’t help sighing gently and stroking her forehead with one hand. "Actually … you don’t have to be like this! After all, you are a fairy and that mortal is different! "
Fairy maiden’s touch eyes are gradually blurred in loneliness, and tears are shining in her eyes like the universe at night! Xiangu closed her eyes and felt lonely and naturally touching herself, showing her fingers inadvertently and gently sliding over her cheeks, gently and firmly saying, "No! My body is not a fairy, my body is my husband’s wife … "
"chat!" Lonely born I don’t know suddenly angry, then I put my arms around nun 1, threw my robe and drove away!
Sister-in-law still caresses herself at this time, but she has just been born alone and slipped across her cheeks and corners of her mouth, and at the same time, she smiled gently and hurried away here! If Tian Peng, a great rogue poet, saw this scene at this time, he would shake his head and sigh and be poetic. "Ah, my God, the world has changed … Handsome guys are more valuable than beautiful women …" (Crazy cats write good poems! )
"This is huaguoshan? Sure enough, it is a good place, and the aura is not much worse than Yaochi! " Fairy fairy is not a fairy with a hole in her vase-she naturally has some eyesight!
"Where is the good news?" Lonely natural smile didn’t go to see a face of praise fairy!
Fairy girl smiled gently. "Is my husband testing my concubine?"
Lonely born still didn’t look back, but he glanced at the layout of Fanghuaguo Mountain and said coldly, "If you want to stay with me, give me some value. If you want to take it as a test … it’s up to you!"
Xiangu knew that this was a chance given to her by an orphan, and it was also a chance given to herself by an orphan. She was overjoyed and said, "Go back to your husband! This mountain is close to the East China Sea, but it is a good place for the ancestors of ten continents and three islands to gather here. "
Lonely born noncommittal is slightly affected by a sudden drop of three feet in the corner of my mouth. The nun’s wife dare not stand in her husband’s position and quickly drop three feet!
Listen to the lonely man and say to the Huaguoshan in front of him, "Sun Wu is a dead monkey! Your brother won’t come out to meet me when I come back! " When the solitary man was talking, it didn’t sound too loud and peaceful to Xiangu, but I don’t know if it was an illusion that Xiangu actually felt that the huge flower and fruit mountain was shaking for a long time before it was stable!
"hey! Do you know where this place is and dare to run wild here? " Talking in Huaguo Mountain, the demon wind suddenly blew loudly and thundered. In a short time, several figures rose to the sky and stood up in front of the lonely man!
Looking around, I saw a man dressed as a middle-aged scholar. He was handsome and shook a folding fan with a pair of lonely wolves howling for the moon embroidered on it! Behind this person, everyone is not as good-looking as this person, one by one, with ferocious fangs leaking out! But when I look at it, there is the demon, the leech, the tiger, the leopard and the jackal! One by one, the murderous look is leaking!
Seeing the resolute fighting power of Huaguoshan, the lonely man nodded secretly and said, "That dead monkey is really not lazy!"
"Are you human?" Lonely born to stare at the scribes way
"Now it’s Huaguoshan, and the Monkey King of water curtain cave is sitting in the military adviser’ Sirius Jun’. I wonder if the pavilion has any advice on my Huaguoshan?" The scribes seem to have been lonely and naturally cold-eyed, but then they recovered and their words were quite respectful! On where strength is status, only with strength can others show you the respect you deserve!
"Is your king in the mountains?" Lonely born didn’t answer Sirius jun words instead of asking questions! Lonely born don’t need to answer Sirius’s words, because he is an important person and never needs to explain to the opposite person. All they have to do is take out the ceder’s heart and have less strength … This is the case in this world!
"My king is taking a nap. I’m going to invite him!" Sirius can be a strategist, saying that he has extraordinary wisdom, but he does not deny that luck is also an important factor. Now Sirius has made the most correct decision in his history, and intuitively told him that no one can afford to offend this person!
Sun Wu is taking a nap. Although it’s sunset now, sleeping from noon to now should be regarded as … a nap, right?
"Report … report to the king that there is a man who claims to be your eldest brother outside and wants you to go out to meet him!" Sirius naturally won’t be stupid enough to violate Sun Wu’s bad head, and such a heavy burden naturally falls on General Ma! This general Ma is a mountain horse monkey who is over 100 years old. He absorbs the aura of heaven and earth on weekdays. It is quite strong and abnormal. After Sun Wu’s training, he made rapid progress and was able to recruit good soldiers, so he was pulled out as a general by Sun Wu!
"How many times have I told you not to fight while I’m sleeping in your king’s house …" Sun Wufang was angry but suddenly saidno. He hurriedly grabbed General Ma’s shoulder armor and said, "Say it again?"

Who are you? What was your name, what club you were in and what did you do with our sister? Say it quickly!

