Hell three-headed dog?

It’s not that perverted scientist again, is it?
Several soldiers thought so in their hearts.
That is, they are soldiers who often come into contact with incredible things. If they were his troops,
Even if you see this exaggerated hell three-headed dog, you will already have the power.
A little while
Dressed in a system, Hill walked out of the action center with Coulson, the black widow and Hawkeye who arrived here this morning.
"What is this?"
"How to fight?"
As far as the four giants of Aegis are concerned, they are watching Cerberus fall into shock.
In the morning star, Riley ribbon comes with Cerberus style.
Standing still, 50 meters from the gate of the action center.
Ta da!
Hill took Coulson and others to the door to watch the appearance of special effects, Leslie, and the three-headed dog with poisonous snakes and three heads of hell.
Lailisi quietly in situ is full of divine golden eyes with a sly didn’t speak.
On the one hand, it’s because it’s also the underworld. princess royal’s grade should be very high
On the other hand?
all right
Lailisi’s brain was so hot that she didn’t know how to say it until she got here …
So she decided
Let the opposite side speak first …
Chapter 417 Aegis Meeting
Most afraid of sudden silence
Hill and others watched the cordon coming out with special effects, Leslie, and Cerberus, a dangerous creature.
Lailisi and Cerberus are still in the same place.
The former is vigilant.
The latter …
I didn’t even think about what to say when I came out
From late autumn, with a cold wind and a breeze blowing through the small trees not far away, birds fluttered and flew away with their wings.
Like a bird, Peter stared at the scene in front of him on a branch, which was quite similar to watching a third-rate malicious delay when watching a drama.
quite a while
Cerberus bureau, a three-headed dog with colorful snakes, is a frightening roar to Hill and others.
Then condescending, staring at Hill and other people indifferently, said, "mortal, I smell our traitor."
Hill "…"
Coulson "…"
Black widow, eagle eye "…"
Lailisi, shrouded in the morning star, would have raised her forehead if she hadn’t taken care of her image at the moment.
This stupid dog!

"Yu Fei Peng has seen the young master!"

Two people go to the front of the young monk knelt down and shouted together.
Young monk nodded with satisfaction.
At present, these two are then real people and master blood slaves.
Master’s vision is very high. It’s not easy for a slave to receive blood from a master.
He founded the Blood Crow Palace by himself, which is the owner of the Blood Crow Palace.
With this level of identity, although he is a Godsworn Tsukiji, the Blood Crow Palace has a very high status and is the Lord of the Blood Crow Palace!
"Dimly discernible peak Su Mo … ha ha ha ha"
Dimly discernible peak
Su Mo came back almost idle these days.
Xiao Pang Xue Yi and some other Feng brothers came to visit and naturally had a drink.
Lengrou also came to Su Mo in this issue and chatted for a while before leaving.
This scene falls in the eyes of Xue Yi and others, and it is natural to boo.
You know, there are Su Mo who can make Lengrou take the initiative to visit in Zongmen.
Qian Lengrou also specially gave Su Mo two runes.
These two ofuda have been putting Sumo in the bag, but they haven’t made it yet.
This sentiment is modest, but the other party did spend a lot of thought.
Su Mo wants to refine a spirit weapon in a handle or send it back to Lengrou after he understands the refining technique.
Su Mo returned to Zongmen the next day before he came to visit the bad old man, who had taken the initiative to find him.
"Where have you been for three months and you haven’t returned a message!"
Bad old man saw Su Mo swept over is a reprimand.
Su Mo said half-truths, "I went home for a while."
I heard that the bad old man nodded his head a little slowly.
Bad old man gently coughed a palm and patted an ancient book in the palm of his bag. He simply said, "Take it and temper it."
(just) as expected/anticipated
As Su Mo expected, the old man’s auction in Tianbao was really him!
"Xu Zhan, who wrote this ancient name, was a senior refiner, but he was a figure 1000 years ago. At his peak, he once refined dozens of extremely clever devices, and it is said that he also refined a perfect one."
"Although there is no image of the refining device he left behind, it is not a problem for you to study this ancient refining device with your understanding."
The bad old man has great confidence in Sumo.
Su Mo has long known the ancient history of tempering, but if he behaves too calmly, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the bad old man.
Su Mo pretended to be surprised and asked, "Does it take a lot of stone to master this ancient time?"
"Yeah, it’s ok."
The bad old man nodded and said indifferently, "At that time, the competition was fierce, and I couldn’t get the result. I met an old friend …"
Speaking of this bad old man, he deliberately sold a talent and said slowly, "Hey! My friend is the boss, and he gave it to me on the spot without saying anything! "
Although the bad old man tried to restrain himself, his eyebrows were full of pride.
"I’m telling you, the scene at that time … gee, there were so many birds in the auction house that it was not good for others to have a stone, so my friend would give it to me and I couldn’t stop it!"
"Those people stared at me and envied me."
Sue ink listen to the bad old man this nonsense can’t help but bow almost didn’t suppress a laugh.
"What’s wrong with you, Mo?" I noticed that Su Mo was unusually bad, and the old man picked his eyebrows.
Sue ink hurriedly motioning with his hand.
"Ahem … line don’t say you have a good practice."
The bad old man seems to realize that it’s a bit overdone, and he added before turning away.
In fact, if there is only this tempering, Su Mo’s future achievements will not be too high without the image of high refining device.
However, Zeng Sumo, the great fire master in Hantan Cave House, rehearsed the whole refining process.
That’s a perfect, flawless refiner!
He is confident that he can forge a very clever device with this ancient tempering method and Su Mo’s own spirit gathering method!
It’s not the state that can be refined occasionally.
But a 100% success rate!
Chapter two hundred and nine Pure blood fierce beast?

