"Ok, I’ll take you there and wait for you." Long Xiao decided.

From these days’ decisions, it’s also a little white, and it’s the biggest concession.
"Let’s leave the hospital at noon." Looking at Long Xiao with a smile, I expect him to order a noble head.
Long Xiaoding looked at her and couldn’t help smiling "good"
"Well," Wen Nian smiled and greedily watched Long Xiao eat. Long Xiao was compromised. "I’ll send you some soup to nourish your stomach later."
Wen Nian regretted touching himself a little bit. "Look, this is the double bar where you send soup to eat." These two dragons will send people to send soup and water, and sometimes they will accompany them to eat a little, and sometimes they will chat and supervise.
"Pay attention to your diet after discharge, and don’t let me ask someone to look after you." Long Xiao summed up the conversation lightly, packed up the lunch box and explained when he left, "What kind of clothes do you want?"
Wen Nian looks at his patient’s "whatever" and enjoys the sunshine coming in at the bedside, and beckons him to play with his mobile phone.
"I’ll pick you up this afternoon."
Long Xiao left and stayed at noon for an hour at most every day to have a meal and ask the doctor about his recovery. He couldn’t say a few words to Wen Nian.
Wen Nian is a little deliberately not to think about it. Long Xiao chats with Li Xiaoxiao every day, talks with coach Luo, calls home, and is recited by his mother. After watching all the films in the past three or four years, he finally waits until he can be discharged.
After discharge, I have to face things a little upset, a little uncomfortable, and I have no plans at all. I don’t want to keep fit and sleep every day.
At two o’clock in the afternoon, a thin girl came. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, carrying a small bag.
"Hello, is this Wen Nian?" The girl is very polite and cultured, and her voice is soft and gentle, and she feels good about her.
"It’s me. And you are?"
"My name is Heninglong Xiao, and let me send you something." The girl smiled gently, shallow and just right, and when she listened to it, she suddenly gave birth to an inferiority complex.
I’m a little embarrassed to say thank you for picking up Bao Hening. I’m a little embarrassed to take out a whole set of clothes from the inside out and read them from the inside out.
"You try it first, and I’ll go through the discharge formalities." Hening smiled like comfort, like understanding what Wen Nian thought. Wen Nian nodded and could feel his face burning.
What? What happened? Wen nian is embarrassed. What are you embarrassed about?
It’s very suitable to change clothes quickly, and the size of clothes and short-sleeved plates are very popular. I took a photo with my mobile phone and looked at the face that was not outstanding on the screen and was a little disappointed.
Henning Long Xiao asked her to come? They … What? How can you care so much?
It took more than half an hour for Henning to come back with a big bag of Chinese medicine in his hand. "The formalities are all done. Long Xiao said that you should wait for him here. These are some tonics. You have them with you."
"Then I’ll go first. Goodbye." Hening’s direct soft words surprised Wen Nian, but she felt like a kid in front of her and still felt a little uncomfortable.
"Yeah, yeah, thank you for your trouble."
"It’s okay not to send goodbye."
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 2 Feeling Seconded
"Then I’ll go first. Goodbye." Hening’s direct soft words surprised Wen Nian, but she felt like a kid in front of her and still felt a little uncomfortable.
"Yeah, yeah, thank you for your trouble."
"It’s okay not to send goodbye." Hening still smiled and said goodbye when she first came. Seeing that she didn’t hate herself very much, she was busy walking and didn’t worry about waving goodbye.
I sat in bed, put my medicine and my cell phone charger in, and looked around. I didn’t want to pack anything before I realized that waiting for someone was still so hard, even waiting for my boyfriend.
I think that I always feel very cultured and temperament when I saw Hening just now. What is my girl and Long Xiao? No, you can’t be so narrow-minded and blind. Is that still you?
Even boyfriends have their own private lives and social circles. You can’t think about it because you didn’t ask. By the way, when you meet, you have to ask about the situation. You can’t still know nothing like this, or you can’t live your own life if you come to Zhang Ning and Li Jing.
Thinking about the fact that Long Xiao is her boyfriend is a little unrealistic. I don’t know him at all, and he doesn’t know his sexuality … Is this really a relationship? It’s really different from others
How do you calculate that you have been alone for ten days? Wen Nian and Long Xiao didn’t even ask each other about their family situation. Wen Nian didn’t delve into the ambiguous meaning of Long Xiao’s saying that his job is to process documents.
Maybe it’s because neither of them has experience, or maybe Wen Niantai can’t communicate with others, or Long Xiao forgot … Wen Nian is very good at comforting himself. Before he found the news in Baidu, he forgot it long ago. Now he wants to forget that he can’t interfere too much with his boyfriend’s social problems, and then he goes to ask Li Xiaoxiao if he has any good cartoons and movies.
It’s only 4: 30 after watching a movie. According to usual, it will take an hour for Long Xiao to come to Wennian. I can’t wait to call Long Xiao. When no one answers, I send a text message and leave with my things.
Whether you have a boyfriend or not, it is still very unpretentious to do things by yourself. Even if you marry Gao Fushuai, you still have to work hard to find a way to firmly tie him down. Girls who don’t rely on themselves are doomed to suffer.
Take a taxi directly to the stadium and go back to your dormitory to rest for a while. Tell Xiaowen that the conversation is almost seven o’clock.

Breaking the waves while attacking Wang Yue crazily laughed. "Wang Yue, you have already developed the five-lei Hua-pole hand boxing, and it has reached an incredible realm. You also have immortality, but you can escape like a mouse before the power, but it will be interesting to see if you can escape." Ha ha … "