Do you know that you’d better tell the truth now, or we can guarantee that you will see us every day in the future!
Playing soy sauce is as handy as talking, and all kinds of shelling make the eastern suburbs of the Soviet Union take all kinds of measures.
He also wanted to know what he had done … He barely braced himself to cope with the soy sauce around him and asked that the eastern suburbs of Su Dong were full of nai, but his heart became softer when he saw a girl with a finger-set in the Flower Palace.
In his impression, he didn’t know such an imposing girl. Look at her previous moves and think about it. Maybe she used to be gentle. This change is because of him. He thinks that even if a man doesn’t have much affection for this girl, his heart will become soft.
Especially … In the numbers … Peach Blossom Robbery …
Once again, I think it’s wrong. The bottom of my heart in the eastern suburbs of Su is inexplicably happy to treat all kinds of questions like oral investigation, and I have been patient and friendly in answering soy sauce.
So the situation seems to be stable. Maybe it’s not too bad?
Not far away, facing a piece of kelp in front of his eyes, he silently put his jade flute back behind his back, and red mist also eliminated it again bit by bit.
He suddenly felt that he was wrong.
I know a lot about it, but he still forgets what is the most striking feature of soy sauce makers.
Always changing your mind
He didn’t want to admit that he had just made a serious decision to give it a try because he had failed to complete the decision when soy sauce makers came to Heifeng Village to "smash the field"
If he continues to defend himself at such a moment and insists, he thinks he is willing to do it.
It’s … It’s obvious that he misjudged.
An unexpected person appeared.
Turned around and looked back at incredibly didn’t have the slightest temper to respond to the figure of fried hair and soy sauce. The conspicuous three words in the channel near kelp eyes were not much darker in color.
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters stew cats? You’re here, too
Zuo Tangtang looked curiously at the mighty team of Maoershang not far away. This is …
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters are stewed. Have you finished clearing the battlefield?
Cat Ear Niang casually replied, one by one, wearing Yunfei to kelp. He hasn’t come to greet hooves yet. You know, kelp, a lazy commodity, suddenly sent a message, but he promised one thing-he can do more specific command when he wants to get this place out of chaos.
God knows, when one of his Wang handed over the gang to him, he said four words and sent it away-it depends. At that time, he definitely felt very cheating, okay! Then he came out to cross the battlefield and calculate various alliances, which also made his tired bags grow out!
However, this guy has now offered to make more arrangements, which is such a joy! Of course, he didn’t want to think about when kelp should be squeezed on the business trip and when to play. He was afraid that he would give it to him once he thought about brotherhood.
Thought of here, he couldn’t help looking at the orange box next to his name.
Wait until kelp default catfish mother cheerfully shouted at all.
How to quell a chaos-it must cause a bigger chaos.
Everyone in Heifengzhai is a good cook for finding their own fun on the battlefield.
[Private chat] Stewed kelp with pig’s trotters!
[Private chat] Pig’s trotters stew cats and cats. Why are they beating soy sauce in red? I m him, he didn’t return! What happened!
At present, the sudden change of situation made Zuo Tangtang directly find a quiet kelp.
[Private chat] Seaweed soup has little salt … Yeah, it’s okay. They’re just kidding.
[Private chat] Is the pig’s trotters stewed for fun?
Zuo Tangtang hesitated.
[Private Chat] Seaweed soup has little salt. Yeah, you see, when they kill them, neither side will send one of them to prison.
Kelp so explained that looking at each other, Zuo Tangtang also accepted this statement and put his heart to be continued.
[393 Chapter three hundred and ninety-four Unexpected]
After waiting for a long time, the chaos did not end as soon as Zuo Tangtang imagined. I saw it for the first time and knew for the first time that when the two groups, Heifengzhai and Soy Sauce, got together to fight and fight, the chaos was far more than that caused by one of them.
I still want to wait, but Nai did experience too many battles today, which made people laugh and cry. Zuo Tangtang was really tired when he played oolong continuously.

Long Xiaotian, a middle-aged man, was frowning and thinking about a topic that was important to the dragon, but the audience in the stands was attracted by the fierce battle between Fang Meng and Qi.

Fang Meng is worthy of his powerful power to make everyone in the stands shocked, but even more surprised, he turned into a semi-demon state, Meng Qi
Although Meng Qifang’s fierce fight has been in the wind, there has been no sign of defeat, and the attack power of his lightning hands is even more heart-pounding.
In addition to Fang Meng’s hands, the carapace can resist Meng Qitian’s thunder hand. Once the rest of the place is hit by Meng Qi, it will inevitably be blackened.
And it’s not just a superficial skin injury. Once Meng Qi doesn’t hit his hand, Lei Li, the god of sunflower and water, will be sharp and enter Fang Meng’s body to wreak havoc.