Shi Shuangcheng: "Of course I’ll look around … but as you said, how did Hua Zhen lose to me for such a big event and it’s nothing?"

Mann Mann was curious. "He’s not a natural enemy. It’s normal to lose to anyone in a fight. What does it matter? He doesn’t care whether he can beat you. If you have a wide range of competitions and are better than him now, so what? "
Chapter 29, Different Guests
The next day is Saturday, and ten people came to Yangyuan Valley again. Not only did they leave five times, but they also sneaked over at the weekend. In addition, 13 teachers from Yangyuan Division in the four corners will stay here to work, and another one is Xia Changqing, who also came to join in the fun in the name of reporting workers.
Xia Changqing was a student in the first training class, but he left with the second students because he was confined for half a month with Mo Xiaoyue. That was a real confinement, and it was not as easy as Shi Shuangcheng’s "confinement". Xia Changqing did not break through Level 4 at that time, but he succeeded in breaking the boundary a few days ago after returning to his post as a port worker.
Xia Changqing is a cousin of Xia ‘er, a standard local aboriginal institute. His breakthrough in Level 4 is very representative, which proves that the promotion of Yangyuan is successful and cross-cultural and cross-racial. Or Hua Zhenxing also promoted another cultural idea by promoting Yangyuan and proved that it can be accepted and recognized.
The case of Yangyuan Art Center like Xia Changqing is not an isolated case. Xia Changqing is not only a reporter this time, but also has to pass the four-level review of Yangyuan Division, and then get a certificate, which is more comprehensive when there are many people.
What is he reporting for? It is concluded that two groups of people with suspicious whereabouts have been found recently in Banda, Somali port, and they are AI.
Not being an eastern city, it is impossible to have an eye-catching system all over the streets. However, several key areas are subject to multiple monitoring, such as Palm Manor, Sales Headquarters, New Alliance Headquarters, and Fufeng Garden in Sanhu Town, Far Banda City … and that humble grocery store is the key point.
The owner of the grocery store is Yang Tehong. There is nothing suspicious about his old man’s behavior, but the attitude of Yang Laotou, including the other two old people, has become more and more obvious. They no longer directly ask about how to arrange things here in Suo Port.
Hua Zhen’s residence and the real part of Chundan production area don’t need any security measures, but the outside is absolutely closely monitored and the surface can’t be seen at all. People with ulterior motives will definitely be interested in this place, which is also an excellent "fishing" place.
During this period, Yang Tehong and Hua Zhen Bank were not grocery stores, but there were still shop assistants in the grocery store, and Lei Dajin was responsible for the deployment and arrangement. All of them were elite backbones of Huanxiang Industrial New Alliance, even though they worked hard to sell instant noodles.
At the east intersection of grocery store lane, there is a stall selling local local drinks, which is also standard for local natives, while at the west intersection of lane, facing a newly-built road, there is a parasol, which is equivalent to an umbrella for public security booth. There is always someone on duty with a yellow armband, and a card with the five eastern characters of "people" is set up in front of it.
Setting up stalls and performing duties, including several residents in this lane, were specially trained by Li Jingzhi’s leadership and Huanxiang Industrial Security Department. Now they all have another identity as intelligence personnel belonging to the new alliance security department.
Li Jingzhi was the head of Huanxiang Industrial Security Department as early as possible, and he is still in the post. From the training of public security patrol to the present, Li Jingzhi brought out almost all the backbone of the army and police, and also had straw sandals to help the bottom. Now the new alliance has transferred the backbone elite and established the security department.
The security department is an intelligence agency, which has two important functions: one is to be responsible for important leaders, such as Shire security guards; The second is to prevent the enemy spy from destroying, and to collect and analyze all kinds of intelligence. Now Li Jingzhi has been transferred to the front line to take charge of military command, while Wang Fengshou is in charge of the security department.
Due to the particularity of intelligence workers, the security department’s tentacles extend to all his functional departments and are relatively confidential. Lei Dajin, Fan Dake and Xia Changqing all participated in some of them.
There is a requirement for the training of stationed intelligence personnel that they should not move or act like anything. In any case, they should not sell local drinks when they are on duty, and enjoy the cool when they are on duty.
First of all, Lei Dajin received a report that the number of students who came to the grocery store to buy things has increased significantly recently. Many of them are not neighbors in the neighborhood, nor are they fond of industrial workers. They are not without other shops. Who would have nothing to do to go so far to buy things? Some people obviously secretly take pictures.
Then Xia Changqing received a tip that there were always suspicious points wandering around the grocery store. They came together in twos and threes to send one person to the grocery store in turn, while others waited at the intersection for suspicious behavior.
At the same time, Xia Changqing received a lot of reports from another channel. Recently, someone asked Hua Zhenxing about all kinds of information, including Chundan and Yangyuan Art, and asked someone to ask where Yangyuan Valley was.
According to past experience, you just need to find out what information you want to give money. Although the port of Somalia has been transformed, people are still original. Some people are willing to spend money to ask questions. Of course, they are happy, but many people have been trained and educated, and then they turn around and report the situation to the organization.
Lei Dajin and Xia Changqing summarized the information at hand to Vandak. Although Vandak people didn’t work this week, they also had special personnel to deal with it and technical support from Huanxiang Industrial R&D Department.
Nowadays, artificial intelligence technology is far less magical and mysterious than many future materials. With its powerful computing power and advanced algorithms, it can automatically analyze, identify, compare and summarize all kinds of data information.
Technicians input all the secret monitoring information into the system for technical analysis and verification, and the intelligent identification system quickly came to the conclusion that there are two groups of suspicious people, one is collecting information from the grocery store and Chundan Center, and the other is spying on the information from the grocery store and Yangyuan Art Center, and these two groups are actually independent of each other and have no contact.
Although they all wear makeup and behave naturally, they often buy off local residents to collect information, but there are often different deliberate places and do suspicious things. The hidden camera takes a lot of information and then passes through the face, and the automatic posture recognition comparison can screen out clues. With clues, we can further follow up the investigation and grasp the situation of the two groups.
The first group of people are all western faces like Locke. They also know that the local people are more conspicuous. They pretend to be tourists and hire indigenous people to collect information. Don’t you know that this is like lighting a lamp in the dark? Recently, there are no foreign tourists in the port of Somalia except the families of workers who are helping to build aid? What’s more, none of them have an entry record.
There are still a few people who cover the identity of international hospitals to help doctors, just as Luo Chaide was still relatively hidden 2.
According to the analysis of Lei Dajin and others, this group of people should be coming for Chundan, and it is likely that it has something to do with Gambitting. Gambitting has already obtained the exclusive agent of Yogaole, and Chundan must have spread out through various channels. Such a good thing should contain huge profits in batches. Gambitting should also be interested by others.
The second group is more complicated, and many of them are actually aid workers from the East, but less of them are covered by this identity. They should be aiming at raising Yuan art or raising Yuan Valley, and the alliance has not yet alarmed us.