I can’t get Wang Yue to break the waves for a while, and I’m not in a hurry. Anyway, Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are all here today, so they will all be killed.
Duanlang has absolute confidence in his martial arts. He believes that he is the first warrior in China.
Wang Yue’s heart is a little discouraged and his power to break the waves is too strong, which is three times that of himself. Wang Yue can avoid it with a palm, but the aftermath of that palm can still make Wang Yue’s blood fluctuate, and Wang Yue will be unbearable when he grows up.
If two people are evenly matched, it will be very difficult for one party to win, not to mention that the strength difference is three times. If Wang Yue is hit by a broken wave, even if Wang Yue has a spirit and a family boxing, he will be shocked to death.
"If you can’t go like this, the energy consumption of breath will be too fast, and my strength will be exhausted when I fight for one or two sticks of incense." Wang Yue’s expression is cold and his eyes are calm and intelligent, but his heart is secretly anxious.
Although it is said that the fighters in the realm of ghosts and gods can do their best, it is relatively impossible to do their best, of course, especially in desperate situations, the energy consumption of qi and blood has reached a horrible level
Wang Yue’s heart was secretly anxious, and Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s heart was in their throats.
Wang Yue is like a boat in the waves, which will be swallowed up by the palm force if he is not careful.
Wang Yue’s shaky situation seems to be doomed at any moment.
Nie Feng pulled out the snow drinking knife and said coldly, "Brother Yun, Uncle Wang is too dangerous. We must do it."
Bu Jingyun nodded, "Good display of Moke quantity".
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s swords combined to display the Moke quantity.
This move is very powerful, and the waves are shocked when the battle is interrupted.
Breaking the waves, hitting a palm and twisting, Wang Yue was knocked back.
"Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, you two can’t wait to die. I’m going to kill Wang Yue first to let you live longer, but since you want to die, I’ll be you."
Breaking the waves and yelling at each other blocked Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s "Moke quantity"
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were knocked back by the earthquake, and they vomited one mouthful blood and were injured, but the broken waves remained as firm as a rock and did not move.
"The seat is the most powerful warrior in China, even if Indra Tianshi is not my opponent, not to mention the two of you." Broken waves laughed. "Bu Jingyun Nie Feng, didn’t you look down on me? Now you are going to die in my hands. Who are you to look down on me? "
Bu Jingyun glanced at the blood-red animal paw and sneered, "No matter how strong your martial arts are, you have not become a half-man, half-beast monster! Are you still a person now? "
The scarlet light in Duanlang’s eyes flashed and roared, "Bu Jingyun, you want to die!"
Swallowed two dragon yuan, although the capability increased greatly, it turned into a half-man, half-beast monster, which made the broken waves bitter. Now Bu Jingyun’s irony made the broken waves angry from embarrassment.
Breaking the waves and getting angry, blood-red claws are all over Long Lin, as if he really wants to become a dragon’s claw
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, armed with a dignified face, turned the true qi to perfection.
Breaking the waves and roaring, he will kill Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng in one fell swoop.
At this moment, Wang Yueda said, "Your opponent is me, and I will teach you a profound lesson even if I pay a great price today."
Wang Yue drew his sword and pointed it at the broken waves.
Broken waves crazy laughed "fencing? Wang Yue, your five-element fencing can’t even break my defense, can you? It’s crazy that you want to hurt me with fencing now. "
Wang Yue said coldly, "You won’t know until you try."
Wang Yue’s realm of kendo transcends the "unity of man and sword", but can it break the waves to defend Wang Yue’s heart? The power of breaking the waves is too strong to compare with that of the Dragon.
Wang Yuehua rushed to the broken waves with a streamer, and the sword in his hand was so dull. The speed of stabbing the sword was extremely fast, but it felt quite slow. Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun could see every change of Chu Wangyue’s sword. This contradiction made people feel upset and want to vomit.
Broken waves face a change Wang Yue this ordinary sword only he knows how terrible.
Breaking the waves wants to flash, but it is in vain to avoid this sword.
A light ring Wang Yue sword crossed the broken wave chest and arm.
I didn’t know I was really cheated until I felt pain and waves.
Breaking the waves and hitting Wang Yue in the chest, Wang Yue flew back.
"Uncle Wang" Nie Feng shouted.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun caught the seriously injured Wang Yue with a ghosting image.
Wang Yue’s mouth was pale and weak with the divine light in his blood eyes. "Let’s hurry or we won’t be able to leave."
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun nodded and soon disappeared from the sky.
Broken waves looked down at the sword marks and blood stains on his chest and said in shock, "Wang Yue actually broke through my immortality. What fencing is he?"
Wang Yue’s sword can easily kill the strong in the late stage of the ghost territory, and even the strong in the peak of the ghost territory can be seriously injured. This fencing is really powerful and incredible.
"This swordsmanship is stronger than that of a famous Wan Jian." Broken waves spit out one mouthful blood with fear in their eyes.
"Wang Yue Wang Yue, you are seriously injured, and I am waiting for you to be healed. I will dismember you, and the twin cities will also leave no chickens and dogs." Breaking the waves and staring at Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun disappeared safely and roared.
A hundred years ago, a talented warrior Woody appeared in the Wu family, but when Wu defeated Indra, he disappeared, and he founded SHIN Gong, but left the Wu family.
Proud to kill the Wu family, the Lord let the talented "Xiaowu" escape from the secret passage with his family’s SHIN Gong, while others died.
The last man who killed the Wu family felt the earth shake slightly, which came from far away to kill the fluctuation.
"It’s a wave-breaking battle", and I’m proud to be determined to go back to the tunnel
At this moment, a sword of light appeared in the Takeshi.

Mo Yang likes Lou Ming and Gu Jin touches his little head, which feels very kind. His biological father would never do such intimate behavior. Now his biological father is blurred in his mind.

"Big is coming," Lou Ma put the fruit bowl in her hand on the coffee table.
Gu Jin chatted with Lou Ma for a few words. Lou family all know that Gu Jin’s mind is now full of Lou Qin. Lou Ma turned to Lou Qin and said, "Don’t stay at home all day and watch your brother. You also know to go out and play. Don’t be angry at home."
Lou Qin pretends to have no spirit. "I’m a little tired and I want to go out."
Oblivious gu jinze
Xiao Moyang looked up at the faces of the adults and suddenly ran to the front of Louqin, the main building, and took her hand. "Mom, the children all said that the playground is fun. I haven’t been to it yet. Can mom take me there?"
Lou Qin "…"
Gu Jin is really more and more interested in Mo Yang.
Lou Ma laughed, "Yangyang came to grandma to change clothes for you to play with."
The little guy is now wearing a small handmade suit, and a small trumpet is ringing.
Ink Yang Cong didn’t wait for Louqin to take Louma’s hand and went to his room at the moment.
Narrow-minded thief
Louqin is crying to death. She is wronged in her heart.
Gu Jin pressed her back a few steps ago. "Be obedient, huh?"
The deep’ well’ turns a thousand times and Lou Qin feels uncomfortable all over.
Section 115
A ready-made family of three is active in the playground, and Moyang wants to shout excitedly.
After a long time, Louqin was infected by Moyang and laughed.
In fact, pregnant women are not as delicate as they think, so it is good to pay attention to themselves.
In addition to the particularly thrilling project, Louqin played with Moyang.
Other screaming journeys were accompanied by Gu Jinze.
In the eyes of outsiders, this beautiful family of three and the baby in the belly have become a landscape.
Many people took photos and went to their circle of friends to envy and show off.
On the way home from the amusement park, Lou Qin and Mo Yang both fell asleep with their eyes closed. Gu Jin looked in the mirror and felt a warm current surging in his heart. He liked this feeling.
Lou Qin received Tao jargon after work on Tuesday evening, so he met someone he hadn’t seen for a long time.
When Lou Qin arrived at’ Qi’, Tao Hang was already there.
He sat in a chair and didn’t laugh. Lou Qin’s eyes were strange and he smiled meaningfully.
"What’s so funny?" Lou Qin asked him
TaoHang sighed "alas! No fate! "
Louqin smiled this time, and she more or less recognized Taohang’s jokes.
Tao Xingzhi said that Lou Qin was pregnant and ordered meals before she came, all of which were suitable for pregnant women.
Eating Taohang sighed with emotion, "I would have waited if I had known you would divorce Alie."
Lou Qin wondered Tao Hang sighed again, "I just married a foreign wife abroad next month."
Lou Qin has a blessing smile on his face. "Congratulations!"
Tao Hang glared at her. "I’ll get a divorce another day."
Louqin shakes his head
"I’m serious," Tao added.
"No, I don’t want to be a sinner."
After all, Taohang is a special place for Louqin, and there is no pressure for her to express herself naturally in front of Taohang.
When I was ready to leave after dinner, Tao Xing asked Lou Qin, "Do you think we really have no fate?"
Lou Qin quickly said, "When will you call your family to have dinner together?"
Tao Hang didn’t answer Lou Qin’s words. "You see, the first time I came here, it was a za a pair who got involved in the proof. This time, if I knew what Alie said about divorcing you, I wouldn’t marry anyone else."