Although Fang Meng is in the wind, he still has to guard against Meng Qi’s hands, but Meng Qi is not flustered now although he is in the wind. Generally speaking, it seems that Fang Meng’s trick should be to limit him to survive this period sometimes, so once Fang Meng wins this tactic, it must be his own.
And Fang Meng naturally knows about this matter. He was surprised to see Meng Qibian behind him and was able to attack like a storm, but he felt that Meng Qixiu didn’t have his own Gao Lingli and didn’t have his own depth. Even so, he won by himself.
But after playing so, Meng Qi, although in the wind, showed no signs of defeat, and Fang Meng was bloodthirsty. Although he rose to a very high level, he consumed a lot of spiritual power, and gradually he was in danger of spiritual power exhaustion.
And Meng Qi looked like there was nothing else. Although Fang Meng became a little grumpy, he didn’t lose his mind. He knew that if he went so far, he had to make a move to decide the outcome.
Thought of here, Fang Meng couldn’t help but admire Meng Qi. He didn’t think that Meng Qi was just an early guy who could force him to use it for decades to study the successful killing.
Just after Fang Meng’s claws tore a claw, Meng Qi pulled away. Meng Qi didn’t know what Fang Meng was going to do, so he took this opportunity to catch his breath.
And Fang Meng drank a lot after retreating, and then suddenly a layer of red light appeared in his body to fight. By this time, such a vision naturally made Meng Qi alert. He knew that Fang Meng would surely exert his last trick.
We can’t let him show it! Meng Qi thought of swooping down toward Fang immediately, but when Meng Qi was about to hit Fang Meng, the original was not very flexible, and Fang Meng actually disappeared in front of Meng Qi.
Then in the sky, Fang Meng said, "Eat me and crack the ground!" Meng Qi hurriedly looked up at the square, and the red light had disappeared, but his hands were full of red light.
The fluctuation of spiritual force in the light made Meng Qi’s eyes narrow, and then she could not consider that Fang Meng had rushed towards herself, and her hands were swollen with a white light from Kwai Shui Shen Lei Hua.
However, at this moment, the fierce attack has reached Meng Qi’s head not far away. How can Meng Qi meet this seemingly conan the destroyer blow?
White light hit Fang Meng’s forehead, but Fang Meng cracked and burst, dazzling red light filled the whole martial arts stage, and there was no figure in the red heart …
It took a full ten seconds for the red light to dissipate gradually, and there was no figure or even a body in the field except barely cubic fierce, as if there was a person in this martial arts stage
Everyone was shocked, and it suddenly seemed that it didn’t do too much damage to the specially built martial arts stage like his name, but a breeze blew through the martial arts stage and there seemed to be some sound.
Then they saw that the original hard drill platform actually hit the center in the ground and there was a crack, and then the crack actually slowly extended outward.
With the sensation of this crisp crack field, this is definitely the most exciting game in the trial so far, especially the final crack is absolutely called horror.
The middle-aged man in the referee’s box shook his head when he saw Fang fierce crack, and said, "It’s a pity for that little guy, but Fang fierce is really fierce."
However, Long Xiaotian frowned when he looked at Fang Meng’s martial arts stage. I don’t know that he always felt that Meng Qi had no cause of death. He remembered the day he saw the shadow escape …
Chapter DiErJiu Misunderstanding
Chapter DiErJiu Misunderstanding
After a short silence, the martial arts field broke into a shocking cheer, and Fang Meng’s victory was even more amazing. But at this time, no one paid attention to the shattered Meng Qi’s applause, which always belonged to the winner.
But Fang Meng was not happy after winning in the middle of the martial arts stage. He knew how powerful the crack was, but from Meng Qi’s performance, Fang Meng didn’t feel that he could crush it.
Therefore, he has been vigilant about the surrounding situation, but after a long time, there is no other situation, and Fang Meng gradually relaxed his vigilance and waited for the referee to pronounce his victory.
But at this time, a drop of blood dripped from Fang Meng’s back, and it seemed that a figure slipped with the blood, and a pair of scales flew slowly, and blood-spattered claws appeared in Fang Meng’s neck.
Then a hoarse voice came, "Fang Xiong cracked really badly." Fang Meng was stunned and immediately smiled bitterly. He stopped resisting and asked, "I guessed that you didn’t fall, but did you escape my crack?"
Meng Qi was silent for a moment and then said, "Hide? Brother Fang is polite. In that case, if you can avoid it, you just avoid the center of the most violent explosion, but you are still beaten black and blue by Brother Fang. "
Fang Meng nodded to say that Meng Qi could avoid a fatal blow in that situation. He was determined not to believe it, but at the beginning he was sure that even if he didn’t finish hitting Meng Qi, he would be able to beat him badly. It can be said that he underestimated Meng Qi.