The reincarnation Lord has just defeated the enemy, and when the enemy’s heart is at its strongest, he feels even more brave because of his extreme sublimation and his efforts to behead a great holy spirit.

Direct two-handed evolution reincarnation forbidden art reincarnation lake virtual shadow emerged above his head, left hand past life and right hand afterlife. He is a contemporary enemy!
Mirror Lu Chen didn’t respond to the reincarnation of the Lord’s speech, but he punched it out.
With a knife in his right hand, he swept across the world, beheaded the ancient mine in the early days, buried Tiandao Zun with his left hand, and killed the immortals. The boxing with his left hand was far more subtle than that with Lu Chen’s display, as if it were going to break the world!
The reincarnation of the Lord’s hands broke his elbow and bones were exposed, and he was shocked and retreated. Did the two of them look at each other like saying so outrageous?
In the early days, if the ancient mine was not too old and dignified all the year round, I’m afraid I would have rolled my eyes at this time.
If you can swear, they all want to say that you can’t think for yourself. Think about it. We’ve already killed two people in four fights. Why don’t you just kill a fake holy spirit?
The fierce battle broke out again, and the reincarnation of the Lord joined the war. In fact, he couldn’t leave if he wanted to.
It’s not that these ancient deities have to defeat the magic mirror Lu Chen, but that the magic mirror Lu Chengen will cut down whoever runs if he doesn’t let people go.
In ancient times, if you want to live, you must join hands with the enemy to seize the slightest chance of winning. If you all want to withdraw, no one will want to live.
Because the universe is so big, there is really no place to hide for people at this level.
"Xiao Zhen, I can’t kill you! ?”
At this time, the star sounded a roar, and the stone emperor was angry because Ye Fan repeatedly prevented him from eating. His state was much better than his honour, and he could live by himself again even if he didn’t eat, but he wanted to hoard more goods before "hibernating"
Now that it’s all born, how can it make sense not to sweep it?
However, the combination of Huangdi, Shennong and Ye Fan is too difficult. If it were an ancient statue that did not sublimate to the extreme, I am afraid it would have been Wyndell Dichinson or forced to sublimate to the extreme.
When he hit the stone emperor, he also got angry, especially the yellow emperor’s face against the virtual emperor made him hate it. He stormed the yellow emperor to slay and devour the virtual blood.
Although Ye Fan was scarred and even the package was full of cracks, he still moved forward.
Jiuyou Gai’s predecessor was suspected of falling, which made him feel great sadness, but his predecessor also died, and he could not be a breakthrough in this turmoil.
There is hope in the eyes. The statue of "Super Brother Lu" summoned by Brother Liu is in a terrible mess. It seems that it may not be necessary for them to hold on and slay all the ancient statues.
But actually, if Lu Chen knows what Ye Fan thinks, I’m afraid he will be disappointed.
Therefore, it has been more than twenty minutes since the magic mirror Lu Chen was summoned, and the magic mirror Lu Chen is running out.
Don’t look at the magic mirror, Lu Chen, pressing the ancient deities to fight, but it still takes some effort to kill one at a time. After all, the ability to save lives is not bad, and they are working together against the enemy.
Lu Chen may be able to slay the three ancient deities with the remaining magic mirror, but there is probably no time to help Lu Chen and Ye Fan again.
Their opponent will have to defeat themselves after all.
Star three battlefields are fighting the magic mirror. Liu Chenyong crowned the three great statues with great strength. Every time he went out, he spilled blood. Ye Fan’s trio of stone emperors fought the boiling forbidden art and flooded the area. Outsiders couldn’t see what happened.
And the battlefield that belongs to Lu Chen Sports Institute is the worst. As time goes by, the injuries of him and the Lord of Shenxu are getting heavier and heavier. In the end, both sides are crazy. Lu Chen’s eyes are as red as ghosts and gods, and his golden eyes are bloodthirsty and murderous.
The dreamland of the distant battlefield, Liu Chenchang, chopped the main force of reincarnation, and the blood was even more ferocious.
Then he caught the black blade and cut out a knife again. His opponent had two statues left!
Staring at this scene, it feels like a dream whether the human theory covers the world, the indigenous people or the explorers.
A total of nine ancient deities were born after Chengxian Road, which was a beautiful chaos and almost a great disaster.
But who knows that five ancient deities have fallen since the war!
"The Terran Emperor is brave enough to suppress all enemies!"
Some people called out that Lu Chen, a magic mirror, was a great man born, and Wu Shen was the real emperor.
"Grass he should be the origin of specialty mirror props, what can visualize out so abnormal! ?”
Do the explorers in the Beidou restricted area feel that it is not the origin at all, and the special mirror can exert its power, but it seems like a real living person has arrived
Chapter one thousand one hundred and seventy-five Stone Emperor What is true?
Those who are still in the self-styled state in the Beidou restricted area are also looking at the man in black with a dignified look at this battle.
At this time, the man’s beheading is not to respect him before sublimation, but who is weaker than who in the realm of respecting the peak state?
Throughout the ages, although future generations will evaluate and recognize that some emperors are stronger, they have never really confronted each other.
No one in the forbidden area is willing to admit that he is weaker than any of his emperors. Before they really defeated and died, they all believed that they were enemies in the same territory.
But at this time, the man in black stepped forward and pressed many statues deeply into their hearts.
Although the honored people in the forbidden area don’t want to admit it, they can still feel that they may still be defeated even if they go by themselves.