Wang Yue shook his hand and smiled. "Don’t bother at home."

"Village head, I have something to tell."
Xiao Huan’s face suddenly became very serious. "When I was away from Da Liao, Xia Daxia said that you killed nearly 10,000 Da Liao soldiers. The whole Da Liao shook and Da Liao wouldn’t let it go. Da Liao’s master and recluse master have gone south to seek revenge from the village chief."
Wang Yue face a change.
A Bi was worried and asked, "What happened to Brother Wang Yue?"
"They have arrived" Wang Yue cold way.
Wang Yue’s voice did not fall, but he has left the courtyard.
A Bi worried that "Xiaohuan, let’s go out and have a look."
When A Bi and Xiao Huan came out, three people in the courtyard surrounded Wang Yue.
Although A Bi and Xiao Huan can’t see the depth of these three people’s training, we can guess from their momentum that they are all master fighters.
"Are you Wang Yue?"
An old man with a long sword spoke.
This is a sword master, Wang Yue, who can feel the sword awn flashing in his eyes at that time.
Another white-haired old man has a fine breath and a profound skill. He is still in Li Qiushui only for his skill training.
The last one was a middle-aged man with steady footwork. Wang Yue knew at a glance that this man had extremely high flying skills and overbearing leg skills.
Wang Yue sneered, "The three of you came to see me, and I’m afraid you’ve already investigated my affairs. Cut the crap and let’s solve it somewhere else."
Wang Yue cast Yu step and ran outside Wang Jiacun.
Four people are extremely superior Wang Jiacun but can’t stand them.
Three people with Wang Yue behind out of Wang Jiacun.
Wang Yue secretly observed the three secret passages in his heart as he ran. "These three old guys are really amazing. Every one of them can beat Li Qiushui. If my mental strength and martial arts realm have not broken through, I will definitely have no hope of survival, but now it is another matter."
Wang Yue Da Liao grassland realized the meaning of family boxing. Although it has not yet become a Dan Jin fighter, it is also a step into this realm.
Now Wang Yue is worthy of the name.
What’s more, Wang Yue still has that magical heart.
"Here it is."
Wang Yue stopped and came here. It is a place suitable for fighting because of its vast terrain and no human habitation.
"From a small point of view, you want to choose your burial place here." The middle-aged man with strong flying skills and legs laughed. "Nice place. It’s a good place. It’s a treasure trove of geomantic omen."
Three Liao masters surrounded Wang Yue again.
Although they talk easily, they are cautious in their actions. After all, Wang Yue and their level master Da Liao killed nearly 10,000 soldiers, but they can’t do anything false.
Wanjun killed nearly 10,000 people from it, and then from the distance, the three of them were powerful, but they may not be able to do it.
Wang Yue slowly mobilized his qi and blood energy and laughed. "The three seniors don’t argue with each other. If you really have the confidence to kill me, you won’t join hands with me. Wang Yue and you are resentful. Are you coming to trouble me?"
Sword old man sneer at a way "resentments? It’s ridiculous, Wang Yue. You killed nearly 10,000 troops in the Liao Dynasty. This blood feud alone is enough for you to die ten times. I, the Wolf God in the Liao Dynasty, and your six door masters in the Song Dynasty and the one in Xixia, have agreed that master fighters can’t assassinate the emperor from ordinary soldiers. You actually killed me in the Liao Dynasty. At an early age, your martial arts were superb and you became the top strong among master fighters. I don’t believe that your master didn’t tell you this. "
The Wolf God of the Liao Dynasty and the Six Door Masters of the Song Dynasty, Xixia One Door Masters, are all powerful beyond the master. They were already great masters 50 years ago, and now they don’t know what kind of realm they have reached.
Wang Yue is also the first time to hear that there are masters beyond the master level in the Liao, Song and Xixia Dynasties.
Come to Wang Yue and guess that the great master fighters in this Jianghu are afraid that there is a sweeping monk in Shaolin Temple.
However, if you think about it carefully, you will be relieved. After all, it is impossible for a country’s royal family to have no masters.
If Xixia had no great master fighters, even Li Qiushui would have subverted Xixia decades ago.

Her mind is in a mess. She keeps cutting her mind. Just now, when Liu Bai pointed a gun at Hua Wenxuan, Shen Xintang was so nervous that she was afraid that Liu Bai would make a mistake … She could not bear to die at Hua Wenxuan, but she didn’t want Liu Bai to make such a big mistake.