What’s done is fierce, and it’s not the kind of person who doesn’t lose. Since he underestimated Meng Qi, he lost, and he didn’t fight back. He shouted, "I give up!"
Then he turned to Meng Qi and smiled, and then he jumped into the martial arts stage. Meng Qi had already moved his hand from Fang Meng’s neck when Fang Meng said that he was giving up, and then he smiled at Fang Meng, but he couldn’t laugh a little sad.
And the audience in the stands was silent again. No one expected that things would turn sharply. This situation was somewhat unresponsive for a while.
However, Long Xiaotian, who had already been psychologically prepared, laughed out and said, "Uncle, in fact, you just saw that he escaped from Fang."
The middle-aged man smiled and nodded and said, "I really didn’t find that if I hadn’t seen you with a strange look, I wouldn’t have gone to check the shadow evasion. It’s really a demon race."
Long Xiaotian is not surprised that middle-aged people can see at a glance the spells made by Meng Qi. After all, even he can see that it is normal for middle-aged people to see nature.
Long Xiaotian smiled and said, "Can you declare him a winner?"
The middle-aged man nodded and sighed again, and then announced to the winner-Meng Qi. After that, he said to several other referees next to him, "I’ll take care of it. I’ll go first."
Middle-aged person, the person in charge of this audition is naturally very profitable. He said that he would leave, and the others naturally dare not say anything, while Long Xiaotian is a white middle-aged person. What a sigh. It would be great if Meng Qi could have a dragon crystal. What a pity …
After hearing that he won, Meng Qi dragged his broken body away from the martial arts field in the attention of all the audience present. After slightly treating his injuries, Meng Qi returned to Zifu.
Now the government knows that his master will see Meng Qi when his son-in-law comes back. Naturally, no one has any reaction. At this time, Zi Qiu is healing with purple incense, and they even have no notification.
Meng Qize went back to the house where he lived these days, and then the door sat down on a futon. At this time, Meng Qicai showed a wry smile.
Fang Meng’s crack just now, although he was barely hiding from the attack, the power of the crack was too terrible. Even the aftermath made Meng Qishen seriously injured. If it weren’t for Meng Qi’s eating dragon saliva grass, I’m afraid the root couldn’t stand it.
But even so, Meng Qi’s injury is definitely not only the most serious skin injury but also the physical injury.
Meng Qi took out a bottle of healing pills and swallowed a few pills. Soon a spiritual force flowed in Meng Qi’s body to repair Meng Qi’s mutilated body.
But just a few pills of Dan medicine doesn’t seem to be enough. Meng Qi poured out a few pills of Dan medicine from the jade bottle and swallowed them, and then the spiritual force flow was almost dried up and trickled out again. So Meng Qi opened more than half a bottle of Dan medicine, and the injury in the body was recovered by about 60% to 70%.
Meng Qi opened his eyes and sighed. It is quite good to be able to return to this sample in such a short time. However, Meng Qi doesn’t know if he can advance smoothly after a competition.
Meng Qi frowned, and his confidence has been reduced a lot. This is just the trials in the Dragon Valley. He already has such a strong opponent. Although he still has the final killer, who knows where he can go?
And Meng Qi’s biggest reliance is Longjing, but who will give him time to condense out of the field? Joke when everyone else is stupid
Just as Meng Qi frowned and shook his head, the closed door was pushed in. When he saw that Meng Qi seemed to have healed, he smiled and asked, "How did you win?"
Meng Qi nodded and said, "I won, but if I have always been like this, I don’t know where I can go. This is just a trial. When the demon assembly gathers the demon elite, I’m afraid it will be difficult."
Purple Qiu smiled. He really didn’t expect Meng Qi to actually talk to himself as a real Meng Qi. Although it’s not bad, Zi Qiu felt that if Meng Qi could finally represent Long Gu, it would be very great. He even said that after knowing that Meng Qi’s opponent was Fang Meng today, his original Meng Qi would be brushed in the first round.
I didn’t expect Meng Qi to win Ziqiu. I was very happy, but I still had no hope for Meng Qi’s idea of winning the championship of the Demon Conference.
Although Fang Meng is good, he is also the bottom player at most at the Demon Conference. However, for Zi Qiu, Meng Qi’s ability to defeat Fang Meng has already made him overjoyed. You know Meng Qi is only in the early days of then.
So Zi Qiu said with a smile, "Don’t be under too much pressure. It’s great that you can win Fang Meng, but Fang Meng can’t be ranked in the top five roles in this trial."
Is the top five? Meng Qi’s eyes twitched for two or one, and the top five has seriously injured Meng Qi. If he is the first, what should he do?