You are very sensitive. Someone caught a trace of deja vu, but they couldn’t tell whether it was everyone’s heart.

There are many arrogant and unwilling people in the universe. In this life, there are ancient emperors and the most amazing people. Many talented people have accumulated through the ages, and they have revived in this life. This person’s enlightenment is equivalent to breaking all the roads.
"How did this happen?"
"What is now? !”
"Emperor Wu didn’t break the circuit but was robbed by others! ?”
"No, I’m unwilling!"
There are many Du Jie people in the universe, including fire jiaqi, Taoist silkworm, Yin Tiande, deity, Ji and so on, which one is not a peerless wizard?
Now that the sudden robbery of the Great Emperor has happened, it is simply a great disaster for them, which makes people desperate, unable to see light and hope.
They’re cut off!
"Borrow from heaven for another 500 years. God, you are unfair!"
"Give me another hundred years. It won’t be like this. I have seen the dawn and tried to push the door hard, but you are ashamed that I closed it!"
There are people everywhere in Du Jie, some people are silent, some people are sad and can’t bear this result.
The emperor’s robbery was so abrupt that there was no sign before. If he had lived in the world, this person would have made a name for himself and fought a bloody battle, but now it suddenly broke out.
There is a golden figure in the thunder of the heavenly punishment, which is independent and fiercely opposed to the road of war. It is necessary to brand itself and integrate the universe into the only one.
A long sound, a fire and a golden figure seem to have broken through the eternal imprisonment and struck across most of the universe.
"It’s … a god bird!"
Someone saw the emperor, and a ghosting image showed shock. This does not belong to Terran, and there will be a demon emperor.
All the ancestors of the Sun are kneeling with excitement!
It’s their ancestors who are going to become emperors. From now on, all the places will be subject to their feet for nine days!
People who have offended the Sun in the past will be liquidated one by one!
At this time, many people in Zhengxing are mainly familiar with each other, saying "Little Golden Dragon" and looking in the direction of doom.
Is the old sun in Du Jie suddenly felt a shudder some fear to see the eyes in the distance the little golden dragon maybe each other to interfere with their Du Jie?
"Brother Jinlong needs to be like this, so it’s no different from those statues."
It is the mouth of the holy emperor of Du Jie who said that he understood the golden dragon honour person and asked if I should go over and kill him so as not to stand in your way.
Xiaojinlong just withdrew his eyes and stopped looking at the old sun. Well, he also put the saliva in his mouth.
The Xianlu War continues, and the six venerable men are indifferent. If it used to be said that some of them would stop and make moves, but now they can’t care.
Because of the six of them fighting together, Lu Chen still can’t let Lu Chen be hit hard. Lu Chen has not entered the strongest state, but now he is only occasionally spilling blood in the face of the siege of six people.
He’s fighting six lords alone, but he’s in an offensive posture!
That is to say, the scene in Xianlu can’t reach the outside world, otherwise I’m afraid it will shock the whole world. The world knows that Emperor Wudi is strong, but I never thought that Lu Chen would be so strong now.
At this time, only the Wanlong Emperor paddled to attack and cut Xianlu constantly, and now he is the one closest to the end of Xianlu because no one bothered him.
"I have some impression that there was a quasi-emperor who crossed the cloud nine when the situation was so great that he woke up the sleeping man and wanted to hit him, but in the end he hurt the avenue Sendai and no one touched him. Later, he endured thousands of hardships and sat down at the end of the year."
"Hey, hey, ha, ha. It’s really good to have a good sun. I’ve fooled you!"