Just as he said that it is not a good habit to slap people in the face at every turn, it is not a good habit for him to draw a gun at every turn.
Shen Xintang tilted his head to discuss this matter with him, only to find that the fellow was asleep with his eyes closed and his eyebrows tight, but his breathing was even and he snored.
Shen Xintang first sighed in his mind and then looked at it. It turned out that he didn’t sleep well last night, otherwise he wouldn’t fall asleep so soon.
Although there is heating in the room, I’m afraid he will still catch cold if he sleeps like this. She rolled over and sat up and was about to be led to cover him. Suddenly he opened his eyes and grabbed her hand. "Where are you going?"
"I didn’t want to go anywhere to see you so tired. I wanted you to sleep with a good cover." She lowered her eyes to cover up her guilty feelings. Anyway, he didn’t sleep last night because of her.
"Well, come and sleep with us!" His words became gentle and his eyes were pleading. "Let me hold you and let me feel that you will run away quietly when I am awake, not to mention that I am asleep. I am afraid that you will be gone when I wake up. Only when I feel that you are here can I sleep soundly."
She stole a look at him. He looked at her so piteously. Her face was always in high spirits and tired. His touching words just now still hit her heart. She was always ruthless.
"Okay, I’m right here. I promise I won’t leave. Go to sleep!" She vowed to wait until he had enough sleep and spirit to talk about breaking up!
"Don’t let me sleep with you. Don’t worry, I won’t touch you!" He took the initiative to get into bed and lifted the corner next to him and patted the pillow to signal her to go "hurry up! Wait until you wake up and have lunch! "
Shen Xintang hesitated. She knows this man. He is a first-class pester. If she doesn’t promise him, she can always cling to you.
Since you can’t beat him, you can compromise with him
Shen Xintang took off his shoes, but he didn’t undress. He lay directly on the other side, but he lay on the edge of the bed as much as possible.
Liu Bai just smiled like a rewarded child, slipped off his coat and lay down contentedly, and tried to lean towards her and put his hand on her waist.
☆, Chapter 249 Sleep together ☆.
Even through a thick down coat, Shen Xintang is still stiff and wants to move a little further, but he is already on the edge and can’t move any more, so he has to wait patiently for him to fall asleep early.
Who knows that fellow stretched out his hand and groped around in the quilt. He was not obscene, but he made her feel uncomfortable with the heating and wearing a thick coat. Shen Xintang felt that she seemed to be sweating.
"Hey, do you sleep or not?" She lifted the quilt, sat up, glared at him angrily, and exhaled that it was too hot. "If you don’t sleep, we’ll talk about it."
"Sleep! Sleep! I’m so tired! " He smiled and his fingers touched the wrist of her right hand. Even though he was stuffed with down sleeves, she should be very painful, right? "I want to see your wrist. Did I pinch you just now?"
As he said this, people sat up with him and were about to take off her coat.
"What are you doing?" Shen Xintang hurriedly protected his chest and stared at him nervously. Did you show your true colors? You just said you wouldn’t touch him?
"It’s hot in the room. Please take off your coat. Don’t turn around and catch a cold again." He said confidently. His eyes are quiet and sincere, and there are no other desires and distractions. "By the way, let me look at your wrist. I must have been bruised just now."
So when he said that, his eyebrows were still tight, and he felt guilty and distressed from the heart.
"You know that, too?" Shen Xintang left the pie mouth. First, because it was really hot, and second, she wanted to see what her wrist looked like. It really hurt her to tears. She took off her coat by herself, and then pulled the sweater and warm clothes sleeves. Sure enough, a circle of finger marks and bruises on her right wrist made her grin with pain.
"Please don’t pinch my wrist every time, and you will pinch it off one day!" She lovingly blew on the sore spot and scolded him discontentedly
"Well, I won’t pinch!" He looked at her with an emotional smile and his eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky. Because she said "time" and "one day", she couldn’t help but talk about their future … She suddenly said that breaking up today really shocked him and made him angry. He didn’t even think about it, let alone let him accept it? !
"I’m sorry, miss white and tender wrist. I hurt you and I won’t pinch you again, okay?" He gently took her by the wrist, kissed her gently at the bruise, and said solemnly, "Tell your master that I won’t dare again. I won’t pinch you again if I get angry again. I will pinch myself!"
Looking at his sincere and gentle appearance, he is a little cute and cute when he is emotional. She can’t help but bend her mouth.
"Well, aren’t you tired? Go to sleep for a while! " She pulled back her hand and fell asleep again, still clinging to the edge of the bed.
"Well, good!" He gently replied and soon came close, still clasping his hand around her waist. Without the heavy down, it seemed to be closer to her body, but it reduced her discomfort. He just put his hand on her waist but never moved restlessly again.
He should put away his thoughts and let himself fall asleep early, otherwise he will be animal and unable to control himself later, and he seems to have found that whenever he wants to have that idea, they will both have some unpleasant changes.
Forget it, to avoid similar incidents from happening again, he still has to endure waiting for their wedding night!
"Fox, I’ll go to your hometown with you. Can I visit my future parents-in-law?" His breath blew just above her head, which made her head itch.
Shen Xintang heard that his body was frozen and silent for a while. When she wanted to make excuses, his ear came again. He snored slightly.
He had a good sleep until two o’clock in the afternoon.
Shen Xintang also slept in a daze for a while, and then he groped to take off his sweater because it was too hot, and because he slept in a posture for a long time, his body turned sideways automatically and consciously, and he surrounded her from behind and turned her into a hug with him and fell asleep.
Fortunately, she woke up before him, and when she opened her eyes and saw that she was clinging to his chest, she quickly turned to pretend that nothing had happened.
While Liu Bai although eyes didn’t open your mouth, but involuntarily escape with a smile.
Shen Xintang lay down for a while again, but she couldn’t sleep. She cried loudly in her stomach, so she got up softly and slipped into a sweater and poured a glass of water in the water dispenser outside.
I don’t know what happened to Hua Wenxuan, but she was worried to know that she came all the way here and got a gun butt. It was really a disaster.
She took a cup to the bedroom and glanced at Liu Bai. She still kept her original posture and slept like a log.
Shen Xintang this just took the mobile phone to send text messages to HuaWenXuan outside "are you ok? I’m sorry about today. I’ll apologize to you personally when I get back to the sea. "
"I’m okay. What about you? He didn’t trouble you, did he? " The text message replied quickly, "It’s not your fault if you don’t apologize to me. Come with me, Tang. I don’t want to give you up to him!"
Shen Xintang was just about to reply that Liu Bai had woken up and ran out barefoot. When she saw her leaning against the window, she was relieved, as if "Thank God you are still there!" Then I strode towards her and took her in my arms as if she were a treasure. "Promise me you won’t leave me and don’t break up easily. You said we would have a generation, and I always keep it in mind! You said that if I failed you, you would kill me and go to the grave with me, and I would do the same if you abandoned me! "
"Lu Bai, let’s sit down and talk about it!" She struggled from his arms and looked at him unsmiling.
He immediately smiled casually in a panic. "Wait for me. I’ll get dressed first. You must be hungry, right? Shall we go to eat first? If you have something to say, you will have the strength to say it when you are full! "
He finished his sentence quickly, then turned back to the bedroom, got dressed, and brought her coat when he came out. He personally put on her coat, zipped up her bib and put on her hat. Only then did he satisfactorily lead her out of the door, and his snow boots creaked on three inches of snow.
After eating a hot mutton pot, I became warm all over.
Because Lu Bai said that he would go to Shen Xintang’s hometown the next day, he called someone to help her buy two tickets for the Chongqing-bound bullet train. The weather was bad and the plane was difficult to travel, and it was hard to get a ticket for the Spring Festival travel rush train. As a result, it was only five minutes after he finished the call that he replied that the tickets had been bought.
Since I want to go to her hometown, I naturally have to go back to her home to report to my parents. Besides, I have to prepare a personal belongings to visit my home. When I need something, Lu Bai plans to go home after eating a good meal and a good horse.
"Lu Bai!" Looking at talking to himself, Liu Bai Shen Xintang sighed, "We …"
"Don’t say it!" He reached a forbidden gesture with a serious face. "Don’t say it! Absolutely not. I disagree! The thing today is that I can be angry with you and punish me, but I can’t stand not saying anything or letting go! "
"Well, let’s not break up." Shen Xintang gave in a step. "Let’s calm down first! Just I also go home for the Spring Festival, and you also stay at home for the Spring Festival and return to the sea after the Spring Festival. If we … "
"no!" This proposal was also rejected by him. "I’m used to being with you. If I don’t see you one day, I won’t be able to get up. I’ll go back with you!"
The most important thing is that Hua Wenxuan will definitely go back to Chengdu for the Spring Festival. It is very convenient for him to go to Shen Xintang’s house then, and Shenyang parents like him. What if Shenyang parents make a decision and let them register directly with the Civil Affairs Bureau?
No, no, even if it’s a million to one, he can never let it happen.
As a result, this problem has been discussed all the time, and the final result has not been reached yet. Shen Xintang will not let go and refuse him to go home with her. Later, Lu Bai stopped the car at the roadside of the county road without letting her go. He simply took out a cigarette and lit a fire, smoking sullenly.
A choking smell of smoke suddenly rose in the closed carriage. Shen Xintang pressed his head out of the window to breathe cold and fresh air.
She remembers that when they first met, Lu Bai went to Lao Yang’s shop to buy cigarettes. She ate too much that night and walked to the river. She also saw him sitting alone on the stone steps by the river and smoking. But later, every time he appeared in front of her, she never saw him smoking, which shows that he always respected her and smoked directly in front of her like this, which shows her bad mood.
"Liu Bai, we are all adults. Don’t be emotional like children." Shen Xintang was almost thirsty, so she said it many times today. "We are really not suitable for being together. You feel tired and I am tired. If you don’t let each other off earlier …"
Shen Xintang’s words are still unfinished. Liu Bai has hit the window glass with a punch. Fortunately, the thick glass was shocked, but Shen Xintang was shocked.
☆, Chapter 25 Go home☆.
"I already apologized for my mistake yesterday. What else do you want?" Lu Baimian was a little distorted by anger. "I have never been angry with others. I have apologized to you for a few times. Can’t you be a little more generous?" Why do you keep clinging to this mistake? Is it that we are not suitable or that you simply don’t want to be with me? Have you already made an appointment with Hua Wenxuan to go home together before you agree to let me go back with you? "