Purple Qiu found that Meng Qi’s face was a little wrong and asked, "Are you hurt?" Say that finish before Meng Qi speak purple Qiu himself is first laughed and said, "how can defeat Fang Meng intact? Come on, Meng Qi, I’ll heal you."
Meng Qi one leng didn’t expect Zi Qiu to have the strength to heal himself. At that time, he was a little embarrassed. He knew Zi Qiu was a granddaughter’s husband, but Meng Qi Zixiang was a friend.
Meng Qi, who is too kind to herself, is always not used to it, but when I think of the refusal of the representative dragon quota in a few days, Meng Qi can’t say anything. After half a ring, he also said "thank you."
Purple Qiu smiled and said, "Don’t be so stranger. If you don’t abandon me, just call me grandpa like Xianger."

The combination of bully Stoudemire and Shaquille O ‘Neal can be imagined as powerful just by looking at their names.

Moreover, this team also has Nash, a two-time regular season mvp winner and super point guard Sun, which is absolutely restrained for the Pacers.
However, the Pacers also have a place in the Sun Law, that is, in the shooting guard position, the Pacers can blow up the Sun.
In this game, the pacers will see how Li Cheng can play and how many points Li Cheng can get in the sun. If Li Cheng breaks out, the pacers may really be able to hold this victory at their own home!
On November 6th, when night fell over Indianapolis, the once sleepy city was not as silent as it used to be. The first place in the center of Cances became the noisiest place in the city.
The full Cances Center shows the popularity of the city’s ball market, and this game may be a wonderful scoring battle in the eyes of many media and experts.
However, people’s expectations for this game are not very high. In the previous four games, the Suns scored two wins and two losses, and their state did not seem to be very good.
After the game, Li Cheng was obviously affected by the training these days. His state was not particularly good. His first shot was very rare and missed. Generally, when Li Cheng was full of physical fitness, his shooting percentage was very high.
However, the intensity of Li Cheng’s training these days has surprised everyone who saw him training. No, this guy’s training intensity is simply not normal. On several occasions, O ‘Brien was worried that Li Cheng would die suddenly during training!
With such high-intensity training, Li Cheng felt a little tired even though he had a "top basketball system".
However, Li’s achievements were soon adjusted. He hit two shots in a row and Granger Ibaka contributed four points. The Pacers took a lead of 6.
Then Li Cheng broke through to the low post and he was ready to play Barbosa alone.
"The sun line is too strong. Li Cheng didn’t run directly to the basket. It was a wise choice."
"No! Look at Li Cheng. He’s going to single Barbossa … I don’t remember Li Cheng having a low singles in the previous game! "
The commentator forced the doubts in his heart and focused his attention on the scene. At this time, Li Cheng’s mouth tilted slightly. "It’s time to show the training results these days."
Barbossa has been guarding against Li Cheng’s sudden turn and jump shot. He is very afraid of Li Cheng’s back jump shot.
Li became a back-slapper. Barbossa watched nervously as Li Cheng wanted Li Cheng to turn around, and he would go around to cover him. At this time, Hill had slowly approached from the side and was ready to double-team when Li Cheng turned around.
The low post is really small, so it is difficult to find and throw the ball if you want to be double-teamed here, and it will be very difficult to even think about the ball at that time.
But on the other hand, if the double-team player succeeds in getting the ball out in the low post, it is definitely a perfect attack opportunity.
The low double-team is a real double-edged sword, but even so, the low single is still an important part of all team tactics, because you want to win the championship, you must first have confidence in yourself.
You should believe that your team’s defense can kill the opponent and attack can break the opponent’s defense.
Because success in the low post almost represents a successful attack.
Li Cheng hit back, then he stopped dribbling and was ready to turn around. At this time, Barbossa and Hill accelerated the frequency of movement at the same time, and Barbossa was a little excited. It would be absolutely cool if he could successfully give Li Cheng a big hat.
Because Li Cheng is so famous now, many people want to achieve their fame by defeating Li Cheng.
But so far, all the people who blew up Li Cheng have just exchanged blows with Li Cheng, and no one can completely limit Li Cheng on the defensive end.
"I want to give you a big hat and I want headlines!" Barbossa was full of strength.
Barbossa was ready to go around Li Cheng to block the ball, and Li Cheng raised the ball above his head and made a shooting gesture, and Barbossa jumped up directly.
Barbossa’s reaction startled Li Chengdu. "Is my fake move so real?"
Li Cheng is one leng, Hill has been double-teamed, and he just missed a good opportunity, but Li Cheng doesn’t regret that his body then leans back.
"coming!" Great hill’s eyes flashed a tree.
Hill, who has washed away all the lead, is much older than Barbossa, and his footsteps follow Li Cheng back.
Li Cheng sighed that Hill was old, and then he made another shot, and then he leaned forward suddenly.