"Newborn Druid God, you need to show your humility!"

In a void, some powerful gods are silently watching the upcoming war.
Like a dark light, Wolida Mara said, "I think we should give this new druid some respect!" "
"Respect? Wait till he comes to us! " Cyric, the god of murder, is careless.
"A new god and how much strength? In my opinion, it is better to take away his deity and let them connect with the hub.
Presumably you can get more power. "
Hearing the force, the gods were silent.
The crystal wall world is very special. It was born like the world of Montenegro and the world of magic stars, and it floated out of the long river of time.
But unlike these bubble worlds, it is made up of fantasy and will.
Because of the extreme force, it was born with a trace of truth from illusion.
This trace of truth is like a fairy standing on the roots of heaven and earth, like a chaotic vortex in water, wind and fire.
Make it possible to achieve all things.
Dreams and bubbles are getting stronger and stronger, and the crystal wall world has grown rapidly like a blink of an eye for thousands of years in the Force and the desire of creatures in the world
It has evolved into a complete world like the wilderness created by the wilderness.
However, the Great Wilderness is a complete world foundation that has been bred in the realm of earth, water, wind and fire for tens of millions of years.
Although the crystal wall world has evolved into a complete world, it does not have enough solid foundation to support it.
Therefore, it want to transform itself by robbing other world.
Transform oneself.
The bubble world can’t bear the power of robbing the fairy three times.
But the crystal wall world is different. It has a real foundation.
In the same wild world, Yuanling in the general world has great potential.
It is the failure of the world that makes it rich and rich.
But therefore, the power of pick can be displayed in this world.
However, this kind of display is to make the original world virtual.
When external forces enter this world, they will be taken away.
Ling Qingfang entered this world and was promoted to God before they took away the "reality".
Such a condensed deity is no less than a natural treasure to the fairy in this crystal wall world.
That’s a brick that can help you to take a solid step toward Daluo Road.
The original name of Yuanling in Crystal Wall World is Io.
He is equivalent to the wilderness, and he is the natural master of natural heaven.
In this illusory world, he is the only one in the real world, and all beings are qualitatively different.
It’s like a dream. The crystal wall world is a dream and Io is the master of the dream.
A move of his mind can make the end of the world and bring down the gods.

There was a 14-or 15-year-old girl sitting curled up, dirty and ragged, with yellow hair scattered and stains all over her face, and only a pair of eyes were very clear.

A cold wind blew through the little girl, shrinking her neck and pursed her lips, shivering.
I don’t know when I saw this little girl Su Mo, I thought of Xiao Ning.
Xiao Ning was not much older than this little girl when she left.
Su Mo’s heart sighed and bought some oil-wrapped paper nearby and handed it to the little girl for judo "eat"
The little girl’s eyes flashed a trace of fear, and she hesitated and did not take the oiled paper.
Su Mo doesn’t insist on putting oil paper beside the little girl and taking out a blue shirt from the bag and gently putting it on the little girl to get up.
This move made the little girl less wary of Su Mo.
The little girl stretched out her dirty little hand and tried to pick up a bag.
Su Mo is going to leave the night spirit and suddenly moved out of his arms. A little dark head glanced at the little girl.
Before Su Mo could speak, the night spirit suddenly jumped out and ran to the front of the little girl, sniffing something.
The little girl was frightened and just picked up her bag and fell to the ground.
Sue ink big frown hurriedly dragged the night spirit back into his arms.
The night spirit is uncharacteristically not hiding, but looking at the little girl with her little head.
Su Mo apologized and said softly, "Don’t be afraid it won’t hurt you."
What the little girl does is stare at Su Mo and be extremely alert.
Sue ink with a wry smile shook his head and turned away.
The two strangers met by chance, and Su Mo’s heart felt something. Xiao Ning gave her a meal and a piece of clothes, which was the end of righteousness.
Su Mo walked towards his residence.
Didn’t go far Sue ink heart move slightly raised eyebrows.
Su Mo caught a glimpse of the little girl wrapped in his blue shirt and wolfed down the bag, keeping a certain distance behind him.
Sue ink smiled and didn’t mean it.
It wasn’t long before Su Mo came to the gate of Yongxing Square.
There is a big circle around the gate of Yongxingfang. Although there are many people, it is very quiet. You can hear the voices in the crowd.
"It’s said that the World War I lasted for two days and two nights, and the dragon was finally cut by this man. The remains of the earth were bleeding and drifting!"
In the crowd, an old man in a long gown with a Confucian outlook on his head was telling a story in a flowing way.
That’s what wandering among the people says. People make things up and do strange things. Su Mo has heard a lot.
But I don’t know if I heard these words from the old man, but Su Mo couldn’t help but see the tragic sea of bones on the periphery of the ancient ruins!
Su Mo waved his head and didn’t think much. It was in his heart that he thought, "As soon as the dragon appeared, someone made up the story of the dragon, and there was a good story."
Just then, someone said, "You just said this paragraph in the afternoon."
"Yes, but some people didn’t hear it," the old man said with a smile.
Su Merton’s body slowly turned to look at the old man in the crowd.
Did the old man just say something or just say it casually?
Chapter two hundred and fifty-four Very big
The crowd gradually dispersed and said that the old man slowly gathered the folding fan and hid the awakening wood in the cuff.
The old man had disappeared when Su Mo blinked and looked again!