Linghu was beaten back without responding, and rolled several times, and her right cheek was swollen!

Chapter one thousand one hundred and seventy-one Powerful mahogany
"This …"
"Is Emoko careless?"
"I think so. Why else would he be hit by a little doll?"
Linghu shook his head and got up, panting slightly, and gradually slowed down.
"Little doll, you annoy me!"
Linghu stared at the nearby children and said ruthlessly
This kind of physical blow is still the second time.
Mainly in front of monkeys and others, he was punched in the face by a child. It’s a shame!
Linghu’s body flashes and bursts with qi and blood, surrounded by a series of thunder, which exudes the unique domineering majesty of the tiger family!
Linghu growled at the child.
The wind is howling!
"You are so noisy!"
Children frowned a little angry.
He was going to teach a Linghu a lesson. Unexpectedly, the Linghu got up and yelled at him, which made him very upset.
Linghu felt that flower girl had disappeared at the moment!
So fast!
Linghu’s heart sank and he didn’t want to wave his hand and burst into thunder.
Before Linghu’s fist touched the children’s clothes, his cheek was hit hard again!
It was after a while that Linghu realized that he had been punched away by a child again!
When he got up from the ground, his cheeks swelled up on both sides and became a veritable’ tiger head’
This time the monkey and others didn’t laugh.
They have a high eye for the number of battles, and naturally they can see clearly that this child looks pure and lovely, but this fighting capacity is extremely horrible!
There aren’t many demon families who can beat Linghu in the same order.
Although Linghu is not at its peak when it is not incarnated, this child is also in Terran form.
"a little interesting"
The monkey smacked his lips and passed a trace of fighting spirit in his eyes.
His favorite thing in life is fighting!
When he first met Su Mo, he lived in the cave for half a year and played almost every day.
Nowadays, seeing that children are good at fighting, monkeys have one’s fingers itch.
"Little doll monkey brother comes to play with you!"
The monkey grinned and tiptoed past, and an evil spirit came out of his hairy palm and grabbed it at the child.
Children also seem to see that the monkey’s means are not weak, and his face is hard to cope with.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Children and monkeys struggle three times in a row, but they don’t fall in the wind!
The monkey was also worried about hurting the child.
However, the strength of the two men’s continuous hard-shaking monkey body has been rising to the end, and it is hard to push the boy back!
And the monkey faintly feels that the child seems to have spare capacity!
Monkeys are afraid to see and hunt, and they will never leave their hands to break out and fight together!
"Whose doll is this so powerful at a young age?"
Qingqing was greatly puzzled in his heart.
You know, among the seven brothers, the monkey ranks third in combat power, but how can this little doll be so powerful?
"Can you see something, Bachelor?"
Qingqing raised eyebrows and asked
The night spirit mused a little, "Peach wood is extremely powerful. In Archaean times, it was called dragon wood, ghost wood and many races called fairy wood."
You can imagine the power of descending dragons, exorcising evil spirits and exorcising ghosts!
"So powerful?"
Qingqing secretly stunned.
Cocoa doubts in the heart can’t help but say, "But it’s rare to see a peach tree psychic in the demon domain. Even if it’s psychic, it’s rare to practice to this state, let alone have such a powerful force."
"It depends on whether peach trees are psychic," said Ye Ling.

She can’t get out of screamo temple, but she knows a lot about things outside.