Now Barbossa’s position is a threat to Li Cheng, but Li Cheng has no intention of winning in the face of Hill. He is just bullying Hill.
If Hill is still young, Li Cheng will definitely be educated by this former "Jordan successor"
The most comfortable thing in life is to teach others to be human, but the most uncomfortable thing is to be taught to be human.
However, Hill didn’t have a chance to be Li Cheng today. He is really old and his body can’t keep up with Li Cheng’s rhythm.
At this time, Barbossa posted it again. Li Cheng turned around directly and immediately threw the ball to the basket after his body turned around.
"Education is generally low!"
"Li cheng should have this skill? This really surprises me. I won’t surprise Li Cheng this season, but now it seems that this guy is still surprising us. "
Stegen showed a satisfied smile when he saw Li Chengdong. "This guy has made rapid progress, but he should have made such progress because of his hard work."
Suns coach gentry smiled at Li Cheng’s singles on the sidelines. "The shooting guard in this league is really one after another. Kobe is getting old. This guy is out again. It seems that his low-post skills are not skilled but very standard. After that, his low-post skills are also issued. Can this league limit others?"
Gentry is now Nai Li Cheng, a lot of nba coaches in the future. This guy will be more and more east and west, and he will understand more and more.
Li Cheng’s low-post singles have aroused great cheers from fans in Cances Center, but Miller can’t understand anything, and Li Cheng has now shown such low-post skills on the spot.
Li Cheng’s potential now has surpassed Miller’s, but for Pacers fans, the stronger Li Cheng is, the more excited they are.
The Pacers took a 1-6 lead. They played very well today.
In recent games, the pacers have been able to play this game, which makes the fans very excited. This is the winning rhythm for them!
However, Shaq, the behemoth who once smashed the rebound line, educated hibbert, a rookie center of the Pacers, on his strength.
O’ Neill turned around strongly, and his massive body ran over hibbert directly, and then he dunked the ball into the basket with one hand.
O’ Neill seems to be waking up Indiana fans. Don’t be too happy. I haven’t lost my temper yet!
Then Granger’s basket was fanned out by a big hat of Stoudemire, and the sun’s morale soared instantly, and then they quickly attacked.
Barbossa and Hill quickly ran to the opposite basket, and Nash shook the ball over the ball and controlled it. Then he crossed the whole ball with a scalpel and came to Barbossa’s hand. Barbossa easily hit the Suns and equalized the score. To be continued.
Chapter 275 Crazy outbreak of the god of war shooting at the sun!
The Suns equalized the score by Barbossa, but this game, which was originally not expected by everyone, was splashed with sparks.

"If I can refine the jade dish and master this side of the world thoroughly, I am the master of the world, and even if Hongjun is reborn, it may not be my opponent." After more than 2,000 years, the sick madman began to act.

The flamingo escaped into the abyss of this world after being seriously injured by the attack of the bereavement maniac. The flamingo learned the array knowledge from Wang Gang. Although he was hunted by the bereavement maniac for more than 2,000 years, he is still alive. Not only that, but fallen angels’s strength is becoming more and more powerful.
The madman who can’t afford to be sick broadcasts the secret of becoming a god, portraying the fire crow and its forces as the most horrible evil. He is relying on the strength of human gods to compete with the fire crow, and in the process, he has found a way to refine the jade dish.
"If other gods attack, our gods may not be able to resist the loss of half of Gaoshen Pavilion," said the tall and muscular deities with heavy eyebrows and big eyes, who were worried.
Other gods nodded their heads when they heard this. New believers and new land should go to believe in Shinto. There is no god who doesn’t want to be linked to the power of gods because of believers.
But now it’s not Archaic. They have a god to seal the gods. It’s not a secret for the strong people in the main plane. Although there is a strong strangulation by the gods, there are still several people who have succeeded in sealing the gods and formed the Archaic gods more than those who are hostile to the sick.
"Hum!" A loud hum came from the mouth of the sick madman, and the gods were as white as lightning, and he was covered by the holy light, so it was not like a human scream to shout out from his mouth
The divine power of the clergy has appeared in the hands of the sick madman in an instant. Without the divine power to protect the man, a pool of red droplets burned wildly and disappeared in the extreme temperature of the sun, and even the soul did not escape.
"Remember, I’m not discussing with you. This is an order. Whoever dares to disobey Dongfang Hao is the other field." The insane voice is cold and complete, and the divine godhead in his hand is transformed into the most source energy into the power of refining, refining and making jade dishes.
"Now the horse gives me half of my heart and throws it into the main plane!" In the bereavement, all the gods’ faces are full of poverty and murderous sounds, with fear and hatred in their eyes, but they can obey the bereavement’s orders, resist the tearing of their souls, and send their souls into the main plane through the temple of the gods according to the requirements of the bereavement.