A tianjiao woke up and realized Lu Chen’s intention because Ye Fanzhen had no fighting ability in his later years.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, is different. It seems that he can still respect a few tricks with the ancient times. The protector of Ye Fan, who was born, made Ye Fan’ an transform into a second life
In this way, Lu Chen will be much safer in his real old age.
"I’m afraid it’s also a great disaster. Emperor Wu is really old. If many ancient deities attack him, he will still protect the transformed Emperor. I’m afraid it will be dangerous."
Someone analyzed that because he saw the scene of Lu Chen walking on the stars, he was really an old man with rickety figure and dry blood, and there was no power at all
People think that Lu Chen can’t even walk straight, saying that Qi and blood have really declined to a certain extent, and I’m afraid that one tenth of that year was the best time for ancient sages to start work.
If we continue to wait for Lu Chen to die, although it may be easier to kill, by then Ye Fan has become successful and the essence of Lu Chenbao’s blood will pass away with age
Lu Chen walked through many old places along Xingguo Road to remember his time in the Imperial Road.
At last, he came to Beidou and entered the forbidden area in the shocked eyes of all.
Lu Chen walked in the abyss, but the female emperor didn’t meet him. It seemed that Lu Chen was also in a strange transformation, and he didn’t ask for trouble and didn’t bother the female emperor directly.
When leaving the forbidden area, Liu Chen stumbled and coughed a few times, which made him look really embarrassed.
"Emperor Wu is so old that it is hard to resist the erosion of the ancient forbidden land!"
Have Beidou understand Wang exclaimed.
Lu Chen’s trip to the vicinity of heaven through the stars seems to confirm many people’s speculation that this is to protect the law in Ye Fan.
But many people think that Lu Chen is getting old. Who are you to protect who?
People worry that things have happened after all. Ye Fan’s life is forbidden when he is old!
Cosmic creatures tremble in succession, because the breath of the road is overwhelming for nine days and ten places, and it is obvious that they have been planning for a long time to adjust their state to a short peak.
There is a strong breath in all directions of the universe shortage, and a total of nine deities joined hands to suppress the heaven.
And they came prepared, and they found all the Lingbao immortals to kill the sword and the four immortals to control the large array and five deities to block the surrounding area, as if to destroy Lu Chen and Ye Fan in World War I.
"Can Emperor Wudi still fight when he is old?"
A cold sound came from nothing, and at the same time, a big foot stepped on the old man with a rickety figure.
Chapter one thousand two hundred and fifty they nest
When people in the stars saw this scene, they all cried sadly that Emperor Wu was desolate in his later years.
If Emperor Wu is still young, how dare you be born, let alone trample in such a humiliating way?
The big foot that covers the sun is an old man with rickets. He is white-haired and dry as a candle in the wind.
Nine deities joined hands to come out, which is almost all the deities left in the forbidden area. This shows the determination of the deities in the forbidden area this time.
I suspect that this seems to them to be the best opportunity.
Ye Fan is about to die, and Lu Chen is in the old age of this life. They don’t care whether Lu Chen can live the second life, but they won’t wait any longer.
Because it is unknown whether Lu Chen can live a second life, although there is a great possibility, they don’t want to gamble, because in case the elixir is still given to Lu Chen, then his second life will be stronger and harder to kill in his later years.
And they also have to take into account the Ye Fan factor. Like this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they feel that it will never happen again.
"Brother Lu!"
Ye Fan Heaven sends out a voice of alarm and anger, and there is no real emotion that is acting.
It’s true that he can’t even fight in his later years, but it’s true that the transformation of the medicine of death is a very quick thing for him, and there’s not much danger in it.
And now, if he immediately swallows the magic medicine, he will be able to transform and finish killing the enemy one by one in the future in less than half an hour.
But Ye Fan didn’t do this because he slowly absorbed the essence of life and nourished his body with Kirin magic medicine, showing a time when I needed to change.
This will give the ancient venerable people the illusion that he is so old that he can’t even absorb the medicine of death when he needs it.
In this way, it is possible to catch more statues and kill them all in one battle.
Is it Ye Fan? No, Brother Bai Lu has such a strong obsession with personally killing the statue. He has repeatedly emphasized his respect. Please give it to him.
But anyway, Ye Fan is not worried about Lu Chen’s safety at all, because Brother Lu is old, but he knows that the other party can definitely live another thousand years, so he can’t fight.
If Brother Lu can still fight, it is definitely not these respects to bully, because although Lu Chen is old, he is 26,000 years old. Is it true that Lu Chen’s practice in these years has been fruitless?
There is no doubt that Lu Chen is definitely stronger than when he first broke into the quasi-emperor’s cloud nine, but his qi and blood declined and his attributes fell

Many monks gather together.