"It’s so famous, it’s hard to know …" Ji Yue suddenly reacted. "Are you trying to say that there are martial arts experts around her?"
"Should be" the nangongshan cold city frowned slightly uncomfortable.
Ji Yue’s mind has turned a few times. It seems that the plan needs to be adjusted. "It’s not nervous. There are rules in the rivers and lakes, and the rules in the court will not be easily crossed."
If you cross the line, it will cause public outrage.
If someone comes to assassinate her princess, it will lead to crazy revenge in court.
Everyone knows this truth, but Nangong Hanxi always feels that they will be worried about "I am still very worried."
Ji Yue didn’t good the spirit turned a supercilious look. "I’m in the house. I’m worried."
第911章 层出不穷手段
Followers bobbing "isn’t it simple? You want to take the opportunity to depend on my young master. There are so many tricks. "
I don’t know where I came from, but I’m particularly arrogant.
Half autumn flew into a rage "routine? Hehe, your master wants to touch porcelain. "
She is not easy to mess with.
Attendant for a stay "touch porcelain? What do you mean? "
Banqiu was very rude and scolded, "It’s a rotten crock that insists on putting precious porcelain on it and deliberately smashing it to blackmail you. It’s really amazing that you don’t take the right path."
The entourage was angry and angry, but I didn’t know what to think of. "Ha, ha, ha, that’s so funny. Do you know who my master is? How noble is the birth? "
Half autumn root can’t read "speaking is better than singing, but who will believe it?" What can people show off if they can’t even get 100 thousand silver? "
This is embarrassing. The entourage is angry. Who will have nothing to do with so much money?
Besides, if you don’t touch it, you need 100 thousand taels of silver. Are you kidding?
He was very angry and pushed back. "Then you will have money? You’d take it out and let everyone see it. "
Half autumn casually pulled out a pile of silver tickets is 1200. "The dog sees people look down and see clearly that this is 202,000 silver!"
It feels good to hit people with money with deep pockets.
"…" The other side was dumbfounded.
The young man shouted, "Don’t make trouble with the breeze. This young lady is me. Please forgive me if the money will be delivered later."
Gentle and personable, there is a pleasing elegance in your gestures.
Pian Pian Gong is the dream of several girls.
But Ji Yue is disdainful and slightly headed, "Go and kneel down."
Dignity is as high as an emperor.

If he was radiant six months ago,

After half a year, he is as deep as the sea and unpredictable.
Cold soft landing slowly removed fly sword came to the blue man nodded his head.
Xiaopang winked at the blue man behind him. Although there was no sound, he could see from his mouth that he meant "Look at enough surprises!"
The blue man smiled at Leng Rou and nodded, "I have seen Leng Shifu."
The five peaks are ranked according to the order when they entered the clan.
But all trial brothers should call their brothers or sisters when they meet their cousins.
Liu Yangrong and Jin Banzhong were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.
The cold and soft clan is notoriously indifferent to others.
Where have they ever seen Lengrou say hello to a disciple who is still a trial brother?
Liu Yangrong and Jin didn’t intend to land, but at this time they tacitly came to the ground at the same time.
"Who is this trial brother?" Liu Yangrong deliberately put the word "trial brother" very seriously and seemingly casually asked
Xiao Pang quickly introduced, "This is Brother Lu Yangrong and this is Brother Jin."
The blue man smiled and said, "Su Mo has seen two senior brothers."
Two people look a pupil contraction slightly.
Su Mo said these three words, and the scene suddenly went quiet!
Name tree shadow
There are still some disciples who have never seen Sumo people after Wufeng’s artistic performance, but they have never heard of this name, but they can’t find the second one.
The first of the four peaks is unprecedented!
Condensing the gas, but crossing the big realm, defeating the opponents of the building foundation.
And this opponent is now in the limelight and has become the first person in the door!
Half a year ago, after World War I, many younger brothers came to Qifeng to meet the Sumerians, but they pounced.
Then I learned that Su Mo’s acrobatics was possessed by Lei Yin Valley and everyone paid a smile, so it was no longer a heart.
Everyone knows that it was promoted by Lei Yin Valley Middle School.
Even if the genius is not allowed to build roads there within a time limit, it is equivalent to waste.
"This Sumo was released only in the past six months?"
Liu Yangrong and Jin secretly lose heart.
It’s only a matter of time before Sumo showed his talent and chased them.
Lu Yangrong thought, "No wonder Sister Leng has a different attitude towards this person. It turns out that he is Su Mo!"
"Well … there is nothing surprising about it. I heard that this person has a strong body. Why does it look like a hand-tied chicken?" Jin secretly frown eyes with a hint of examination also looked at Sue ink.
After a long time, Liu Yangrong suddenly said, "Teacher Su has heard a lot about you."
After a pause, Lu Yangrong turned his head. "I heard that Teacher Su was on the ninth floor six months ago. How did it take so long to repair the realm?"
After this sentence, it is full of provocative meaning to know the past and ask.
Jin light yi one eye dew curious asked, "Sue teacher younger brother heard that you practice possessed, how so careless? You just came out of Lei Yin Valley. Brother advised you to go back and practice, so as not to make any mistakes and affect the road. "
Sumodo Satoshi
From the cold and soft eyes of the two people, I vaguely guessed the two people’s minds.
At this time, I heard two people got to ask Su Mo to smile and say lightly, "The two brothers have a heart."
Xiao Pang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Mo’s reaction.
Xiao pang was nervous to death, and his hands were sweaty.
Su Mo’s temperament, he also knows something about Xiao Pang, for fear that the two sides will fight again if they disagree.
You know, in the face of law enforcement cousin Yu Chen Su Mo, he dared to cut his knife. These two aura really can’t stop him.
But Su Mo seems to be a dubious advantage.
When Lingfeng Linghu was injured, Chen Yuxian was partial to Feng Haoyu and wanted to abolish his repair.
Su Mo naturally won’t endure.
At present, the two brothers are hostile to him, but some small thoughts are nothing, and Su Mo just smiled indifferently.
Su Mo no longer went to see Liu Yangrong. They reached out and stroked Linghu’s forehead.
Liu Yangrong and Jin have a feeling of being regarded when they are angry.
Two people don’t know that if it weren’t for Su Mo’s hand to appease Linghu Linghu’s wildness, they would have rushed to bite two people at this time!
Chapter one hundred and forty mistook one for another
Just then, a crane chimed not far away.
Linghu growled and looked at the flying crane, which seemed to be greeting.
Xiaohe has been staying in the misty peak and never left Zongmen. It’s hard to have this opportunity and naturally want to secretly go out to play.
It was Su Mo who didn’t dare to make decisions without authorization and let him go back and ask the crane predecessors.
When Xiaohe heard this, he suddenly became depressed.
Mother is very strict with it. She once said that it is not allowed to leave the clan door until it reaches the Golden State.
Xiaohe didn’t have any hope. I didn’t expect my mother to hear that Su Mo’s peers unexpectedly promised to come.
The little crane naturally jumped for joy and chased him quickly.