"You still have some time to wait for you. Everything is my energy to refine the jade dish of nature." When I feel that the refining degree of the jade dish of nature has deepened for a little while, the sick crazy face shows a gentle color and looks at the faces of all the gods here, but it is more vicious to turn my mind to the extreme.
"Little Firecrow, you are very good. You have made great progress in these years." You are still excited and sick when you realize that the soul sounds into the temple of the gods, and your face is cold and your scalp is numb.
"How could he still be alive! Impossible! " In those years when Wang Gang’s instrument became the main object, the sick man secretly went to the earth and found that the wilderness had disappeared. All the immortals became friends with tales of mystery.
After coming to the West for a while, the Empress Dowager searched the world and found no name of Hongjun. At that time, his heart was filled with ecstasy because these signs showed that his master Hongjun was really dead.
It is precisely because of this that he has the courage to sneak up on the fire crow, seize the jade dish of nature, broadcast it as a Shinto, and lure several gods into his refining and refining. The energy of the jade dish of nature remains to be continued.
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Chapter 73 Zixiao Palace is now
"You’re so disappointing, bereavement maniac!" In front of the bereaved, there was a wave. With the sound, Wang Gang appeared in casual clothes behind Wang Gang, followed by angry fire crows.
A flaming red hair and black tights will completely reveal the perfect figure. Although the face is angry, it is like the darling face of the world, which makes many gods forget their souls and lose their pain, and stare at the unique beauty of the flaming crow.
"disappointed? What are you, you? Are you still the natural enemy Hongjun? Reincarnated, you are nothing! Don’t you dare to come here today, you won’t want to leave. "In the heart of the sick madman who feels that Wang Gang has no strength, he is ecstatic than he. Wang Gang has just returned from reincarnation and has not recovered his strength, and he has lost all the instruments.
"If you don’t come to me, I’m sure I can’t find you. Since you’ve come to die yourself, that would be great. With your soul and blood, refining the jade dish can be shortened to a thousand years." The sick man burst out laughing wildly. He thought that every inch of Wang Gang’s body had been explored, and there was really no power!
"You really let me down," Wang Gang shook his head and said with no emotion in his eyes. "You are the first ray of light produced by heaven and earth. After listening to my sermon, you were born to spread a few rays of light, bringing warmth and vitality to people, but I didn’t expect you to be like this."
"When I preached in those days, I already said that believing in Shinto is simple and fast, but it is not the right way to practice. I didn’t expect you to practice Shinto one year later."
"I think your strength is estimated to reach the sacred realm in ten thousand years after my fall, right? But a few years later, you are still in this state, and the fire crow has been insisting on practicing. Although I designed the skills for her, I started to practice slowly, but now I am at the peak of Yasheng. Do you want to know anything? " Wang Gang’s eyes were filled with pity.
"Even if the fire crow becomes a saint, if I have mastered the jade dish now, I will launch the power of the jade dish, and you will also have a dead end." After listening to Wang Gang’s words, the sick madman seems to have been greatly stimulated and his face began to look crazy.
"Because your body is contaminated with too many causes and effects, you have been thinking about it. If you want to get others’ beliefs, but never think about feedback, if you want to break through the present realm, feedback from heaven and earth is your only way out. Everything you have, even your soul needs to return to heaven and earth, before you can truly become a Taoist." Wang Gang said with a sneer on his face, and everything Wang Gang said was true.
"Let you taste the power of the jade dish!" The sick man roared with all his strength and poured into the temple of the gods. Through the association between the temple of the gods and the jade dish, he wanted to start the road of the jade dish and kill Wang Gang with one blow
Wang Gang shook his head, and even the flamingo was full of pity. He looked at his face flushed and his strength was constantly being absorbed, but he was half-sick. "No, this is the master’s creation of the world. Even if you will refine the jade dish department when the master disappears completely, there will be no more!"
"It’s the owner’s things, even if heaven is robbing you, it’s you." In the sound of fire crow, a painful and extreme roar came from the mouth of the sick madman, and there was a mixture of begging for mercy
Wang Gang paid no attention to "I always said that every cause has its consequences. You planted it because now it’s time for you to bear the consequences!"
"This world is created by me, even if I should be robbed and fall, even if I have a little strength, no, I am still a heaven in this world. I want to be in this world. Don’t say that you are a little sage. Even if a saint comes, I can kill it with one eye. This is very simple. You can think of it, but cause and effect have blinded your eyes. Heaven and earth want you to die, so you can challenge me like a fool."
As Wang Gangyin’s body shriveled slowly, the divine power in his body disappeared completely, and everything returned to heaven and earth, and the soul and true spirit were completely turned to dust by Wang Gangyin’s hand.