Listening to the discussion around, Brother Hawkeye glanced at the sign of the Nangong Ling sleeve robe Zongmen and looked terrified.
Silence, a little Hawkeye Godsworn didn’t dare to bite his teeth after all. He turned away and took a look at Nangong Ling and disappeared from the crowd.
Chapter nine hundred and ten Strong robbery!
Feng yun cheng ying xian restaurant zhong
Su Mo four people came here to find a window seat table on the third floor, where there were many fairy fruit spirits, wine, exotic animals, flesh and blood, and delicious food.
Ruxuan ate with relish.
Just before the eyes of the public, Nangong Ling flashed his name and scared the other party out of the limelight. At this time, he was in a good mood!
Willow smoke-laden, looking at the hustle and bustle in the city by the window, the corners of the mouth are smiling and relaxed.
Su Mo is still holding a heavenly sword tactic.
"What is that Blackstone, teacher elder sister?"
Ruxuan’s mouth is still stuffed with things.
"I don’t know. I have a feeling that that stone is unusual."
Liu Hanyan said, "When you return to Zongmen, give it to the master to identify one."
At this time, there was a growing discussion upstairs.
"Did you hear that Brother Bailianmen found a treasure!"
"It seems that lava spar almost got into a fight just now!"
"Ah, that’s the top spiritual material method, and you can’t even ask for it!"
Hearing these comments, Nangong Ling looked at each other with a dignified look and mixed feelings in his eyes.
Hi, Liu Hanyan did find the treasure.
Worry is that I didn’t expect the news to have already.
And according to this trend, it won’t be long before the whole Fengyun city will know!
Nangong Ling bit her teeth slightly and hated, "It must be that the man didn’t get this treasure and was resentful to leak the news."
"It’s really sinister."
Such as Xuan bulging said one
Su Mo is not surprised by this matter.
Seeing the eyes of the eagle-eyed monk leaving, he guessed that this matter would never end!
Su Mo glanced at the horizon and said, "It’s getting late, and we’ve been around for a long time. It’s time to go back."
This time the nangongshan ling three people have no objection.
All three people know the news of lava spar. Once they are at the forefront, I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it!
The longer they stay outside, the more dangerous they will be!
At this time, the Nangong Ling three people have faintly sensed that there are more than a dozen powerful smells around the Yingxian Restaurant!
There are also many monks in the restaurant who look at this side with flashing eyes.
There was a heavy step upstairs.
This step is very strange, and every step seems to affect the heartbeat of all the people, making the hearts of all the people beat with it!
When the pace changes, everyone’s heartbeat changes.
Gradually the pace is synchronized!
It seems that after a long time, a tall figure appeared at the stairs, with long hair and deep eyes as if there were vast stars!
The footsteps stopped abruptly!
It hasn’t sounded for a long time
It was not until this time that everyone felt that something was wrong!
After the footsteps stopped, their hearts stopped ringing!
Some monks’ faces became more and more ugly.
Their hearts stopped, and their veins stopped flowing!
Some monks turned paler than others, and beads of sweat rolled down from their foreheads.
Plop! Plop!
Some monks can’t bear to fall down and have fallen to one side.
Some monks struggled from this suffocation and gasped and looked at the people with horror.
The nangongshan ling three people face also become very ugly!
You can control the heartbeat of others just by your footsteps!
The bearer just appeared and shocked the scene without saying a word!
The only one on the third floor looked down at Su Mo as usual.
But this sample of Su Mo in this large restaurant is unremarkable and not many people have noticed it.
Feel the pain of Nangong Ling, Su Mo doesn’t lift a finger.
Fingertips unexpectedly generate produced a clear and graceful sword, and if mosquitoes and flies were heard by Nangong Ling, three people could hear it
But it is this sword that makes Nangong Ling’s heart beat back to its original state, and his breath is smooth and his blood flows back.
Such as Xuan low road "plough tutorial Peng vision list fifteen!"
"It’s a little tricky. I hope it’s not for us." Nangong Ling whispered
He can push Brother Hawkeye back by virtue of his status as a hundred refined doors and his fame in the vision list.
And this Cheng Peng theory is better than Nangong Ling whether it is behind the clan or the vision list!
Just when Nangong Ling secretly prayed, Cheng Peng turned his eyes slightly, and the four of them were walking slowly.

Looking at Meng Qi, who is still in a coma in the hands of Tao Lao, two people can’t help but feel a little flustered, but Meng Qishen is alive again and the two women are just a little relieved.