I quickly held my breath and cast the mountain-moving tactic to grab Li Juan and move to the wind position, and then ran out with everyone. The protective aura can’t completely block the rotting and stinking body. The breath I inhaled earlier has made my stomach churn and I have to vomit after smelling it several times.

They ran to the wind to avoid the stench in the tomb, but Xu Zhanqun stayed in place, twitching his nose and smelling it.
"Come here" I frowned and waved at Xu Zhanqun’s move. This guy’s sniffing made me frown.
"No, the dead don’t smell so bad." Xu Zhanqun heard my call and turned around and came at us.
"Didn’t you say that people are buried here?" Li Juan barely stop retching speak asked.
"I said this is the tomb, but I didn’t say it’s a person. Burying people usually has a seal. This is not." Xu Zhanqun shook his head and took it off himself
"Okay, okay, you go away." King Kong Gun frowned and raised my hand to drive Xu Zhanqun, the longest body when he stayed at the mouth of the cave recently.
Xu Zhanqun saw that everyone didn’t welcome him very much. He turned around and went back to pick up his strange objects, while we sat in the wind and waited for the mountain wind to blow away the stench in the tomb.
Now the situation is quite clear. The ancient tomb stinks, saying that it is a corpse buried in the grave. If Xu Zhanqun is not mistaken, it should be an animal corpse in the tomb, which also explains why the grave has not been sealed.
It’s hard to wait until the mountain wind blows away the stench. Only then do people go to the mouth of the cave and look down. Xu Zhanqun digs this hole according to his waistline. He is a big fat place. The mouth of the cave is quite spacious and three feet square. Even so, people can see the scene of this three-foot range on the mouth of the cave.
"What seems to be a large animal bone?" King Kong Bao said first.
"Let’s go and have a look." I nodded my head and jumped to the King Kong cannon.
The mouth of the cave can be dug to the top of the tomb, and there are still more than ten meters from the top to the bottom. This distance of more than ten meters can’t naturally stop me and the King Kong cannon from landing in the tomb. Instead, I hung in the middle and looked around to observe the situation in the tomb. This tomb is much wider than I expected, about ten feet wide from north to south, and there are more than thirty feet of things in the tomb. According to the rugged ground and walls, there is a huge animal bone parked on the ground. In addition, this is an ancient tomb where animals are buried.
"What the hell is that?" The king kong cannon pointed to the animal bone on the ground. The bone has rotted and lost its flesh at this moment. We smelled that pungent stench earlier, which should be the smell it gave off after rotting in that year. It has not been released because of the closed tomb.
"It should be a pet or mount of a monk." I fell to the ground and studied the animal’s bones. Before dying, this big guy should be in a prone position. The limbs and bones pressed against the spine and ribs. It is difficult for me to judge its species according to its claw shape, but according to its tooth shape and one-headed horn, this guy should have been a large herbivore before his death, because it didn’t have long canine teeth, but it is strange that its grinding teeth were not serious, which means that this animal with a body length of more than 20 meters probably didn’t die naturally before his death.
"Do you keep such a thing as a pet at home?" King Kong cannon fell next to me and grinned
"That’s the mount, otherwise no one will build a tomb for it." I pointed to the faint purple aura outside the bones. "See, this is the human cloth purple gas barrier."
"Why not cloth from the outside?" King Kong cannon oblique eyebrow looked at the light purple gas barrier.
"It won’t be three days before curious people will dig for it." I walked away from this animal bone and studied the walls of the tomb. I found that the tomb didn’t make ordinary shovels and pickaxes cut out, but made the sword-shaped weapon firm but gentle. After the whole stroke, the soil was removed. This technique is similar to that used when I buried the white wolf, which made me believe that this is a tomb where monks buried their mounts.
"There is no cloth from the inside, but I have dug it." King Kong cannon went to the animal’s head and neck and studied something.
"Go out" I sighed and turned around and walked to the mouth of the cave. The situation here reminded me of the white wolf caring for each other. If someone dug the white wolf’s grave, I would be very angry. This grave was built on the purple gas barrier in Chaobu. People should have been bullied by the dead.
"I suspect that this big guy is a mother or its owner is a woman. Look at it." King Kong cannon pointed to the animal bones and there was a thing hanging from the top of his head.
I went over in doubt and found that the King Kong Gun refers to a beautiful collar made of pure gold. The collar was carved to create a pendant with nine colors. Although the dust falling from the grave covered most of the gems’ light, if you look closely, you can see that these nine precious stones with different colors vaguely exude noble luxury.
"It should belong to its owner." I looked back for a moment, and the ancients paid more attention to their feelings. After the death of their animals, they brought their ornaments to the animals to comfort them.
"Have you ever seen such a pure gem?" King Kong cannon looked at the nine precious stones the size of pigeon eggs and almost left saliva.
"I’ve seen it before, but I haven’t seen nine colors together." I shook my head and said that ordinary gems are generally red, green, yellow, white and black. These four gems are rare.
"Take it away?" King Kong cannon turned to ask for my advice.
“ ` ` w w w ““ ` “ C`O`M
"Take your head, go quickly." I shook my head and denied the discussion about whether to take things in the ancient tomb. I also have no definite principles and standards to see my mood at that time, such as things in this ancient tomb. I don’t want to investigate the root cause. It is likely that people have pushed themselves to think of the white wolf
"Can value …" King Kong Cannon muttered don’t want to.
"Don’t take anything." I stretched out my hand and pulled him to the mouth of the cave. "Lin Yicheng just gave you 10 million a few days ago. I didn’t see the check number."
"Don’t take it, don’t take it." King Kong cannon waved his hand and shrugged his shoulders to listen to me.
I just swept back to the ground with a wry smile. This greedy guy doesn’t want to think about how many days he has left to live. What does it matter if the boss wants so much money? The thought of him and Mu Zhuifeng’s longevity suddenly made me depressed. This Zhongnanshan is a good opportunity. I’ll try my best to search all the immortals’ caves, and maybe there will be a way to go against the fate.
When people saw me coming, they gathered around and asked me about the interview briefly. After listening to this, they were greatly disappointed. Looking at these guys’ disappointment, I couldn’t help but think of the allied forces entering Beijing and Naihao. I once again emphasized the identity of a group of officers and said that they belonged to the cultural heritage category. We can take them away and send them to individuals for research and study within a time limit. If they belong to material aspects, they must be protected and handed over to the state.
I shook my head with a wry smile when I looked at all the people’s joy. If the director knew about this curve occupation, it would be a big deal if he didn’t reduce me to a private.
"Old to save lives!" Just when I had just finished speaking, the King Kong cannon panicked and called for help from the mouth of the cave.
My first reaction after hearing this was that King Kong Gun was in trouble again, and it was a big disaster, because he was a respectable person, and he wouldn’t call for help so directly unless his life was threatened.
Thought of here where still dare to hesitate quickly turned and jumped back to the tomb …
Chapter 344 I like you
When I fell to the ground, I found that the right hand of the King Kong Gun gave off a huge aura, and the purple gas barrier of the animal bone was glued together. At this moment, the original weak barrier actually showed a deep purple color, which firmly absorbed and suppressed the King Kong Gun’s purple aura. At this moment, it was difficult to ride a tiger, but I couldn’t attack and get out. I couldn’t try my best to adjust my own aura to resist the barrier, which gave off a deep purple aura. The purple aura was higher than his purple gas. Wait, he grinned and insisted.
"break!" Before I acted quickly, I held my finger in my hand and poured my aura back into the King Kong Gun. With my help, I took the opportunity to get away and draw my right hand back.
"Fuck him, this man is not dead!" King Kong Gun broke in shock after withdrawing its hand. There is a remarkable feature in the arrangement of purple gas barrier, that is, if the deployment man is dead, he will be easily invaded or broken by others. If the deployment man is still alive, he will feel that someone has invaded his own cloth barrier, and he will be intercepted and stopped by aura. King Kong Gun must have invaded the barrier when he took the collar, and the other side was aware of the aura and tried to kill him. If I arrive half an hour later, King Kong Gun will be broken by the other side, and the highest air pocket may be broken.
"Will you stop making trouble?" I shouted at King Kong Gun with dissatisfaction. I was so angry not because King Kong Gun caused any chaos, but because I was worried that his reckless behavior would ruin my life.
"How do I know that the old witch is still alive?" The king kong cannon is in trouble, so it’s not very confident to speak.
"Female?" I am puzzled to ask that this ancient tomb was built in the late Dynasty, and it has been more than 300 years since then. It is not impossible for advanced monks to live to 300 years old by self-cultivation and various spiritual nourishment, but it is extremely unlikely.
"Female water-based Kun belongs to aura" King Kong Cannon is reluctant to go back and look at the collar.
"Look at it, get out of here." I angrily scolded 1 and jumped to the King Kong cannon to follow.
"Don’t make jokes again." Back on the ground, people came to ask me if I could lie and leave a face for the King Kong cannon.
"Ha ha, let’s go." King Kong Gun took up his backpack and threw a thank-you look at me. I turned a blind eye to my anger.
Everyone saw that the two of us were safely ill and packed our backpacks to prepare for the road. It smells really bad here and we can’t spend the night here.
"I’ll lead the way" Xu Zhanqun saw that we packed our equipment and volunteered to lead the way.
"Come on, stay behind." King Kong Gun passed Xu Zhanqun and walked ahead by himself.
I quickly followed Xu Zhanqun’s excavation method after watching all the people leave. The backfill can be left open by the hole.
Teams have team advantages and team disadvantages, and soon those people can’t hold on to a subject. They are different from monks, and their physical strength is limited. Thirty or forty miles of mountain roads make them very tired. Seeing this, I can let the team rest in place.
King Kong Gun waved and everyone was surrounded by a purple gas barrier. Mosquitoes were tired for a day, and everyone quickly went to sleep separately. King Kong Gun was frightened and tossed for a long time. Finally, he simply got up and ran next to me and pushed me up.