Even the chance of reincarnation was deprived by Wang Gang. A faint light appeared and fell in Wang Gang’s hand when the bereaved disappeared. With a smile, he said to the fire crow, "Fire crow, you practice the fire on the fire avenue. This light is the first ray of light that has been produced for the first time. It contains the secrets of the light avenue. Take it and practice it well."
"Thank you, master" Firecrow is more excited than she is. Although she has made rapid progress, the light road is obscure than it is difficult to understand. If she gets the first ray of light that contains some laws of the light road, she will enter the realm of saints for thousands of years.
"This is because you don’t have to thank me for so many years. This thing can’t make up for it! Go and close it. Don’t come out until you reach the saint’s realm. I’ll accept you as your real avenue. "Watching Wang Gang, the fire crow, disappear with a smile.
If Firecrow hadn’t always adhered to his plan, Wang Gang wouldn’t have gotten the pre-dream deity. Although even without the deity, Wang Gang would gradually restore his memory, but he didn’t know how many years it would take when needed.
It can be said that the fire crow has made great contributions to it, which can be replaced. This is a cause and effect, and it is natural for Wang Gang to express it.
"What a pity!" Wang Gang looked back at his fear than looked at himself. The gods said, everyone can’t understand the vernacular, but they didn’t move the world. No matter where the gods disappeared from them, the divine power of the Ministry was also taken back by Wang Gang at the same time, and Wang Gang didn’t let go.
However, unlike the bereaved, the souls and true spirits of these people were sent to reincarnation by Wang Gang. After all the forces were recovered, the heavenly power was also made perfect by Wang Gang, and all the creatures in the world fell into a deep sleep in an instant. The jade dish with a diameter of 99 cm larger than the sun was brought into Wang Gang’s mind.
At last, a palace full of Taoist rhymes was left. Wang Gang’s face fell into Zixiao Palace with a nostalgic look, and he said with emotion, "Old friend finally sees you again."
"It’s a pity that I’ll never see it again." A statue is bigger than the original world. The murderous look brought by the falling sound from the virtual makes the virtual trembling heaven evade to be continued.
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Chapter 74 Destiny and Ghosts
After finishing this sentence, the monstrous figure shrank rapidly and finally became almost as tall as Wang Gang, wearing a colorful cassock face. Gu Zhuo’s face stepped into Zixiao Palace with a smile and appeared in front of Wang Gang.
"Long time no see, friends of destiny!" Wang Gang didn’t panic when he saw the fate of the three monsters. Instead, he smiled as if he hadn’t seen his old friends for years, and there was even a little expectation in it.
See Wang Gang sitting cross-legged in the hall of Zixiao Palace. How many years has it been without any hesitation? One hundred and ten yuan plus 16 million years is really long enough. If Pangu, a reckless man, was not desperate to open up the world, how could I be restricted by the avenue for so long and not be able to return to my birthplace? "
"It’s a pity that it has become like this now. If it weren’t for breath induction, I couldn’t find the place where the avenue gave birth to me." Fate’s face was full of emotion
"Daoyou came back this time?" Wang Gang, the power of fate, can’t figure it out, but he can roughly sense that the power of fate and ghosts is generally in the realm of human beings, and he is not as high-minded as he thinks.
It is precisely because of this that Wang Gang’s heart is greatly relieved. Wang Gang still has certain means to cope with it. Even if Pangu is resurrected, it is not necessarily an opponent of fate and ghosts.
Besides, the person with such strength is not the only one who is a ghost of fate, and sometimes there are two ghosts.
"Of course, I’ve come to wipe out the world. If I wake up Pangu’s reckless man, he won’t stop because I escaped and Pangu almost fell, old centipede. Are you going to protect the world now because you were killed by Pangu?" Destiny is not loud, but it contains determination and murder, but it is amazing.
"I have been a member of this world since it just appeared, and I have made several efforts in the development of the world!" Wang Gang looked at fate’s eyes and paused and continued, "Pangu is the creator of this world and I am the guardian of this world!" "
"Old centipede, do you know the price of fate with me?" In the eyes of fate, a colorful Tianhe appears, and the fate of both creatures and the world is in the colorful Tianhe, even Wang Gang appears in the colorful destiny river from time to time.
"Fate, if you can really master the fate of all beings, you can’t be here. You can’t scare me. If I were you, don’t start work. After starting work, there is no turning back. Although my chaotic magic body has become the cornerstone of the world, my soul has also come to the realm of human beings." Wang Gang was released by his department in an instant
A number of creatures appeared to worship Wang Gang, and even lifeless substances also appeared around Wang Gang. Even the world is a part of all beings.
Although there is no power to destroy the world in the imposing manner, it contains the artistic conception of all beings that has surpassed the world