"Well, the base has been healed, but it needs to be nursed back to health for a while." Tao veteran Meng Qi handed the two men a touch of his sparse beard and said.
"But why hasn’t Meng Qige woken up yet?" Hu Xianer touched Meng Qi cheek and asked
Tao Lao stared at Hu Xianer and said, "You little girl are too impatient. His mind is so damaged that he won’t wake up immediately. He will wake up in a few hours."
However, Hu Xianer’s eyes still have some disbelief and are about to ask again. Cheng Rewei pulled Hu Xianer’s skirts and then took a look at Hu Xianer and said to Tao Lao, "Thank you for saving his life. Tao Lao said that we will try our best to cooperate."
Tao Lao heard Cheng Re-wei’s words and nodded and said, "Let’s go to a place where people live. After so long, the old man is a little hungry." Then he touched his chubby belly.
Seeing this, Hu Xianer suddenly smiled gently.
Seeing Hu Xianer’s smile, Old Tao stared and said, "What are you laughing at, little girl?"
Hu Xianer smiled lightly and said, "I can now believe that Tao Lao" xianggong "is from the same family." Then he took a glance at Tao Lao’s rounded belly.
"oh? How do I look like this little place? " Tao old suddenly looked at Meng Qiran after some interested and said
"Tao’s old" xianggong "is very greedy. Every time" xianggong "eats something, he also received a little apprentice who can cook good food." Hu Xianer couldn’t help laughing when he remembered the former Meng Qi.
"oh? He has a little apprentice. Why isn’t he there? " In fact, Tao Lao is not interested in Meng Qiyou’s little apprentice, but in the following sentence, which is a good dish.
Speaking of Zi Xuan, after Meng Qi has been safely ill now, two women have some thoughts about that girl.
"She once felt that Zong Chat ran out to play and never came back." Cheng Rewei missed a Zi Xuan and then replied.
"Gone? It’s a pity that the old man shook his head when he heard that Zi Xuan was gone. It’s a pity that his greatest hobby is to taste all kinds of food. Now that Zi Xuan is away, it’s natural to miss a chance to taste it.
However, seeing the old man with a disappointed look, Hu Xianer added, "In fact, Meng Qige’s craftsmanship is also very good."
"oh? What is he good at? " Tao old hear Meng Qi incredibly still have a good craft I asked.
"I don’t know about this, but once he cooked a table of food for both of us, it was really delicious. When we were still in Zi Xuan, that is, Meng Qige’s younger brother came back," Hu Xianer remembered that Meng Qi cooked a table of food and had a poor aftertaste.
Seeing Hu Xianer, Tao Lao couldn’t help but have a little expectation for Meng Qi’s craft. Although he has tasted delicious food, I don’t know how many, but he still seems to have no resistance to it. Hearing that there is delicious food to eat is still a bit drooling.
At this moment, there seemed to be some movement not far away, and then a wild boar emerged from a bush. The wild boar looked at least five or six hundred kilograms and had a thick layer of mud armor.
There are two white fangs about half a meter long at the mouth, and if they reflect red light faintly, they will know that there are no fewer fangs.
I’m afraid I don’t know how many butch bodies have been torn.
At this time, the wild boar is staring at Tigress around three people with red eyes. It is possible to pounce at any time, but the wild boar seems to be afraid of Tao Lao.
Although he knew how terrible Tao Lao was, he didn’t even feel how dangerous Tigress was to him, but the trembling feeling from his soul made him know that he should stay away from Tao Lao.
Seeing this big wild boar, Tao Lao suddenly smiled and said, "It’s a good material. I wonder if it will punish wild pork this moment?" Then I was about to start work when I heard Tigress growling at the wild boar.
Seeing this, Tao Lao had no heart for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Well, you can go, but don’t let him get away."
In fact, since she came to Tao Lao, Tigress has been really clever, crawling on the side like a kitten and even afraid to breathe.
She felt the feeling she had felt from Meng Qishen from Tao Laoshen, but it was strong and I don’t know how many times it was as profound and extensive as the sea.
But for a wild boar who doesn’t know how to live or die, Tigress doesn’t have such a good temper. At any rate, it used to be a king of beasts. Although this wild boar is unusual, if she meets Tigress, she won’t take the initiative to provoke it.
But how dare it challenge itself? Tigress can’t stand it. After Tao Lao spoke, Tigress jumped at the wild boar.
And that’s the wild boar with red eyes. When he sees Tigress coming at him, he will ignore that and warn him. Anyway, it’s not against Tao Lao.
The wild boar is also blunt go to.
To say that this wild boar is really extraordinary, it is estimated that there is a little blood in the ancient savage beast. When rushing to Tigress, there is actually a soil aura lingering around it. With its thick mud armor, it seems to be as hard as a heavy tank to crush towards Tigress.
It’s probably enough for Tigress to drink a pot.
However, Tigress is not stupid. Although the speed of the wild boar is not very slow, it is not Tigress’s way to escape. Tigress is very vigorous and quick when the wild boar rushes forward.
And that wild boar hit a big tree that need two people to surround it.
The tree with deep roots and dense leaves is standing there quietly, and it seems that it can grow so strong. After thousands of years, it may be possible to enter the spiritual world by chance.
However, the old tree didn’t know that it would encounter such an accident to be strong. The trunk seemed to turn into tofu in front of the wild boar, and the fangs of the wild boar easily stabbed in.
Then the old tree is to meet the wild boar’s strong body
"bang!" There was a burst of dust in some dry air, and a figure slowly came out of the dust. It was the wild boar.
After the smoke cleared away, the old tree was badly damaged. Not to mention the two deep and long holes in the trunk, Pang Dagen seemed to be pulled away from himself by the wild boar and clung to the land.
Fresh soil is exposed to the air, and the roots that were tightly wrapped by the soil are also desolate and exposed. The old tree was hit and tilted a little, which shows how much power this collision contains.
Seeing that she is so powerful, she can’t help but get chills in her back once she hits Tigress. She’s a little lucky that she’s hiding, or she’ll be seriously injured if she eats this, even if her life is not in danger.
The destructive power of this wild boar even surprised Cheng Rewei Hu Xianer slightly.
"I didn’t expect this wild boar to be quite strong," said Hu Xianer, looking at the tattered old tree with some surprise.
However, this means naturally can’t get into Tao’s old eyes. His eyes flashed a little light and said, "It turns out that there is a little brute force. It is no wonder that there is such a big brute force."
Chapter one hundred and seventy Longjing