Pale dragon elders are overjoyed!

The breath of life in the battlefield dragon poplar body is so small that it can hardly be sensed.
Qunlong doesn’t know the situation of Longyang, but he has fallen.
There is an uproar among the dragons!
Some people are furious, some people are surprised, some people are sad, and some people are stunned on the spot.
A group of dragons want to come to Long Yang, who has cultivated to return to the virtual realm of dzogchen. Even if the Yuan God strives for danger, he can’t end up in a meteorite.
But now Longyang fell to the ground motionless and could not feel any vitality!
Longyang died in battle!
Many dragons rushed to the battlefield.
Some black dragon eyes are red and look sad!
Have black dragon turned to glare at Su Mo Avenue "Dragon Ink, I want to challenge you! It’s a battle of life and death in this dragon blood battlefield! "
"Let me do it! Longmo, I challenge you! "
Another pale dragon came out.
"What are you doing!"
Candle dragon dragon Long Can quickly walked beside Su Mo. "This is a life-and-death battle between two people. No wonder Brother Mo!"
"If you hit us, the candle dragon can still be afraid of you!"
Another Candle dragon said.
"Be quiet!"
Long Xi roar loud.
But her voice was quickly drowned out in this noisy battlefield.
In an instant, the dragon blood battlefield is going to break out in a dragon group war!
"What are you doing!"
At this time, a majestic sound suddenly sounded in the middle of the half, and there was a powerful shock in every dragon’s ear!
The dragons looked around with a shock in their hearts
Seeing the five figures in the middle of the class exudes a strong atmosphere and coercion is wanton.
This coercion to suppress the dragons has just surged and the blood has gradually subsided.
Five pulse dragon elder arrival!
"What’s the trouble? There are no rules!"
The elders of Canglong looked around, and no one dared to look at each other in the fierce group of dragons!
"Elder, an outsider, killed Brother Yang!"
Finally, a black dragon still couldn’t help but say with red eyes and sadness
"Dragon blood battlefield is life and death! Don’t come here if you are afraid of death! " Pale dragon elders said coldly
"But …"
This black dragon is still unwilling
He is a member of the same family as Longyang, and he is naturally very close to Longyang in his heart.
Su Mo came to Dragon Skeleton Valley less than a year ago or Candle dragon’s veins were impure. He was an outsider in his eyes!
"No buts"
Elder Canglong shook his head and said, "There is no doubt that this is a dragon rule!"
Pause a little pale dragon elders took one deep look at Su Mo and said slowly, "More Kuang Longyang, he’s not dead yet."
The voice fell and the dragons were startled
Longyang is not dead?
Normally, Yuan Shen suffered this kind of trauma, even if he didn’t fall immediately, I’m afraid he couldn’t save it.
But there are life and death, human flesh, bones and Taigu spring in the dragon skeleton valley!
Elder Canglong waved his sleeve robe and generate produced a magic power.
Longyang’s huge body is transformed into a human form.
Pale dragon elders eyes and Sue ink body pause a little blunt he nodded to leave with Long Yang.